
1619 lines
47 KiB

Audacity: A Digital Audio Editor
?? Dominic Mazzoni
?? Markus Meyer
\class WaveClip
\brief This allows multiple clips to be a part of one WaveTrack.
\class WaveCache
\brief Cache used with WaveClip to cache wave information (for drawing).
\class SpecCache
\brief Cache used with WaveClip to cache spectrum information (for
drawing). Cache's the Spectrogram frequency samples.
#include <math.h>
#include <vector>
#include <wx/log.h>
#include "Spectrum.h"
#include "Prefs.h"
#include "WaveClip.h"
#include "Envelope.h"
#include "Resample.h"
#include "Project.h"
#include <wx/listimpl.cpp>
class WaveCache {
WaveCache(int cacheLen)
dirty = -1;
start = -1.0;
pps = 0.0;
len = cacheLen;
min = new float[len];
max = new float[len];
rms = new float[len];
bl = new int[len];
where = new sampleCount[len+1];
delete[] min;
delete[] max;
delete[] rms;
delete[] bl;
delete[] where;
int dirty;
sampleCount len;
double start;
double pps;
int rate;
sampleCount *where;
float *min;
float *max;
float *rms;
int *bl;
int numODPixels;
class InvalidRegion
InvalidRegion(int s, int e):start(s),end(e){}
//start and end pixel count. (not samples)
int start;
int end;
//Thread safe call to add a new region to invalidate. If it overlaps with other regions, it unions the them.
void AddInvalidRegion(sampleCount sampleStart, sampleCount sampleEnd)
//use pps to figure out where we are. (pixels per second)
if(pps ==0)
double samplesPerPixel = rate/pps;
//rate is SR, start is first time of the waveform (in second) on cache
long invalStart = (sampleStart - start*rate)/samplesPerPixel ;
long invalEnd = (sampleEnd - start*rate)/samplesPerPixel +1; //we should cover the end..
//if they are both off the cache boundary in the same direction, the cache is missed,
//so we are safe, and don't need to track this one.
if((invalStart<0 && invalEnd <0) || (invalStart>=len && invalEnd >= len))
//in all other cases, we need to clip the boundries so they make sense with the cache.
//for some reason, the cache is set up to access up to array[len], not array[len-1]
if(invalStart <0)
invalStart =0;
else if(invalStart > len)
invalStart = len;
if(invalEnd <0)
invalEnd =0;
else if(invalEnd > len)
invalEnd = len;
//look thru the region array for a place to insert. We could make this more spiffy than a linear search
//but right now it is not needed since there will usually only be one region (which grows) for OD loading.
bool added=false;
for(size_t i=0;i<mRegions.size();i++)
//if the regions intersect OR are pixel adjacent
if(mRegions[i]->start <= invalEnd+1
&& mRegions[i]->end >= invalStart-1)
//take the union region
if(mRegions[i]->start > invalStart)
mRegions[i]->start = invalStart;
if(mRegions[i]->end < invalEnd)
mRegions[i]->end = invalEnd;
//this bit doesn't make sense because it assumes we add in order - now we go backwards after the initial OD finishes
// //this array is sorted by start/end points and has no overlaps. If we've passed all possible intersections, insert. The array will remain sorted.
// if(mRegions[i]->end < invalStart)
// {
// InvalidRegion* newRegion = new InvalidRegion(invalStart,invalEnd);
// mRegions.insert(mRegions.begin()+i,newRegion);
// break;
// }
InvalidRegion* newRegion = new InvalidRegion(invalStart,invalEnd);
//now we must go and patch up all the regions that overlap. Overlapping regions will be adjacent.
for(size_t i=1;i<mRegions.size();i++)
//if the regions intersect OR are pixel adjacent
if(mRegions[i]->start <= mRegions[i-1]->end+1
&& mRegions[i]->end >= mRegions[i-1]->start-1)
//take the union region
if(mRegions[i]->start > mRegions[i-1]->start)
mRegions[i]->start = mRegions[i-1]->start;
if(mRegions[i]->end < mRegions[i-1]->end)
mRegions[i]->end = mRegions[i-1]->end;
//now we must delete the previous region
delete mRegions[i-1];
//musn't forget to reset cursor
//if we are past the end of the region we added, we are past the area of regions that might be oversecting.
