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Audacity: A Digital Audio Editor
James Crook
#include "../include/audacity/ComponentInterface.h"
class ComponentInterfaceSymbol;
class WrappedType;
class Shuttle /* not final */ {
// constructors and destructors
virtual ~Shuttle() {}
bool mbStoreInClient;
wxString mValueString;
// Even though virtual, mostly the transfer functions won't change
// for special kinds of archive.
virtual bool TransferBool( const wxString & Name, bool & bValue, const bool & bDefault );
virtual bool TransferFloat( const wxString & Name, float & fValue, const float &fDefault );
virtual bool TransferDouble( const wxString & Name, double & dValue, const double &dDefault );
virtual bool TransferInt( const wxString & Name, int & iValue, const int &iDefault );
virtual bool TransferInt( const wxString & Name, wxLongLong_t & iValue, const wxLongLong_t &iDefault );
virtual bool TransferLongLong( const wxString & Name, wxLongLong_t & iValue, const wxLongLong_t &iDefault );
virtual bool TransferString( const wxString & Name, wxString & strValue, const wxString &strDefault );
virtual bool TransferEnum( const wxString & Name, int & iValue,
const int nChoices, const wxString * pFirstStr);
virtual bool TransferWrappedType( const wxString & Name, WrappedType & W );
// We expect the ExchangeWithMaster function to change from one type of
// archive to another.
virtual bool ExchangeWithMaster(const wxString & Name);
class ShuttleCli final : public Shuttle
wxString mParams;
ShuttleCli() {}
virtual ~ShuttleCli() {}
bool ExchangeWithMaster(const wxString & Name) override;
class CommandParameters;
\brief Shuttle that deals with parameters. This is a base class with lots of
virtual functions that do nothing by default.
Unrelated to class Shuttle.
class AUDACITY_DLL_API ShuttleParams /* not final */
wxString mParams;
bool *pOptionalFlag;
CommandParameters * mpEap;
ShuttleParams() { mpEap = NULL; pOptionalFlag = NULL; }
virtual ~ShuttleParams() {}
bool ShouldSet();
virtual ShuttleParams & Optional( bool & WXUNUSED(var) ){ pOptionalFlag = NULL;return *this;};
virtual ShuttleParams & OptionalY( bool & var ){ return Optional( var );};
virtual ShuttleParams & OptionalN( bool & var ){ return Optional( var );};
virtual void Define( bool & var, const wxChar * key, const bool vdefault, const bool vmin=false, const bool vmax=false, const bool vscl=false );
virtual void Define( size_t & var, const wxChar * key, const int vdefault, const int vmin=0, const int vmax=100000, const int vscl=1 );
virtual void Define( int & var, const wxChar * key, const int vdefault, const int vmin=0, const int vmax=100000, const int vscl=1 );
virtual void Define( float & var, const wxChar * key, const float vdefault, const float vmin, const float vmax, const float vscl=1.0f );
virtual void Define( double & var, const wxChar * key, const float vdefault, const float vmin, const float vmax, const float vscl=1.0f );
virtual void Define( double & var, const wxChar * key, const double vdefault, const double vmin, const double vmax, const double vscl=1.0f );
virtual void Define( wxString &var, const wxChar * key, const wxString vdefault, const wxString vmin = {}, const wxString vmax = {}, const wxString vscl = {} );
virtual void DefineEnum( int &var, const wxChar * key, const int vdefault,
const EnumValueSymbol strings[], size_t nStrings );
\brief Shuttle that gets parameter values into a string.
