
5747 lines
182 KiB

Audacity: A Digital Audio Editor
Dominic Mazzoni
Vaughan Johnson
\file Project.cpp
\brief Implements AudacityProject, DropTarget, and FileObject.F
\class AudacityProject
\brief AudacityProject provides the main window, with tools and
tracks contained within it.
In Audacity, the main window you work in is called a project.
AudacityProjects can contain an arbitrary number of tracks of many
different types, but if a project contains just one or two
tracks then it can be saved in standard formats like WAV or AIFF.
This window is the one that contains the menu bar (except on
the Mac).
\attention The menu functions for AudacityProject, those for creating
the menu bars and acting on clicks, are found in file Menus.cpp
\class DropTarget
\brief DropTarget, derived from wxFileDropTarget gives drag and drop
functionality for audio files.
\class FileObject
\brief FileObject, derived from wxFileDataObject gives extended drag
and drop functionality for audio files.
\class ViewInfo
\brief ViewInfo is used mainly to hold the zooming, selection and
scroll information. It also has some status flags.
#include "Audacity.h" // for USE_* macros
#include "Project.h"
#include "ProjectFileIORegistry.h"
#include "Experimental.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <wx/wxprec.h>
#include <wx/setup.h> // for wxUSE_* macros
#include <wx/wxcrtvararg.h>
#include <wx/apptrait.h>
#include <wx/defs.h>
#include <wx/app.h>
#include <wx/dc.h>
#include <wx/dcmemory.h>
#include <wx/dnd.h>
#include <wx/docview.h>
#include <wx/event.h>
#include <wx/ffile.h>
#include <wx/filedlg.h>
#include <wx/filefn.h>
#include <wx/filename.h>
#include <wx/intl.h>
#include <wx/log.h>
#include <wx/menu.h>
#include <wx/notebook.h>
#include <wx/progdlg.h>
#include <wx/scrolbar.h>
#include <wx/sizer.h>
#include <wx/statusbr.h>
#include <wx/string.h>
#include <wx/textfile.h>
#include <wx/timer.h>
#include <wx/display.h>
#if defined(__WXMAC__)
#if !wxCHECK_VERSION(3, 0, 0)
#include <CoreServices/CoreServices.h>
#include <wx/mac/private.h>
#include "AdornedRulerPanel.h"
#include "Clipboard.h"
#include "widgets/FileHistory.h"
#include "FreqWindow.h"
#include "effects/Contrast.h"
#include "AutoRecovery.h"
#include "AColor.h"
#include "AudioIO.h"
#include "BatchProcessDialog.h"
#include "Dependencies.h"
#include "Diags.h"
#include "HistoryWindow.h"
#include "InconsistencyException.h"
#include "MixerBoard.h"
#include "import/Import.h"
#include "KeyboardCapture.h"
#include "LabelTrack.h"
#include "Legacy.h"
#include "LyricsWindow.h"
#include "Menus.h"
#include "MissingAliasFileDialog.h"
#include "Mix.h"
#include "NoteTrack.h"
#include "Prefs.h"
#include "ProjectFSCK.h"
#include "Sequence.h"
#include "Snap.h"
#include "Tags.h"
#include "TimeTrack.h"
#include "TrackPanel.h"
#include "WaveClip.h"
#include "DirManager.h"
#include "prefs/PrefsDialog.h"
#include "widgets/LinkingHtmlWindow.h"
#include "widgets/AudacityMessageBox.h"
#include "widgets/ErrorDialog.h"
#include "widgets/Warning.h"
#include "xml/XMLFileReader.h"
#include "PlatformCompatibility.h"
#include "effects/EffectManager.h"
#include "FileNames.h"
#include "ondemand/ODManager.h"
#include "ondemand/ODComputeSummaryTask.h"
#include "ondemand/ODDecodeFlacTask.h"
#include "ModuleManager.h"
#include "AllThemeResources.h"
#include "FileDialog.h"
#include "UndoManager.h"
#include "toolbars/ToolManager.h"
#include "toolbars/ControlToolBar.h"
#include "toolbars/DeviceToolBar.h"
#include "toolbars/MixerToolBar.h"
#include "toolbars/ScrubbingToolBar.h"
#include "toolbars/SelectionBar.h"
#include "toolbars/SpectralSelectionBar.h"
#include "toolbars/ToolsToolBar.h"
#include "toolbars/TranscriptionToolBar.h"
#include "tracks/ui/BackgroundCell.h"
#include "tracks/ui/EditCursorOverlay.h"
#include "tracks/ui/PlayIndicatorOverlay.h"
#include "tracks/ui/Scrubbing.h"
#include "commands/ScriptCommandRelay.h"
#include "commands/CommandTargets.h"
#include "commands/CommandType.h"
#include "prefs/ThemePrefs.h"
#include "prefs/QualityPrefs.h"
#include "prefs/TracksPrefs.h"
#include "../images/AudacityLogoAlpha.xpm"
#include "widgets/WindowAccessible.h"
bool AllProjects::sbClosing = false;
bool AllProjects::sbWindowRectAlreadySaved = false;
bool AllProjects::Close( bool force )
ValueRestorer<bool> cleanup{ sbClosing, true };
if (gAudacityProjects.size())
while (gAudacityProjects.size())
// Closing the project has global side-effect
// of deletion from gAudacityProjects
if ( force )
if (!gAudacityProjects[0]->Close())
return false;
return true;
void AllProjects::SaveWindowSize()
if (sbWindowRectAlreadySaved)
bool validWindowForSaveWindowSize = FALSE;
AudacityProject * validProject = NULL;
bool foundIconizedProject = FALSE;
size_t numProjects = gAudacityProjects.size();
for (size_t i = 0; i < numProjects; i++)
if (!gAudacityProjects[i]->IsIconized()) {
validWindowForSaveWindowSize = TRUE;
validProject = gAudacityProjects[i].get();
i = numProjects;
foundIconizedProject = TRUE;
if (validWindowForSaveWindowSize)
wxRect windowRect = validProject->GetRect();
wxRect normalRect = validProject->GetNormalizedWindowState();
bool wndMaximized = validProject->IsMaximized();
gPrefs->Write(wxT("/Window/X"), windowRect.GetX());
gPrefs->Write(wxT("/Window/Y"), windowRect.GetY());
gPrefs->Write(wxT("/Window/Width"), windowRect.GetWidth());
gPrefs->Write(wxT("/Window/Height"), windowRect.GetHeight());
gPrefs->Write(wxT("/Window/Maximized"), wndMaximized);
gPrefs->Write(wxT("/Window/Normal_X"), normalRect.GetX());
gPrefs->Write(wxT("/Window/Normal_Y"), normalRect.GetY());
gPrefs->Write(wxT("/Window/Normal_Width"), normalRect.GetWidth());
gPrefs->Write(wxT("/Window/Normal_Height"), normalRect.GetHeight());
gPrefs->Write(wxT("/Window/Iconized"), FALSE);
if (foundIconizedProject) {
validProject = gAudacityProjects[0].get();
bool wndMaximized = validProject->IsMaximized();
wxRect normalRect = validProject->GetNormalizedWindowState();
// store only the normal rectangle because the itemized rectangle
// makes no sense for an opening project window
gPrefs->Write(wxT("/Window/X"), normalRect.GetX());
gPrefs->Write(wxT("/Window/Y"), normalRect.GetY());
gPrefs->Write(wxT("/Window/Width"), normalRect.GetWidth());
gPrefs->Write(wxT("/Window/Height"), normalRect.GetHeight());
gPrefs->Write(wxT("/Window/Maximized"), wndMaximized);
gPrefs->Write(wxT("/Window/Normal_X"), normalRect.GetX());
gPrefs->Write(wxT("/Window/Normal_Y"), normalRect.GetY());
gPrefs->Write(wxT("/Window/Normal_Width"), normalRect.GetWidth());
gPrefs->Write(wxT("/Window/Normal_Height"), normalRect.GetHeight());
gPrefs->Write(wxT("/Window/Iconized"), TRUE);
else {
// this would be a very strange case that might possibly occur on the Mac
// Audacity would have to be running with no projects open
// in this case we are going to write only the default values
wxRect defWndRect;
gPrefs->Write(wxT("/Window/X"), defWndRect.GetX());
gPrefs->Write(wxT("/Window/Y"), defWndRect.GetY());
gPrefs->Write(wxT("/Window/Width"), defWndRect.GetWidth());
gPrefs->Write(wxT("/Window/Height"), defWndRect.GetHeight());
gPrefs->Write(wxT("/Window/Maximized"), FALSE);
gPrefs->Write(wxT("/Window/Normal_X"), defWndRect.GetX());
gPrefs->Write(wxT("/Window/Normal_Y"), defWndRect.GetY());
gPrefs->Write(wxT("/Window/Normal_Width"), defWndRect.GetWidth());
gPrefs->Write(wxT("/Window/Normal_Height"), defWndRect.GetHeight());
gPrefs->Write(wxT("/Window/Iconized"), FALSE);
sbWindowRectAlreadySaved = true;
ODLock &AudacityProject::AllProjectDeleteMutex()
static ODLock theMutex;
return theMutex;
#if defined(__WXMAC__)
// const int sbarSpaceWidth = 15;
// const int sbarControlWidth = 16;
// const int sbarExtraLen = 1;
const int sbarHjump = 30; //STM: This is how far the thumb jumps when the l/r buttons are pressed, or auto-scrolling occurs -- in pixels
#elif defined(__WXMSW__)
const int sbarSpaceWidth = 16;
const int sbarControlWidth = 16;
const int sbarExtraLen = 0;
const int sbarHjump = 30; //STM: This is how far the thumb jumps when the l/r buttons are pressed, or auto-scrolling occurs -- in pixels
#else // wxGTK, wxMOTIF, wxX11
const int sbarSpaceWidth = 15;
const int sbarControlWidth = 15;
const int sbarExtraLen = 0;
const int sbarHjump = 30; //STM: This is how far the thumb jumps when the l/r buttons are pressed, or auto-scrolling occurs -- in pixels
#include "AllThemeResources.h"
int AudacityProject::mProjectCounter=0;// global counter.
// This small template class resembles a try-finally block
// It sets var to val_entry in the constructor and
// var to val_exit in the destructor.
template <typename T>
class VarSetter
VarSetter(T* var, T val_entry, T val_exit)
mVar = var;
mValExit = val_exit;
*var = val_entry;
*mVar = mValExit;
T* mVar;
T mValExit;
// This wrapper prevents the scrollbars from retaining focus after being
// used. Otherwise, the only way back to the track panel is to click it
// and that causes your original location to be lost.
class ScrollBar final : public wxScrollBar
ScrollBar(wxWindow* parent, wxWindowID id, long style)
: wxScrollBar(parent, id, wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, style)
void OnSetFocus(wxFocusEvent & e)
wxWindow *w = e.GetWindow();
if (w != NULL) {
void SetScrollbar(int position, int thumbSize,
int range, int pageSize,
bool refresh = true) override;
void ScrollBar::SetScrollbar(int position, int thumbSize,
int range, int pageSize,
bool refresh)
// Mitigate flashing of scrollbars by refreshing only when something really changes.
// PRL: This may have been made unnecessary by other fixes for flashing, see
// commit ac05b190bee7dd0000bce56edb0e5e26185c972f
auto changed =
position != GetThumbPosition() ||
thumbSize != GetThumbSize() ||
range != GetRange() ||
pageSize != GetPageSize();
if (!changed)
wxScrollBar::SetScrollbar(position, thumbSize, range, pageSize, refresh);
BEGIN_EVENT_TABLE(ScrollBar, wxScrollBar)
/* Define Global Variables */
//The following global counts the number of documents that have been opened
//for the purpose of project placement (not to keep track of the number)
//It is only accurate modulo ten, and does not decrement when a project is
static int gAudacityOffsetInc = 0;
static int gAudacityPosInc = 0;
//This is a pointer to the currently-active project.
static AudacityProject *gActiveProject;
//This array holds onto all of the projects currently open
AProjectArray gAudacityProjects;
/* Declare Static functions */
static void SetActiveProject(AudacityProject * project);
AUDACITY_DLL_API AudacityProject *GetActiveProject()
return gActiveProject;
void SetActiveProject(AudacityProject * project)
if ( gActiveProject != project ) {
gActiveProject = project;
KeyboardCapture::Capture( nullptr );
class FileObject final : public wxFileDataObject
bool IsSupportedFormat(const wxDataFormat & format, Direction WXUNUSED(dir = Get)) const
// PRL: This function does NOT override any inherited virtual! What does it do?
if (format.GetType() == wxDF_FILENAME) {
return true;
#if defined(__WXMAC__)
#if !wxCHECK_VERSION(3, 0, 0)
if (format.GetFormatId() == kDragPromisedFlavorFindFile) {
return true;
return false;
class DropTarget final : public wxFileDropTarget
DropTarget(AudacityProject *proj)
mProject = proj;
// SetDataObject takes ownership
SetDataObject(safenew FileObject());
#if defined(__WXMAC__)
#if !wxCHECK_VERSION(3, 0, 0)
bool GetData() override
bool foundSupported = false;
bool firstFileAdded = false;
OSErr result;
UInt16 items = 0;
CountDragItems((DragReference)m_currentDrag, &items);
for (UInt16 index = 1; index <= items; index++) {
DragItemRef theItem = 0;
GetDragItemReferenceNumber((DragReference)m_currentDrag, index, &theItem);
UInt16 flavors = 0;
CountDragItemFlavors((DragReference)m_currentDrag, theItem , &flavors ) ;
for (UInt16 flavor = 1 ;flavor <= flavors; flavor++) {
FlavorType theType = 0;
result = GetFlavorType((DragReference)m_currentDrag, theItem, flavor, &theType);
if (theType != kDragPromisedFlavorFindFile && theType != kDragFlavorTypeHFS) {
foundSupported = true;
Size dataSize = 0;
GetFlavorDataSize((DragReference)m_currentDrag, theItem, theType, &dataSize);
ArrayOf<char> theData{ dataSize };
GetFlavorData((DragReference)m_currentDrag, theItem, theType, (void*) theData.get(), &dataSize, 0L);
wxString name;
if (theType == kDragPromisedFlavorFindFile) {
name = wxMacFSSpec2MacFilename((FSSpec *)theData.get());
else if (theType == kDragFlavorTypeHFS) {
name = wxMacFSSpec2MacFilename(&((HFSFlavor *)theData.get())->fileSpec);
if (!firstFileAdded) {
// reset file list
((wxFileDataObject*)GetDataObject())->SetData(0, "");
firstFileAdded = true;
// We only want to process one flavor
return foundSupported;
bool OnDrop(wxCoord x, wxCoord y) override
// bool foundSupported = false;
#if !wxCHECK_VERSION(3, 0, 0)
bool firstFileAdded = false;
OSErr result;
UInt16 items = 0;
CountDragItems((DragReference)m_currentDrag, &items);
for (UInt16 index = 1; index <= items; index++) {
DragItemRef theItem = 0;
GetDragItemReferenceNumber((DragReference)m_currentDrag, index, &theItem);
UInt16 flavors = 0;
CountDragItemFlavors((DragReference)m_currentDrag, theItem , &flavors ) ;
for (UInt16 flavor = 1 ;flavor <= flavors; flavor++) {
FlavorType theType = 0;
result = GetFlavorType((DragReference)m_currentDrag, theItem, flavor, &theType);
if (theType != kDragPromisedFlavorFindFile && theType != kDragFlavorTypeHFS) {
return true;
return CurrentDragHasSupportedFormat();
bool OnDropFiles(wxCoord WXUNUSED(x), wxCoord WXUNUSED(y), const wxArrayString& filenames) override
// Experiment shows that this function can be reached while there is no
// catch block above in wxWidgets. So stop all exceptions here.
return GuardedCall< bool > ( [&] {
//sort by OD non OD. load Non OD first so user can start editing asap.
wxArrayString sortednames(filenames);
ODManager::Pauser pauser;
auto cleanup = finally( [&] {
mProject->HandleResize(); // Adjust scrollers for NEW track sizes.
} );
for (const auto &name : sortednames) {
#ifdef USE_MIDI
if (Importer::IsMidi(name))
FileActions::DoImportMIDI(mProject, name);
return true;
} );
AudacityProject *mProject;
XMLTagHandler *
AudacityProject::ImportHandlerFactory( AudacityProject &project ) {
auto &ptr = project.mImportXMLTagHandler;
if (!ptr)
ptr =
std::make_unique<ImportXMLTagHandler>( &project );
return ptr.get();
wxT("import"), ImportHandlerFactory
bool ImportXMLTagHandler::HandleXMLTag(const wxChar *tag, const wxChar **attrs)
if (wxStrcmp(tag, wxT("import")) || attrs==NULL || (*attrs)==NULL || wxStrcmp(*attrs++, wxT("filename")))
return false;
wxString strAttr = *attrs;
if (!XMLValueChecker::IsGoodPathName(strAttr))
// Maybe strAttr is just a fileName, not the full path. Try the project data directory.
wxFileName fileName(mProject->GetDirManager()->GetProjectDataDir(), strAttr);
if (XMLValueChecker::IsGoodFileName(strAttr, fileName.GetPath(wxPATH_GET_VOLUME)))
strAttr = fileName.GetFullPath();
wxLogWarning(wxT("Could not import file: %s"), strAttr);
return false;
WaveTrackArray trackArray;
// Guard this call so that C++ exceptions don't propagate through
// the expat library
[&] { mProject->Import(strAttr, &trackArray); },
[&] (AudacityException*) { trackArray.clear(); }
if (trackArray.empty())
return false;
// Handle other attributes, now that we have the tracks.
const wxChar** pAttr;
bool bSuccess = true;
for (size_t i = 0; i < trackArray.size(); i++)
// Most of the "import" tag attributes are the same as for "wavetrack" tags,
// so apply them via WaveTrack::HandleXMLTag().
bSuccess = trackArray[i]->HandleXMLTag(wxT("wavetrack"), attrs);
// "offset" tag is ignored in WaveTrack::HandleXMLTag except for legacy projects,
// so handle it here.
double dblValue;
pAttr = attrs;
while (*pAttr)
const wxChar *attr = *pAttr++;
const wxChar *value = *pAttr++;
const wxString strValue = value;
if (!wxStrcmp(attr, wxT("offset")) &&
XMLValueChecker::IsGoodString(strValue) &&
Internat::CompatibleToDouble(strValue, &dblValue))
return bSuccess;
AudacityProject *CreateNewAudacityProject()
wxRect wndRect;
bool bMaximized = false;
bool bIconized = false;
GetNextWindowPlacement(&wndRect, &bMaximized, &bIconized);
// Create and show a NEW project
// Use a non-default deleter in the smart pointer!
gAudacityProjects.push_back( AProjectHolder {
safenew AudacityProject(
nullptr, -1,
wxSize(wndRect.width, wndRect.height)
Destroyer< AudacityProject > {}
} );
const auto p = gAudacityProjects.back().get();
// wxGTK3 seems to need to require creating the window using default position
// and then manually positioning it.
if(bMaximized) {
else if (bIconized) {
// if the user close down and iconized state we could start back up and iconized state
// p->Iconize(TRUE);
//Initialise the Listener
//Set the NEW project as active:
// Okay, GetActiveProject() is ready. Now we can get its CommandManager,
// and add the shortcut keys to the tooltips.
return p;
void RedrawAllProjects()
size_t len = gAudacityProjects.size();
for (size_t i = 0; i < len; i++)
void RefreshCursorForAllProjects()
size_t len = gAudacityProjects.size();
for (size_t i = 0; i < len; i++)
AUDACITY_DLL_API void CloseAllProjects()
size_t len = gAudacityProjects.size();
for (size_t i = 0; i < len; i++)
//Set the Offset and Position increments to 0
gAudacityOffsetInc = 0;
gAudacityPosInc = 0;
// BG: The default size and position of the first window
void GetDefaultWindowRect(wxRect *defRect)
*defRect = wxGetClientDisplayRect();
int width = 940;
int height = 674;
//These conditional values assist in improving placement and size
//of NEW windows on different platforms.
