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// OverlayPanel.h
// Audacity
// Created by Paul Licameli on 5/1/16.
#include <memory>
#include <vector>
#include "BackedPanel.h" // to inherit
class Overlay;
class AUDACITY_DLL_API OverlayPanel /* not final */ : public BackedPanel {
OverlayPanel(wxWindow * parent, wxWindowID id,
const wxPoint & pos,
const wxSize & size,
// default as for wxPanel:
long style = wxTAB_TRAVERSAL | wxNO_BORDER);
// Registers overlay objects.
// The sequence in which they were registered is the sequence in
// which they are painted.
// OverlayPanel is not responsible for their memory management.
void AddOverlay( const std::weak_ptr<Overlay> &pOverlay );
void ClearOverlays();
// Erases and redraws to the client area the overlays that have
// been previously added with AddOverlay(). If "repaint_all" is
// true, all overlays will be erased and re-drawn. Otherwise, only
// the ones that are out-of-date, as well as the intersecting ones,
// will be erased and re-drawn.
// pDC can be null, in which case, DrawOverlays() will create a
// wxClientDC internally when necessary.
void DrawOverlays(bool repaint_all, wxDC *pDC = nullptr);
using OverlayPtr = std::weak_ptr<Overlay>;
void Compress();
std::vector< OverlayPtr > mOverlays;
friend class GetInfoCommand;
/// Used to restore pen, brush and logical-op in a DC back to what they were.
struct AUDACITY_DLL_API DCUnchanger {
DCUnchanger() {}
DCUnchanger(const wxBrush &brush_, const wxPen &pen_, long logicalOperation_)
: brush(brush_), pen(pen_), logicalOperation(logicalOperation_)
void operator () (wxDC *pDC) const;
wxBrush brush {};
wxPen pen {};
long logicalOperation {};
/// Makes temporary drawing context changes that you back out of, RAII style
// It's like wxDCPenChanger, etc., but simple and general
class AUDACITY_DLL_API ADCChanger : public std::unique_ptr<wxDC, ::DCUnchanger>
using Base = std::unique_ptr<wxDC, ::DCUnchanger>;
ADCChanger() : Base{} {}
ADCChanger(wxDC *pDC);