if(mRegions[i]->start > invalEnd)
//lock before calling these in a section. unlock after finished.
int GetNumInvalidRegions(){return mRegions.size();}
int GetInvalidRegionStart(int i){return mRegions[i]->start;}
int GetInvalidRegionEnd(int i){return mRegions[i]->end;}
void LockInvalidRegions(){mRegionsMutex.Lock();}
void UnlockInvalidRegions(){mRegionsMutex.Unlock();}
void ClearInvalidRegions()
for(size_t i =0;i<mRegions.size();i++)
delete mRegions[i];
std::vector<InvalidRegion*> mRegions;
ODLock mRegionsMutex;
class SpecCache {
SpecCache(int cacheLen, int half, bool autocorrelation)
minFreqOld = -1;
maxFreqOld = -1;
gainOld = -1;
rangeOld = -1;
windowTypeOld = -1;
windowSizeOld = -1;
frequencyGainOld = false;
fftSkipPointsOld = -1;
dirty = -1;
start = -1.0;
pps = 0.0;
len = cacheLen;
ac = autocorrelation;
freq = new float[len*half];
where = new sampleCount[len+1];
delete[] freq;
delete[] where;
int minFreqOld;
int maxFreqOld;
int gainOld;
int rangeOld;
int windowTypeOld;
int windowSizeOld;
int frequencyGainOld;
int fftSkipPointsOld;
int dirty;
bool ac;
sampleCount len;
double start;
double pps;
sampleCount *where;
float *freq;
#include "FFT.h"
static void ComputeSpectrumUsingRealFFTf(float *buffer, HFFT hFFT, float *window, int len, float *out)
int i;
if(len > hFFT->Points*2)
len = hFFT->Points*2;
for(i=0; i<len; i++)
buffer[i] *= window[i];
for( ; i<(hFFT->Points*2); i++)
buffer[i]=0; // zero pad as needed
RealFFTf(buffer, hFFT);
// Handle the (real-only) DC
float power = buffer[0]*buffer[0];
if(power <= 0)
out[0] = -160.0;
out[0] = 10.0*log10(power);
for(i=1;i<hFFT->Points;i++) {
power = (buffer[hFFT->BitReversed[i] ]*buffer[hFFT->BitReversed[i] ])
+ (buffer[hFFT->BitReversed[i]+1]*buffer[hFFT->BitReversed[i]+1]);
if(power <= 0)
out[i] = -160.0;
out[i] = 10.0*log10f(power);
WaveClip::WaveClip(DirManager *projDirManager, sampleFormat format, int rate)
mOffset = 0;
mRate = rate;
mSequence = new Sequence(projDirManager, format);
mEnvelope = new Envelope();
mWaveCache = new WaveCache(1);
mWindowType = -1;
mWindowSize = -1;
mWindow = NULL;
mSpecCache = new SpecCache(1, 1, false);
mSpecPxCache = new SpecPxCache(1);
mAppendBuffer = NULL;
mAppendBufferLen = 0;
mDirty = 0;
mIsPlaceholder = false;
WaveClip::WaveClip(WaveClip& orig, DirManager *projDirManager)
// essentially a copy constructor - but you must pass in the
// current project's DirManager, because we might be copying
// from one project to another
mOffset = orig.mOffset;
mRate = orig.mRate;
mSequence = new Sequence(*orig.mSequence, projDirManager);
mEnvelope = new Envelope();
mEnvelope->Paste(0.0, orig.mEnvelope);
mEnvelope->SetTrackLen(((double)orig.mSequence->GetNumSamples()) / orig.mRate);
mWaveCache = new WaveCache(1);
mWindowType = -1;
mWindowSize = -1;
mWindow = NULL;
mSpecCache = new SpecCache(1, 1, false);
mSpecPxCache = new SpecPxCache(1);
for (WaveClipList::compatibility_iterator it=orig.mCutLines.GetFirst(); it; it=it->GetNext())
mCutLines.Append(new WaveClip(*it->GetData(), projDirManager));
mAppendBuffer = NULL;
mAppendBufferLen = 0;
mDirty = 0;
mIsPlaceholder = orig.GetIsPlaceholder();
delete mSequence;
delete mEnvelope;
mEnvelope = NULL;
delete mWaveCache;
delete mSpecCache;
delete mSpecPxCache;
if(hFFT != NULL)
if(mWindow != NULL)
delete[] mWindow;
if (mAppendBuffer)
void WaveClip::SetOffset(double offset)
mOffset = offset;
bool WaveClip::GetSamples(samplePtr buffer, sampleFormat format,