#ifdef __WXGTK__
height += 20;
#ifdef __WXMSW__
height += 40;
#ifdef __WXMAC__
height += 55;
// Use screen size where it is smaller than the values we would like.
// Otherwise use the values we would like, and centred.
if (width < defRect->width)
defRect->x = (defRect->width - width)/2;
defRect->width = width;
if (height < defRect->height)
defRect->y = (defRect->height - height)/2;
// Bug 1119 workaround
// Small adjustment for very small Mac screens.
// If there is only a tiny space at the top
// then instead of vertical centre, align to bottom.
const int pixelsFormenu = 60;
if( defRect->y < pixelsFormenu )
defRect->y *=2;
defRect->height = height;
// true iff we have enough of the top bar to be able to reposition the window.
bool IsWindowAccessible(wxRect *requestedRect)
wxDisplay display;
wxRect targetTitleRect(requestedRect->GetLeftTop(), requestedRect->GetBottomRight());
// Hackery to approximate a window top bar size from a window size.
// and exclude the open/close and borders.
targetTitleRect.x += 15;
targetTitleRect.width -= 100;
if (targetTitleRect.width < 165) targetTitleRect.width = 165;
targetTitleRect.height = 15;
int targetBottom = targetTitleRect.GetBottom();
int targetRight = targetTitleRect.GetRight();
// This looks like overkill to check each and every pixel in the ranges.
// and decide that if any is visible on screen we are OK.
for (int i = targetTitleRect.GetLeft(); i < targetRight; i++) {
for (int j = targetTitleRect.GetTop(); j < targetBottom; j++) {
int monitor = display.GetFromPoint(wxPoint(i, j));
if (monitor != wxNOT_FOUND) {
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
// Returns the screen containing a rectangle, or -1 if none does.
int ScreenContaining( wxRect & r ){
unsigned int n = wxDisplay::GetCount();
for(unsigned int i = 0;i<n;i++){
wxDisplay d(i);
wxRect scr = d.GetClientArea();
if( scr.Contains( r ) )
return (int)i;
return -1;
// true IFF TL and BR corners are on a connected display.
// Does not need to check all four. We just need to check that
// the window probably is straddling screens in a sensible way.
// If the user wants to use mixed landscape and portrait, they can.
bool CornersOnScreen( wxRect & r ){
if( wxDisplay::GetFromPoint( r.GetTopLeft() ) == wxNOT_FOUND) return false;
if( wxDisplay::GetFromPoint( r.GetBottomRight() ) == wxNOT_FOUND) return false;
return true;
// BG: Calculate where to place the next window (could be the first window)
// BG: Does not store X and Y in prefs. This is intentional.
// LL: This should NOT need to be this complicated...FIXME
void GetNextWindowPlacement(wxRect *nextRect, bool *pMaximized, bool *pIconized)
int inc = 25;
wxRect defaultRect;
gPrefs->Read(wxT("/Window/Maximized"), pMaximized, false);
gPrefs->Read(wxT("/Window/Iconized"), pIconized, false);
wxRect windowRect;
gPrefs->Read(wxT("/Window/X"), &windowRect.x, defaultRect.x);
gPrefs->Read(wxT("/Window/Y"), &windowRect.y, defaultRect.y);
gPrefs->Read(wxT("/Window/Width"), &windowRect.width, defaultRect.width);
gPrefs->Read(wxT("/Window/Height"), &windowRect.height, defaultRect.height);
wxRect normalRect;
gPrefs->Read(wxT("/Window/Normal_X"), &normalRect.x, defaultRect.x);
gPrefs->Read(wxT("/Window/Normal_Y"), &normalRect.y, defaultRect.y);
gPrefs->Read(wxT("/Window/Normal_Width"), &normalRect.width, defaultRect.width);
gPrefs->Read(wxT("/Window/Normal_Height"), &normalRect.height, defaultRect.height);
// Workaround 2.1.1 and earlier bug on OSX...affects only normalRect, but let's just
// validate for all rects and plats
if (normalRect.width == 0 || normalRect.height == 0) {
normalRect = defaultRect;
if (windowRect.width == 0 || windowRect.height == 0) {
windowRect = defaultRect;
wxRect screenRect( wxGetClientDisplayRect());
#if defined(__WXMAC__)
// On OSX, the top of the window should never be less than the menu height,
// so something is amiss if it is
if (normalRect.y < screenRect.y) {
normalRect = defaultRect;
if (windowRect.y < screenRect.y) {
windowRect = defaultRect;
// IF projects empty, THEN it's the first window.
// It lands where the config says it should, and can straddle screen.
if (gAudacityProjects.empty()) {
if (*pMaximized || *pIconized) {
*nextRect = normalRect;
else {
*nextRect = windowRect;
// Resize, for example if one monitor that was on is now off.
if (!CornersOnScreen( wxRect(*nextRect).Deflate( 32, 32 ))) {
*nextRect = defaultRect;
if (!IsWindowAccessible(nextRect)) {
*nextRect = defaultRect;
// Do not trim the first project window down.
// All corners are on screen (or almost so), and
// the rect may straddle screens.
// ELSE a subsequent NEW window. It will NOT straddle screens.
// We don't mind being 32 pixels off the screen in any direction.
// Make sure initial sizes (pretty much) fit within the display bounds
// We used to trim the sizes which could result in ridiculously small windows.
// contributing to bug 1243.
// Now instead if the window significantly doesn't fit the screen, we use the default
// window instead, which we know does.
if (ScreenContaining( wxRect(normalRect).Deflate( 32, 32 ))<0) {
normalRect = defaultRect;
if (ScreenContaining( wxRect(windowRect).Deflate( 32, 32 ) )<0) {
windowRect = defaultRect;
bool validWindowSize = false;
AudacityProject * validProject = NULL;
size_t numProjects = gAudacityProjects.size();
for (int i = numProjects; i > 0 ; i--) {
if (!gAudacityProjects[i-1]->IsIconized()) {
validWindowSize = true;
validProject = gAudacityProjects[i-1].get();
if (validWindowSize) {
*nextRect = validProject->GetRect();
*pMaximized = validProject->IsMaximized();
*pIconized = validProject->IsIconized();
// Do not straddle screens.
if (ScreenContaining( wxRect(*nextRect).Deflate( 32, 32 ) )<0) {
*nextRect = defaultRect;
else {
*nextRect = normalRect;
//Placement depends on the increments
nextRect->x += inc;
nextRect->y += inc;
// defaultrect is a rectangle on the first screen. It's the right fallback to
// use most of the time if things are not working out right with sizing.
// windowRect is a saved rectangle size.
// normalRect seems to be a substitute for windowRect when iconized or maximised.
// Windows can say that we are off screen when actually we are not.
// On Windows 10 I am seeing miscalculation by about 6 pixels.
// To fix this we allow some sloppiness on the edge being counted as off screen.
// This matters most when restoring very carefully sized windows that are maximised
// in one dimension (height or width) but not both.
const int edgeSlop = 10;
// Next four lines are getting the rectangle for the screen that contains the
// top left corner of nextRect (and defaulting to rect of screen 0 otherwise).
wxPoint p = nextRect->GetLeftTop();
int scr = std::max( 0, wxDisplay::GetFromPoint( p ));
wxDisplay d( scr );
screenRect = d.GetClientArea();
// Now we (possibly) start trimming our rectangle down.
// Have we hit the right side of the screen?
wxPoint bottomRight = nextRect->GetBottomRight();
if (bottomRight.x > (screenRect.GetRight()+edgeSlop)) {
int newWidth = screenRect.GetWidth() - nextRect->GetLeft();
if (newWidth < defaultRect.GetWidth()) {
nextRect->x = windowRect.x;
nextRect->y = windowRect.y;
nextRect->width = windowRect.width;
else {
nextRect->width = newWidth;
// Have we hit the bottom of the screen?
bottomRight = nextRect->GetBottomRight();
if (bottomRight.y > (screenRect.GetBottom()+edgeSlop)) {
nextRect->y -= inc;
bottomRight = nextRect->GetBottomRight();
if (bottomRight.y > (screenRect.GetBottom()+edgeSlop)) {
// After all that we could have a window that does not have a visible
// top bar. [It is unlikely, but something might have gone wrong]
// If so, use the safe fallback size.
if (!IsWindowAccessible(nextRect)) {
*nextRect = defaultRect;
static wxString CreateUniqueName()
static int count = 0;
return wxDateTime::Now().Format(wxT("%Y-%m-%d %H-%M-%S")) +
wxString::Format(wxT(" N-%i"), ++count);
namespace {
#if 0
std::mutex sObjectFactoriesMutex;
struct ObjectFactorySetLocker : private std::unique_lock< std::mutex >
: std::unique_lock< std::mutex > { sObjectFactoriesMutex }
struct ObjectFactorySetLocker {};
std::vector<AudacityProject::AttachedObjectFactory> &sObjectFactories()
// Put this declaration inside a function to avoid problems of undefined
// sequence of initialization of file-scope statics in different
// compilation units.
// Note that mutex locking is not needed for constructing a static object
// in C++11:
static std::vector<AudacityProject::AttachedObjectFactory> factories;
return factories;
const AttachedObjectFactory &factory )
ObjectFactorySetLocker locker;
mIndex = sObjectFactories().size();
sObjectFactories().push_back( factory );
// In case registration happens while projects exist:
for (const auto &pProject : gAudacityProjects) {
if (pProject->mAttachedObjects.size() == mIndex) {
auto pObject = factory();
wxASSERT( pObject );
pProject->mAttachedObjects.push_back( std::move( pObject ) );
AttachedObject &AudacityProject::GetAttachedObject(
const RegisteredAttachedObjectFactory &factory )
ObjectFactorySetLocker locker;
if ( factory.mIndex >= mAttachedObjects.size() )
auto &pObject = mAttachedObjects[ factory.mIndex ];
if ( !pObject )
return *pObject;
enum {
FirstID = 1000,
// Window controls
// PRL: This event type definition used to be in AudacityApp.h, which created
// a bad compilation dependency. The event was never emitted anywhere. I
// preserve it and its handler here but I move it to remove the dependency.
// Asynchronous open
BEGIN_EVENT_TABLE(AudacityProject, wxFrame)
EVT_MENU(wxID_ANY, AudacityProject::OnMenu)
EVT_COMMAND_SCROLL_LINEUP(HSBarID, AudacityProject::OnScrollLeftButton)
EVT_COMMAND_SCROLL_LINEDOWN(HSBarID, AudacityProject::OnScrollRightButton)
EVT_COMMAND_SCROLL(HSBarID, AudacityProject::OnScroll)
EVT_COMMAND_SCROLL(VSBarID, AudacityProject::OnScroll)
EVT_TIMER(AudacityProjectTimerID, AudacityProject::OnTimer)
// Fires for menu with ID #1...first menu defined
EVT_UPDATE_UI(1, AudacityProject::OnUpdateUI)
EVT_COMMAND(wxID_ANY, EVT_OPEN_AUDIO_FILE, AudacityProject::OnOpenAudioFile)
EVT_COMMAND(wxID_ANY, EVT_TOOLBAR_UPDATED, AudacityProject::OnToolBarUpdate)
//mchinen:multithreaded calls - may not be threadsafe with CommandEvent: may have to change.
AudacityProject::AudacityProject(wxWindow * parent, wxWindowID id,
const wxPoint & pos,
const wxSize & size)
: wxFrame(parent, id, _TS("Audacity"), pos, size),
mViewInfo(0.0, 1.0, ZoomInfo::GetDefaultZoom()),
mbLoadedFromAup( false ),
mSnapTo(gPrefs->Read(wxT("/SnapTo"), SNAP_OFF)),
mSelectionFormat( NumericTextCtrl::LookupFormat(
gPrefs->Read(wxT("/SelectionFormat"), wxT("")) ) ),
mFrequencySelectionFormatName( NumericTextCtrl::LookupFormat(
gPrefs->Read(wxT("/FrequencySelectionFormatName"), wxT("")) ) ),
mBandwidthSelectionFormatName( NumericTextCtrl::LookupFormat(
gPrefs->Read(wxT("/BandwidthSelectionFormatName"), wxT("")) ) ),
, mCommandManager( std::make_unique<CommandManager>() )
if (!gPrefs->Read(wxT("/SamplingRate/DefaultProjectSampleRate"), &mRate, AudioIO::GetOptimalSupportedSampleRate())) {
// The default given above can vary with host/devices. So unless there is an entry for
// the default sample rate in audacity.cfg, Audacity can open with a rate which is different
// from the rate with which it closed. See bug 1879.
gPrefs->Write(wxT("/SamplingRate/DefaultProjectSampleRate"), mRate);
mTracks = TrackList::Create();
SetBackgroundColour(theTheme.Colour( clrMedium ));
// Note that the first field of the status bar is a dummy, and it's width is set
// to zero latter in the code. This field is needed for wxWidgets 2.8.12 because
// if you move to the menu bar, the first field of the menu bar is cleared, which
// is undesirable behaviour.
// In addition, the help strings of menu items are by default sent to the first
// field. Currently there are no such help strings, but it they were introduced, then
// there would need to be an event handler to send them to the appropriate field.
mStatusBar = CreateStatusBar(4);
// so that name can be set on a standard control
mStatusBar->SetAccessible(safenew WindowAccessible(mStatusBar));
mStatusBar->SetName(wxT("status_line")); // not localized
mProjectNo = mProjectCounter++; // Bug 322
// MM: DirManager is created dynamically, freed on demand via ref-counting
mDirManager = DirManager::Create();
// Initialize view info (shared with TrackPanel)
ObjectFactorySetLocker locker;
for (const auto &factory : sObjectFactories()) {
auto pObject = factory();
wxASSERT( pObject );
mAttachedObjects.push_back( std::move( pObject ) );
mMenuManager = std::make_unique<MenuManager>();
mLockPlayRegion = false;
// Make sure valgrind sees mIsSyncLocked is initialized, even
// though we're about to set it from prefs.
mIsSyncLocked = false;
gPrefs->Read(wxT("/GUI/SyncLockTracks"), &mIsSyncLocked, false);
// LLL: Read this!!!
// Until the time (and cpu) required to refresh the track panel is
// reduced, leave the following window creations in the order specified.
// This will place the refresh of the track panel last, allowing all
// the others to get done quickly.
// Near as I can tell, this is only a problem under Windows.
// PRL: this panel groups the top tool dock and the ruler into one
// tab cycle.
// Must create it with non-default width equal to the main window width,
// or else the device toolbar doesn't make initial widths of the choice
// controls correct.
mTopPanel = safenew wxPanelWrapper {
this, wxID_ANY, wxDefaultPosition,
wxSize{ this->GetSize().GetWidth(), -1 }
mTopPanel->SetLabel( "Top Panel" );// Not localised
mTopPanel->SetBackgroundColour(theTheme.Colour( clrMedium ));
// Create the ToolDock
mToolManager = std::make_unique<ToolManager>( this, mTopPanel );
// Create the horizontal ruler
mRuler = safenew AdornedRulerPanel( this, mTopPanel,
wxSize( -1, AdornedRulerPanel::GetRulerHeight(false) ),
&mViewInfo );
// Create the TrackPanel and the scrollbars
wxWindow * pPage;
// We are using a notebook (tabbed panel), so we create the notebook and add pages.
GuiFactory Factory;
wxNotebook * pNotebook;
mMainPanel = Factory.AddPanel(
this, wxPoint( left, top ), wxSize( width, height ) );
pNotebook = Factory.AddNotebook( mMainPanel );
/* i18n-hint: This is an experimental feature where the main panel in
Audacity is put on a notebook tab, and this is the name on that tab.
Other tabs in that notebook may have instruments, patch panels etc.*/
pPage = Factory.AddPage( pNotebook, _("Main Mix"));
// Not using a notebook, so we place the track panel inside another panel,
// this keeps the notebook code and normal code consistant and also
// paves the way for adding additional windows inside the track panel.
mMainPanel = safenew wxPanelWrapper(this, -1,
mMainPanel->SetSizer( safenew wxBoxSizer(wxVERTICAL) );
mMainPanel->SetLabel("Main Panel");// Not localised.
pPage = mMainPanel;
// Set the colour here to the track panel background to avoid
// flicker when Audacity starts up.
// However, that leads to areas next to the horizontal scroller
// being painted in background colour and not scroller background
// colour, so suppress this for now.
