James Crook e94fa1d65e Fix compilation on MSVC2013 Express.
MSVC2013 Express does not support some initialisation syntax for structs and instead gives error C2905.
This workaround to get us compiling again may need revisiting.
2017-03-18 16:07:15 +00:00

277 lines
8.0 KiB

Audacity: A Digital Audio Editor
Stereo reverberation effect from libSoX,
adapted for Audacity
Copyright (c) 2007-2013
Licence: LGPL v2.1
Filter configuration based on freeverb by Jezar Wakefield.
#include <cstring>
#include <cstdlib>
#ifdef __WXMSW__
#define M_LN10 2.30258509299404568402 /* log_e 10 */
#include <cmath>
#include <algorithm>
using std::min;
using std::max;
#define array_length(a) (sizeof(a)/sizeof(a[0]))
#define dB_to_linear(x) exp((x) * M_LN10 * 0.05)
#define midi_to_freq(n) (440 * pow(2,((n)-69)/12.))
#define FIFO_SIZE_T size_t
#define FIFO_MIN 0x4000
#define fifo_read_ptr(f) fifo_read(f, (FIFO_SIZE_T)0, NULL)
#define lsx_zalloc(var, n) (var.reinit(n, true), var.get())
#define filter_advance(p) if (--(p)->ptr < (p)->buffer.get()) (p)->ptr += (p)->size
#if 0
//initialisations not supported in MSVC 2013.
//Gives error C2905
// Do not make conditional on compiler.
typedef struct {
ArrayOf<char> data;
size_t allocation {}; /* Number of bytes allocated for data. */
size_t item_size {}; /* Size of each item in data */
size_t begin {}; /* Offset of the first byte to read. */
size_t end {}; /* 1 + Offset of the last byte byte to read. */
} fifo_t;
// WARNING: This structure may need initialisation.
typedef struct {
ArrayOf<char> data;
size_t allocation; /* Number of bytes allocated for data. */
size_t item_size; /* Size of each item in data */
size_t begin; /* Offset of the first byte to read. */
size_t end; /* 1 + Offset of the last byte byte to read. */
} fifo_t;
static void fifo_clear(fifo_t * f)
f->end = f->begin = 0;
static void * fifo_reserve(fifo_t * f, FIFO_SIZE_T n)
n *= f->item_size;
if (f->begin == f->end)
while (1) {
if (f->end + n <= f->allocation) {
void *p = f->data.get() + f->end;
f->end += n;
return p;
if (f->begin > FIFO_MIN) {
memmove(f->data.get(), f->data.get() + f->begin, f->end - f->begin);
f->end -= f->begin;
f->begin = 0;
f->allocation += n;
static void * fifo_write(fifo_t * f, FIFO_SIZE_T n, void const * data)
void * s = fifo_reserve(f, n);
if (data)
memcpy(s, data, n * f->item_size);
return s;
static void * fifo_read(fifo_t * f, FIFO_SIZE_T n, void * data)
char * ret = f->data.get() + f->begin;
n *= f->item_size;
if (n > (FIFO_SIZE_T)(f->end - f->begin))
return NULL;
if (data)
memcpy(data, ret, (size_t)n);
f->begin += n;
return ret;
static void fifo_create(fifo_t * f, FIFO_SIZE_T item_size)
f->item_size = item_size;
f->allocation = FIFO_MIN;
typedef struct {
size_t size;
ArrayOf<float> buffer;
float * ptr;
float store;
} filter_t;
static float comb_process(filter_t * p, /* gcc -O2 will inline this */
float const * input, float const * feedback, float const * hf_damping)
float output = *p->ptr;
p->store = output + (p->store - output) * *hf_damping;
*p->ptr = *input + p->store * *feedback;
return output;
static float allpass_process(filter_t * p, /* gcc -O2 will inline this */
float const * input)
float output = *p->ptr;
*p->ptr = *input + output * .5;
return output - *input;
typedef struct {double b0, b1, a1, i1, o1;} one_pole_t;
static float one_pole_process(one_pole_t * p, float i0)
float o0 = i0*p->b0 + p->i1*p->b1 - p->o1*p->a1;
p->i1 = i0;
return p->o1 = o0;
static const size_t /* Filter delay lengths in samples (44100Hz sample-rate) */
comb_lengths[] = {1116, 1188, 1277, 1356, 1422, 1491, 1557, 1617},
allpass_lengths[] = {225, 341, 441, 556}, stereo_adjust = 12;