class AUDACITY_DLL_API ShuttleGetAutomation final : public ShuttleParams
ShuttleParams & Optional( bool & var ) override;
void Define( bool & var, const wxChar * key, const bool vdefault, const bool vmin, const bool vmax, const bool vscl ) override;
void Define( int & var, const wxChar * key, const int vdefault, const int vmin, const int vmax, const int vscl ) override;
void Define( size_t & var, const wxChar * key, const int vdefault, const int vmin, const int vmax, const int vscl ) override;
void Define( float & var, const wxChar * key, const float vdefault, const float vmin, const float vmax, const float vscl ) override;
void Define( double & var, const wxChar * key, const float vdefault, const float vmin, const float vmax, const float vscl ) override;
void Define( double & var, const wxChar * key, const double vdefault, const double vmin, const double vmax, const double vscl ) override;
void Define( wxString &var, const wxChar * key, const wxString vdefault, const wxString vmin, const wxString vmax, const wxString vscl ) override;
void DefineEnum( int &var, const wxChar * key, const int vdefault,
const EnumValueSymbol strings[], size_t nStrings ) override;
\brief Shuttle that sets parameters to a value (from a string)
class AUDACITY_DLL_API ShuttleSetAutomation final : public ShuttleParams
ShuttleSetAutomation(){ bWrite = false; bOK = false;};
bool bOK;
bool bWrite;
ShuttleParams & Optional( bool & var ) override;
bool CouldGet(const wxString &key);
void SetForValidating( CommandParameters * pEap){ mpEap=pEap; bOK=true;bWrite=false;};
void SetForWriting(CommandParameters * pEap){ mpEap=pEap;bOK=true;bWrite=true;};
void Define( bool & var, const wxChar * key, const bool vdefault, const bool vmin, const bool vmax, const bool vscl ) override;
void Define( int & var, const wxChar * key, const int vdefault, const int vmin, const int vmax, const int vscl ) override;
void Define( size_t & var, const wxChar * key, const int vdefault, const int vmin, const int vmax, const int vscl ) override;
void Define( float & var, const wxChar * key, const float vdefault, const float vmin, const float vmax, const float vscl ) override;
void Define( double & var, const wxChar * key, const float vdefault, const float vmin, const float vmax, const float vscl ) override;
void Define( double & var, const wxChar * key, const double vdefault, const double vmin, const double vmax, const double vscl ) override;
void Define( wxString &var, const wxChar * key, const wxString vdefault, const wxString vmin, const wxString vmax, const wxString vscl ) override;
void DefineEnum( int &var, const wxChar * key, const int vdefault,
const EnumValueSymbol strings[], size_t nStrings ) override;
\brief Shuttle that sets parameters to their default values.
class ShuttleDefaults final : public ShuttleParams
wxString Result;
virtual ShuttleParams & Optional( bool & var )override{ var = true; pOptionalFlag = NULL;return *this;};
virtual ShuttleParams & OptionalY( bool & var )override{ var = true; pOptionalFlag = NULL;return *this;};
virtual ShuttleParams & OptionalN( bool & var )override{ var = false;pOptionalFlag = NULL;return *this;};
void Define( bool & var, const wxChar * WXUNUSED(key), const bool vdefault,
const bool WXUNUSED(vmin), const bool WXUNUSED(vmax), const bool WXUNUSED(vscl) )
override { var = vdefault;};
void Define( int & var, const wxChar * WXUNUSED(key), const int vdefault,
const int WXUNUSED(vmin), const int WXUNUSED(vmax), const int WXUNUSED(vscl) )
override { var = vdefault;};
void Define( size_t & var, const wxChar * WXUNUSED(key), const int vdefault,
const int WXUNUSED(vmin), const int WXUNUSED(vmax), const int WXUNUSED(vscl) )
override{ var = vdefault;};
void Define( float & var, const wxChar * WXUNUSED(key), const float vdefault,
const float WXUNUSED(vmin), const float WXUNUSED(vmax), const float WXUNUSED(vscl) )
override { var = vdefault;};
void Define( double & var, const wxChar * WXUNUSED(key), const float vdefault,
const float WXUNUSED(vmin), const float WXUNUSED(vmax), const float WXUNUSED(vscl) )
override { var = vdefault;};
void Define( double & var, const wxChar * WXUNUSED(key), const double vdefault,
const double WXUNUSED(vmin), const double WXUNUSED(vmax), const double WXUNUSED(vscl) )
override { var = vdefault;};
void Define( wxString &var, const wxChar * WXUNUSED(key), const wxString vdefault,
const wxString WXUNUSED(vmin), const wxString WXUNUSED(vmax), const wxString WXUNUSED(vscl) )
override { var = vdefault;};
void DefineEnum( int &var, const wxChar * WXUNUSED(key), const int vdefault,
const EnumValueSymbol WXUNUSED(strings) [], size_t WXUNUSED( nStrings ) )
override { var = vdefault;};
#define SHUTTLE_PARAM( var, name ) \
Define( var, KEY_ ## name, DEF_ ## name, MIN_ ## name, MAX_ ## name, SCL_ ## name )
#define SHUTTLE_ENUM_PARAM( var, name, strings, nStrings ) \
DefineEnum( var, KEY_ ## name, DEF_ ## name, strings, nStrings )