
270 lines
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// Backport from wxWidgets-3.0-rc1
// Name: src/common/numformatter.cpp
// Purpose: NumberFormatter
// Author: Fulvio Senore, Vadim Zeitlin
// Created: 2010-11-06
// Copyright: (c) 2010 wxWidgets team
// Licence: wxWindows licence
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// headers
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#include "numformatter.h"
// For compilers that support precompilation, includes "wx.h".
#include <wx/wxprec.h>
#include <wx/setup.h> // for wxUSE_* macros
#ifdef __BORLANDC__
#pragma hdrstop
#ifdef __WIN32__
#include <wx/msw/private.h>
#include "Internat.h"
#include <wx/intl.h>
#include <locale.h> // for setlocale and LC_ALL
#include <cmath>
#include <limits>
#include <wx/log.h>
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// local helpers
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ============================================================================
// NumberFormatter implementation
// ============================================================================
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Locale information accessors
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
wxChar NumberFormatter::GetDecimalSeparator()
#if wxUSE_INTL
struct lconv *info = localeconv();
wxString s = info ? wxString::FromUTF8(info->decimal_point) : wxString(".");
if (s.empty())
// We really must have something for decimal separator, so fall
// back to the C locale default.
s = wxT(".");
return s[0];
#else // !wxUSE_INTL
return wxT('.');
#endif // wxUSE_INTL/!wxUSE_INTL
bool NumberFormatter::GetThousandsSeparatorIfUsed(wxChar *sep)
#if wxUSE_INTL
struct lconv *info = localeconv();
wxString s = info ? wxString::FromUTF8(info->thousands_sep) : wxString{};
if (s.empty())
return false;
*sep = s[0];
return true;
#else // !wxUSE_INTL
return false;
#endif // wxUSE_INTL/!wxUSE_INTL
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Conversion to string and helpers
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
wxString NumberFormatter::PostProcessIntString(const wxString &sArg, int style)
wxString s(sArg);
if ( style & Style_WithThousandsSep )
wxASSERT_MSG( !(style & Style_NoTrailingZeroes),
wxT("Style_NoTrailingZeroes can't be used with integer values") );
wxASSERT_MSG( !(style & Style_OneTrailingZero),
wxT("Style_OneTrailingZero can't be used with integer values") );
wxASSERT_MSG( !(style & Style_TwoTrailingZeroes),
wxT("Style_TwoTrailingZeroes can't be used with integer values") );
wxASSERT_MSG( !(style & Style_ThreeTrailingZeroes),
wxT("Style_ThreeTrailingZeroes can't be used with integer values") );
return s;
wxString NumberFormatter::ToString(long val, int style)
return PostProcessIntString(wxString::Format(wxT("%ld"), val), style);
wxString NumberFormatter::ToString(wxLongLong_t val, int style)
return PostProcessIntString(wxString::Format("%" wxLongLongFmtSpec "d", val),
wxString NumberFormatter::ToString(double val, int precision, int style)
wxString format;
if ( precision == -1 )
format = wxT("%g");
else // Use fixed precision.
format.Printf(wxT("%%.%df"), precision);
if (std::isnan(val))
return _("NaN");
if (std::isinf(val))
if (val == std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity())
return _("Infinity");
return _("-Infinity");
wxString s = wxString::Format(format, val);
if ( style & Style_WithThousandsSep )
if ( precision != -1 )
if ( style & Style_NoTrailingZeroes )
RemoveTrailingZeroes(s, 0);
if ( style & Style_OneTrailingZero )
RemoveTrailingZeroes(s, 1);
if ( style & Style_TwoTrailingZeroes )
RemoveTrailingZeroes(s, 2);
if ( style & Style_ThreeTrailingZeroes )
RemoveTrailingZeroes(s, 3);
return s;
void NumberFormatter::AddThousandsSeparators(wxString& s)
wxChar thousandsSep;
if ( !GetThousandsSeparatorIfUsed(&thousandsSep) )
size_t pos = s.find(GetDecimalSeparator());
if ( pos == wxString::npos )
// Start grouping at the end of an integer number.
pos = s.length();
// End grouping at the beginning of the digits -- there could be at a sign
// before their start.
const size_t start = s.find_first_of(wxT("0123456789"));
// We currently group digits by 3 independently of the locale. This is not
// the right thing to do and we should use lconv::grouping (under POSIX)
// and GetLocaleInfo(LOCALE_SGROUPING) (under MSW) to get information about
// the correct grouping to use. This is something that needs to be done at
// wxLocale level first and then used here in the future (TODO).
const size_t GROUP_LEN = 3;
while ( pos > start + GROUP_LEN )
pos -= GROUP_LEN;
s.insert(pos, thousandsSep);
void NumberFormatter::RemoveTrailingZeroes(wxString& s, size_t retain /* = 0 */)
const size_t posDecSep = s.find(GetDecimalSeparator());
wxCHECK_RET( posDecSep != wxString::npos,
wxString::Format(wxT("No decimal separator in \"%s\""), s) );
wxCHECK_RET( posDecSep, wxT("Can't start with decimal separator" ));
// Find the last character to keep.
size_t posLastCharacterToKeep = s.find_last_not_of(wxT("0"));
// If it's the decimal separator itself, remove it.
if ((posLastCharacterToKeep == posDecSep) && (retain == 0)) {
} else if ((posLastCharacterToKeep - posDecSep) < retain) {
posLastCharacterToKeep = retain + posDecSep;
s.erase(posLastCharacterToKeep + 1);
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Conversion from strings
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void NumberFormatter::RemoveThousandsSeparators(wxString& s)
wxChar thousandsSep;
if ( !GetThousandsSeparatorIfUsed(&thousandsSep) )
s.Replace(wxString(thousandsSep), wxString());
bool NumberFormatter::FromString(const wxString &sArg, long *val)
wxString s(sArg);
return s.ToLong(val);
bool NumberFormatter::FromString(const wxString &sArg, wxLongLong_t *val)
wxString s(sArg);
return s.ToLongLong(val);
bool NumberFormatter::FromString(const wxString &sArg, double *val)
wxString s(sArg);
return s.ToDouble(val);