//pPage->SetBackgroundColour( theTheme.Colour( clrDark ));
pPage->SetBackgroundColour(theTheme.Colour( clrMedium ));
auto ubs = std::make_unique<wxBoxSizer>(wxVERTICAL);
ubs->Add(mToolManager->GetTopDock(), 0, wxEXPAND | wxALIGN_TOP);
ubs->Add(mRuler, 0, wxEXPAND);
wxBoxSizer *bs;
auto ubs = std::make_unique<wxBoxSizer>(wxVERTICAL);
bs = ubs.get();
bs->Add(mTopPanel, 0, wxEXPAND | wxALIGN_TOP);
bs->Add(pPage, 1, wxEXPAND);
bs->Add(mToolManager->GetBotDock(), 0, wxEXPAND);
// The right hand side translates to NEW TrackPanel(...) in normal
// Audacity without additional DLLs.
mTrackPanel = TrackPanel::FactoryFunction(pPage,
mCursorOverlay = std::make_shared<EditCursorOverlay>(this);
mBackgroundCell = std::make_shared<BackgroundCell>(this);
mScrubOverlay = std::make_shared<ScrubbingOverlay>(this);
mScrubber = std::make_unique<Scrubber>(this);
mPlaybackScroller = std::make_unique<PlaybackScroller>(this);
mIndicatorOverlay = std::make_shared<PlayIndicatorOverlay>(this);
// Add the overlays, in the sequence in which they will be painted
mTrackPanel->AddOverlay( mIndicatorOverlay );
mTrackPanel->AddOverlay( mCursorOverlay );
mTrackPanel->AddOverlay( mScrubOverlay );
// LLL: When Audacity starts or becomes active after returning from
// another application, the first window that can accept focus
// will be given the focus even if we try to SetFocus(). By
// creating the scrollbars after the TrackPanel, we resolve
// several focus problems.
mHsbar = safenew ScrollBar(pPage, HSBarID, wxSB_HORIZONTAL);
mVsbar = safenew ScrollBar(pPage, VSBarID, wxSB_VERTICAL);
// so that name can be set on a standard control
mHsbar->SetAccessible(safenew WindowAccessible(mHsbar));
mVsbar->SetAccessible(safenew WindowAccessible(mVsbar));
mHsbar->SetName(_("Horizontal Scrollbar"));
mVsbar->SetName(_("Vertical Scrollbar"));
// LLL: When Audacity starts or becomes active after returning from
// another application, the first window that can accept focus
// will be given the focus even if we try to SetFocus(). By
// making the TrackPanel that first window, we resolve several
// keyboard focus problems.
bs = (wxBoxSizer *)pPage->GetSizer();
// Top horizontal grouping
auto hs = std::make_unique<wxBoxSizer>(wxHORIZONTAL);
// Track panel
hs->Add(mTrackPanel, 1, wxEXPAND | wxALIGN_LEFT | wxALIGN_TOP);
// Vertical grouping
auto vs = std::make_unique<wxBoxSizer>(wxVERTICAL);
// Vertical scroll bar
vs->Add(mVsbar, 1, wxEXPAND | wxALIGN_TOP);
hs->Add(vs.release(), 0, wxEXPAND | wxALIGN_TOP);
bs->Add(hs.release(), 1, wxEXPAND | wxALIGN_LEFT | wxALIGN_TOP);
// Bottom horizontal grouping
auto hs = std::make_unique<wxBoxSizer>(wxHORIZONTAL);
// Bottom scrollbar
hs->Add(mTrackPanel->GetLeftOffset() - 1, 0);
hs->Add(mHsbar, 1, wxALIGN_BOTTOM);
hs->Add(mVsbar->GetSize().GetWidth(), 0);
bs->Add(hs.release(), 0, wxEXPAND | wxALIGN_LEFT);
// Lay it out
AddPages(this, Factory, pNotebook);
wxASSERT( mTrackPanel->GetProject()==this);
// MM: Give track panel the focus to ensure keyboard commands work
// Create tags object
mTags = std::make_shared<Tags>();
mRuler->SetLeftOffset(mTrackPanel->GetLeftOffset()); // bevel on AdornedRuler
// Set the Icon
// loads either the XPM or the windows resource, depending on the platform
#if !defined(__WXMAC__) && !defined(__WXX11__)
#if defined(__WXMSW__)
wxIcon ic{ wxICON(AudacityLogo) };
#elif defined(__WXGTK__)
wxIcon ic{wxICON(AudacityLogoAlpha)};
wxIcon ic{};
mIconized = false;
mTrackFactory.reset(safenew TrackFactory{ mDirManager, &mViewInfo });
int widths[] = {0, GetControlToolBar()->WidthForStatusBar(mStatusBar), -1, 150};
mStatusBar->SetStatusWidths(4, widths);
wxString msg = wxString::Format(_("Welcome to Audacity version %s"),
mStatusBar->SetStatusText(msg, mainStatusBarField);
mTimer = std::make_unique<wxTimer>(this, AudacityProjectTimerID);
// We can import now, so become a drag target
// SetDropTarget(safenew AudacityDropTarget(this));
// mTrackPanel->SetDropTarget(safenew AudacityDropTarget(this));
// SetDropTarget takes ownership
mTrackPanel->SetDropTarget(safenew DropTarget(this));
wxTheApp->Bind(EVT_THEME_CHANGE, &AudacityProject::OnThemeChange, this);
ClearBackground();// For wxGTK.
// Tool manager gives us capture sometimes
void AudacityProject::ApplyUpdatedTheme()
SetBackgroundColour(theTheme.Colour( clrMedium ));
ClearBackground();// For wxGTK.
AudioIOStartStreamOptions AudacityProject::GetDefaultPlayOptions()
AudioIOStartStreamOptions options { GetRate() };
options.timeTrack = GetTracks()->GetTimeTrack();
options.listener = this;
return options;
AudioIOStartStreamOptions AudacityProject::GetSpeedPlayOptions()
auto PlayAtSpeedRate = gAudioIO->GetBestRate(
false, //not capturing
true, //is playing
GetRate() //suggested rate
AudioIOStartStreamOptions options{ PlayAtSpeedRate };
options.timeTrack = GetTracks()->GetTimeTrack();
options.listener = this;
return options;
void AudacityProject::UpdatePrefsVariables()
gPrefs->Read(wxT("/AudioFiles/ShowId3Dialog"), &mShowId3Dialog, true);
gPrefs->Read(wxT("/AudioFiles/NormalizeOnLoad"),&mNormalizeOnLoad, false);
gPrefs->Read(wxT("/GUI/AutoScroll"), &mViewInfo.bUpdateTrackIndicator, true);
gPrefs->Read(wxT("/GUI/EmptyCanBeDirty"), &mEmptyCanBeDirty, true );
gPrefs->Read(wxT("/GUI/ShowSplashScreen"), &mShowSplashScreen, true);
gPrefs->Read(wxT("/GUI/Solo"), &mSoloPref, wxT("Simple"));
// Update the old default to the NEW default.
if (mSoloPref == wxT("Standard"))
mSoloPref = wxT("Simple");
gPrefs->Read(wxT("/GUI/TracksFitVerticallyZoomed"), &mTracksFitVerticallyZoomed, false);
// gPrefs->Read(wxT("/GUI/UpdateSpectrogram"), &mViewInfo.bUpdateSpectrogram, true);
// This code to change an empty projects rate is currently disabled, after discussion.
// The rule 'Default sample rate' only affects newly created projects was felt to
// be simpler and better.
#if 0
// The DefaultProjectSample rate is the rate for new projects.
// Do not change this project's rate, unless there are no tracks.
if( GetTrackCount() == 0){
gPrefs->Read(wxT("/SamplingRate/DefaultProjectSampleRate"), &mRate, AudioIO::GetOptimalSupportedSampleRate());
// If necessary, we change this rate in the selection toolbar too.
auto bar = GetSelectionBar();
if( bar ){
bar->SetRate( mRate );
mDefaultFormat = QualityPrefs::SampleFormatChoice();
void AudacityProject::UpdatePrefs()
ObjectFactorySetLocker locker;
for( const auto &pObject : mAttachedObjects )
if (mTrackPanel) {
if (mMixerBoard)
if (mToolManager) {
if (mRuler) {
void AudacityProject::SetMissingAliasFileDialog(wxDialog *dialog)
mMissingAliasFilesWarningDialog = dialog;
wxDialog *AudacityProject::GetMissingAliasFileDialog()
return mMissingAliasFilesWarningDialog;
void AudacityProject::RedrawProject(const bool bForceWaveTracks /*= false*/)
if (bForceWaveTracks && GetTracks())
for (auto pWaveTrack : GetTracks()->Any<WaveTrack>())
for (const auto &clip: pWaveTrack->GetClips())
void AudacityProject::RefreshCursor()
void AudacityProject::OnCapture(wxCommandEvent& evt)
if (evt.GetInt() != 0)
mIsCapturing = true;
mIsCapturing = false;
void AudacityProject::OnThemeChange(wxCommandEvent& evt)
for( int ii = 0; ii < ToolBarCount; ++ii )
ToolBar *pToolBar = GetToolManager()->GetToolBar(ii);
if( pToolBar )
const std::shared_ptr<DirManager> &AudacityProject::GetDirManager()
return mDirManager;
TrackFactory *AudacityProject::GetTrackFactory()
return mTrackFactory.get();
AdornedRulerPanel *AudacityProject::GetRulerPanel()
return mRuler;
int AudacityProject::GetAudioIOToken() const
return mAudioIOToken;
void AudacityProject::SetAudioIOToken(int token)
mAudioIOToken = token;
bool AudacityProject::IsAudioActive() const
return GetAudioIOToken() > 0 &&
Tags *AudacityProject::GetTags()
return mTags.get();
const Tags *AudacityProject::GetTags() const
return mTags.get();
void AudacityProject::SetTags( const std::shared_ptr<Tags> &tags )
mTags = tags;
wxString AudacityProject::GetProjectName() const
wxString name = wxFileNameFromPath(mFileName);
// Chop off the extension
size_t len = name.length();
if (len > 4 && name.Mid(len - 4) == wxT(".aup"))
name = name.Mid(0, len - 4);
return name;
// Pass a number in to show project number, or -1 not to.
void AudacityProject::SetProjectTitle( int number)
wxString name = GetProjectName();
// If we are showing project numbers, then we also explicitly show "<untitled>" if there
// is none.
if( number >= 0 ){
/* i18n-hint: The %02i is the project number, the %s is the project name.*/
name = wxString::Format( _TS("[Project %02i] Audacity \"%s\""), number+1 ,
name.empty() ? "<untitled>" : (const char *)name );
// If we are not showing numbers, then <untitled> shows as 'Audacity'.
else if( name.empty() )
mbLoadedFromAup = false;
name = _TS("Audacity");
if (mIsRecovered)
name += wxT(" ");
/* i18n-hint: E.g this is recovered audio that had been lost.*/
name += _("(Recovered)");
SetTitle( name );
SetName(name); // to make the nvda screen reader read the correct title
bool AudacityProject::SnapSelection()
if (mSnapTo != SNAP_OFF) {
SelectedRegion &selectedRegion = mViewInfo.selectedRegion;
NumericConverter nc(NumericConverter::TIME, GetSelectionFormat(), 0, GetRate());
const bool nearest = (mSnapTo == SNAP_NEAREST);
const double oldt0 = selectedRegion.t0();
const double oldt1 = selectedRegion.t1();
nc.ValueToControls(oldt0, nearest);
const double t0 = nc.GetValue();
nc.ValueToControls(oldt1, nearest);
const double t1 = nc.GetValue();
if (t0 != oldt0 || t1 != oldt1) {
selectedRegion.setTimes(t0, t1);
return true;
return false;
double AudacityProject::AS_GetRate()
return mRate;
// Typically this came from the SelectionToolbar and does not need to
// be communicated back to it.
void AudacityProject::AS_SetRate(double rate)
mRate = rate;
int AudacityProject::AS_GetSnapTo()
return GetSnapTo();
void AudacityProject::AS_SetSnapTo(int snap)
mSnapTo = snap;
// LLL: TODO - what should this be changed to???
// GetCommandManager()->Check(wxT("Snap"), mSnapTo);
gPrefs->Write(wxT("/SnapTo"), mSnapTo);
const NumericFormatSymbol & AudacityProject::AS_GetSelectionFormat()
return GetSelectionFormat();
void AudacityProject::AS_SetSelectionFormat(const NumericFormatSymbol & format)
mSelectionFormat = format;
gPrefs->Write(wxT("/SelectionFormat"), mSelectionFormat.Internal());
if (SnapSelection() && GetTrackPanel())
double AudacityProject::SSBL_GetRate() const
// Return maximum of project rate and all track rates.
return std::max( mRate,
mTracks->Any<const WaveTrack>().max( &WaveTrack::GetRate ) );
const NumericFormatSymbol & AudacityProject::SSBL_GetFrequencySelectionFormatName()
return GetFrequencySelectionFormatName();
void AudacityProject::SSBL_SetFrequencySelectionFormatName(const NumericFormatSymbol & formatName)
mFrequencySelectionFormatName = formatName;
const NumericFormatSymbol & AudacityProject::SSBL_GetBandwidthSelectionFormatName()
return GetBandwidthSelectionFormatName();
void AudacityProject::SSBL_SetBandwidthSelectionFormatName(const NumericFormatSymbol & formatName)
mBandwidthSelectionFormatName = formatName;
void AudacityProject::SSBL_ModifySpectralSelection(double &bottom, double &top, bool done)
double nyq = SSBL_GetRate() / 2.0;
if (bottom >= 0.0)
bottom = std::min(nyq, bottom);
if (top >= 0.0)
top = std::min(nyq, top);
mViewInfo.selectedRegion.setFrequencies(bottom, top);
if (done) {
bottom; top; done;
const NumericFormatSymbol & AudacityProject::GetFrequencySelectionFormatName() const
return mFrequencySelectionFormatName;
void AudacityProject::SetFrequencySelectionFormatName(const NumericFormatSymbol & formatName)
if (GetSpectralSelectionBar()) {
const NumericFormatSymbol & AudacityProject::GetBandwidthSelectionFormatName() const
return mBandwidthSelectionFormatName;
void AudacityProject::SetBandwidthSelectionFormatName(const NumericFormatSymbol & formatName)
if (GetSpectralSelectionBar()) {
void AudacityProject::SetSelectionFormat(const NumericFormatSymbol & format)
if (GetSelectionBar()) {
const NumericFormatSymbol & AudacityProject::GetSelectionFormat() const
return mSelectionFormat;
void AudacityProject::AS_ModifySelection(double &start, double &end, bool done)
mViewInfo.selectedRegion.setTimes(start, end);
if (done) {
void AudacityProject::FinishAutoScroll()
// Set a flag so we don't have to generate two update events
mAutoScrolling = true;
// Call our Scroll method which updates our ViewInfo variables
// to reflect the positions of the scrollbars
mAutoScrolling = false;
/// This method handles general left-scrolling, either for drag-scrolling
/// or when the scrollbar is clicked to the left of the thumb
void AudacityProject::OnScrollLeft()
wxInt64 pos = mHsbar->GetThumbPosition();
// move at least one scroll increment
pos -= wxMax((wxInt64)(sbarHjump * mViewInfo.sbarScale), 1);
pos = wxMax(pos, 0);
mViewInfo.sbarH -= sbarHjump;
mViewInfo.sbarH = std::max(mViewInfo.sbarH,
-(wxInt64) PixelWidthBeforeTime(0.0));
if (pos != mHsbar->GetThumbPosition()) {
/// This method handles general right-scrolling, either for drag-scrolling
/// or when the scrollbar is clicked to the right of the thumb
void AudacityProject::OnScrollRight()
wxInt64 pos = mHsbar->GetThumbPosition();
// move at least one scroll increment
// use wxInt64 for calculation to prevent temporary overflow
pos += wxMax((wxInt64)(sbarHjump * mViewInfo.sbarScale), 1);
wxInt64 max = mHsbar->GetRange() - mHsbar->GetThumbSize();
pos = wxMin(pos, max);
mViewInfo.sbarH += sbarHjump;
mViewInfo.sbarH = std::min(mViewInfo.sbarH,
- (wxInt64) PixelWidthBeforeTime(0.0) - mViewInfo.sbarScreen);
if (pos != mHsbar->GetThumbPosition()) {
/// This handles the event when the left direction button on the scrollbar is depresssed
void AudacityProject::OnScrollLeftButton(wxScrollEvent & /*event*/)
wxInt64 pos = mHsbar->GetThumbPosition();
// move at least one scroll increment
pos -= wxMax((wxInt64)(sbarHjump * mViewInfo.sbarScale), 1);
pos = wxMax(pos, 0);
mViewInfo.sbarH -= sbarHjump;
mViewInfo.sbarH = std::max(mViewInfo.sbarH,
- (wxInt64) PixelWidthBeforeTime(0.0));
if (pos != mHsbar->GetThumbPosition()) {
/// This handles the event when the right direction button on the scrollbar is depresssed
void AudacityProject::OnScrollRightButton(wxScrollEvent & /*event*/)
wxInt64 pos = mHsbar->GetThumbPosition();
// move at least one scroll increment
// use wxInt64 for calculation to prevent temporary overflow
pos += wxMax((wxInt64)(sbarHjump * mViewInfo.sbarScale), 1);
wxInt64 max = mHsbar->GetRange() - mHsbar->GetThumbSize();
pos = wxMin(pos, max);
mViewInfo.sbarH += sbarHjump;
mViewInfo.sbarH = std::min(mViewInfo.sbarH,
- (wxInt64) PixelWidthBeforeTime(0.0) - mViewInfo.sbarScreen);
if (pos != mHsbar->GetThumbPosition()) {
bool AudacityProject::MayScrollBeyondZero() const
if (mViewInfo.bScrollBeyondZero)
return true;
if (GetScrubber().HasMark() ||
IsAudioActive()) {
if (mPlaybackScroller) {
auto mode = mPlaybackScroller->GetMode();
if (mode == PlaybackScroller::Mode::Pinned ||
mode == PlaybackScroller::Mode::Right)
return true;
return false;
double AudacityProject::ScrollingLowerBoundTime() const
if (!MayScrollBeyondZero())
return 0;
const double screen = mTrackPanel->GetScreenEndTime() - mViewInfo.h;
return std::min(mTracks->GetStartTime(), -screen);
// PRL: Bug1197: we seem to need to compute all in double, to avoid differing results on Mac
// That's why ViewInfo::TimeRangeToPixelWidth was defined, with some regret.
double AudacityProject::PixelWidthBeforeTime(double scrollto) const
const double lowerBound = ScrollingLowerBoundTime();
// Ignoring fisheye is correct here
mViewInfo.TimeRangeToPixelWidth(scrollto - lowerBound);
void AudacityProject::SetHorizontalThumb(double scrollto)
const auto unscaled = PixelWidthBeforeTime(scrollto);
const int max = mHsbar->GetRange() - mHsbar->GetThumbSize();
const int pos =
(int)(floor(0.5 + unscaled * mViewInfo.sbarScale))));
mViewInfo.sbarH = floor(0.5 + unscaled - PixelWidthBeforeTime(0.0));
mViewInfo.sbarH = std::max(mViewInfo.sbarH,
- (wxInt64) PixelWidthBeforeTime(0.0));
mViewInfo.sbarH = std::min(mViewInfo.sbarH,
- (wxInt64) PixelWidthBeforeTime(0.0) - mViewInfo.sbarScreen);
// This method, like the other methods prefaced with TP, handles TrackPanel
// 'callback'.
void AudacityProject::TP_ScrollWindow(double scrollto)
// Call our Scroll method which updates our ViewInfo variables
// to reflect the positions of the scrollbars
// Scroll vertically. This is called for example by the mouse wheel
// handler in Track Panel. A positive argument makes the window
// scroll down, while a negative argument scrolls up.
bool AudacityProject::TP_ScrollUpDown(int delta)
int oldPos = mVsbar->GetThumbPosition();
int pos = oldPos + delta;
int max = mVsbar->GetRange() - mVsbar->GetThumbSize();
// Can be negative in case of only one track
if (max < 0)
max = 0;
if (pos > max)
pos = max;
else if (pos < 0)
pos = 0;
if (pos != oldPos)
return true;
return false;
void AudacityProject::FixScrollbars()
if (!GetTracks())
bool refresh = false;
bool rescroll = false;
int totalHeight = (mTracks->GetHeight() + 32);
int panelWidth, panelHeight;
mTrackPanel->GetTracksUsableArea(&panelWidth, &panelHeight);
// (From least I think this is the change cooresponding
// to this comment)
// (2.) GTK critical warning "IA__gtk_range_set_range: assertion
// 'min < max' failed" because of negative numbers as result of window
// size checking. Added a sanity check that straightens up the numbers
// in edge cases.
if (panelWidth < 0) {
panelWidth = 0;
if (panelHeight < 0) {
panelHeight = 0;
auto LastTime = std::numeric_limits<double>::lowest();
auto &tracks = *GetTracks();
for (const Track *track : tracks) {
// Iterate over pending changed tracks if present.
track = track->SubstitutePendingChangedTrack().get();
LastTime = std::max( LastTime, track->GetEndTime() );
LastTime =
std::max(LastTime, mViewInfo.selectedRegion.t1());
const double screen =
GetTrackPanel()->GetScreenEndTime() - mViewInfo.h;
const double halfScreen = screen / 2.0;
// If we can scroll beyond zero,
// Add 1/2 of a screen of blank space to the end
// and another 1/2 screen before the beginning
// so that any point within the union of the selection and the track duration
// may be scrolled to the midline.
