Paul Licameli 22f85f244b Bug1917: TrackPanel should keep focus after click or drag...
... though ruler won't, and if you start to drag in TrackPanel but abort it
with the ESC key, that too returns focus
2018-08-07 10:42:38 -04:00

522 lines
15 KiB

Audacity: A Digital Audio Editor
Dominic Mazzoni
#include "MemoryX.h"
#include <vector>
#include <wx/timer.h>
#include "Experimental.h"
#include "HitTestResult.h"
#include "SelectedRegion.h"
#include "CellularPanel.h"
#include "SelectionState.h"
class wxMenu;
class wxRect;
class LabelTrack;
class SpectrumAnalyst;
class Track;
class TrackList;
class TrackPanel;
class TrackArtist;
class Ruler;
class SnapManager;
class AdornedRulerPanel;
class LWSlider;
class ControlToolBar; //Needed because state of controls can affect what gets drawn.
class ToolsToolBar; //Needed because state of controls can affect what gets drawn.
class MixerBoard;
class TrackPanelAx;
class TrackPanelCellIterator;
class NoteTrack;
class WaveTrack;
class WaveClip;
// Declared elsewhere, to reduce compilation dependencies
class TrackPanelListener;
struct TrackPanelDrawingContext;
enum class UndoPush : unsigned char;
enum {
kTimerInterval = 50, // milliseconds
class AUDACITY_DLL_API TrackInfo
TrackInfo(TrackPanel * pParentIn);
void ReCreateSliders();
static unsigned MinimumTrackHeight();
struct TCPLine;
static void DrawItems
( TrackPanelDrawingContext &context,
const wxRect &rect, const Track &track );
static void DrawItems
( TrackPanelDrawingContext &context,
const wxRect &rect, const Track *pTrack,
const std::vector<TCPLine> &topLines,
const std::vector<TCPLine> &bottomLines );
static void CloseTitleDrawFunction
( TrackPanelDrawingContext &context,
const wxRect &rect, const Track *pTrack );
static void MinimizeSyncLockDrawFunction
( TrackPanelDrawingContext &context,
const wxRect &rect, const Track *pTrack );
static void MidiControlsDrawFunction
( TrackPanelDrawingContext &context,
const wxRect &rect, const Track *pTrack );
template<typename TrackClass>
static void SliderDrawFunction
( LWSlider *(*Selector)
(const wxRect &sliderRect, const TrackClass *t, bool captured,
wxDC *dc, const wxRect &rect, const Track *pTrack,
bool captured, bool highlight );
static void PanSliderDrawFunction
( TrackPanelDrawingContext &context,
const wxRect &rect, const Track *pTrack );
static void GainSliderDrawFunction
( TrackPanelDrawingContext &context,
const wxRect &rect, const Track *pTrack );
static void VelocitySliderDrawFunction
( TrackPanelDrawingContext &context,
const wxRect &rect, const Track *pTrack );
static void MuteOrSoloDrawFunction
( wxDC *dc, const wxRect &rect, const Track *pTrack, bool down,
bool captured, bool solo, bool hit );
static void WideMuteDrawFunction
( TrackPanelDrawingContext &context,
const wxRect &rect, const Track *pTrack );
static void WideSoloDrawFunction
( TrackPanelDrawingContext &context,
const wxRect &rect, const Track *pTrack );
static void MuteAndSoloDrawFunction
( TrackPanelDrawingContext &context,
const wxRect &rect, const Track *pTrack );
static void StatusDrawFunction
( const wxString &string, wxDC *dc, const wxRect &rect );
static void Status1DrawFunction
( TrackPanelDrawingContext &context,
const wxRect &rect, const Track *pTrack );
static void Status2DrawFunction
( TrackPanelDrawingContext &context,
const wxRect &rect, const Track *pTrack );
int GetTrackInfoWidth() const;
static void SetTrackInfoFont(wxDC *dc);
void DrawBackground(wxDC * dc, const wxRect & rect, bool bSelected, bool bHasMuteSolo, const int labelw, const int vrul) const;
void DrawBordersWithin(wxDC * dc, const wxRect & rect, const Track &track ) const;
static void GetCloseBoxHorizontalBounds( const wxRect & rect, wxRect &dest );
static void GetCloseBoxRect(const wxRect & rect, wxRect &dest);
static void GetTitleBarHorizontalBounds( const wxRect & rect, wxRect &dest );
static void GetTitleBarRect(const wxRect & rect, wxRect &dest);
static void GetNarrowMuteHorizontalBounds
( const wxRect & rect, wxRect &dest );
static void GetNarrowSoloHorizontalBounds
( const wxRect & rect, wxRect &dest );
static void GetWideMuteSoloHorizontalBounds
( const wxRect & rect, wxRect &dest );
static void GetMuteSoloRect
(const wxRect & rect, wxRect &dest, bool solo, bool bHasSoloButton,
const Track *pTrack);
static void GetSliderHorizontalBounds( const wxPoint &topleft, wxRect &dest );
static void GetGainRect(const wxPoint & topLeft, wxRect &dest);
static void GetPanRect(const wxPoint & topLeft, wxRect &dest);
static void GetVelocityRect(const wxPoint & topLeft, wxRect &dest);
static void GetMinimizeHorizontalBounds( const wxRect &rect, wxRect &dest );
static void GetMinimizeRect(const wxRect & rect, wxRect &dest);
static void GetSyncLockHorizontalBounds( const wxRect &rect, wxRect &dest );
static void GetSyncLockIconRect(const wxRect & rect, wxRect &dest);
#ifdef USE_MIDI
static void GetMidiControlsHorizontalBounds
( const wxRect &rect, wxRect &dest );
static void GetMidiControlsRect(const wxRect & rect, wxRect &dest);
static bool HideTopItem( const wxRect &rect, const wxRect &subRect,
int allowance = 0 );
static unsigned DefaultNoteTrackHeight();
static unsigned DefaultWaveTrackHeight();
static LWSlider * GainSlider
(const wxRect &sliderRect, const WaveTrack *t, bool captured,
wxWindow *pParent);
static LWSlider * PanSlider
(const wxRect &sliderRect, const WaveTrack *t, bool captured,
wxWindow *pParent);
static LWSlider * VelocitySlider
(const wxRect &sliderRect, const NoteTrack *t, bool captured,
wxWindow *pParent);
void UpdatePrefs();
TrackPanel * pParent;
static wxFont gFont;
// These are on separate lines to work around an MSVC 2013 compiler bug.
