2021-05-10 00:05:23 -05:00

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Audacity - A Digital Audio Editor
Copyright 1999-2018 Audacity Team
License: wxwidgets
James Crook
\file SetLabelCommand.cpp
\brief Definitions for SetLabelCommand
\class SetLabelCommand
\brief Command that sets label information
#include "SetLabelCommand.h"
#include "LoadCommands.h"
#include "../ViewInfo.h"
#include "../WaveTrack.h"
#include "../LabelTrack.h"
#include "../Shuttle.h"
#include "../ShuttleGui.h"
#include "CommandContext.h"
#include "../tracks/labeltrack/ui/LabelTrackView.h"
const ComponentInterfaceSymbol SetLabelCommand::Symbol
{ XO("Set Label") };
namespace{ BuiltinCommandsModule::Registration< SetLabelCommand > reg; }
bool SetLabelCommand::DefineParams( ShuttleParams & S ){
S.Define( mLabelIndex, wxT("Label"), 0, 0, 100 );
S.OptionalY( bHasText ).Define( mText, wxT("Text"), wxT("empty") );
S.OptionalY( bHasT0 ).Define( mT0, wxT("Start"), 0.0, 0.0, 100000.0);
S.OptionalY( bHasT1 ).Define( mT1, wxT("End"), 0.0, 0.0, 100000.0);
S.OptionalN( bHasSelected ).Define( mbSelected, wxT("Selected"), false );
return true;
void SetLabelCommand::PopulateOrExchange(ShuttleGui & S)
S.AddSpace(0, 5);
S.StartMultiColumn(2, wxALIGN_CENTER);
S.TieNumericTextBox( XXO("Label Index"), mLabelIndex );
S.StartMultiColumn(3, wxALIGN_CENTER);
S.Optional( bHasText ).TieTextBox( XXO("Text:"), mText );
S.Optional( bHasT0 ).TieNumericTextBox( XXO("Start:"), mT0 );
S.Optional( bHasT1 ).TieNumericTextBox( XXO("End:"), mT1 );
S.Optional( bHasSelected ).TieCheckBox( XXO("Selected"), mbSelected );
bool SetLabelCommand::Apply(const CommandContext & context)
// \todo we have similar code for finding the nth Label, Clip, Track etc.
// this code could be put in subroutines/reduced.
//wxString mode = GetString(wxT("Type"));
AudacityProject * p = &context.project;
auto &tracks = TrackList::Get( *p );
auto &selectedRegion = ViewInfo::Get( *p ).selectedRegion;
const LabelStruct * pLabel = nullptr;
LabelTrack *labelTrack = nullptr;
auto ii = mLabelIndex;
if ( mLabelIndex >= 0 ) {
for (auto lt : tracks.Any<LabelTrack>()) {
const auto &labels = lt->GetLabels();
const auto nLabels = labels.size();
if( ii >= (int)nLabels )
ii -= nLabels;
else {
labelTrack = lt;
pLabel = &labels[ ii ];
if ( !pLabel )
context.Error(wxT("LabelIndex was invalid."));
return false;
auto newLabel = *pLabel;
if( bHasText )
newLabel.title = mText;
if( bHasT0 )
newLabel.selectedRegion.setT0(mT0, false);
if( bHasT1 )
newLabel.selectedRegion.setT1(mT1, false);
if( bHasT0 || bHasT1 )
labelTrack->SetLabel( ii, newLabel );
// Only one label can be selected.
if( bHasSelected ) {
auto &view = LabelTrackView::Get( *labelTrack );
if( mbSelected )
view.SetSelectedIndex( ii );
double t0 = pLabel->selectedRegion.t0();
double t1 = pLabel->selectedRegion.t1();
selectedRegion.setTimes( t0, t1);
else if( view.GetSelectedIndex( context.project ) == ii )
view.SetSelectedIndex( -1 );
return true;