// May add even more to the end, so that you can always scroll the starting time to zero.
const double lowerBound = ScrollingLowerBoundTime();
const double additional = MayScrollBeyondZero()
? -lowerBound + std::max(halfScreen, screen - LastTime)
: screen / 4.0; = LastTime + additional;
// Don't remove time from total that's still on the screen = std::max(, mViewInfo.h + screen);
if (mViewInfo.h < lowerBound) {
mViewInfo.h = lowerBound;
rescroll = true;
mViewInfo.sbarTotal = (wxInt64) (mViewInfo.GetTotalWidth());
mViewInfo.sbarScreen = (wxInt64)(panelWidth);
mViewInfo.sbarH = (wxInt64) (mViewInfo.GetBeforeScreenWidth());
// PRL: Can someone else find a more elegant solution to bug 812, than
// introducing this boolean member variable?
// Setting mVSbar earlier, int HandlXMLTag, didn't succeed in restoring
// the vertical scrollbar to its saved position. So defer that till now.
// mbInitializingScrollbar should be true only at the start of the life
// of an AudacityProject reopened from disk.
if (!mbInitializingScrollbar) {
mViewInfo.vpos = mVsbar->GetThumbPosition() * mViewInfo.scrollStep;
mbInitializingScrollbar = false;
if (mViewInfo.vpos >= totalHeight)
mViewInfo.vpos = totalHeight - 1;
if (mViewInfo.vpos < 0)
mViewInfo.vpos = 0;
bool oldhstate;
bool oldvstate;
bool newhstate =
(GetTrackPanel()->GetScreenEndTime() - mViewInfo.h) <;
bool newvstate = panelHeight < totalHeight;
#ifdef __WXGTK__
oldhstate = mHsbar->IsShown();
oldvstate = mVsbar->IsShown();
mVsbar->Show(panelHeight < totalHeight);
oldhstate = mHsbar->IsEnabled();
oldvstate = mVsbar->IsEnabled();
mVsbar->Enable(panelHeight < totalHeight);
if (panelHeight >= totalHeight && mViewInfo.vpos != 0) {
mViewInfo.vpos = 0;
refresh = true;
rescroll = false;
if (!newhstate && mViewInfo.sbarH != 0) {
mViewInfo.sbarH = 0;
refresh = true;
rescroll = false;
// wxScrollbar only supports int values but we need a greater range, so
// we scale the scrollbar coordinates on demand. We only do this if we
// would exceed the int range, so we can always use the maximum resolution
// available.
// Don't use the full 2^31 max int range but a bit less, so rounding
// errors in calculations do not overflow max int
wxInt64 maxScrollbarRange = (wxInt64)(2147483647 * 0.999);
if (mViewInfo.sbarTotal > maxScrollbarRange)
mViewInfo.sbarScale = ((double)maxScrollbarRange) / mViewInfo.sbarTotal;
mViewInfo.sbarScale = 1.0; // use maximum resolution
int scaledSbarH = (int)(mViewInfo.sbarH * mViewInfo.sbarScale);
int scaledSbarScreen = (int)(mViewInfo.sbarScreen * mViewInfo.sbarScale);
int scaledSbarTotal = (int)(mViewInfo.sbarTotal * mViewInfo.sbarScale);
const int offset =
(int)(floor(0.5 + mViewInfo.sbarScale * PixelWidthBeforeTime(0.0)));
mHsbar->SetScrollbar(scaledSbarH + offset, scaledSbarScreen, scaledSbarTotal,
scaledSbarScreen, TRUE);
// Vertical scrollbar
mVsbar->SetScrollbar(mViewInfo.vpos / mViewInfo.scrollStep,
panelHeight / mViewInfo.scrollStep,
totalHeight / mViewInfo.scrollStep,
panelHeight / mViewInfo.scrollStep, TRUE);
if (refresh || (rescroll &&
(GetTrackPanel()->GetScreenEndTime() - mViewInfo.h) < {
if (oldhstate != newhstate || oldvstate != newvstate) {
[this]{ if (GetTrackPanel())
GetTrackPanel()->HandleCursorForPresentMouseState(); } );
void AudacityProject::UpdateLayout()
if (!mTrackPanel)
// 1. Layout panel, to get widths of the docks.
// 2. Layout toolbars to pack the toolbars correctly in docks which
// are now the correct width.
// 3. Layout panel, to resize docks, in particular reducing the height
// of any empty docks, or increasing the height of docks that need it.
// Retrieve size of this projects window
wxSize mainsz = GetSize();
// Retrieve position of the track panel to use as the size of the top
// third of the window
wxPoint tppos = ClientToScreen(mTrackPanel->GetParent()->GetPosition());
// Retrieve position of bottom dock to use as the size of the bottom
// third of the window
wxPoint sbpos = ClientToScreen(mToolManager->GetBotDock()->GetPosition());
// The "+ 50" is the minimum height of the TrackPanel
SetSizeHints(250, (mainsz.y - sbpos.y) + tppos.y + 50, 20000, 20000);
void AudacityProject::HandleResize()
if (!mTrackPanel)
// How many projects that do not have a name yet?
int AudacityProject::CountUnnamed()
int j = 0;
for ( size_t i = 0; i < gAudacityProjects.size(); i++) {
if ( gAudacityProjects[i] )
if ( gAudacityProjects[i]->GetProjectName().empty() )
return j;
void AudacityProject::RefreshAllTitles(bool bShowProjectNumbers )
for ( size_t i = 0; i < gAudacityProjects.size(); i++) {
if ( gAudacityProjects[i] ) {
if ( !gAudacityProjects[i]->mIconized ) {
AudacityProject * p;
p = gAudacityProjects[i].get();
p->SetProjectTitle( bShowProjectNumbers ? p->GetProjectNumber() : -1 );
void AudacityProject::OnIconize(wxIconizeEvent &event)
int VisibleProjectCount = 0;
//JKC: On Iconizing we get called twice. Don't know
// why but it does no harm.
// Should we be returning true/false rather than
// void return? I don't know.
mIconized = event.IsIconized();
unsigned int i;
// VisibileProjectCount seems to be just a counter for debugging.
// It's not used outside this function.
if( !gAudacityProjects[i]->mIconized )
// This step is to fix part of Bug 2040, where the BackingPanel
// size was not restored after we leave Iconized state.
// Queue up a resize event using OnShow so that we
// refresh the track panel. But skip this, if we're iconized.
if( mIconized )
wxShowEvent Evt;
OnShow( Evt );
void AudacityProject::OnMove(wxMoveEvent & event)
if (!this->IsMaximized() && !this->IsIconized())
void AudacityProject::OnSize(wxSizeEvent & event)
// (From Debian)
// (3.) GTK critical warning "IA__gdk_window_get_origin: assertion
// 'GDK_IS_WINDOW (window)' failed": Received events of type wxSizeEvent
// on the main project window cause calls to "ClientToScreen" - which is
// not available until the window is first shown. So the class has to
// keep track of wxShowEvent events and inhibit those actions until the
// window is first shown.
if (mShownOnce) {
if (!this->IsMaximized() && !this->IsIconized())
void AudacityProject::OnShow(wxShowEvent & event)
// Remember that the window has been shown at least once
mShownOnce = true;
// (From Debian...see also TrackPanel::OnTimer and AudacityTimer::Notify)
// Description: Workaround for wxWidgets bug: Reentry in clipboard
// The wxWidgets bug prevents
// us from doing clipboard operations in wxShowEvent and wxTimerEvent
// processing because those event could possibly be processed during
// the (not sufficiently protected) Yield() of a first clipboard
// operation, causing reentry. Audacity had a workaround in place
// for this problem (the class "CaptureEvents"), which however isn't
// applicable with wxWidgets 3.0 because it's based on changing the
// gdk event handler, a change that would be overridden by wxWidgets's
// own gdk event handler change.
// Instead, as a NEW workaround, specifically protect those processings
// of wxShowEvent and wxTimerEvent that try to do clipboard operations
// from being executed within Yield(). This is done by delaying their
// execution by posting pure wxWidgets events - which are never executed
// during Yield().
// Author: Martin Stegh fer <>
// Bug-Debian:
// the actual creation/showing of the window).
// Post the event instead of calling OnSize(..) directly. This ensures that
// this is a pure wxWidgets event (no GDK event behind it) and that it
// therefore isn't processed within the YieldFor(..) of the clipboard
// operations (workaround for Debian bug #765341).
// QueueEvent() will take ownership of the event
GetEventHandler()->QueueEvent(safenew wxSizeEvent(GetSize()));
// Further processing by default handlers
/// A toolbar has been updated, so handle it like a sizing event.
void AudacityProject::OnToolBarUpdate(wxCommandEvent & event)
event.Skip(false); /* No need to propagate any further */
///Handles the redrawing necessary for tasks as they partially update in the background.
void AudacityProject::OnODTaskUpdate(wxCommandEvent & WXUNUSED(event))
//todo: add track data to the event - check to see if the project contains it before redrawing.
//redraws the task and does other book keeping after the task is complete.
void AudacityProject::OnODTaskComplete(wxCommandEvent & WXUNUSED(event))
void AudacityProject::OnScroll(wxScrollEvent & WXUNUSED(event))
const wxInt64 offset = PixelWidthBeforeTime(0.0);
mViewInfo.sbarH =
(wxInt64)(mHsbar->GetThumbPosition() / mViewInfo.sbarScale) - offset;
void AudacityProject::DoScroll()
const double lowerBound = ScrollingLowerBoundTime();
int width;
mTrackPanel->GetTracksUsableArea(&width, NULL);
mViewInfo.SetBeforeScreenWidth(mViewInfo.sbarH, width, lowerBound);
if (MayScrollBeyondZero()) {
if (std::abs(mViewInfo.TimeToPosition(0.0, 0
// Snap the scrollbar to 0
mViewInfo.h = 0;
mViewInfo.vpos = mVsbar->GetThumbPosition() * mViewInfo.scrollStep;
//mchinen: do not always set this project to be the active one.
//a project may autoscroll while playing in the background
//I think this is okay since OnMouseEvent has one of these.
if (!mAutoScrolling) {
[this]{ if (GetTrackPanel())
GetTrackPanel()->HandleCursorForPresentMouseState(); } );
void AudacityProject::OnMenu(wxCommandEvent & event)
#ifdef __WXMSW__
// Bug 1642: We can arrive here with bogus menu IDs, which we
// proceed to process. So if bogus, don't.
// The bogus menu IDs are probably generated by controls on the TrackPanel,
// such as the Project Rate.
// 17000 is the magic number at which we start our menu.
// This code would probably NOT be OK on Mac, since we assign
// some specific ID numbers.
if( event.GetId() < 17000){
bool handled = GetCommandManager()->HandleMenuID(
event.GetId(), GetMenuManager(*this).GetUpdateFlags(*this),
if (handled)
event.ResumePropagation( 999 );
void AudacityProject::OnUpdateUI(wxUpdateUIEvent & WXUNUSED(event))
void AudacityProject::MacShowUndockedToolbars(bool show)
(void)show;//compiler food
#ifdef __WXMAC__
// Find all the floating toolbars, and show or hide them
const auto &children = GetChildren();
for(const auto &child : children) {
if (auto frame = dynamic_cast<ToolFrame*>(child)) {
if (!show)
else if (frame->GetBar() &&
void AudacityProject::OnActivate(wxActivateEvent & event)
// Activate events can fire during window teardown, so just
// ignore them.
if (mIsDeleting) {
mActive = event.GetActive();
// Under Windows, focus can be "lost" when returning to
// Audacity from a different application.
// This was observed by minimizing all windows using WINDOWS+M and
// then ALT+TAB to return to Audacity. Focus will be given to the
// project window frame which is not at all useful.
// So, we use ToolManager's observation of focus changes in a wxEventFilter.
// Then, when we receive the
// activate event, we restore that focus to the child or the track
// panel if no child had the focus (which probably should never happen).
if (!mActive) {
#ifdef __WXMAC__
if (IsIconized())
else {
if ( ! GetToolManager()->RestoreFocus() ) {
if (mTrackPanel) {
#ifdef __WXMAC__
bool AudacityProject::IsActive()
return mActive;
void AudacityProject::OnMouseEvent(wxMouseEvent & event)
if (event.ButtonDown())
// TitleRestorer restores project window titles to what they were, in its destructor.
class TitleRestorer{
TitleRestorer(AudacityProject * p ){
if( p->IsIconized() )
p->Raise(); // May help identifying the window on Mac
// Construct this projects name and number.
sProjName = p->GetProjectName();
if (sProjName.empty()){
sProjName = _("<untitled>");
if( UnnamedCount > 1 ){
sProjNumber.Printf( "[Project %02i] ", p->GetProjectNumber()+1 );
AudacityProject::RefreshAllTitles( true );
} else {
UnnamedCount = 0;
~TitleRestorer() {
if( UnnamedCount > 1 )
AudacityProject::RefreshAllTitles( false );
wxString sProjNumber;
wxString sProjName;
int UnnamedCount;
// LL: All objects that have a reference to the DirManager should
// be deleted before the final mDirManager->Deref() in this
// routine. Failing to do so can cause unwanted recursion
// and/or attempts to DELETE objects twice.
void AudacityProject::OnCloseWindow(wxCloseEvent & event)
// We are called for the wxEVT_CLOSE_WINDOW, wxEVT_END_SESSION, and
// wxEVT_QUERY_END_SESSION, so we have to protect against multiple
// entries. This is a hack until the whole application termination
// process can be reviewed and reworked. (See bug #964 for ways
// to exercise the bug that instigated this hack.)
if (mIsBeingDeleted)
if (event.CanVeto() && (::wxIsBusy() || mbBusyImporting))
// TODO: consider postponing these steps until after the possible veto
// below: closing the two analysis dialogs, and stopping audio streams.
// Streams can be for play, recording, or monitoring. But maybe it still
// makes sense to stop any recording before putting up the dialog.
// Check to see if we were playing or recording
// audio, and if so, make sure Audio I/O is completely finished.
// The main point of this is to properly push the state
// and flush the tracks once we've completely finished
// recording NEW state.
// This code is derived from similar code in
// AudacityProject::~AudacityProject() and TrackPanel::OnTimer().
if (GetAudioIOToken()>0 &&
gAudioIO->IsStreamActive(GetAudioIOToken())) {
// We were playing or recording audio, but we've stopped the stream.
wxCommandEvent dummyEvent;
else if (gAudioIO->IsMonitoring()) {
// MY: Use routine here so other processes can make same check
bool bHasTracks = !GetTracks()->empty();
// We may not bother to prompt the user to save, if the
// project is now empty.
if (event.CanVeto() && (mEmptyCanBeDirty || bHasTracks)) {
if (GetUndoManager()->UnsavedChanges()) {
TitleRestorer Restorer( this );// RAII
/* i18n-hint: The first %s numbers the project, the second %s is the project name.*/
wxString Title = wxString::Format(_("%sSave changes to %s?"), Restorer.sProjNumber, Restorer.sProjName);
wxString Message = _("Save project before closing?");
if( !bHasTracks )
Message += _("\nIf saved, the project will have no tracks.\n\nTo save any previously open tracks:\nCancel, Edit > Undo until all tracks\nare open, then File > Save Project.");
int result = AudacityMessageBox( Message,
if (result == wxCANCEL || (result == wxYES &&
!GuardedCall<bool>( [&]{ return Save(); } )
)) {
#ifdef __WXMAC__
// Fix bug apparently introduced into 2.1.2 because of wxWidgets 3:
// closing a project that was made full-screen (as by clicking the green dot
// or command+/; not merely "maximized" as by clicking the title bar or
// Zoom in the Window menu) leaves the screen black.
// Fix it by un-full-screening.
// (But is there a different way to do this? What do other applications do?
// I don't see full screen windows of Safari shrinking, but I do see
// momentary blackness.)
// Stop the timer since there's no need to update anything anymore
// The project is now either saved or the user doesn't want to save it,
// so there's no need to keep auto save info around anymore
// DMM: Save the size of the last window the user closes
// LL: Save before doing anything else to the window that might make
// its size change.
mIsDeleting = true;
// Mac: we never quit as the result of a close.
// Other systems: we quit only when the close is the result of an external
// command (on Windows, those are taskbar closes, "X" box, Alt+F4, etc.)
bool quitOnClose;
#ifdef __WXMAC__
quitOnClose = false;
quitOnClose = !mMenuClose;
// DanH: If we're definitely about to quit, clear the clipboard.
// Doing this after Deref'ing the DirManager causes problems.
if ((gAudacityProjects.size() == 1) &&
(quitOnClose || AllProjects::Closing()))
// JKC: For Win98 and Linux do not detach the menu bar.
// We want wxWidgets to clean it up for us.
// TODO: Is there a Mac issue here??
// SetMenuBar(NULL);
// Lock all blocks in all tracks of the last saved version, so that
// the blockfiles aren't deleted on disk when we DELETE the blockfiles
// in memory. After it's locked, DELETE the data structure so that
// there's no memory leak.
if (mLastSavedTracks) {
for (auto wt : mLastSavedTracks->Any<WaveTrack>())
mLastSavedTracks->Clear(); // sends an event
// Get rid of the history window
// LL: Destroy it before the TrackPanel and ToolBars since they
// may/will get additional wxEVT_PAINT events since window
// destruction may be queued. This seems to only be a problem
// on the Mac.
if (mHistoryWindow) {
mHistoryWindow = NULL;
// Some of the AdornedRulerPanel functions refer to the TrackPanel, so destroy this
// before the TrackPanel is destroyed. This change was needed to stop Audacity
// crashing when running with Jaws on Windows 10 1703.
if (mRuler)
// Destroy the TrackPanel early so it's not around once we start
// deleting things like tracks and such out from underneath it.
// Check validity of mTrackPanel per bug 584 Comment 1.
// Deeper fix is in the Import code, but this failsafes against crash.
if (mTrackPanel)
mTrackPanel = NULL; // Make sure this gets set...see HandleResize()
// Delete the tool manager before the children since it needs
// to save the state of the toolbars.
// Delete all the tracks to free up memory and DirManager references.
// This must be done before the following Deref() since it holds
// references to the DirManager.
// MM: Tell the DirManager it can now DELETE itself
// if it finds it is no longer needed. If it is still
// used (f.e. by the clipboard), it will recognize this
// and will destroy itself later.
// LL: All objects with references to the DirManager should
// have been deleted before this.
AProjectHolder pSelf;
ODLocker locker{ &AudacityProject::AllProjectDeleteMutex() };
auto end = gAudacityProjects.end();
auto it = std::find_if(gAudacityProjects.begin(), end,
[this] (const AProjectHolder &p) { return p.get() == this; });
wxASSERT( it != end );
pSelf = std::move( *it );
if (gActiveProject == this) {
// Find a NEW active project
if (gAudacityProjects.size() > 0) {
else {
// Since we're going to be destroyed, make sure we're not to
// receive audio notifications anymore.
if (gAudioIO->GetListener() == this) {
if (gAudacityProjects.empty() && !AllProjects::Closing()) {
#if !defined(__WXMAC__)
if (quitOnClose) {
// Simulate the application Exit menu item
wxCommandEvent evt{ wxEVT_MENU, wxID_EXIT };
wxTheApp->AddPendingEvent( evt );
else {
// For non-Mac, always keep at least one project window open
// Destroys this
mRuler = nullptr;
mIsBeingDeleted = true;
void AudacityProject::OnOpenAudioFile(wxCommandEvent & event)
const wxString &cmd = event.GetString();
if (!cmd.empty()) {
// static method, can be called outside of a project
wxArrayString AudacityProject::ShowOpenDialog(const wxString &extraformat, const wxString &extrafilter)
FormatList l;
wxString filter; ///< List of file format names and extensions, separated
/// by | characters between _formats_ and extensions for each _format_, i.e.