sampleCount start, sampleCount len) const
return mSequence->Get(buffer, format, start, len);
bool WaveClip::SetSamples(samplePtr buffer, sampleFormat format,
sampleCount start, sampleCount len)
bool bResult = mSequence->Set(buffer, format, start, len);
return bResult;
double WaveClip::GetStartTime() const
// JS: mOffset is the minimum value and it is returned; no clipping to 0
return mOffset;
double WaveClip::GetEndTime() const
sampleCount numSamples = mSequence->GetNumSamples();
double maxLen = mOffset + double(numSamples+mAppendBufferLen)/mRate;
// JS: calculated value is not the length;
// it is a maximum value and can be negative; no clipping to 0
return maxLen;
sampleCount WaveClip::GetStartSample() const
return (sampleCount)floor(mOffset * mRate + 0.5);
sampleCount WaveClip::GetEndSample() const
return GetStartSample() + mSequence->GetNumSamples();
bool WaveClip::WithinClip(double t) const
sampleCount ts = (sampleCount)floor(t * mRate + 0.5);
return ts > GetStartSample() && ts < GetEndSample() + mAppendBufferLen;
bool WaveClip::BeforeClip(double t) const
sampleCount ts = (sampleCount)floor(t * mRate + 0.5);
return ts <= GetStartSample();
bool WaveClip::AfterClip(double t) const
sampleCount ts = (sampleCount)floor(t * mRate + 0.5);
return ts >= GetEndSample() + mAppendBufferLen;
///Delete the wave cache - force redraw. Thread-safe
void WaveClip::DeleteWaveCache()
delete mWaveCache;
mWaveCache = new WaveCache(1);
///Adds an invalid region to the wavecache so it redraws that portion only.
void WaveClip::AddInvalidRegion(long startSample, long endSample)
// Getting high-level data from the track for screen display and
// clipping calculations
bool WaveClip::GetWaveDisplay(float *min, float *max, float *rms,int* bl,
sampleCount *where,
int numPixels, double t0,
double pixelsPerSecond, bool &isLoadingOD)
if (mWaveCache &&
mWaveCache->dirty == mDirty &&
mWaveCache->start == t0 &&
mWaveCache->len >= numPixels &&
mWaveCache->pps == pixelsPerSecond) {
//check for invalid regions, and make the bottom if an else if.
//invalid regions are kept in a sorted array.
for(int i=0;i<mWaveCache->GetNumInvalidRegions();i++)
int invStart;
invStart = mWaveCache->GetInvalidRegionStart(i);
int invEnd;
invEnd = mWaveCache->GetInvalidRegionEnd(i);
int regionODPixels;
regionODPixels =0;
int regionODPixelsAfter;
regionODPixelsAfter =0;
//before check number of ODPixels
for(int j=invStart;j<invEnd;j++)
mRate / pixelsPerSecond);
//after check number of ODPixels
for(int j=invStart;j<invEnd;j++)
//decrement the number of od pixels.
mWaveCache->numODPixels -= (regionODPixels - regionODPixelsAfter);
memcpy(min, mWaveCache->min, numPixels*sizeof(float));
memcpy(max, mWaveCache->max, numPixels*sizeof(float));
memcpy(rms, mWaveCache->rms, numPixels*sizeof(float));
memcpy(bl, mWaveCache->bl, numPixels*sizeof(int));
memcpy(where, mWaveCache->where, (numPixels+1)*sizeof(sampleCount));
isLoadingOD = mWaveCache->numODPixels>0;
return true;
WaveCache *oldCache = mWaveCache;
mWaveCache = new WaveCache(numPixels);
mWaveCache->pps = pixelsPerSecond;
mWaveCache->rate = mRate;
mWaveCache->start = t0;
double tstep = 1.0 / pixelsPerSecond;
sampleCount x;
for (x = 0; x < mWaveCache->len + 1; x++) {
mWaveCache->where[x] =
(sampleCount) floor(t0 * mRate +
((double) x) * mRate * tstep + 0.5);
//mchinen: I think s0 - s1 represents the range of samples that we will need to look up. likewise p0-p1 the number of pixels.
