lllucius 1fab1cdb21 Bug 337 - New logger class allows log to be initialized immediately without crashing Mac empty project windows
This is an older one...originally from 2011.  Bug says it all, but basically it allows logging
to begin immediately upon startup for all platforms.  And it has multithreading protection, so
it should now be safe to log from the non-GUI threads.
2013-10-23 17:00:28 +00:00

240 lines
7.3 KiB

Audacity: A Digital Audio Editor
Dominic Mazzoni
This is the main source file for Audacity which handles
initialization and termination by subclassing wxApp.
#ifndef __AUDACITY_APP__
#define __AUDACITY_APP__
#include "Audacity.h"
#include <wx/app.h>
#include <wx/dir.h>
#include <wx/event.h>
#include <wx/docview.h>
#include <wx/intl.h>
#include <wx/snglinst.h>
#include <wx/log.h>
#include <wx/timer.h>
#include "widgets/FileHistory.h"
#include "ondemand/ODTaskThread.h"
#include "Experimental.h"
class IPCServ;
class Importer;
class CommandHandler;
class AppCommandEvent;
class AudacityLogger;
void SaveWindowSize();
void QuitAudacity(bool bForce);
void QuitAudacity();
extern bool gIsQuitting;
// Asynchronous open
// Keyboard capture support
// Flags used in command handling.
// These flags represent the majority of the states that affect
// whether or not items in menus are enabled or disabled.
AlwaysEnabledFlag = 0x00000000,
AudioIONotBusyFlag = 0x00000001,
TimeSelectedFlag = 0x00000002, // This is equivalent to check if there is a valid selection, so it's used for Zoom to Selection too
TracksSelectedFlag = 0x00000004,
TracksExistFlag = 0x00000008,
LabelTracksExistFlag = 0x00000010,
WaveTracksSelectedFlag = 0x00000020,
ClipboardFlag = 0x00000040,
TextClipFlag = 0x00000040, // Same as Clipboard flag for now.
UnsavedChangesFlag = 0x00000080,
HasLastEffectFlag = 0x00000100,
UndoAvailableFlag = 0x00000200,
RedoAvailableFlag = 0x00000400,
ZoomInAvailableFlag = 0x00000800,
ZoomOutAvailableFlag = 0x00001000,
StereoRequiredFlag = 0x00002000, //lda
TopDockHasFocus = 0x00004000, //lll
TrackPanelHasFocus = 0x00008000, //lll
BotDockHasFocus = 0x00010000, //lll
LabelsSelectedFlag = 0x00020000,
AudioIOBusyFlag = 0x00040000, //lll
PlayRegionLockedFlag = 0x00080000, //msmeyer
PlayRegionNotLockedFlag= 0x00100000, //msmeyer
CutCopyAvailableFlag = 0x00200000,
WaveTracksExistFlag = 0x00400000,
NoteTracksExistFlag = 0x00800000, //gsw
NoteTracksSelectedFlag = 0x01000000, //gsw
HaveRecentFiles = 0x02000000,
IsNotSyncLockedFlag = 0x04000000, //awd
IsSyncLockedFlag = 0x08000000, //awd
NoFlagsSpecifed = 0xffffffff
class BlockFile;
class AudacityApp:public wxApp {
virtual bool OnInit(void);
virtual int OnExit(void);
virtual void OnFatalException();
#if defined(__WXGTK__)
int FilterEvent(wxEvent & event);
void InitLang( const wxString & lang );
// These are currently only used on Mac OS, where it's
// possible to have a menu bar but no windows open. It doesn't
// hurt any other platforms, though.
void OnMenuAbout(wxCommandEvent & event);
void OnMenuNew(wxCommandEvent & event);
void OnMenuOpen(wxCommandEvent & event);
void OnMenuPreferences(wxCommandEvent & event);
void OnMenuExit(wxCommandEvent & event);
void OnEndSession(wxCloseEvent & event);
void OnKeyDown(wxKeyEvent & event);
void OnChar(wxKeyEvent & event);
void OnKeyUp(wxKeyEvent & event);
void OnCaptureKeyboard(wxCommandEvent & event);
void OnReleaseKeyboard(wxCommandEvent & event);
// Most Recently Used File support (for all platforms).
void OnMRUClear(wxCommandEvent &event);
void OnMRUFile(wxCommandEvent &event);
// Backend for above - returns true for success, false for failure
bool MRUOpen(wxString fileName);
void OnReceiveCommand(AppCommandEvent &event);
void OnTimer(wxTimerEvent & event);
/** \brief Mark playback as having missing aliased blockfiles
* Playback will continue, but the missing files will be silenced
* ShouldShowMissingAliasedFileWarning can be called to determine
* if the user should be notified
void MarkAliasedFilesMissingWarning(BlockFile *b);
/** \brief Changes the behavior of missing aliased blockfiles warnings
void SetMissingAliasedFileWarningShouldShow(bool b);
/** \brief Returns true if the user should be notified of missing alias warnings
bool ShouldShowMissingAliasedFileWarning();
#ifdef __WXMAC__
// In response to Apple Events
virtual void MacOpenFile(const wxString &fileName) ;
virtual void MacPrintFile(const wxString &fileName) ;
virtual void MacNewFile() ;
#if defined(__WXMSW__) && !defined(__WXUNIVERSAL__) && !defined(__CYGWIN__)
void AssociateFileTypes();
/** \brief A list of directories that should be searched for Audacity files
* (plug-ins, help files, etc.).
* On Unix this will include the directory Audacity was installed into,
* plus the current user's .audacity-data/Plug-Ins directory. Additional
* directories can be specified using the AUDACITY_PATH environment
* variable. On Windows or Mac OS, this will include the directory
* which contains the Audacity program. */
wxArrayString audacityPathList;
/** \brief Default temp directory */
wxString defaultTempDir;
// Useful functions for working with search paths
static void AddUniquePathToPathList(wxString path,
wxArrayString &pathList);
static void AddMultiPathsToPathList(wxString multiPathString,
wxArrayString &pathList);
static void FindFilesInPathList(const wxString & pattern,
const wxArrayString & pathList,
wxArrayString &results,
int flags = wxDIR_FILES);
FileHistory *GetRecentFiles() {return mRecentFiles;}
void AddFileToHistory(const wxString & name);
bool GetWindowRectAlreadySaved()const {return mWindowRectAlreadySaved;}
void SetWindowRectAlreadySaved(bool alreadySaved) {mWindowRectAlreadySaved = alreadySaved;}
AudacityLogger *GetLogger();
Importer *mImporter;
#if defined(__WXGTK__)
/** \brief This flag is set true when in a keyboard event handler.
* Used to work around a hang issue with ibus (bug 154) */
bool inKbdHandler;
CommandHandler *mCmdHandler;
FileHistory *mRecentFiles;
wxLocale *mLocale;
wxSingleInstanceChecker *mChecker;
wxTimer *mTimer;
bool m_aliasMissingWarningShouldShow;
BlockFile *m_LastMissingBlockFile;
ODLock m_LastMissingBlockFileLock;
void InitCommandHandler();
void DeInitCommandHandler();
bool InitTempDir();
bool CreateSingleInstanceChecker(wxString dir);
/* utility method for printing the command line help message */
void PrintCommandLineHelp(void);
bool mWindowRectAlreadySaved;
#if defined(__WXMSW__)
IPCServ *mIPCServ;
extern AudacityApp & wxGetApp();
#define MAX_AUDIO (1. - 1./(1<<15))
#define JUST_BELOW_MAX_AUDIO (1. - 1./(1<<14))