/// format1name | *.ext | format2name | *.ex1;*.ex2
wxString all; ///< One long list of all supported file extensions,
/// semicolon separated
if (!extraformat.empty())
{ // additional format specified
all = extrafilter + wxT(';');
// add it to the "all supported files" filter string
// Construct the filter
for (const auto &format : l) {
/* this loop runs once per supported _format_ */
const Format *f = &format;
wxString newfilter = f->formatName + wxT("|");
// bung format name into string plus | separator
for (size_t i = 0; i < f->formatExtensions.size(); i++) {
/* this loop runs once per valid _file extension_ for file containing
* the current _format_ */
if (!newfilter.Contains(wxT("*.") + f->formatExtensions[i] + wxT(";")))
newfilter += wxT("*.") + f->formatExtensions[i] + wxT(";");
if (!all.Contains(wxT("*.") + f->formatExtensions[i] + wxT(";")))
all += wxT("*.") + f->formatExtensions[i] + wxT(";");
filter += newfilter;
filter += wxT("|");
// For testing long filters
#if 0
wxString test = wxT("*.aaa;*.bbb;*.ccc;*.ddd;*.eee");
all = test + wxT(';') + test + wxT(';') + test + wxT(';') +
test + wxT(';') + test + wxT(';') + test + wxT(';') +
test + wxT(';') + test + wxT(';') + test + wxT(';') +
/* i18n-hint: The vertical bars and * are essential here.*/
wxString mask = _("All files|*|All supported files|") +
all + wxT("|"); // "all" and "all supported" entries
if (!extraformat.empty())
{ // append caller-defined format if supplied
mask += extraformat + wxT("|") + extrafilter + wxT("|");
mask += filter; // put the names and extensions of all the importer formats
// we built up earlier into the mask
// Retrieve saved path and type
auto path = FileNames::FindDefaultPath(FileNames::Operation::Open);
wxString type = gPrefs->Read(wxT("/DefaultOpenType"),mask.BeforeFirst(wxT('|')));
// Convert the type to the filter index
int index = mask.First(type + wxT("|"));
if (index == wxNOT_FOUND) {
index = 0;
else {
index = mask.Left(index).Freq(wxT('|')) / 2;
if (index < 0) {
index = 0;
// Construct and display the file dialog
wxArrayString selected;
FileDialogWrapper dlog(NULL,
_("Select one or more files"),
int dialogResult = dlog.ShowModal();
// Convert the filter index to type and save
index = dlog.GetFilterIndex();
for (int i = 0; i < index; i++) {
mask = mask.AfterFirst(wxT('|')).AfterFirst(wxT('|'));
gPrefs->Write(wxT("/DefaultOpenType"), mask.BeforeFirst(wxT('|')));
gPrefs->Write(wxT("/LastOpenType"), mask.BeforeFirst(wxT('|')));
if (dialogResult == wxID_OK) {
// Return the selected files
return selected;
// static method, can be called outside of a project
bool AudacityProject::IsAlreadyOpen(const FilePath &projPathName)
const wxFileName newProjPathName(projPathName);
size_t numProjects = gAudacityProjects.size();
for (size_t i = 0; i < numProjects; i++)
if (newProjPathName.SameAs(gAudacityProjects[i]->mFileName))
wxString errMsg =
wxString::Format(_("%s is already open in another window."),
AudacityMessageBox(errMsg, _("Error Opening Project"), wxOK | wxCENTRE);
return true;
return false;
// static method, can be called outside of a project
void AudacityProject::OpenFiles(AudacityProject *proj)
/* i18n-hint: This string is a label in the file type filter in the open
* and save dialogues, for the option that only shows project files created
* with Audacity. Do not include pipe symbols or .aup (this extension will
* now be added automatically for the Save Projects dialogues).*/
auto selectedFiles = ShowOpenDialog(_("Audacity projects"), wxT("*.aup"));
if (selectedFiles.size() == 0) {
//sort selected files by OD status.
//For the open menu we load OD first so user can edit asap.
//first sort selectedFiles.
ODManager::Pauser pauser;
auto cleanup = finally( [] {
} );
for (size_t ff = 0; ff < selectedFiles.size(); ff++) {
const wxString &fileName = selectedFiles[ff];
// Make sure it isn't already open.
if (AudacityProject::IsAlreadyOpen(fileName))
continue; // Skip ones that are already open.
FileNames::UpdateDefaultPath(FileNames::Operation::Open, fileName);
// DMM: If the project is dirty, that means it's been touched at
// all, and it's not safe to open a NEW project directly in its
// place. Only if the project is brand-NEW clean and the user
// hasn't done any action at all is it safe for Open to take place
// inside the current project.
// If you try to Open a NEW project inside the current window when
// there are no tracks, but there's an Undo history, etc, then
// bad things can happen, including data files moving to the NEW
// project directory, etc.
if ( proj && ( proj->mDirty || !proj->mTracks->empty() ) )
proj = nullptr;
// This project is clean; it's never been touched. Therefore
// all relevant member variables are in their initial state,
// and it's okay to open a NEW project inside this window.
proj = AudacityProject::OpenProject( proj, fileName );
// Most of this string was duplicated 3 places. Made the warning consistent in this global.
// The %s is to be filled with the version string.
// PRL: Do not statically allocate a string in _() !
static wxString gsLegacyFileWarning() { return
_("This file was saved by Audacity version %s. The format has changed. \
\n\nAudacity can try to open and save this file, but saving it in this \
\nversion will then prevent any 1.2 or earlier version opening it. \
\n\nAudacity might corrupt the file in opening it, so you should \
back it up first. \
\n\nOpen this file now?");
bool AudacityProject::WarnOfLegacyFile( )
wxString msg;
msg.Printf(gsLegacyFileWarning(), _("1.0 or earlier"));
// Stop icon, and choose 'NO' by default.
int action =
_("Warning - Opening Old Project File"),
return (action != wxNO);
AudacityProject *AudacityProject::OpenProject(
AudacityProject *pProject, const FilePath &fileNameArg, bool addtohistory)
AudacityProject *pNewProject = nullptr;
if ( ! pProject )
pProject = pNewProject = CreateNewAudacityProject();
auto cleanup = finally( [&] { if( pNewProject ) pNewProject->Close(true); } );
pProject->OpenFile( fileNameArg, addtohistory );
pNewProject = nullptr;
if( pProject && pProject->mIsRecovered )
pProject->Zoom( ViewActions::GetZoomOfToFit( *pProject ) );
return pProject;
auto AudacityProject::ReadProjectFile( const FilePath &fileName )
-> ReadProjectResults
mFileName = fileName;
mbLoadedFromAup = true;
mRecoveryAutoSaveDataDir = wxT("");
mIsRecovered = false;
const wxString autoSaveExt = wxT("autosave");
if ( wxFileNameWrapper{ mFileName }.GetExt() == autoSaveExt )
AutoSaveFile asf;
if (!asf.Decode(fileName))
auto message = AutoSaveFile::FailureMessage( fileName );
_("Error decoding file"),
wxOK | wxCENTRE, this);
// Important: Prevent deleting any temporary files!
return { true };
/// Parse project file
XMLFileReader xmlFile;
// 'Lossless copy' projects have dependencies. We need to always copy-in
// these dependencies when converting to a normal project.
wxString oldAction =
gPrefs->Read(wxT("/FileFormats/CopyOrEditUncompressedData"), wxT("copy"));
bool oldAsk =
gPrefs->ReadBool(wxT("/Warnings/CopyOrEditUncompressedDataAsk"), true);
if (oldAction != wxT("copy"))
gPrefs->Write(wxT("/FileFormats/CopyOrEditUncompressedData"), wxT("copy"));
if (oldAsk)
gPrefs->Write(wxT("/Warnings/CopyOrEditUncompressedDataAsk"), (long) false);
auto cleanup = finally( [&] {
// and restore old settings if necessary.
if (oldAction != wxT("copy"))
gPrefs->Write(wxT("/FileFormats/CopyOrEditUncompressedData"), oldAction);
if (oldAsk)
gPrefs->Write(wxT("/Warnings/CopyOrEditUncompressedDataAsk"), (long) true);
} );
bool bParseSuccess = xmlFile.Parse(this, fileName);
bool err = false;
if (bParseSuccess) {
// By making a duplicate set of pointers to the existing blocks
// on disk, we add one to their reference count, guaranteeing
// that their reference counts will never reach zero and thus
// the version saved on disk will be preserved until the
// user selects Save().
mLastSavedTracks = TrackList::Create();
for (auto t : GetTracks()->Any()) {
if (t->GetErrorOpening())
wxT("Track %s had error reading clip values from project file."),
err = true;
err = ( !t->LinkConsistencyCheck() ) || err;
return { false, bParseSuccess, err, xmlFile.GetErrorStr() };
XMLTagHandler *
AudacityProject::RecordingRecoveryFactory( AudacityProject &project ) {
auto &ptr = project.mRecordingRecoveryHandler;
if (!ptr)
ptr =
std::make_unique<RecordingRecoveryHandler>( &project );
return ptr.get();
wxT("recordingrecovery"), RecordingRecoveryFactory
// FIXME:? TRAP_ERR This should return a result that is checked.
// See comment in AudacityApp::MRUOpen().
void AudacityProject::OpenFile(const FilePath &fileNameArg, bool addtohistory)
// On Win32, we may be given a short (DOS-compatible) file name on rare
// occassions (e.g. stuff like "C:\PROGRA~1\AUDACI~1\PROJEC~1.AUP"). We
// convert these to long file name first.
auto fileName = PlatformCompatibility::ConvertSlashInFileName(
// Make sure it isn't already open.
// Vaughan, 2011-03-25: This was done previously in AudacityProject::OpenFiles()
// and AudacityApp::MRUOpen(), but if you open an aup file by double-clicking it
// from, e.g., Win Explorer, it would bypass those, get to here with no check,
// then open a NEW project from the same data with no warning.
// This was reported in,
// but is not really part of that bug. Anyway, prevent it!
if (AudacityProject::IsAlreadyOpen(fileName))
// Data loss may occur if users mistakenly try to open ".aup.bak" files
// left over from an unsuccessful save or by previous versions of Audacity.
// So we always refuse to open such files.
if (fileName.Lower().EndsWith(wxT(".aup.bak")))
_("You are trying to open an automatically created backup file.\nDoing this may result in severe data loss.\n\nPlease open the actual Audacity project file instead."),
_("Warning - Backup File Detected"),
wxOK | wxCENTRE, this);
if (!::wxFileExists(fileName)) {
wxString::Format( _("Could not open file: %s"), fileName ),
("Error Opening File"),
wxOK | wxCENTRE, this);
// We want to open projects using wxTextFile, but if it's NOT a project
// file (but actually a WAV file, for example), then wxTextFile will spin
// for a long time searching for line breaks. So, we look for our
// signature at the beginning of the file first:
char buf[16];
wxFFile ff(fileName, wxT("rb"));
if (!ff.IsOpened()) {
wxString::Format( _("Could not open file: %s"), fileName ),
_("Error opening file"),
wxOK | wxCENTRE, this);
int numRead = ff.Read(buf, 15);
if (numRead != 15) {
AudacityMessageBox(wxString::Format(_("File may be invalid or corrupted: \n%s"),
fileName), _("Error Opening File or Project"),
wxOK | wxCENTRE, this);
buf[15] = 0;
wxString temp = LAT1CTOWX(buf);
if (temp == wxT("AudacityProject")) {
// It's an Audacity 1.0 (or earlier) project file.
// If they bail out, return and do no more.
if( !WarnOfLegacyFile() )
// Convert to the NEW format.
bool success = ConvertLegacyProjectFile(wxFileName{ fileName });
if (!success) {
AudacityMessageBox(_("Audacity was unable to convert an Audacity 1.0 project to the new project format."),
_("Error Opening Project"),
wxOK | wxCENTRE, this);
else {
temp = wxT("<?xml ");
// FIXME: //v Surely we could be smarter about this, like checking much earlier that this is a .aup file.
if (temp.Mid(0, 6) != wxT("<?xml ")) {
// If it's not XML, try opening it as any other form of audio
// Is it a plug-in?
if (PluginManager::Get().DropFile(fileName)) {
// No, so import.
#ifdef USE_MIDI
if (Importer::IsMidi(fileName))
FileActions::DoImportMIDI(this, fileName);
// The handlers may be created during ReadProjectFile and are not needed
// after this function exits.
auto cleanupHandlers = finally( [this]{
} );
auto results = ReadProjectFile( fileName );
if ( results.decodeError )
const bool bParseSuccess = results.parseSuccess;
const wxString &errorStr = results.errorString;
const bool err = results.trackError;
if (bParseSuccess) {
mTrackPanel->Update(); // force any repaint to happen now,
// else any asynch calls into the blockfile code will not have
// finished logging errors (if any) before the call to ProjectFSCK()
if (addtohistory)
// Use a finally block here, because there are calls to Save() below which
// might throw.
bool closed = false;
auto cleanup = finally( [&] {
//release the flag.
if (! closed ) {
if ( bParseSuccess ) {
// This is a no-fail:
// For an unknown reason, OSX requires that the project window be
// raised if a recovery took place.
CallAfter( [this] { Raise(); } );
} );
if (bParseSuccess) {
bool saved = false;
if (mIsRecovered)
// This project has been recovered, so write a NEW auto-save file
// now and then DELETE the old one in the auto-save folder. Note that
// at this point mFileName != fileName, because when opening a
// recovered file mFileName is faked to point to the original file
// which has been recovered, not the one in the auto-save folder.
::ProjectFSCK(*GetDirManager(), err, true); // Correct problems in auto-recover mode.
// PushState calls AutoSave(), so no longer need to do so here.
this->PushState(_("Project was recovered"), _("Recover"));
if (!wxRemoveFile(fileName))
AudacityMessageBox(_("Could not remove old auto save file"),
_("Error"), wxICON_STOP, this);
// This is a regular project, check it and ask user
int status = ::ProjectFSCK(*GetDirManager(), err, false);
if (status & FSCKstatus_CLOSE_REQ)
// Vaughan, 2010-08-23: Note this did not do a real close.
// It could cause problems if you get this, say on missing alias files,
// then try to open a project with, e.g., missing blockfiles.
// It then failed in SetProject, saying it cannot find the files,
// then never go through ProjectFSCK to give more info.
// Going through OnClose() may be overkill, but it's safe.
// There was an error in the load/check and the user
// explictly opted to close the project.
mFileName = wxT("");
closed = true;
else if (status & FSCKstatus_CHANGED)
// Mark the wave tracks as changed and redraw.
for (auto wt : GetTracks()->Any<WaveTrack>())
// Only wave tracks have a notion of "changed".
for (const auto &clip: wt->GetClips())
// Vaughan, 2010-08-20: This was bogus, as all the actions in ProjectFSCK
// that return FSCKstatus_CHANGED cannot be undone.
// this->PushState(_("Project checker repaired file"), _("Project Repair"));
if (status & FSCKstatus_SAVE_AUP)
this->Save(), saved = true;
if (mImportXMLTagHandler) {
if (!saved)
// We processed an <import> tag, so save it as a normal project,
// with no <import> tags.
else {
// Vaughan, 2011-10-30:
// See first topic at
// Calling mTracks->Clear() with deleteTracks true results in data loss.
// PRL 2014-12-19:
// I made many changes for wave track memory management, but only now
// read the above comment. I may have invalidated the fix above (which
// may have spared the files at the expense of leaked memory). But
// here is a better way to accomplish the intent, doing like what happens
// when the project closes:
for ( auto pTrack : mTracks->Any< WaveTrack >() )
mTracks->Clear(); //mTracks->Clear(true);
mFileName = wxT("");
wxLogError(wxT("Could not parse file \"%s\". \nError: %s"), fileName, errorStr);
wxString url = wxT("FAQ:Errors_on_opening_or_recovering_an_Audacity_project");
// Certain errors have dedicated help.
// On April-4th-2018, we did not request translation of the XML errors.
// If/when we do, we will need _() around the comparison strings.
if( errorStr.Contains( ("not well-formed (invalid token)") ) )
url = "Error:_not_well-formed_(invalid_token)_at_line_x";
else if( errorStr.Contains(("reference to invalid character number") ))
url = "Error_Opening_Project:_Reference_to_invalid_character_number_at_line_x";
else if( errorStr.Contains(("mismatched tag") ))
url += "#mismatched";
// These two errors with FAQ entries are reported elsewhere, not here....
//#[[#import-error|Error Importing: Aup is an Audacity Project file. Use the File > Open command]]
//#[[#corrupt|Error Opening File or Project: File may be invalid or corrupted]]
// If we did want to handle every single parse error, these are they....
XML_L("out of memory"),
XML_L("syntax error"),
XML_L("no element found"),
XML_L("not well-formed (invalid token)"),
XML_L("unclosed token"),
XML_L("partial character"),
XML_L("mismatched tag"),
XML_L("duplicate attribute"),
XML_L("junk after document element"),
XML_L("illegal parameter entity reference"),
XML_L("undefined entity"),
XML_L("recursive entity reference"),
XML_L("asynchronous entity"),
XML_L("reference to invalid character number"),
XML_L("reference to binary entity"),
XML_L("reference to external entity in attribute"),
XML_L("XML or text declaration not at start of entity"),
XML_L("unknown encoding"),
XML_L("encoding specified in XML declaration is incorrect"),
XML_L("unclosed CDATA section"),
XML_L("error in processing external entity reference"),
XML_L("document is not standalone"),
XML_L("unexpected parser state - please send a bug report"),
XML_L("entity declared in parameter entity"),
XML_L("requested feature requires XML_DTD support in Expat"),
XML_L("cannot change setting once parsing has begun"),
XML_L("unbound prefix"),
XML_L("must not undeclare prefix"),
XML_L("incomplete markup in parameter entity"),
XML_L("XML declaration not well-formed"),
XML_L("text declaration not well-formed"),
XML_L("illegal character(s) in public id"),
XML_L("parser suspended"),
XML_L("parser not suspended"),
XML_L("parsing aborted"),
XML_L("parsing finished"),
XML_L("cannot suspend in external parameter entity"),
XML_L("reserved prefix (xml) must not be undeclared or bound to another namespace name"),
XML_L("reserved prefix (xmlns) must not be declared or undeclared"),
XML_L("prefix must not be bound to one of the reserved namespace names")
_("Error Opening Project"),
void AudacityProject::EnqueueODTasks()
//check the ODManager to see if we should add the tracks to the ODManager.
//this flag would have been set in the HandleXML calls from above, if there were
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<ODTask>> newTasks;
//std::vector<ODDecodeTask*> decodeTasks;
unsigned int createdODTasks=0;
for (auto wt : GetTracks()->Any<WaveTrack>()) {
//check the track for blocks that need decoding.