sampleCount s0 = mWaveCache->where[0];
sampleCount s1 = mWaveCache->where[mWaveCache->len];
int p0 = 0;
int p1 = mWaveCache->len;
// Optimization: if the old cache is good and overlaps
// with the current one, re-use as much of the cache as
// possible
if (oldCache->dirty == mDirty &&
oldCache->pps == pixelsPerSecond &&
oldCache->where[0] < mWaveCache->where[mWaveCache->len] &&
oldCache->where[oldCache->len] > mWaveCache->where[0]) {
//now we are assuming the entire range is covered by the old cache and reducing s1/s0 as we find out otherwise.
s0 = mWaveCache->where[mWaveCache->len]; //mchinen:s0 is the min sample covered up to by the wave cache. will shrink if old doen't overlap
s1 = mWaveCache->where[0]; //mchinen - same, but the maximum sample covered.
p0 = mWaveCache->len;
p1 = 0;
//check for invalid regions, and make the bottom if an else if.
//invalid regions are keep in a sorted array.
//TODO:integrate into below for loop so that we only load inval regions if
//necessary. (usually is the case, so no rush.)
//also, we should be updating the NEW cache, but here we are patching the old one up.
for(int i=0;i<oldCache->GetNumInvalidRegions();i++)
int invStart;
invStart = oldCache->GetInvalidRegionStart(i);
int invEnd;
invEnd = oldCache->GetInvalidRegionEnd(i);
mRate / pixelsPerSecond);
for (x = 0; x < mWaveCache->len; x++)
//below is regular cache access.
if (mWaveCache->where[x] >= oldCache->where[0] &&
mWaveCache->where[x] <= oldCache->where[oldCache->len - 1]) {
//if we hit an invalid region, load it up.
int ox =
int ((double (oldCache->len) *
(mWaveCache->where[x] -
oldCache->where[0])) /(oldCache->where[oldCache->len] -
oldCache->where[0]) + 0.5);
mWaveCache->min[x] = oldCache->min[ox];
mWaveCache->max[x] = oldCache->max[ox];
mWaveCache->rms[x] = oldCache->rms[ox];
mWaveCache->bl[x] = oldCache->bl[ox];
} else {
if (mWaveCache->where[x] < s0) {
s0 = mWaveCache->where[x];
p0 = x;
if (mWaveCache->where[x + 1] > s1) {
s1 = mWaveCache->where[x + 1];
p1 = x + 1;
if (p1 > p0) {
/* handle values in the append buffer */
int numSamples = mSequence->GetNumSamples();
int a;
for(a=p0; a<p1; a++)
if (mWaveCache->where[a+1] > numSamples)
//compute the values that are outside the overlap from scratch.
if (a < p1) {
int i;
sampleFormat seqFormat = mSequence->GetSampleFormat();
bool didUpdate = false;
for(i=a; i<p1; i++) {
sampleCount left;
left = mWaveCache->where[i] - numSamples;
sampleCount right;
right = mWaveCache->where[i+1] - numSamples;
//wxCriticalSectionLocker locker(mAppendCriticalSection);
if (left < 0)
left = 0;
if (right > mAppendBufferLen)
right = mAppendBufferLen;
if (right > left) {
float *b;
sampleCount len = right-left;
sampleCount j;
if (seqFormat == floatSample)
b = &((float *)mAppendBuffer)[left];
else {
b = new float[len];
CopySamples(mAppendBuffer + left*SAMPLE_SIZE(seqFormat),
(samplePtr)b, floatSample, len);
float max = b[0];
float min = b[0];
float sumsq = b[0] * b[0];
for(j=1; j<len; j++) {
if (b[j] > max)
max = b[j];
if (b[j] < min)
min = b[j];
sumsq += b[j]*b[j];
mWaveCache->min[i] = min;
mWaveCache->max[i] = max;
mWaveCache->rms[i] = (float)sqrt(sumsq / len);
mWaveCache->bl[i] = 1; //for now just fake it.
