
230 lines
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Audacity: A Digital Audio Editor
Joshua Haberman
Dominic Mazzoni
#include <wx/string.h>
#include <wx/ffile.h>
#include <wx/filename.h>
#include "xml/XMLTagHandler.h"
#include "xml/XMLWriter.h"
#include "SampleFormat.h"
class SummaryInfo {
SummaryInfo(sampleCount samples);
int fields; /* Usually 3 for Min, Max, RMS */
sampleFormat format;
int bytesPerFrame;
sampleCount frames64K;
int offset64K;
sampleCount frames256;
int offset256;
int totalSummaryBytes;
class BlockFile {
// Constructor / Destructor
/// Construct a BlockFile.
BlockFile(wxFileName fileName, sampleCount samples);
virtual ~BlockFile();
static void Deinit();
// Reading
/// Retrieves audio data from this BlockFile
virtual int ReadData(samplePtr data, sampleFormat format,
sampleCount start, sampleCount len) = 0;
// Other Properties
// Write cache to disk, if it has any
virtual bool GetNeedWriteCacheToDisk() { return false; }
virtual void WriteCacheToDisk() { /* no cache by default */ }
// Fill read cache of block file, if it has any
virtual bool GetNeedFillCache() { return false; }
virtual void FillCache() { /* no cache by default */ }
/// Stores a representation of this file in XML
virtual void SaveXML(XMLWriter &xmlFile) = 0;
/// Gets the filename of the disk file associated with this BlockFile
/// (can be empty -- some BlockFiles, like SilentBlockFile, correspond to
/// no file on disk)
virtual wxFileName GetFileName();
virtual void SetFileName(wxFileName &name);
virtual sampleCount GetLength() { return mLen; }
virtual void SetLength(const sampleCount newLen) { mLen = newLen; }
/// Locks this BlockFile, to prevent it from being moved
virtual void Lock();
/// Unlock this BlockFile, allowing it to be moved
virtual void Unlock();
/// Returns TRUE if this BlockFile is locked
virtual bool IsLocked();
/// Gets extreme values for the specified region
virtual void GetMinMax(sampleCount start, sampleCount len,
float *outMin, float *outMax, float *outRMS);
/// Gets extreme values for the entire block
virtual void GetMinMax(float *outMin, float *outMax, float *outRMS);
/// Returns the 256 byte summary data block
virtual bool Read256(float *buffer, sampleCount start, sampleCount len);
/// Returns the 64K summary data block
virtual bool Read64K(float *buffer, sampleCount start, sampleCount len);
/// Returns TRUE if this block references another disk file
virtual bool IsAlias() { return false; }
/// Returns TRUE if this block's complete summary has been computed and is ready (for OD)
virtual bool IsSummaryAvailable(){return true;}
/// Returns TRUE if this block's complete data is ready to be accessed by Read()
virtual bool IsDataAvailable(){return true;}
/// Returns TRUE if the summary has not yet been written, but is actively being computed and written to disk
virtual bool IsSummaryBeingComputed(){return false;}
/// Create a new BlockFile identical to this, using the given filename
virtual BlockFile *Copy(wxFileName newFileName) = 0;
virtual wxLongLong GetSpaceUsage() = 0;
/// if the on-disk state disappeared, either recover it (if it was
//summary only), write out a placeholder of silence data (missing
//.au) or mark the blockfile to deal some other way without spewing
virtual void Recover() = 0;
/// if we've detected an on-disk problem, the user opted to
//continue and the error persists, don't keep reporting it. The
//Object implements this functionality internally, but we want to
//be able to tell the logging to shut up from outside too.
void SilenceLog() { mSilentLog = TRUE; }
///when the project closes, it locks the blockfiles.
///Override this in case it needs special treatment
virtual void CloseLock(){Lock();}
/// Prevents a read on other threads. The basic blockfile runs on only one thread, so does nothing.
virtual void LockRead(){}
/// Allows reading on other threads.
virtual void UnlockRead(){}
friend class DirManager;
friend class AudacityApp;
//needed for Ref/Deref access.
friend class ODComputeSummaryTask;
friend class ODDecodeTask;
friend class ODPCMAliasBlockFile;
virtual void Ref();
virtual bool Deref();
virtual int RefCount(){return mRefCount;}
/// Calculate summary data for the given sample data
virtual void *CalcSummary(samplePtr buffer, sampleCount len,
sampleFormat format);
/// Read the summary section of the file. Derived classes implement.
virtual bool ReadSummary(void *data) = 0;
/// Byte-swap the summary data, in case it was saved by a system
/// on a different platform
virtual void FixSummary(void *data);
int mLockCount;
int mRefCount;
static char *fullSummary;
wxFileName mFileName;
sampleCount mLen;
SummaryInfo mSummaryInfo;
float mMin, mMax, mRMS;
bool mSilentLog;
/// A BlockFile that refers to data in an existing file
/// An AliasBlockFile references an existing disk file for its storage
/// instead of copying the data. It still writes a file to disk, but
/// only stores summary data in it.
/// This is a common base class for all alias block files. It handles
/// reading and writing summary data, leaving very little for derived
/// classes to need to implement.
class AliasBlockFile : public BlockFile
// Constructor / Destructor
/// Constructs an AliasBlockFile
AliasBlockFile(wxFileName baseFileName,
wxFileName aliasedFileName, sampleCount aliasStart,
sampleCount aliasLen, int aliasChannel);
AliasBlockFile(wxFileName existingSummaryFileName,
wxFileName aliasedFileName, sampleCount aliasStart,
sampleCount aliasLen, int aliasChannel,
float min, float max, float RMS);
virtual ~AliasBlockFile();
// Reading
/// Retrieves audio data from the aliased file.
virtual int ReadData(samplePtr data, sampleFormat format,
sampleCount start, sampleCount len) = 0;
virtual wxLongLong GetSpaceUsage();
/// as SilentLog (which would affect Summary data access), but
// applying to Alias file access
void SilenceAliasLog() { mSilentAliasLog = TRUE; }
// These methods are for advanced use only!
wxFileName GetAliasedFileName() { return mAliasedFileName; }
void ChangeAliasedFileName(wxFileName newAliasedFile);
virtual bool IsAlias() { return true; }
/// Write the summary to disk, using the derived ReadData() to get the data
virtual void WriteSummary();
/// Read the summary into a buffer
virtual bool ReadSummary(void *data);
wxFileName mAliasedFileName;
sampleCount mAliasStart;
int mAliasChannel;
bool mSilentAliasLog;