//There may be more than one type e.g. FLAC/FFMPEG/lame
unsigned int odFlags = wt->GetODFlags();
//add the track to the already created tasks that correspond to the od flags in the wavetrack.
for(unsigned int i=0;i<newTasks.size();i++) {
if(newTasks[i]->GetODType() & odFlags)
//create whatever NEW tasks we need to.
//we want at most one instance of each class for the project
while((odFlags|createdODTasks) != createdODTasks)
std::unique_ptr<ODTask> newTask;
if(!(createdODTasks&ODTask::eODFLAC) && (odFlags & ODTask::eODFLAC)) {
newTask = std::make_unique<ODDecodeFlacTask>();
createdODTasks = createdODTasks | ODTask::eODFLAC;
if(!(createdODTasks&ODTask::eODPCMSummary) && (odFlags & ODTask::eODPCMSummary)) {
newTask = std::make_unique<ODComputeSummaryTask>();
createdODTasks = createdODTasks | ODTask::eODPCMSummary;
else {
wxPrintf("unrecognized OD Flag in block file.\n");
//TODO:ODTODO: display to user. This can happen when we build audacity on a system that doesnt have libFLAC
for(unsigned int i=0;i<newTasks.size();i++)
bool AudacityProject::HandleXMLTag(const wxChar *tag, const wxChar **attrs)
bool bFileVersionFound = false;
wxString fileVersion = _("<unrecognized version -- possibly corrupt project file>");
wxString audacityVersion = _("<unrecognized version -- possibly corrupt project file>");
int requiredTags = 0;
long longVpos = 0;
// loop through attrs, which is a null-terminated list of
// attribute-value pairs
while(*attrs) {
const wxChar *attr = *attrs++;
const wxChar *value = *attrs++;
if (!value || !XMLValueChecker::IsGoodString(value))
if (mViewInfo.ReadXMLAttribute(attr, value)) {
// We need to save vpos now and restore it below
longVpos = std::max(longVpos, long(mViewInfo.vpos));
if (!wxStrcmp(attr, wxT("datadir")))
// This is an auto-saved version whose data is in another directory
// Note: This attribute must currently be written and parsed before
// any other attributes
if ((value[0] != 0) && XMLValueChecker::IsGoodPathString(value))
// Remember that this is a recovered project
mIsRecovered = true;
mRecoveryAutoSaveDataDir = value;
else if (!wxStrcmp(attr, wxT("version")))
fileVersion = value;
bFileVersionFound = true;
else if (!wxStrcmp(attr, wxT("audacityversion"))) {
audacityVersion = value;
else if (!wxStrcmp(attr, wxT("projname"))) {
FilePath projName;
FilePath projPath;
if (mIsRecovered) {
// Fake the filename as if we had opened the original file
// (which was lost by the crash) rather than the one in the
// auto save folder
wxFileName realFileDir;
wxString realFileName = value;
if (realFileName.length() >= 5 &&
realFileName.Right(5) == wxT("_data"))
realFileName = realFileName.Left(realFileName.length() - 5);
if (realFileName.empty())
// A previously unsaved project has been recovered, so fake
// an unsaved project. The data files just stay in the temp
// directory
mFileName = wxT("");
projName = wxT("");
projPath = wxT("");
} else
realFileName += wxT(".aup");
projPath = realFileDir.GetFullPath();
mFileName = wxFileName(projPath, realFileName).GetFullPath();
mbLoadedFromAup = true;
projName = value;
} else {
projName = value;
projPath = wxPathOnly(mFileName);
if (!projName.empty())
// First try to load the data files based on the _data dir given in the .aup file
// If this fails then try to use the filename of the .aup as the base directory
// This is because unzipped projects e.g. those that get transfered between mac-pc
// have encoding issues and end up expanding the wrong filenames for certain
// international characters (such as capital 'A' with an umlaut.)
if (!mDirManager->SetProject(projPath, projName, false))
projName = GetProjectName() + wxT("_data");
if (!mDirManager->SetProject(projPath, projName, false)) {
AudacityMessageBox(wxString::Format(_("Couldn't find the project data folder: \"%s\""),
_("Error Opening Project"),
wxOK | wxCENTRE, this);
return false;
else if (!wxStrcmp(attr, wxT("rate"))) {
Internat::CompatibleToDouble(value, &mRate);
else if (!wxStrcmp(attr, wxT("snapto"))) {
SetSnapTo(wxString(value) == wxT("on") ? true : false);
else if (!wxStrcmp(attr, wxT("selectionformat")))
NumericConverter::LookupFormat( NumericConverter::TIME, value) );
else if (!wxStrcmp(attr, wxT("frequencyformat")))
NumericConverter::LookupFormat( NumericConverter::FREQUENCY, value ) );
else if (!wxStrcmp(attr, wxT("bandwidthformat")))
NumericConverter::LookupFormat( NumericConverter::BANDWIDTH, value ) );
} // while
if (longVpos != 0) {
// PRL: It seems this must happen after SetSnapTo
mViewInfo.vpos = longVpos;
mbInitializingScrollbar = true;
// Specifically detect newer versions of Audacity
// WARNING: This will need review/revision if we ever have a version string
// such as 1.5.10, i.e. with 2 digit numbers.
// We're able to do a shortcut and use string comparison because we know
// that does not happen.
// TODO: Um. We actually have released 0.98 and 1.3.14 so the comment
// above is inaccurate.
if (!bFileVersionFound ||
(fileVersion.length() != 5) || // expecting '1.1.0', for example
// JKC: I commentted out next line. IsGoodInt is not for
// checking dotted numbers.
//!XMLValueChecker::IsGoodInt(fileVersion) ||
wxString msg;
/* i18n-hint: %s will be replaced by the version number.*/
msg.Printf(_("This file was saved using Audacity %s.\nYou are using Audacity %s. You may need to upgrade to a newer version to open this file."),
_("Can't open project file"),
return false;
// NOTE: It looks as if there was some confusion about fileversion and audacityversion.
// fileversion NOT being increased when file formats changed, so unfortunately we're
// using audacityversion to rescue the situation.
// KLUDGE: guess the true 'fileversion' by stripping away any '-beta-Rc' stuff on
// audacityVersion.
// It's fairly safe to do this as it has already been established that the
// puported file version was five chars long.
fileVersion = audacityVersion.Mid(0,5);
bool bIsOld = fileVersion < wxT(AUDACITY_FILE_FORMAT_VERSION);
bool bIsVeryOld = fileVersion < wxT("1.1.9" );
// Very old file versions could even have the file version starting
// with text: 'AudacityProject Version 0.95'
// Atoi return zero in this case.
bIsVeryOld |= wxAtoi( fileVersion )==0;
// Specifically detect older versions of Audacity
if ( bIsOld | bIsVeryOld ) {
wxString msg;
msg.Printf(gsLegacyFileWarning(), audacityVersion);
int icon_choice = wxICON_EXCLAMATION;
if( bIsVeryOld )
// Stop icon, and choose 'NO' by default.
icon_choice = wxICON_STOP | wxNO_DEFAULT;
int action =
_("Warning - Opening Old Project File"),
wxYES_NO | icon_choice | wxCENTRE,
if (action == wxNO)
return false;
if (wxStrcmp(tag, wxT("audacityproject")) &&
wxStrcmp(tag, wxT("project"))) {
// If the tag name is not one of these two (the NEW name is
// "project" with an Audacity namespace, but we don't detect
// the namespace yet), then we don't know what the error is
return false;
if (requiredTags < 3)
return false;
// All other tests passed, so we succeed
return true;
XMLTagHandler *AudacityProject::HandleXMLChild(const wxChar *tag)
auto fn = ProjectFileIORegistry::Lookup( tag );
if (fn)
return fn( *this );
return nullptr;
void AudacityProject::WriteXMLHeader(XMLWriter &xmlFile) const
xmlFile.Write(wxT("<?xml "));
xmlFile.Write(wxT("version=\"1.0\" "));
xmlFile.Write(wxT("standalone=\"no\" "));
xmlFile.Write(wxT("<!DOCTYPE "));
xmlFile.Write(wxT("project "));
xmlFile.Write(wxT("PUBLIC "));
xmlFile.Write(wxT("\"-//audacityproject-1.3.0//DTD//EN\" "));
xmlFile.Write(wxT("\"\" "));
void AudacityProject::WriteXML(XMLWriter &xmlFile, bool bWantSaveCopy)
// may throw
//TIMER_START( "AudacityProject::WriteXML", xml_writer_timer );
// Warning: This block of code is duplicated in Save, for now...
wxString project = mFileName;
if (project.length() > 4 && project.Mid(project.length() - 4) == wxT(".aup"))
project = project.Mid(0, project.length() - 4);
wxString projName = wxFileNameFromPath(project) + wxT("_data");
// End Warning -DMM
xmlFile.WriteAttr(wxT("xmlns"), wxT(""));
if (mAutoSaving)
// When auto-saving, remember full path to data files directory
// Note: This attribute must currently be written and parsed before
// all other attributes
xmlFile.WriteAttr(wxT("datadir"), mDirManager->GetDataFilesDir());
// Note that the code at the start assumes that if mFileName has a value
// then the file has been saved. This is not neccessarily true when
// autosaving as it gets set by AddImportedTracks (presumably as a proposal).
// I don't think that mDirManager.projName gets set without a save so check that.
if( !IsProjectSaved() )
projName = wxT("_data");
xmlFile.WriteAttr(wxT("projname"), projName);
xmlFile.WriteAttr(wxT("version"), wxT(AUDACITY_FILE_FORMAT_VERSION));
xmlFile.WriteAttr(wxT("audacityversion"), AUDACITY_VERSION_STRING);
xmlFile.WriteAttr(wxT("rate"), mRate);
xmlFile.WriteAttr(wxT("snapto"), GetSnapTo() ? wxT("on") : wxT("off"));
unsigned int ndx = 0;
[&](WaveTrack *pWaveTrack) {
if (bWantSaveCopy) {
if (!pWaveTrack->IsLeader())
//vvv This should probably be a method, WaveTrack::WriteCompressedTrackXML().
xmlFile.WriteAttr(wxT("filename"), mStrOtherNamesArray[ndx]); // Assumes mTracks order hasn't changed!
// Don't store "channel" and "linked" tags because the importer can figure that out,
// e.g., from stereo Ogg files.
// xmlFile.WriteAttr(wxT("channel"), t->GetChannel());
// xmlFile.WriteAttr(wxT("linked"), t->GetLinked());
const auto offset =
TrackList::Channels( pWaveTrack ).min( &WaveTrack::GetOffset );
xmlFile.WriteAttr(wxT("offset"), offset, 8);
xmlFile.WriteAttr(wxT("mute"), pWaveTrack->GetMute());
xmlFile.WriteAttr(wxT("solo"), pWaveTrack->GetSolo());
xmlFile.WriteAttr(wxT("height"), pWaveTrack->GetActualHeight());
xmlFile.WriteAttr(wxT("minimized"), pWaveTrack->GetMinimized());
// Don't store "rate" tag because the importer can figure that out.
// xmlFile.WriteAttr(wxT("rate"), pWaveTrack->GetRate());
xmlFile.WriteAttr(wxT("gain"), (double)pWaveTrack->GetGain());
xmlFile.WriteAttr(wxT("pan"), (double)pWaveTrack->GetPan());
else {
pWaveTrack->SetAutoSaveIdent(mAutoSaving ? ++ndx : 0);
[&](Track *t) {
if (!mAutoSaving)
// Only write closing bracket when not auto-saving, since we may add
// recording log data to the end of the file later
//TIMER_STOP( xml_writer_timer );
#if 0
// I added this to "fix" bug #334. At that time, we were on wxWidgets 2.8.12 and
// there was a window between the closing of the "Save" progress dialog and the
// end of the actual save where the user was able to close the project window and
// recursively enter the Save code (where they could inadvertently cause the issue
// described in #334).
// When we converted to wx3, this "disabler" caused focus problems when returning
// to the project after the save (bug #1172) because the focus and activate events
// weren't being dispatched and the focus would get lost.
// After some testing, it looks like the window described above no longer exists,
// so I've disabled the disabler. However, I'm leaving it here in case we run
// into the problem in the future. (even though it can't be used as-is)
class ProjectDisabler
ProjectDisabler(wxWindow *w)
: mWindow(w)
wxWindow *mWindow;
bool AudacityProject::Save()
// Prompt for file name?
bool bPromptingRequired = !IsProjectSaved();
if (bPromptingRequired)
return SaveAs();
return DoSave(false, false);
// Assumes AudacityProject::mFileName has been set to the desired path.
bool AudacityProject::DoSave (const bool fromSaveAs,
const bool bWantSaveCopy,
const bool bLossless /*= false*/)
// See explanation above
// ProjectDisabler disabler(this);
wxASSERT_MSG(!bWantSaveCopy || fromSaveAs, "Copy Project SHOULD only be availabele from SaveAs");
// Some confirmation dialogs
if (!bWantSaveCopy)
if ( ! GetTracks()->Any() )
if (GetUndoManager()->UnsavedChanges() && mEmptyCanBeDirty) {
int result = AudacityMessageBox(_("Your project is now empty.\nIf saved, the project will have no tracks.\n\nTo save any previously open tracks:\nClick 'No', Edit > Undo until all tracks\nare open, then File > Save Project.\n\nSave anyway?"),
_("Warning - Empty Project"),
wxYES_NO | wxICON_QUESTION, this);
if (result == wxNO)
return false;
// If the user has recently imported dependencies, show
// a dialog where the user can see audio files that are
// aliased by this project. The user may make the project
// self-contained during this dialog, it modifies the project!
if (mImportedDependencies)
bool bSuccess = ShowDependencyDialogIfNeeded(this, true);
if (!bSuccess)
return false;
mImportedDependencies = false; // do not show again
// End of confirmations
// Always save a backup of the original project file
wxString safetyFileName;
if (wxFileExists(mFileName)) {
#ifdef __WXGTK__
safetyFileName = mFileName + wxT("~");
safetyFileName = mFileName + wxT(".bak");
if (wxFileExists(safetyFileName))
if ( !wxRenameFile(mFileName, safetyFileName) ) {
_("Could not create safety file: %s"), safetyFileName ),
_("Error"), wxICON_STOP, this);
return false;
bool success = true;
FilePath project, projName, projPath;
auto cleanup = finally( [&] {
if (!safetyFileName.empty()) {
if (wxFileExists(mFileName))
wxRename(safetyFileName, mFileName);
// mStrOtherNamesArray is a temporary array of file names, used only when
// saving compressed
if (!success) {
AudacityMessageBox(wxString::Format(_("Could not save project. Perhaps %s \nis not writable or the disk is full."),
_("Error Saving Project"),
wxICON_ERROR, this);
// Make the export of tracks succeed all-or-none.
auto dir = project + wxT("_data");
for ( auto &name : mStrOtherNamesArray )
wxRemoveFile( dir + wxFileName::GetPathSeparator() + name);
// This has effect only if the folder is empty
wxFileName::Rmdir( dir );
// Success or no, we can forget the names
} );
if (fromSaveAs) {
// This block of code is duplicated in WriteXML, for now...
project = mFileName;
if (project.length() > 4 && project.Mid(project.length() - 4) == wxT(".aup"))
project = project.Mid(0, project.length() - 4);
projName = wxFileNameFromPath(project) + wxT("_data");
projPath = wxPathOnly(project);
if( !wxDir::Exists( projPath ) ){
_("Could not save project. Path not found. Try creating \ndirectory \"%s\" before saving project with this name."),
_("Error Saving Project"),
wxICON_ERROR, this);
return (success = false);
if (bWantSaveCopy)
// Do this before saving the .aup, because we accumulate
// mStrOtherNamesArray which affects the contents of the .aup
// This populates the array mStrOtherNamesArray
success = this->SaveCopyWaveTracks(project, bLossless);
if (!success)
return false;
// Write the .aup now, before DirManager::SetProject,
// because it's easier to clean up the effects of successful write of .aup
// followed by failed SetProject, than the other way about.
// And that cleanup is done by the destructor of saveFile, if PostCommit() is
// not done.
// (SetProject, when it fails, cleans itself up.)
XMLFileWriter saveFile{ mFileName, _("Error Saving Project") };
success = GuardedCall< bool >( [&] {
WriteXML(saveFile, bWantSaveCopy);
// Flushes files, forcing space exhaustion errors before trying
// SetProject():
return true;
// Suppress the usual error dialog for failed write,
// which is redundant here:
if (!success)
return false;
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<WaveTrack::Locker>> lockers;
Maybe<DirManager::ProjectSetter> pSetter;
bool moving = true;
if (fromSaveAs && !bWantSaveCopy) {
// We are about to move files from the current directory to
// the NEW directory. We need to make sure files that belonged
// to the last saved project don't get erased, so we "lock" them, so that
// ProjectSetter's constructor copies instead of moves the files.
// (Otherwise the NEW project would be fine, but the old one would
// be empty of all of its files.)
if (mLastSavedTracks) {
moving = false;
for (auto wt : mLastSavedTracks->Any<WaveTrack>())
// This renames the project directory, and moves or copies
// all of our block files over.
pSetter.create( *mDirManager, projPath, projName, true, moving );
if (!pSetter->Ok()){
success = false;
return false;
// Commit the writing of the .aup only now, after we know that the _data
// folder also saved with no problems.
// It is very unlikely that errors will happen:
// only renaming and removing of files, not writes that might exhaust space.
// So DO give a second dialog in case the unusual happens.
success = success && GuardedCall< bool >( [&] {
return true;
} );
if (!success)
return false;
// SAVE HAS SUCCEEDED -- following are further no-fail commit operations.
if (pSetter)
if ( !bWantSaveCopy )
// Now that we have saved the file, we can DELETE the auto-saved version
if (mIsRecovered)
// This was a recovered file, that is, we have just overwritten the
// old, crashed .aup file. There may still be orphaned blockfiles in
// this directory left over from the crash, so we DELETE them now
// Before we saved this, this was a recovered project, but now it is
// a regular project, so remember this.
mIsRecovered = false;
mRecoveryAutoSaveDataDir = wxT("");
else if (fromSaveAs)
// On save as, always remove orphaned blockfiles that may be left over
// because the user is trying to overwrite another project
if (mLastSavedTracks)
mLastSavedTracks = TrackList::Create();
for (auto t : GetTracks()->Any()) {
//only after the xml has been saved we can mark it saved.
//thus is because the OD blockfiles change on background thread while this is going on.
// if(const auto wt = track_cast<WaveTrack*>(dupT))
// wt->MarkSaved();
// If we get here, saving the project was successful, so we can DELETE
// the .bak file (because it now does not fit our block files anymore
// anyway).
if (!safetyFileName.empty())
// cancel the cleanup:
safetyFileName = wxT("");
mStatusBar->SetStatusText(wxString::Format(_("Saved %s"),
mFileName), mainStatusBarField);
return true;
bool AudacityProject::SaveCopyWaveTracks(const FilePath & strProjectPathName,
const bool bLossless /*= false*/)
wxString extension, fileFormat;
if (bLossless) {
extension = wxT("wav");
fileFormat = wxT("WAVFLT");
} else {
extension = wxT("ogg");
fileFormat = wxT("OGG");
extension = wxT("wav");
fileFormat = wxT("WAVFLT");
// Some of this is similar to code in ExportMultiple::ExportMultipleByTrack
// but that code is really tied into the dialogs.