if (seqFormat != floatSample)
delete[] b;
// So that the sequence doesn't try to write any
// of these values
//mchinen: but only do this if we've updated pixels in the cache.
p1 = a;
if (p1 > p0) {
if (!mSequence->GetWaveDisplay(&mWaveCache->min[p0],
mRate / pixelsPerSecond))
return false;
mWaveCache->dirty = mDirty;
delete oldCache;
memcpy(min, mWaveCache->min, numPixels*sizeof(float));
memcpy(max, mWaveCache->max, numPixels*sizeof(float));
memcpy(rms, mWaveCache->rms, numPixels*sizeof(float));
memcpy(bl, mWaveCache->bl, numPixels*sizeof(int));
memcpy(where, mWaveCache->where, (numPixels+1)*sizeof(sampleCount));
//find the number of OD pixels - the only way to do this is by recounting since we've lost some old cache.
mWaveCache->numODPixels = 0;
for(int j=0;j<mWaveCache->len;j++)
isLoadingOD = mWaveCache->numODPixels>0;
return true;
bool WaveClip::GetSpectrogram(float *freq, sampleCount *where,
int numPixels,
double t0, double pixelsPerSecond,
bool autocorrelation)
int minFreq = gPrefs->Read(wxT("/Spectrum/MinFreq"), 0L);
int maxFreq = gPrefs->Read(wxT("/Spectrum/MaxFreq"), 8000L);
int range = gPrefs->Read(wxT("/Spectrum/Range"), 80L);
int gain = gPrefs->Read(wxT("/Spectrum/Gain"), 20L);
int frequencygain = gPrefs->Read(wxT("/Spectrum/FrequencyGain"), 0L);
int windowType;
int windowSize = gPrefs->Read(wxT("/Spectrum/FFTSize"), 256);
int fftSkipPoints = gPrefs->Read(wxT("/Spectrum/FFTSkipPoints"), 0L);
int fftSkipPoints1 = fftSkipPoints+1;
int half = windowSize/2;
gPrefs->Read(wxT("/Spectrum/WindowType"), &windowType, 3);
// Update the FFT and window if necessary
if((mWindowType != windowType) || (mWindowSize != windowSize)
|| (hFFT == NULL) || (mWindow == NULL) || (mWindowSize != hFFT->Points*2) ) {
mWindowType = windowType;
mWindowSize = windowSize;
if(hFFT != NULL)
hFFT = InitializeFFT(mWindowSize);
if(mWindow != NULL) delete[] mWindow;
// Create the requested window function
mWindow = new float[mWindowSize];
int i;
for(i=0; i<windowSize; i++)
WindowFunc(mWindowType, mWindowSize, mWindow);
// Scale the window function to give 0dB spectrum for 0dB sine tone
double ws=0;
for(i=0; i<windowSize; i++)
ws += mWindow[i];
if(ws > 0) {
ws = 2.0/ws;
for(i=0; i<windowSize; i++)
mWindow[i] *= ws;
if (mSpecCache &&
mSpecCache->minFreqOld == minFreq &&
mSpecCache->maxFreqOld == maxFreq &&
mSpecCache->rangeOld == range &&
mSpecCache->gainOld == gain &&
mSpecCache->windowTypeOld == windowType &&
mSpecCache->windowSizeOld == windowSize &&
mSpecCache->frequencyGainOld == frequencygain &&
mSpecCache->fftSkipPointsOld == fftSkipPoints &&
mSpecCache->dirty == mDirty &&
mSpecCache->start == t0 &&
mSpecCache->ac == autocorrelation &&
mSpecCache->len >= numPixels &&
mSpecCache->pps == pixelsPerSecond) {
memcpy(freq, mSpecCache->freq, numPixels*half*sizeof(float));
memcpy(where, mSpecCache->where, (numPixels+1)*sizeof(sampleCount));
return false; //hit cache completely
SpecCache *oldCache = mSpecCache;
mSpecCache = new SpecCache(numPixels, half, autocorrelation);
mSpecCache->pps = pixelsPerSecond;
mSpecCache->start = t0;
sampleCount x;
bool *recalc = new bool[mSpecCache->len + 1];
for (x = 0; x < mSpecCache->len + 1; x++) {
recalc[x] = true;
