Paul Licameli 8b66fc4b05 Restore change of Waveform dB scale with change of magnification...
... This is done with Shift+Ctrl+wheel and pointer in the vertical ruler, and
the pointer y coordinate near the bottom of the dB scale.

If y coordinate is far from there, then Shift+Ctrl+wheel changes dB level
without change of magnification (as before this commit).
2016-10-28 12:36:26 -04:00

227 lines
7.7 KiB

Audacity: A Digital Audio Editor
Dominic Mazzoni
This singleton class handles the actual rendering of WaveTracks
(both waveforms and spectra), NoteTracks, and LabelTracks.
It's actually a little harder than it looks, because for
waveforms at least it needs to cache the samples that are
currently on-screen.
#include "MemoryX.h"
#include <wx/brush.h>
#include <wx/pen.h>
#include "Experimental.h"
#include "audacity/Types.h"
class wxDC;
class wxRect;
class wxHashTable;
class Track;
class WaveDisplay;
class WaveTrack;
class WaveTrackCache;
class WaveClip;
class NoteTrack;
class LabelTrack;
class TimeTrack;
class TrackList;
class Ruler;
class SelectedRegion;
class ZoomInfo;
#ifndef uchar
typedef unsigned char uchar;
class AUDACITY_DLL_API TrackArtist {
void SetColours();
void DrawTracks(TrackList *tracks, Track *start,
wxDC & dc, wxRegion & reg,
wxRect & rect, wxRect & clip,
const SelectedRegion &selectedRegion, const ZoomInfo &zoomInfo,
bool drawEnvelope, bool bigPoints, bool drawSliders);
void DrawTrack(const Track *t,
wxDC & dc, const wxRect & rect,
const SelectedRegion &selectedRegion, const ZoomInfo &zoomInfo,
bool drawEnvelope, bool bigPoints, bool drawSliders,
bool hasSolo);
void DrawVRuler(const Track *t, wxDC *dc, wxRect & rect);
void UpdateVRuler(const Track *t, wxRect & rect);
void SetInset(int left, int top, int right, int bottom);
void UpdatePrefs();
void SetBackgroundBrushes(wxBrush unselectedBrush, wxBrush selectedBrush,
wxPen unselectedPen, wxPen selectedPen) {
this->unselectedBrush = unselectedBrush;
this->selectedBrush = selectedBrush;
this->unselectedPen = unselectedPen;
this->selectedPen = selectedPen;
// Helper: draws the "sync-locked" watermark tiled to a rectangle
static void DrawSyncLockTiles(wxDC *dc, wxRect rect);
// Helper: draws background with selection rect
static void DrawBackgroundWithSelection(wxDC *dc, const wxRect &rect,
const Track *track, wxBrush &selBrush, wxBrush &unselBrush,
const SelectedRegion &selectedRegion, const ZoomInfo &zoomInfo);
// Lower-level drawing functions
void DrawWaveform(const WaveTrack *track,
wxDC & dc, const wxRect & rect,
const SelectedRegion &selectedRegion, const ZoomInfo &zoomInfo,
bool drawEnvelope, bool bigPoints, bool drawSliders,
bool muted);
void DrawSpectrum(const WaveTrack *track,
wxDC & dc, const wxRect & rect,
const SelectedRegion &selectedRegion, const ZoomInfo &zoomInfo);
#ifdef USE_MIDI
int GetBottom(NoteTrack *t, const wxRect &rect);
void DrawNoteBackground(const NoteTrack *track, wxDC &dc,
const wxRect &rect, const wxRect &sel,
const ZoomInfo &zoomInfo,
const wxBrush &wb, const wxPen &wp,
const wxBrush &bb, const wxPen &bp,
const wxPen &mp);
void DrawNoteTrack(const NoteTrack *track,