// Copy the tracks because we're going to do some state changes before exporting.
unsigned int numWaveTracks = 0;
auto ppSavedTrackList = TrackList::Create();
auto &pSavedTrackList = *ppSavedTrackList;
auto trackRange = GetTracks()->Any<WaveTrack>();
for (auto pWaveTrack : trackRange)
auto cleanup = finally( [&] {
// Restore the saved track states and clean up.
auto savedTrackRange = pSavedTrackList.Any<const WaveTrack>();
auto ppSavedTrack = savedTrackRange.begin();
for (auto ppTrack = trackRange.begin();
*ppTrack && *ppSavedTrack;
++ppTrack, ++ppSavedTrack)
auto pWaveTrack = *ppTrack;
auto pSavedWaveTrack = *ppSavedTrack;
} );
if (numWaveTracks == 0)
// Nothing to save compressed => success. Delete the copies and go.
return true;
// Okay, now some bold state-faking to default values.
for (auto pWaveTrack : trackRange)
FilePath strDataDirPathName = strProjectPathName + wxT("_data");
if (!wxFileName::DirExists(strDataDirPathName) &&
!wxFileName::Mkdir(strDataDirPathName, 0777, wxPATH_MKDIR_FULL))
return false;
strDataDirPathName += wxFileName::GetPathSeparator();
// Export all WaveTracks to OGG.
bool bSuccess = true;
// This accumulates the names of the track files, to be written as
// dependencies in the .aup file
Exporter theExporter;
wxFileName uniqueTrackFileName;
for (auto pTrack : (trackRange + &Track::IsLeader))
SelectionStateChanger changer{ GetSelectionState(), *GetTracks() };
auto channels = TrackList::Channels(pTrack);
for (auto channel : channels)
uniqueTrackFileName = wxFileName(strDataDirPathName, pTrack->GetName(), extension);
FileNames::MakeNameUnique(mStrOtherNamesArray, uniqueTrackFileName);
const auto startTime = channels.min( &Track::GetStartTime );
const auto endTime = channels.max( &Track::GetEndTime );
bSuccess =
theExporter.Process(this, channels.size(),
fileFormat, uniqueTrackFileName.GetFullPath(), true,
startTime, endTime);
if (!bSuccess)
// If only some exports succeed, the cleanup is not done here
// but trusted to the caller
return bSuccess;
std::vector< std::shared_ptr< Track > >
AudacityProject::AddImportedTracks(const FilePath &fileName,
TrackHolders &&newTracks)
std::vector< std::shared_ptr< Track > > results;
bool initiallyEmpty = mTracks->empty();
double newRate = 0;
wxString trackNameBase = fileName.AfterLast(wxFILE_SEP_PATH).BeforeLast('.');
int i = -1;
// Must add all tracks first (before using Track::IsLeader)
for (auto &group : newTracks) {
if (group.empty()) {
auto first = group.begin()->get();
auto nChannels = group.size();
for (auto &uNewTrack : group) {
auto newTrack = mTracks->Add( uNewTrack );
mTracks->GroupChannels(*first, nChannels);
// Now name them
// Add numbers to track names only if there is more than one (mono or stereo)
// track (not necessarily, more than one channel)
const bool useSuffix =
make_iterator_range( results.begin() + 1, results.end() )
.any_of( []( decltype(*results.begin()) &pTrack )
{ return pTrack->IsLeader(); } );
for (const auto &newTrack : results) {
if ( newTrack->IsLeader() )
// Count groups only
if ( useSuffix )
newTrack->SetName(trackNameBase + wxString::Format(wxT(" %d" ), i + 1));
newTrack->TypeSwitch( [&](WaveTrack *wt) {
if (newRate == 0)
newRate = wt->GetRate();
// Check if NEW track contains aliased blockfiles and if yes,
// remember this to show a warning later
if(WaveClip* clip = wt->GetClipByIndex(0)) {
BlockArray &blocks = clip->GetSequence()->GetBlockArray();
if (blocks.size())
SeqBlock& block = blocks[0];
if (block.f->IsAlias())
mImportedDependencies = true;
// Automatically assign rate of imported file to whole project,
// if this is the first file that is imported
if (initiallyEmpty && newRate > 0) {
mRate = newRate;
PushState(wxString::Format(_("Imported '%s'"), fileName),
#if defined(__WXGTK__)
// See bug #1224
// The track panel hasn't we been fully created, so the DoZoomFit() will not give
// expected results due to a window width of zero. Should be safe to yield here to
// allow the creattion to complete. If this becomes a problem, it "might" be possible
// to queue a dummy event to trigger the DoZoomFit().
wxEventLoopBase::GetActive()->YieldFor(wxEVT_CATEGORY_UI | wxEVT_CATEGORY_USER_INPUT);
if (initiallyEmpty && !IsProjectSaved() ) {
wxString name = fileName.AfterLast(wxFILE_SEP_PATH).BeforeLast(wxT('.'));
mFileName =::wxPathOnly(fileName) + wxFILE_SEP_PATH + name + wxT(".aup");
mbLoadedFromAup = false;
// Moved this call to higher levels to prevent flicker redrawing everything on each file.
// HandleResize();
return results;
void AudacityProject::ZoomAfterImport(Track *pTrack)
if (!pTrack)
pTrack = mTrackPanel->GetFirstSelectedTrack();
// If pNewTrackList is passed in non-NULL, it gets filled with the pointers to NEW tracks.
bool AudacityProject::Import(const FilePath &fileName, WaveTrackArray* pTrackArray /*= NULL*/)
TrackHolders newTracks;
wxString errorMessage;
// Backup Tags, before the import. Be prepared to roll back changes.
auto cleanup = valueRestorer( mTags,
mTags ? mTags->Duplicate() : decltype(mTags){} );
bool success = Importer::Get().Import(fileName,
if (!errorMessage.empty()) {
// Error message derived from Importer::Import
// Additional help via a Help button links to the manual.
ShowErrorDialog(this, _("Error Importing"),
errorMessage, wxT("Importing_Audio"));
if (!success)
return false;
// no more errors, commit
// for LOF ("list of files") files, do not import the file as if it
// were an audio file itself
if (fileName.AfterLast('.').IsSameAs(wxT("lof"), false)) {
// PRL: don't redundantly do the steps below, because we already
// did it in case of LOF, because of some weird recursion back to this
// same function. I think this should be untangled.
// So Undo history push is not bypassed, despite appearances.
return false;
// PRL: Undo history is incremented inside this:
auto newSharedTracks = AddImportedTracks(fileName, std::move(newTracks));
if (pTrackArray) {
for (const auto &newTrack : newSharedTracks) {
newTrack->TypeSwitch( [&](WaveTrack *wt) {
pTrackArray->push_back( wt->SharedPointer< WaveTrack >() );
int mode = gPrefs->Read(wxT("/AudioFiles/NormalizeOnLoad"), 0L);
if (mode == 1) {
//TODO: All we want is a SelectAll()
const CommandContext context( *this);
// This is a no-fail:
return true;
bool AudacityProject::SaveAs(const wxString & newFileName, bool bWantSaveCopy /*= false*/, bool addToHistory /*= true*/)
// This version of SaveAs is invoked only from scripting and does not
// prompt for a file name
auto oldFileName = mFileName;
bool bOwnsNewAupName = mbLoadedFromAup && (mFileName==newFileName);
//check to see if the NEW project file already exists.
//We should only overwrite it if this project already has the same name, where the user
//simply chose to use the save as command although the save command would have the effect.
if( !bOwnsNewAupName && wxFileExists(newFileName)) {
AudacityMessageDialog m(
_("The project was not saved because the file name provided would overwrite another project.\nPlease try again and select an original name."),
_("Error Saving Project"),
return false;
mFileName = newFileName;
bool success = false;
auto cleanup = finally( [&] {
if (!success || bWantSaveCopy)
// Restore file name on error
mFileName = oldFileName;
} );
//Don't change the title, unless we succeed.
success = DoSave(!bOwnsNewAupName || bWantSaveCopy, bWantSaveCopy);
if (success && addToHistory) {
if (!success || bWantSaveCopy) // bWantSaveCopy doesn't actually change current project.
else {
mbLoadedFromAup = true;
bool AudacityProject::SaveAs(bool bWantSaveCopy /*= false*/, bool bLossless /*= false*/)
TitleRestorer Restorer(this); // RAII
bool bHasPath = true;
wxFileName filename(mFileName);
// Save a copy of the project with 32-bit float tracks.
if (bLossless)
bWantSaveCopy = true;
// Bug 1304: Set a default file path if none was given. For Save/SaveAs
if( !FileNames::IsPathAvailable( filename.GetPath( wxPATH_GET_VOLUME| wxPATH_GET_SEPARATOR) ) ){
bHasPath = false;
filename = FileNames::DefaultToDocumentsFolder(wxT("/SaveAs/Path"));
wxString title;
wxString message;
if (bWantSaveCopy)
if (bLossless)
title = wxString::Format(_("%sSave Lossless Copy of Project \"%s\" As..."),
message = _("\
'Save Lossless Copy of Project' is for an Audacity project, not an audio file.\n\
For an audio file that will open in other apps, use 'Export'.\n\n\
Lossless copies of project are a good way to backup your project, \n\
with no loss of quality, but the projects are large.\n");
title = wxString::Format(_("%sSave Compressed Copy of Project \"%s\" As..."),
message = _("\
'Save Compressed Copy of Project' is for an Audacity project, not an audio file.\n\
For an audio file that will open in other apps, use 'Export'.\n\n\
Compressed project files are a good way to transmit your project online, \n\
but they have some loss of fidelity.\n");
title = wxString::Format(_("%sSave Project \"%s\" As..."),
Restorer.sProjNumber, Restorer.sProjName);
message = _("\
'Save Project' is for an Audacity project, not an audio file.\n\
For an audio file that will open in other apps, use 'Export'.\n");
if (ShowWarningDialog(this, wxT("FirstProjectSave"), message, true) != wxID_OK)
return false;
bool bPrompt = (mBatchMode == 0) || (mFileName.empty());
wxString fName;
if (bPrompt) {
// JKC: I removed 'wxFD_OVERWRITE_PROMPT' because we are checking
// for overwrite ourselves later, and we disallow it.
// We disallow overwrite because we would have to DELETE the many
// smaller files too, or prompt to move them.
fName = FileNames::SelectFile(FileNames::Operation::Export,
_("Audacity projects") + wxT(" (*.aup)|*.aup"),
if (fName.empty())
return false;
filename = fName;
fName = filename.GetFullPath();
if ((bWantSaveCopy||!bPrompt) && filename.FileExists()) {
// Saving a copy of the project should never overwrite an existing project.
AudacityMessageDialog m(
_("Saving a copy must not overwrite an existing saved project.\nPlease try again and select an original name."),
_("Error Saving Copy of Project"),
return false;
bool bOwnsNewAupName = mbLoadedFromAup && (mFileName==fName);
// Check to see if the project file already exists, and if it does
// check that the project file 'belongs' to this project.
// otherwise, prompt the user before overwriting.
if (!bOwnsNewAupName && filename.FileExists()) {
// Ensure that project of same name is not open in another window.
// fName is the destination file.
// mFileName is this project.
// It is possible for mFileName == fName even when this project is not
// saved to disk, and we then need to check the destination file is not
// open in another window.
int mayOverwrite = (mFileName == fName)? 2 : 1;
for (auto p : gAudacityProjects) {
const wxFileName openProjectName(p->mFileName);
if (openProjectName.SameAs(fName)) {
mayOverwrite -= 1;
if (mayOverwrite == 0)
if (mayOverwrite > 0) {
/* i18n-hint: In each case, %s is the name
of the file being overwritten.*/
wxString Message = wxString::Format(_("\
Do you want to overwrite the project:\n\"%s\"?\n\n\
If you select \"Yes\" the project\n\"%s\"\n\
will be irreversibly overwritten."), fName, fName);
// For safety, there should NOT be an option to hide this warning.
int result = AudacityMessageBox(Message,
/* i18n-hint: Heading: A warning that a project is about to be overwritten.*/
_("Overwrite Project Warning"),
if (result != wxYES) {
return false;
// Overwrite disalowed. The destination project is open in another window.
AudacityMessageDialog m(
_("The project will not saved because the selected project is open in another window.\nPlease try again and select an original name."),
_("Error Saving Project"),
return false;
auto oldFileName = mFileName;
mFileName = fName;
bool success = false;
auto cleanup = finally( [&] {
if (!success || bWantSaveCopy)
// Restore file name on error
mFileName = oldFileName;
} );
success = DoSave(!bOwnsNewAupName || bWantSaveCopy, bWantSaveCopy, bLossless);
if (success) {
if( !bHasPath )
gPrefs->Write( wxT("/SaveAs/Path"), filename.GetPath());
if (!success || bWantSaveCopy) // bWantSaveCopy doesn't actually change current project.
else {
mbLoadedFromAup = true;
// Undo/History methods
void AudacityProject::InitialState()
GetUndoManager()->PushState(GetTracks(), mViewInfo.selectedRegion, mTags,
_("Created new project"), wxT(""));
bool AudacityProject::UndoAvailable()
TrackList* trackList = GetTracks();
return GetUndoManager()->UndoAvailable() &&
!(trackList != nullptr && trackList->HasPendingTracks());
bool AudacityProject::RedoAvailable()
TrackList* trackList = GetTracks();
return GetUndoManager()->RedoAvailable() &&
!(trackList != nullptr && trackList->HasPendingTracks());
void AudacityProject::PushState(const wxString &desc, const wxString &shortDesc)
PushState(desc, shortDesc, UndoPush::AUTOSAVE);
void AudacityProject::PushState(const wxString &desc,
const wxString &shortDesc,
UndoPush flags )
GetUndoManager()->PushState(GetTracks(), mViewInfo.selectedRegion, mTags,
desc, shortDesc, flags);
mDirty = true;
if (GetTracksFitVerticallyZoomed())
if((flags & UndoPush::AUTOSAVE) != UndoPush::MINIMAL)
void AudacityProject::RollbackState()
void AudacityProject::ModifyState(bool bWantsAutoSave)
GetUndoManager()->ModifyState(GetTracks(), mViewInfo.selectedRegion, mTags);
if (bWantsAutoSave)
// LL: Is there a memory leak here as "l" and "t" are not deleted???
// Vaughan, 2010-08-29: No, as "l" is a TrackList* of an Undo stack state.
// Need to keep it and its tracks "t" available for Undo/Redo/SetStateTo.
void AudacityProject::PopState(const UndoState &state)
mViewInfo.selectedRegion = state.selectedRegion;
// Restore tags
mTags = state.tags;
TrackList *const tracks = state.tracks.get();
bool odUsed = false;
std::unique_ptr<ODComputeSummaryTask> computeTask;
for (auto t : tracks->Any())
auto copyTrack = mTracks->Add(t->Duplicate());
//add the track to OD if the manager exists. later we might do a more rigorous check...
copyTrack->TypeSwitch( [&](WaveTrack *wt) {
//if the ODManager hasn't been initialized, there's no chance this track has OD blocks since this
//is a "Redo" operation.
//TODO: update this to look like the update loop in OpenFile that handles general purpose ODTasks.
//BUT, it is too slow to go thru every blockfile and check the odtype, so maybe put a flag in wavetrack
//that gets unset on OD Completion, (and we could also update the drawing there too.) The hard part is that
//we would need to watch every possible way a OD Blockfile could get inserted into a wavetrack and change the
//flag there.
computeTask = std::make_unique<ODComputeSummaryTask>();
// PRL: Is it correct to add all tracks to one task, even if they
// are not partnered channels? Rather than
// make one task for each?
//add the task.
void AudacityProject::SetStateTo(unsigned int n)
[this]( const UndoState &state ){ PopState(state); } );
// Utility function called by other zoom methods
void AudacityProject::Zoom(double level)
// See if we can center the selection on screen, and have it actually fit.
// tOnLeft is the amount of time we would need before the selection left edge to center it.
float t0 = mViewInfo.selectedRegion.t0();
float t1 = mViewInfo.selectedRegion.t1();
float tAvailable = GetTrackPanel()->GetScreenEndTime() - mViewInfo.h;
float tOnLeft = (tAvailable - t0 + t1)/2.0;
// Bug 1292 (Enh) is effectively a request to do this scrolling of the selection into view.
// If tOnLeft is positive, then we have room for the selection, so scroll to it.
if( tOnLeft >=0 )
TP_ScrollWindow( t0-tOnLeft);
// Utility function called by other zoom methods
void AudacityProject::ZoomBy(double multiplier)
// This method 'rewinds' the track, by setting the cursor to 0 and
// scrolling the window to fit 0 on the left side of it
// (maintaining current zoom).
// If shift is held down, it will extend the left edge of the
// selection to 0 (holding right edge constant), otherwise it will
// move both left and right edge of selection to 0
void AudacityProject::Rewind(bool shift)
mViewInfo.selectedRegion.setT0(0, false);
if (!shift)
// This method 'fast-forwards' the track, by setting the cursor to
// the end of the samples on the selected track and scrolling the
// window to fit the end on its right side (maintaining current zoom).
// If shift is held down, it will extend the right edge of the
// selection to the end (holding left edge constant), otherwise it will
// move both left and right edge of selection to the end
void AudacityProject::SkipEnd(bool shift)
double len = mTracks->GetEndTime();
mViewInfo.selectedRegion.setT1(len, false);
if (!shift)
// Make sure the end of the track is visible
// This fetches a pointer to the Transport Toolbar. It may
// either be docked or floating out in the open.
ControlToolBar *AudacityProject::GetControlToolBar()
return (ControlToolBar *)
(mToolManager ?
mToolManager->GetToolBar(TransportBarID) :
DeviceToolBar *AudacityProject::GetDeviceToolBar()
return (DeviceToolBar *)
(mToolManager ?
mToolManager->GetToolBar(DeviceBarID) :
MixerToolBar *AudacityProject::GetMixerToolBar()
return (MixerToolBar *)
(mToolManager ?
mToolManager->GetToolBar(MixerBarID) :
ScrubbingToolBar *AudacityProject::GetScrubbingToolBar()
return dynamic_cast<ScrubbingToolBar*>
(mToolManager ?
mToolManager->GetToolBar(ScrubbingBarID) :
SelectionBar *AudacityProject::GetSelectionBar()
return (SelectionBar *)
(mToolManager ?
mToolManager->GetToolBar(SelectionBarID) :
SpectralSelectionBar *AudacityProject::GetSpectralSelectionBar()
return static_cast<SpectralSelectionBar*>(
(mToolManager ?
mToolManager->GetToolBar(SpectralSelectionBarID) :
ToolsToolBar *AudacityProject::GetToolsToolBar()
return (ToolsToolBar *)
(mToolManager ?
mToolManager->GetToolBar(ToolsBarID) :
const ToolsToolBar *AudacityProject::GetToolsToolBar() const
return (ToolsToolBar *)
(mToolManager ?
mToolManager->GetToolBar(ToolsBarID) :
TranscriptionToolBar *AudacityProject::GetTranscriptionToolBar()
return (TranscriptionToolBar *)
(mToolManager ?
mToolManager->GetToolBar(TranscriptionBarID) :
MeterPanel *AudacityProject::GetPlaybackMeter()
return mPlaybackMeter;
void AudacityProject::SetPlaybackMeter(MeterPanel *playback)
mPlaybackMeter = playback;
if (gAudioIO)
gAudioIO->SetPlaybackMeter(this, mPlaybackMeter);
MeterPanel *AudacityProject::GetCaptureMeter()
return mCaptureMeter;
void AudacityProject::SetCaptureMeter(MeterPanel *capture)
mCaptureMeter = capture;
if (gAudioIO)
gAudioIO->SetCaptureMeter(this, mCaptureMeter);
void AudacityProject::RestartTimer()
if (mTimer) {
// mTimer->Stop(); // not really needed
mTimer->Start( 3000 ); // Update messages as needed once every 3 s.
void AudacityProject::OnTimer(wxTimerEvent& WXUNUSED(event))
MixerToolBar *mixerToolBar = GetMixerToolBar();
if( mixerToolBar )
// gAudioIO->GetNumCaptureChannels() should only be positive
// when we are recording.
if (GetAudioIOToken() > 0 && gAudioIO->GetNumCaptureChannels() > 0) {
wxLongLong freeSpace = mDirManager->GetFreeDiskSpace();
if (freeSpace >= 0) {
wxString sMessage;
int iRecordingMins = GetEstimatedRecordingMinsLeftOnDisk(gAudioIO->GetNumCaptureChannels());
sMessage.Printf(_("Disk space remaining for recording: %s"), GetHoursMinsString(iRecordingMins));
// Do not change mLastMainStatusMessage
mStatusBar->SetStatusText(sMessage, mainStatusBarField);
else if(ODManager::IsInstanceCreated())
//if we have some tasks running, we should say something about it.
int numTasks = ODManager::Instance()->GetTotalNumTasks();
wxString msg;
float ratioComplete= ODManager::Instance()->GetOverallPercentComplete();
//if we are 100 percent complete and there is still a task in the queue, we should wake the ODManager
//so it can clear it.