// purposely offset the display 1/2 bin to the left (as compared
// to waveform display to properly center response of the FFT
mSpecCache->where[x] =
(sampleCount)floor((t0*mRate) + (x*mRate/pixelsPerSecond) + 1.);
// Optimization: if the old cache is good and overlaps
// with the current one, re-use as much of the cache as
// possible
if (oldCache->dirty == mDirty &&
oldCache->minFreqOld == minFreq &&
oldCache->maxFreqOld == maxFreq &&
oldCache->rangeOld == range &&
oldCache->gainOld == gain &&
oldCache->windowTypeOld == windowType &&
oldCache->windowSizeOld == windowSize &&
oldCache->frequencyGainOld == frequencygain &&
oldCache->fftSkipPointsOld == fftSkipPoints &&
oldCache->pps == pixelsPerSecond &&
oldCache->ac == autocorrelation &&
oldCache->where[0] < mSpecCache->where[mSpecCache->len] &&
oldCache->where[oldCache->len] > mSpecCache->where[0]) {
for (x = 0; x < mSpecCache->len; x++)
if (mSpecCache->where[x] >= oldCache->where[0] &&
mSpecCache->where[x] <= oldCache->where[oldCache->len]) {
int ox = (int) ((double (oldCache->len) *
(mSpecCache->where[x] - oldCache->where[0]))
/ (oldCache->where[oldCache->len] -
oldCache->where[0]) + 0.5);
if (ox >= 0 && ox < oldCache->len &&
mSpecCache->where[x] == oldCache->where[ox]) {
for (sampleCount i = 0; i < (sampleCount)half; i++)
mSpecCache->freq[half * x + i] =
oldCache->freq[half * ox + i];
recalc[x] = false;
float *buffer = new float[windowSize*fftSkipPoints1];
mSpecCache->fftSkipPointsOld = fftSkipPoints;
float *buffer = new float[windowSize];
mSpecCache->minFreqOld = minFreq;
mSpecCache->maxFreqOld = maxFreq;
mSpecCache->gainOld = gain;
mSpecCache->rangeOld = range;
mSpecCache->windowTypeOld = windowType;
mSpecCache->windowSizeOld = windowSize;
mSpecCache->frequencyGainOld = frequencygain;
float *gainfactor = NULL;
if(frequencygain > 0) {
// Compute a frequency-dependant gain factor
// scaled such that 1000 Hz gets a gain of 0dB
double factor = 0.001*(double)mRate/(double)windowSize;
gainfactor = new float[half];
for(x = 0; x < half; x++) {
gainfactor[x] = frequencygain*log10(factor * x);
for (x = 0; x < mSpecCache->len; x++)
if (recalc[x]) {
sampleCount start = mSpecCache->where[x];
sampleCount len = windowSize;
sampleCount i;
if (start <= 0 || start >= mSequence->GetNumSamples()) {
for (i = 0; i < (sampleCount)half; i++)
mSpecCache->freq[half * x + i] = 0;
float *adj = buffer;
start -= windowSize >> 1;
if (start < 0) {
for (i = start; i < 0; i++)
*adj++ = 0;
len += start;
start = 0;
if (start + len*fftSkipPoints1 > mSequence->GetNumSamples()) {
int newlen = (mSequence->GetNumSamples() - start)/fftSkipPoints1;
for (i = newlen*fftSkipPoints1; i < (sampleCount)len*fftSkipPoints1; i++)
if (start + len > mSequence->GetNumSamples()) {
int newlen = mSequence->GetNumSamples() - start;
for (i = newlen; i < (sampleCount)len; i++)
adj[i] = 0;
len = newlen;
if (len > 0)
mSequence->Get((samplePtr)adj, floatSample, start, len*fftSkipPoints1);
if (fftSkipPoints) {
// TODO: (maybe) alternatively change Get to include skipping of points
int j=0;
for (int i=0; i < len; i++) {
mSequence->Get((samplePtr)adj, floatSample, start, len);
if(autocorrelation) {
ComputeSpectrum(buffer, windowSize, windowSize,