wxDC & dc, const wxRect & rect,
const SelectedRegion &selectedRegion, const ZoomInfo &zoomInfo,
bool muted);
#endif // USE_MIDI
void DrawLabelTrack(const LabelTrack *track,
wxDC & dc, const wxRect & rect,
const SelectedRegion &selectedRegion, const ZoomInfo &zoomInfo);
void DrawTimeTrack(const TimeTrack *track,
wxDC & dc, const wxRect & rect, const ZoomInfo &zoomInfo);
void DrawTimeSlider(wxDC & dc, const wxRect & rect,
bool rightwards);
void DrawClipWaveform(const WaveTrack *track, const WaveClip *clip,
wxDC & dc, const wxRect & rect,
const SelectedRegion &selectedRegion, const ZoomInfo &zoomInfo,
bool drawEnvelope, bool bigPoints,
bool dB, bool muted);
void DrawClipSpectrum(WaveTrackCache &cache, const WaveClip *clip,
wxDC & dc, const wxRect & rect,
const SelectedRegion &selectedRegion, const ZoomInfo &zoomInfo);
// Waveform utility functions
void DrawWaveformBackground(wxDC & dc, int leftOffset, const wxRect &rect,
const double env[],
float zoomMin, float zoomMax,
int zeroLevelYCoordinate,
bool dB, float dBRange,
double t0, double t1, const ZoomInfo &zoomInfo,
bool drawEnvelope, bool bIsSyncLockSelected);
void DrawMinMaxRMS(wxDC &dc, const wxRect & rect, const double env[],
float zoomMin, float zoomMax,
bool dB, float dBRange,
const float *min, const float *max, const float *rms, const int *bl,
bool /* showProgress */, bool muted
, const float gain
void DrawIndividualSamples(wxDC & dc, int leftOffset, const wxRect & rect,
float zoomMin, float zoomMax,
bool dB, float dBRange,
const WaveClip *clip,
const ZoomInfo &zoomInfo,
bool bigPoints, bool showPoints, bool muted);
void DrawNegativeOffsetTrackArrows(wxDC & dc, const wxRect & rect);
void DrawEnvelope(wxDC & dc, const wxRect & rect, const double env[],
float zoomMin, float zoomMax,
bool dB, float dBRange);
void DrawEnvLine(wxDC & dc, const wxRect & rect, int x0, int y0, int cy, bool top);
// Preference values
float mdBrange; // "/GUI/EnvdBRange"
long mShowClipping; // "/GUI/ShowClipping"
bool mbShowTrackNameInWaveform; // "/GUI/ShowTrackNameInWaveform"
int mInsetLeft;
int mInsetTop;
int mInsetRight;
int mInsetBottom;
wxBrush blankBrush;
wxBrush unselectedBrush;
wxBrush selectedBrush;
wxBrush sampleBrush;
wxBrush selsampleBrush;
wxBrush dragsampleBrush;// for samples which are draggable.
wxBrush muteSampleBrush;
wxBrush blankSelectedBrush;
wxPen blankPen;
wxPen unselectedPen;
wxPen selectedPen;
wxPen samplePen;
wxPen rmsPen;
wxPen muteRmsPen;
wxPen selsamplePen;
wxPen muteSamplePen;
wxPen odProgressNotYetPen;
wxPen odProgressDonePen;
wxPen shadowPen;
wxPen clippedPen;
wxPen muteClippedPen;
wxPen blankSelectedPen;
std::unique_ptr<Ruler> vruler;
bool fftYGridOld;
bool fftFindNotesOld;
int findNotesMinAOld;
int findNotesNOld;
bool findNotesQuantizeOld;
extern int GetWaveYPos(float value, float min, float max,
int height, bool dB, bool outer, float dBr,
bool clip);
extern float FromDB(float value, double dBRange);
extern float ValueOfPixel(int yy, int height, bool offset,
bool dB, double dBRange, float zoomMin, float zoomMax);
#endif // define __AUDACITY_TRACKARTIST__