//signal the od task queue loop to wake up so it can remove the tasks from the queue and the queue if it is empty.
msg = _("On-demand import and waveform calculation complete.");
mStatusBar->SetStatusText(msg, mainStatusBarField);
else if(numTasks>1)
msg.Printf(_("Import(s) complete. Running %d on-demand waveform calculations. Overall %2.0f%% complete."),
msg.Printf(_("Import complete. Running an on-demand waveform calculation. %2.0f%% complete."),
mStatusBar->SetStatusText(msg, mainStatusBarField);
// As also with the TrackPanel timer: wxTimer may be unreliable without
// some restarts
// TrackPanel callback method
void AudacityProject::TP_DisplayStatusMessage(const wxString &msg)
if ( msg != mLastMainStatusMessage ) {
mLastMainStatusMessage = msg;
mStatusBar->SetStatusText(msg, mainStatusBarField);
// When recording, let the NEW status message stay at least as long as
// the timer interval (if it is not replaced again by this function),
// before replacing it with the message about remaining disk capacity.
void AudacityProject::TP_DisplaySelection()
double audioTime;
if (mRuler) {
if (!gAudioIO->IsBusy() && !mLockPlayRegion)
// Cause ruler redraw anyway, because we may be zooming or scrolling
if (gAudioIO->IsBusy())
audioTime = gAudioIO->GetStreamTime();
else {
double playEnd;
GetPlayRegion(&audioTime, &playEnd);
mViewInfo.selectedRegion.t1(), audioTime);
(mViewInfo.selectedRegion.f0(), mViewInfo.selectedRegion.f1());
// TrackPanel callback method
void AudacityProject::TP_ScrollLeft()
// TrackPanel callback method
void AudacityProject::TP_ScrollRight()
// TrackPanel callback method
void AudacityProject::TP_RedrawScrollbars()
void AudacityProject::TP_HandleResize()
void AudacityProject::GetPlayRegion(double* playRegionStart,
double *playRegionEnd)
if (mRuler)
mRuler->GetPlayRegion(playRegionStart, playRegionEnd);
*playRegionEnd = *playRegionStart = 0;
void AudacityProject::AutoSave()
// SonifyBeginAutoSave(); // part of RBD's r10680 stuff now backed out
// To minimize the possibility of race conditions, we first write to a
// file with the extension ".tmp", then rename the file to .autosave
wxString projName;
if (mFileName.empty())
projName = wxT("New Project");
projName = wxFileName(mFileName).GetName();
wxString fn = wxFileName(FileNames::AutoSaveDir(),
projName + wxString(wxT(" - ")) + CreateUniqueName()).GetFullPath();
// PRL: I found a try-catch and rewrote it,
// but this guard is unnecessary because AutoSaveFile does not throw
bool success = GuardedCall< bool >( [&]
VarSetter<bool> setter(&mAutoSaving, true, false);
AutoSaveFile buffer;
WriteXML(buffer, false);
wxFFile saveFile;
saveFile.Open(fn + wxT(".tmp"), wxT("wb"));
return buffer.Write(saveFile);
} );
if (!success)
// Now that we have a NEW auto-save file, DELETE the old one
if (!mAutoSaveFileName.empty())
return; // could not remove auto-save file
if (!wxRenameFile(fn + wxT(".tmp"), fn + wxT(".autosave")))
wxString::Format( _("Could not create autosave file: %s"),
fn + wxT(".autosave") ),
_("Error"), wxICON_STOP, this);
mAutoSaveFileName += fn + wxT(".autosave");
// no-op cruft that's not #ifdefed for NoteTrack
// See above for further comments.
// SonifyEndAutoSave();
void AudacityProject::DeleteCurrentAutoSaveFile()
if (!mAutoSaveFileName.empty())
if (wxFileExists(mAutoSaveFileName))
if (!wxRemoveFile(mAutoSaveFileName))
_("Could not remove old autosave file: %s"), mAutoSaveFileName ),
_("Error"), wxICON_STOP, this);
mAutoSaveFileName = wxT("");
void AudacityProject::MayStartMonitoring()
bool bAlwaysMonitor;
gPrefs->Read( wxT("GUI/AlwaysMonitor"), &bAlwaysMonitor, true );
if( !bAlwaysMonitor )
MeterToolBar * pToolBar = GetMeterToolBar();
if( pToolBar == NULL )
void AudacityProject::OnAudioIORate(int rate)
wxString display;
if (rate > 0) {
display = wxString::Format(_("Actual Rate: %d"), rate);
// clear the status field
int x, y;
mStatusBar->GetTextExtent(display, &x, &y);
int widths[] = {0, GetControlToolBar()->WidthForStatusBar(mStatusBar), -1, x+50};
mStatusBar->SetStatusWidths(4, widths);
mStatusBar->SetStatusText(display, rateStatusBarField);
void AudacityProject::OnAudioIOStartRecording()
// Before recording is started, auto-save the file. The file will have
// empty tracks at the bottom where the recording will be put into
// This is called after recording has stopped and all tracks have flushed.
void AudacityProject::OnAudioIOStopRecording()
// Only push state if we were capturing and not monitoring
if (GetAudioIOToken() > 0)
auto &intervals = gAudioIO->LostCaptureIntervals();
if (intervals.size()) {
// Make a track with labels for recording errors
auto uTrack = GetTrackFactory()->NewLabelTrack();
auto pTrack = uTrack.get();
GetTracks()->Add( uTrack );
/* i18n-hint: A name given to a track, appearing as its menu button.
The translation should be short or else it will not display well.
At most, about 11 Latin characters.
Dropout is a loss of a short sequence of audio sample data from the
recording */
long counter = 1;
for (auto &interval : intervals)
SelectedRegion{ interval.first,
interval.first + interval.second },
wxString::Format(wxT("%ld"), counter++),
-2 );
ShowWarningDialog(this, wxT("DropoutDetected"), _("\
Recorded audio was lost at the labeled locations. Possible causes:\n\
Other applications are competing with Audacity for processor time\n\
You are saving directly to a slow external storage device\n\
_("Turn off dropout detection"));
// Add to history
PushState(_("Recorded Audio"), _("Record"));
// Reset timer record
if (IsTimerRecordCancelled())
EditActions::DoUndo( *this );
// Refresh the project window
// Write all cached files to disk, if any
// Now we auto-save again to get the project to a "normal" state again.
void AudacityProject::OnAudioIONewBlockFiles(const AutoSaveFile & blockFileLog)
// New blockfiles have been created, so add them to the auto-save file
if (!mAutoSaveFileName.empty())
wxFFile f(mAutoSaveFileName, wxT("ab"));
if (!f.IsOpened())
return; // Keep recording going, there's not much we can do here
void AudacityProject::SetSnapTo(int snap)
if (GetSelectionBar()) {
int AudacityProject::GetSnapTo() const
return mSnapTo;
bool AudacityProject::IsSyncLocked()
return mIsSyncLocked;
return false;
void AudacityProject::SetSyncLock(bool flag)
if (flag != mIsSyncLocked) {
mIsSyncLocked = flag;
if (GetTrackPanel())
bool AudacityProject::ExportFromTimerRecording(wxFileName fnFile, int iFormat, int iSubFormat, int iFilterIndex)
Exporter e;
return e.ProcessFromTimerRecording(this, false, 0.0, mTracks->GetEndTime(), fnFile, iFormat, iSubFormat, iFilterIndex);
int AudacityProject::GetOpenProjectCount() {
return gAudacityProjects.size();
bool AudacityProject::IsProjectSaved() {
// This is true if a project was opened from an .aup
// Otherwise it becomes true only when a project is first saved successfully
// in DirManager::SetProject
return (!mDirManager->GetProjectName().empty());
// This is done to empty out the tracks, but without creating a new project.
void AudacityProject::ResetProjectToEmpty() {
// A new DirManager.
mDirManager = DirManager::Create();
mTrackFactory.reset(safenew TrackFactory{ mDirManager, &mViewInfo });
// mLastSavedTrack code copied from OnCloseWindow.
// Lock all blocks in all tracks of the last saved version, so that
// the blockfiles aren't deleted on disk when we DELETE the blockfiles
// in memory. After it's locked, DELETE the data structure so that
// there's no memory leak.
if (mLastSavedTracks) {
for (auto t : mLastSavedTracks->Any<WaveTrack>())
mLastSavedTracks->Clear(); // sends an event
//mLastSavedTracks = TrackList::Create();
mFileName = "";
mIsRecovered = false;
mbLoadedFromAup = false;
mDirty = false;
bool AudacityProject::SaveFromTimerRecording(wxFileName fnFile) {
// MY: Will save the project to a NEW location a-la Save As
// and then tidy up after itself.
wxString sNewFileName = fnFile.GetFullPath();
// MY: To allow SaveAs from Timer Recording we need to check what
// the value of mFileName is before we change it.
FilePath sOldFilename;
if (IsProjectSaved()) {
sOldFilename = mFileName;
// MY: If the project file already exists then bail out
// and send populate the message string (pointer) so
// we can tell the user what went wrong.
if (wxFileExists(sNewFileName)) {
return false;
mFileName = sNewFileName;
bool bSuccess = false;
auto cleanup = finally( [&] {
if (!bSuccess)
// Restore file name on error
mFileName = sOldFilename;
} );
bSuccess = DoSave(true, false);
if (bSuccess) {
mbLoadedFromAup = true;
return bSuccess;
wxString AudacityProject::GetHoursMinsString(int iMinutes)
wxString sFormatted;
if (iMinutes < 1) {
// Less than a minute...
sFormatted = _("Less than 1 minute");
return sFormatted;
// Calculate
int iHours = iMinutes / 60;
int iMins = iMinutes % 60;
auto sHours =
wxString::Format( wxPLURAL("%d hour", "%d hours", iHours), iHours );
auto sMins =
wxString::Format( wxPLURAL("%d minute", "%d minutes", iMins), iMins );
/* i18n-hint: A time in hours and minutes. Only translate the "and". */
sFormatted.Printf( _("%s and %s."), sHours, sMins);
return sFormatted;
// This routine will give an estimate of how many
// minutes of recording time we have available.
// The calculations made are based on the user's current
// preferences.
int AudacityProject::GetEstimatedRecordingMinsLeftOnDisk(long lCaptureChannels) {
// Obtain the current settings
auto oCaptureFormat = QualityPrefs::SampleFormatChoice();
if (lCaptureChannels == 0) {
gPrefs->Read(wxT("/AudioIO/RecordChannels"), &lCaptureChannels, 2L);
// Find out how much free space we have on disk
wxLongLong lFreeSpace = mDirManager->GetFreeDiskSpace();
if (lFreeSpace < 0) {
return 0;
// Calculate the remaining time
double dRecTime = 0.0;
double bytesOnDiskPerSample = SAMPLE_SIZE_DISK(oCaptureFormat);
dRecTime = lFreeSpace.GetHi() * 4294967296.0 + lFreeSpace.GetLo();
dRecTime /= bytesOnDiskPerSample;
dRecTime /= lCaptureChannels;
dRecTime /= GetRate();
// Convert to minutes before returning
int iRecMins = (int)round(dRecTime / 60.0);
return iRecMins;
AudacityProject::PlaybackScroller::PlaybackScroller(AudacityProject *project)
: mProject(project)
void AudacityProject::PlaybackScroller::OnTimer(wxCommandEvent &event)
// Let other listeners get the notification
auto cleanup = finally([&]{
// Propagate the message to other listeners bound to this
this->ProcessEvent( event );
else if (mMode == Mode::Refresh) {
// PRL: see comments in Scrubbing.cpp for why this is sometimes needed.
// These unnecessary refreshes cause wheel rotation events to be delivered more uniformly
// to the application, so scrub speed control is smoother.
// (So I see at least with OS 10.10 and wxWidgets 3.0.2.)
// Is there another way to ensure that than by refreshing?
const auto trackPanel = mProject->GetTrackPanel();
else if (mMode != Mode::Off) {
// Pan the view, so that we put the play indicator at some fixed
// fraction of the window width.
ViewInfo &viewInfo = mProject->GetViewInfo();
TrackPanel *const trackPanel = mProject->GetTrackPanel();
const int posX = viewInfo.TimeToPosition(viewInfo.mRecentStreamTime);
int width;
trackPanel->GetTracksUsableArea(&width, NULL);
int deltaX;
switch (mMode)
/* fallthru */
case Mode::Pinned:
deltaX =
posX - width * TracksPrefs::GetPinnedHeadPositionPreference();
case Mode::Right:
deltaX = posX - width; break;
viewInfo.h =
viewInfo.OffsetTimeByPixels(viewInfo.h, deltaX, true);
if (!mProject->MayScrollBeyondZero())
// Can't scroll too far left
viewInfo.h = std::max(0.0, viewInfo.h);
LyricsWindow* AudacityProject::GetLyricsWindow(bool create)
if (create && !mLyricsWindow)
mLyricsWindow = safenew LyricsWindow{ this };
return mLyricsWindow;
MixerBoardFrame* AudacityProject::GetMixerBoardFrame(bool create)
if (create && !mMixerBoardFrame) {
mMixerBoardFrame = safenew MixerBoardFrame{ this };
mMixerBoard = mMixerBoardFrame->mMixerBoard;
return mMixerBoardFrame;
HistoryWindow *AudacityProject::GetHistoryWindow(bool create)
if (create && !mHistoryWindow)
mHistoryWindow = safenew HistoryWindow{ this, GetUndoManager() };
return mHistoryWindow;
MacrosWindow *AudacityProject::GetMacrosWindow(bool bExpanded, bool create)
if (create && !mMacrosWindow)
mMacrosWindow = safenew MacrosWindow{ this, bExpanded };
if (mMacrosWindow) {
mMacrosWindow->UpdateDisplay( bExpanded );
return mMacrosWindow;
FreqWindow *AudacityProject::GetFreqWindow(bool create)
if (create && !mFreqWindow)
mFreqWindow.reset( safenew FreqWindow{
this, -1, _("Frequency Analysis"),
wxPoint{ 150, 150 }
} );
return mFreqWindow.get();
ContrastDialog *AudacityProject::GetContrastDialog(bool create)
// All of this goes away when the Contrast Dialog is converted to a module
if(create && !mContrastDialog)
mContrastDialog.reset( safenew ContrastDialog{
this, -1, _("Contrast Analysis (WCAG 2 compliance)"),
wxPoint{ 150, 150 }
} );
return mContrastDialog.get();
void AudacityProject::SelectNone()
for (auto t : GetTracks()->Any())
void AudacityProject::ZoomInByFactor( double ZoomFactor )
// LLL: Handling positioning differently when audio is
// actively playing. Don't do this if paused.
if ((gAudioIO->IsStreamActive(GetAudioIOToken()) != 0) &&
// DMM: Here's my attempt to get logical zooming behavior
// when there's a selection that's currently at least
// partially on-screen
const double endTime = GetTrackPanel()->GetScreenEndTime();
const double duration = endTime - mViewInfo.h;
bool selectionIsOnscreen =
(mViewInfo.selectedRegion.t0() < endTime) &&
(mViewInfo.selectedRegion.t1() >= mViewInfo.h);
bool selectionFillsScreen =
(mViewInfo.selectedRegion.t0() < mViewInfo.h) &&
(mViewInfo.selectedRegion.t1() > endTime);
if (selectionIsOnscreen && !selectionFillsScreen) {
// Start with the center of the selection
double selCenter = (mViewInfo.selectedRegion.t0() +
mViewInfo.selectedRegion.t1()) / 2;
// If the selection center is off-screen, pick the
// center of the part that is on-screen.
if (selCenter < mViewInfo.h)
selCenter = mViewInfo.h +
(mViewInfo.selectedRegion.t1() - mViewInfo.h) / 2;
if (selCenter > endTime)
selCenter = endTime -
(endTime - mViewInfo.selectedRegion.t0()) / 2;
// Zoom in
const double newDuration =
GetTrackPanel()->GetScreenEndTime() - mViewInfo.h;
// Recenter on selCenter
TP_ScrollWindow(selCenter - newDuration / 2);
double origLeft = mViewInfo.h;
double origWidth = duration;
const double newDuration =
GetTrackPanel()->GetScreenEndTime() - mViewInfo.h;
double newh = origLeft + (origWidth - newDuration) / 2;
// MM: Commented this out because it was confusing users
// make sure that the *right-hand* end of the selection is
// no further *left* than 1/3 of the way across the screen
if (mViewInfo.selectedRegion.t1() < newh + mViewInfo.screen / 3)
newh = mViewInfo.selectedRegion.t1() - mViewInfo.screen / 3;
// make sure that the *left-hand* end of the selection is
// no further *right* than 2/3 of the way across the screen
if (mViewInfo.selectedRegion.t0() > newh + mViewInfo.screen * 2 / 3)
newh = mViewInfo.selectedRegion.t0() - mViewInfo.screen * 2 / 3;
void AudacityProject::ZoomOutByFactor( double ZoomFactor )
//Zoom() may change these, so record original values:
const double origLeft = mViewInfo.h;
const double origWidth = GetTrackPanel()->GetScreenEndTime() - origLeft;
const double newWidth = GetTrackPanel()->GetScreenEndTime() - mViewInfo.h;
const double newh = origLeft + (origWidth - newWidth) / 2;
// newh = (newh > 0) ? newh : 0;
// Select the full time range, if no
// time range is selected.
void AudacityProject::SelectAllIfNone()
auto flags = GetMenuManager(*this).GetUpdateFlags(*this);
if(!(flags & TracksSelectedFlag) ||
// Stop playing or recording, if paused.
void AudacityProject::StopIfPaused()
auto flags = GetMenuManager(*this).GetUpdateFlags(*this);
if( flags & PausedFlag )