mRate, &mSpecCache->freq[half * x],
autocorrelation, windowType);
} else {
ComputeSpectrumUsingRealFFTf(buffer, hFFT, mWindow, mWindowSize, &mSpecCache->freq[half * x]);
ComputeSpectrum(buffer, windowSize, windowSize,
mRate, &mSpecCache->freq[half * x],
autocorrelation, windowType);
if(gainfactor) {
// Apply a frequency-dependant gain factor
for(i=0; i<half; i++)
mSpecCache->freq[half * x + i] += gainfactor[i];
delete[] gainfactor;
delete oldCache;
mSpecCache->dirty = mDirty;
memcpy(freq, mSpecCache->freq, numPixels*half*sizeof(float));
memcpy(where, mSpecCache->where, (numPixels+1)*sizeof(sampleCount));
return true;
bool WaveClip::GetMinMax(float *min, float *max,
double t0, double t1)
*min = float(0.0); // harmless, but unused since Sequence::GetMinMax does not use these values
*max = float(0.0); // harmless, but unused since Sequence::GetMinMax does not use these values
if (t0 > t1)
return false;
if (t0 == t1)
return true;
sampleCount s0, s1;
TimeToSamplesClip(t0, &s0);
TimeToSamplesClip(t1, &s1);
return mSequence->GetMinMax(s0, s1-s0, min, max);
bool WaveClip::GetRMS(float *rms, double t0,
double t1)
*rms = float(0.0);
if (t0 > t1)
return false;
if (t0 == t1)
return true;
sampleCount s0, s1;
TimeToSamplesClip(t0, &s0);
TimeToSamplesClip(t1, &s1);
return mSequence->GetRMS(s0, s1-s0, rms);
void WaveClip::ConvertToSampleFormat(sampleFormat format)
bool bChanged;
bool bResult = mSequence->ConvertToSampleFormat(format, &bChanged);
if (bResult && bChanged)
wxASSERT(bResult); // TODO: Throw an actual error.
void WaveClip::UpdateEnvelopeTrackLen()
mEnvelope->SetTrackLen(((double)mSequence->GetNumSamples()) / mRate);
void WaveClip::TimeToSamplesClip(double t0, sampleCount *s0) const
if (t0 < mOffset)
*s0 = 0;
else if (t0 > mOffset + double(mSequence->GetNumSamples())/mRate)
*s0 = mSequence->GetNumSamples();
*s0 = (sampleCount)floor(((t0 - mOffset) * mRate) + 0.5);
void WaveClip::ClearDisplayRect()
mDisplayRect.x = mDisplayRect.y = -1;
mDisplayRect.width = mDisplayRect.height = -1;
void WaveClip::SetDisplayRect(const wxRect& r)
mDisplayRect = r;
void WaveClip::GetDisplayRect(wxRect* r)
*r = mDisplayRect;
bool WaveClip::Append(samplePtr buffer, sampleFormat format,
sampleCount len, unsigned int stride /* = 1 */,
XMLWriter* blockFileLog /*=NULL*/)
//wxLogDebug(wxT("Append: len=%i"), len);
sampleCount maxBlockSize = mSequence->GetMaxBlockSize();
sampleCount blockSize = mSequence->GetIdealAppendLen();
sampleFormat seqFormat = mSequence->GetSampleFormat();
if (!mAppendBuffer)
mAppendBuffer = NewSamples(maxBlockSize, seqFormat);
for(;;) {
if (mAppendBufferLen >= blockSize) {
bool success =
mSequence->Append(mAppendBuffer, seqFormat, blockSize,
if (!success)
return false;
mAppendBuffer + blockSize * SAMPLE_SIZE(seqFormat),
(mAppendBufferLen - blockSize) * SAMPLE_SIZE(seqFormat));
mAppendBufferLen -= blockSize;
blockSize = mSequence->GetIdealAppendLen();
if (len == 0)
int toCopy = maxBlockSize - mAppendBufferLen;
if (toCopy > len)
toCopy = len;
CopySamples(buffer, format,
mAppendBuffer + mAppendBufferLen * SAMPLE_SIZE(seqFormat),
true, // high quality
mAppendBufferLen += toCopy;
buffer += toCopy * SAMPLE_SIZE(format) * stride;