static std::unique_ptr<LWSlider> gGainCaptured;
static std::unique_ptr<LWSlider> gPanCaptured;
static std::unique_ptr<LWSlider> gGain;
static std::unique_ptr<LWSlider> gPan;
static std::unique_ptr<LWSlider> gVelocityCaptured;
static std::unique_ptr<LWSlider> gVelocity;
friend class TrackPanel;
const int DragThreshold = 3;// Anything over 3 pixels is a drag, else a click.
class AUDACITY_DLL_API TrackPanel final : public CellularPanel {
TrackPanel(wxWindow * parent,
wxWindowID id,
const wxPoint & pos,
const wxSize & size,
const std::shared_ptr<TrackList> &tracks,
ViewInfo * viewInfo,
TrackPanelListener * listener,
AdornedRulerPanel * ruler );
virtual ~ TrackPanel();
IteratorRange< TrackPanelCellIterator > Cells();
void UpdatePrefs();
void ApplyUpdatedTheme();
void OnPaint(wxPaintEvent & event);
void OnMouseEvent(wxMouseEvent & event);
void OnKeyDown(wxKeyEvent & event);
void OnPlayback(wxCommandEvent &);
void OnTrackListResizing(wxCommandEvent & event);
void OnTrackListDeletion(wxCommandEvent & event);
void UpdateViewIfNoTracks(); // Call this to update mViewInfo, etc, after track(s) removal, before Refresh().
double GetMostRecentXPos();
void OnIdle(wxIdleEvent & event);
void OnTimer(wxTimerEvent& event);
int GetLeftOffset() const { return GetLabelWidth() + 1;}
// Width and height, relative to upper left corner at (GetLeftOffset(), 0)
// Either argument may be NULL
void GetTracksUsableArea(int *width, int *height) const;
void Refresh
(bool eraseBackground = true, const wxRect *rect = (const wxRect *) NULL)
void RefreshTrack(Track *trk, bool refreshbacking = true);
void DisplaySelection();
// These two are neither used nor defined as of Nov-2011
// void SetSelectionFormat(int iformat)
// void SetSnapTo(int snapto)
void HandlePageUpKey();
void HandlePageDownKey();
AudacityProject * GetProject() const override;
void ScrollIntoView(double pos);
void ScrollIntoView(int x);
void OnTrackMenu(Track *t = NULL);
Track * GetFirstSelectedTrack();
void EnsureVisible(Track * t);
void VerticalScroll( float fracPosition);
TrackPanelCell *GetFocusedCell() override;
void SetFocusedCell() override;
Track *GetFocusedTrack();
void SetFocusedTrack(Track *t);
void UpdateVRulers();
void UpdateVRuler(Track *t);
void UpdateTrackVRuler(const Track *t);
void UpdateVRulerSize();
// Returns the time corresponding to the pixel column one past the track area
// (ignoring any fisheye)
double GetScreenEndTime() const;
bool IsAudioActive();
size_t GetTrackCount() const;
size_t GetSelectedTrackCount() const;
void UpdateSelectionDisplay();
void UpdateAccessibility();
void MessageForScreenReader(const wxString& message);
void MakeParentRedrawScrollbars();
// If label, rectangle includes track control panel only.