typedef struct {
filter_t comb [array_length(comb_lengths)];
filter_t allpass[array_length(allpass_lengths)];
one_pole_t one_pole[2];
} filter_array_t;
static void filter_array_create(filter_array_t * p, double rate,
double scale, double offset, double fc_highpass, double fc_lowpass)
size_t i;
double r = rate * (1 / 44100.); /* Compensate for actual sample-rate */
for (i = 0; i < array_length(comb_lengths); ++i, offset = -offset)
filter_t * pcomb = &p->comb[i];
pcomb->size = (size_t)(scale * r * (comb_lengths[i] + stereo_adjust * offset) + .5);
pcomb->ptr = lsx_zalloc(pcomb->buffer, pcomb->size);
for (i = 0; i < array_length(allpass_lengths); ++i, offset = -offset)
filter_t * pallpass = &p->allpass[i];
pallpass->size = (size_t)(r * (allpass_lengths[i] + stereo_adjust * offset) + .5);
pallpass->ptr = lsx_zalloc(pallpass->buffer, pallpass->size);
{ /* EQ: highpass */
one_pole_t * q = &p->one_pole[0];
q->a1 = -exp(-2 * M_PI * fc_highpass / rate);
q->b0 = (1 - q->a1)/2, q->b1 = -q->b0;
{ /* EQ: lowpass */
one_pole_t * q = &p->one_pole[1];
q->a1 = -exp(-2 * M_PI * fc_lowpass / rate);
q->b0 = 1 + q->a1, q->b1 = 0;
static void filter_array_process(filter_array_t * p,
size_t length, float const * input, float * output,
float const * feedback, float const * hf_damping, float const * gain)
while (length--) {
float out = 0, in = *input++;
size_t i = array_length(comb_lengths) - 1;
do out += comb_process(p->comb + i, &in, feedback, hf_damping);
while (i--);
i = array_length(allpass_lengths) - 1;
do out = allpass_process(p->allpass + i, &out);
while (i--);
out = one_pole_process(&p->one_pole[0], out);
out = one_pole_process(&p->one_pole[1], out);
*output++ = out * *gain;
#if 0
//initialisations not supported in MSVC 2013.
//Gives error C2905
// Do not make conditional on compiler.
typedef struct {
float feedback {};
float hf_damping {};
float gain {};
fifo_t input_fifo {};
filter_array_t chan[2];
ArrayOf<float> out[2];
} reverb_t;
// WARNING: This structure may need initialisation.
typedef struct {
float feedback;
float hf_damping;
float gain;
fifo_t input_fifo;
filter_array_t chan[2];
ArrayOf<float> out[2];
} reverb_t;
static void reverb_create(reverb_t * p, double sample_rate_Hz,
double wet_gain_dB,
double room_scale, /* % */
double reverberance, /* % */
double hf_damping, /* % */
double pre_delay_ms,
double stereo_depth,
double tone_low, /* % */
double tone_high, /* % */
size_t buffer_size,
float * * out)
size_t i, delay = pre_delay_ms / 1000 * sample_rate_Hz + .5;
double scale = room_scale / 100 * .9 + .1;
double depth = stereo_depth / 100;
double a = -1 / log(1 - /**/.3 /**/); /* Set minimum feedback */
double b = 100 / (log(1 - /**/.98/**/) * a + 1); /* Set maximum feedback */
double fc_highpass = midi_to_freq(72 - tone_low / 100 * 48);
double fc_lowpass = midi_to_freq(72 + tone_high/ 100 * 48);
memset(p, 0, sizeof(*p));
p->feedback = 1 - exp((reverberance - b) / (a * b));
p->hf_damping = hf_damping / 100 * .3 + .2;
p->gain = dB_to_linear(wet_gain_dB) * .015;
fifo_create(&p->input_fifo, sizeof(float));
memset(fifo_write(&p->input_fifo, delay, 0), 0, delay * sizeof(float));
for (i = 0; i <= ceil(depth); ++i) {
filter_array_create(p->chan + i, sample_rate_Hz, scale, i * depth, fc_highpass, fc_lowpass);
out[i] = lsx_zalloc(p->out[i], buffer_size);
static void reverb_process(reverb_t * p, size_t length)
size_t i;
for (i = 0; i < 2 && p->out[i]; ++i)
filter_array_process(p->chan + i, length, (float *) fifo_read_ptr(&p->input_fifo), p->out[i].get(), &p->feedback, &p->hf_damping, &p->gain);
fifo_read(&p->input_fifo, length, NULL);