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Audacity - A Digital Audio Editor
Copyright 1999-2009 Audacity Team
License: wxwidgets
Dan Horgan
\file CommandSignature.h
\brief Declaration of CommandSignature class
\class CommandSignature
\brief Class that maps parameter names to default values and validators
#include "CommandMisc.h"
class wxString;
class wxVariant;
class Validator;
class AUDACITY_DLL_API CommandSignature
ParamValueMap mDefaults;
ValidatorMap mValidators;
CommandSignature(const CommandSignature &) PROHIBITED;
CommandSignature& operator=(const CommandSignature &) PROHIBITED;
explicit CommandSignature();
// Add a parameter to the signature.
// name: the parameter name (case-sensitive)
// dft: a default value
// valid: a suitable validator (caller doesn't need to DELETE it)
void AddParameter(const wxString &name,
const wxVariant &dft,
std::unique_ptr<Validator> &&valid);
// Methods for accessing the signature
ParamValueMap GetDefaults() const;
Validator &GetValidator(const wxString &paramName);
#endif /* End of include guard: __COMMANDSIGNATURE__ */