// If !label, rectangle includes all of that, and the vertical ruler, and
// the proper track area.
wxRect FindTrackRect( const Track * target, bool label );
void MakeParentModifyState(bool bWantsAutoSave); // if true, writes auto-save file. Should set only if you really want the state change restored after
// a crash, as it can take many seconds for large (eg. 10 track-hours) projects
// Find track info by coordinate
FoundCell FindCell(int mouseX, int mouseY) override;
// Find rectangle of the given cell
wxRect FindRect(const TrackPanelCell &cell) override;
int GetVRulerWidth() const;
int GetVRulerOffset() const { return mTrackInfo.GetTrackInfoWidth(); }
int GetLabelWidth() const { return mTrackInfo.GetTrackInfoWidth() + GetVRulerWidth(); }
// JKC Nov-2011: These four functions only used from within a dll such as mod-track-panel
// They work around some messy problems with constructors.
const TrackList * GetTracks() const { return mTracks.get(); }
TrackList * GetTracks() { return mTracks.get(); }
ViewInfo * GetViewInfo(){ return mViewInfo;}
TrackPanelListener * GetListener(){ return mListener;}
AdornedRulerPanel * GetRuler(){ return mRuler;}
// JKC and here is a factory function which just does 'NEW' in standard Audacity.
// Precondition: parent != NULL
static TrackPanel *(*FactoryFunction)(wxWindow * parent,
wxWindowID id,
const wxPoint & pos,
const wxSize & size,
const std::shared_ptr<TrackList> &tracks,
ViewInfo * viewInfo,
TrackPanelListener * listener,
AdornedRulerPanel * ruler);
void DrawTracks(wxDC * dc);
void DrawEverythingElse(TrackPanelDrawingContext &context,
const wxRegion & region,
const wxRect & clip);
void DrawOutside
(TrackPanelDrawingContext &context,
Track *t, const wxRect & rec);
void HighlightFocusedTrack (wxDC* dc, const wxRect &rect);
void DrawShadow (Track *t, wxDC* dc, const wxRect & rect);
void DrawBordersAroundTrack(Track *t, wxDC* dc, const wxRect & rect, const int labelw, const int vrul);
void DrawOutsideOfTrack
(TrackPanelDrawingContext &context,
Track *t, const wxRect & rect);
// Set the object that performs catch-all event handling when the pointer
// is not in any track or ruler or control panel.
void SetBackgroundCell
(const std::shared_ptr< TrackPanelCell > &pCell);
std::shared_ptr< TrackPanelCell > GetBackgroundCell();
// Accessors...
static bool HasSoloButton(){ return gSoloPref!=wxT("None");}
TrackInfo mTrackInfo;
LWSlider *GainSlider( const WaveTrack *wt );
LWSlider *PanSlider( const WaveTrack *wt );
LWSlider *VelocitySlider( const NoteTrack *nt );
TrackInfo *GetTrackInfo() { return &mTrackInfo; }
const TrackInfo *GetTrackInfo() const { return &mTrackInfo; }
TrackPanelListener *mListener;
std::shared_ptr<TrackList> mTracks;
AdornedRulerPanel *mRuler;
std::unique_ptr<TrackArtist> mTrackArtist;
class AUDACITY_DLL_API AudacityTimer final : public wxTimer {
void Notify() override{
// (From Debian)
// Don't call parent->OnTimer(..) directly here, but instead post
// an event. This ensures that this is a pure wxWidgets event
// (no GDK event behind it) and that it therefore isn't processed
// within the YieldFor(..) of the clipboard operations (workaround
// for Debian bug #765341).
// QueueEvent() will take ownership of the event
parent->GetEventHandler()->QueueEvent(safenew wxTimerEvent(*this));
TrackPanel *parent;
} mTimer;
int mTimeCount;
bool mRefreshBacking;
bool mRedrawAfterStop;
friend class TrackPanelAx;
TrackPanelAx *mAx{};
std::unique_ptr<TrackPanelAx> mAx;
TrackPanelAx &GetAx() { return *mAx; }
static wxString gSoloPref;
// The screenshot class needs to access internals
friend class ScreenshotCommand;
SelectedRegion mLastDrawnSelectedRegion {};
wxSize vrulerSize;
std::shared_ptr<TrackPanelCell> mpBackground;
void ProcessUIHandleResult
(TrackPanelCell *pClickedTrack, TrackPanelCell *pLatestCell,
unsigned refreshResult) override;
void UpdateStatusMessage( const wxString &status ) override;
bool TakesFocus() const override;
// friending GetInfoCommand allow automation to get sizes of the
// tracks, track control panel and such.
friend class GetInfoCommand;
// See big pictorial comment in TrackPanel for explanation of these numbers
enum : int {
kLeftInset = 4,
kRightInset = kLeftInset,
kTopInset = 4,
kShadowThickness = 1,
kBorderThickness = 1,
kTopMargin = kTopInset + kBorderThickness,
kBottomMargin = kShadowThickness + kBorderThickness,
kLeftMargin = kLeftInset + kBorderThickness,
kRightMargin = kRightInset + kShadowThickness + kBorderThickness,
enum : int {
kTrackInfoWidth = 100,
kTrackInfoBtnSize = 18, // widely used dimension, usually height
kTrackInfoSliderHeight = 25,
kTrackInfoSliderWidth = 84,
kTrackInfoSliderAllowance = 5,
kTrackInfoSliderExtra = 5,
#ifdef USE_MIDI
enum : int {
kMidiCellWidth = (kTrackInfoWidth / 4) - 2,
kMidiCellHeight = kTrackInfoBtnSize