len -= toCopy;
return true;
bool WaveClip::AppendAlias(wxString fName, sampleCount start,
sampleCount len, int channel,bool useOD)
bool result = mSequence->AppendAlias(fName, start, len, channel,useOD);
if (result)
return result;
bool WaveClip::AppendCoded(wxString fName, sampleCount start,
sampleCount len, int channel, int decodeType)
bool result = mSequence->AppendCoded(fName, start, len, channel, decodeType);
if (result)
return result;
bool WaveClip::Flush()
//wxLogDebug(wxT(" mAppendBufferLen=%i"), mAppendBufferLen);
//wxLogDebug(wxT(" previous sample count %i"), mSequence->GetNumSamples());
bool success = true;
if (mAppendBufferLen > 0) {
success = mSequence->Append(mAppendBuffer, mSequence->GetSampleFormat(), mAppendBufferLen);
if (success) {
mAppendBufferLen = 0;
//wxLogDebug(wxT("now sample count %i"), mSequence->GetNumSamples());
return success;
bool WaveClip::HandleXMLTag(const wxChar *tag, const wxChar **attrs)
if (!wxStrcmp(tag, wxT("waveclip")))
double dblValue;
while (*attrs)
const wxChar *attr = *attrs++;
const wxChar *value = *attrs++;
if (!value)
const wxString strValue = value;
if (!wxStrcmp(attr, wxT("offset")))
if (!XMLValueChecker::IsGoodString(strValue) ||
!Internat::CompatibleToDouble(strValue, &dblValue))
return false;
return true;
return false;
void WaveClip::HandleXMLEndTag(const wxChar *tag)
if (!wxStrcmp(tag, wxT("waveclip")))
XMLTagHandler *WaveClip::HandleXMLChild(const wxChar *tag)
if (!wxStrcmp(tag, wxT("sequence")))
return mSequence;
else if (!wxStrcmp(tag, wxT("envelope")))
return mEnvelope;
else if (!wxStrcmp(tag, wxT("waveclip")))
// Nested wave clips are cut lines
WaveClip *newCutLine = new WaveClip(mSequence->GetDirManager(),
mSequence->GetSampleFormat(), mRate);
return newCutLine;
} else
return NULL;
void WaveClip::WriteXML(XMLWriter &xmlFile)
xmlFile.WriteAttr(wxT("offset"), mOffset, 8);
for (WaveClipList::compatibility_iterator it=mCutLines.GetFirst(); it; it=it->GetNext())
bool WaveClip::CreateFromCopy(double t0, double t1, WaveClip* other)
sampleCount s0, s1;
other->TimeToSamplesClip(t0, &s0);
other->TimeToSamplesClip(t1, &s1);
Sequence* oldSequence = mSequence;
mSequence = NULL;
if (!other->mSequence->Copy(s0, s1, &mSequence))
mSequence = oldSequence;
return false;
delete oldSequence;
delete mEnvelope;
mEnvelope = new Envelope();
mEnvelope->CopyFrom(other->mEnvelope, (double)s0/mRate, (double)s1/mRate);
return true;
bool WaveClip::Paste(double t0, WaveClip* other)
WaveClip* pastedClip;
bool clipNeedsResampling = other->mRate != mRate;
if (clipNeedsResampling)
// The other clip's rate is different to our's, so resample
pastedClip = new WaveClip(*other, mSequence->GetDirManager());
if (!pastedClip->Resample(mRate))
delete pastedClip;
return false;
} else
// No resampling needed, just use original clip without making a copy
pastedClip = other;
sampleCount s0;
TimeToSamplesClip(t0, &s0);
// Force sample formats to match.
if (pastedClip->mSequence->GetSampleFormat() != mSequence->GetSampleFormat())
bool result = false;
if (mSequence->Paste(s0, pastedClip->mSequence))
mEnvelope->Paste((double)s0/mRate + mOffset, pastedClip->mEnvelope);
OffsetCutLines(t0, pastedClip->GetEndTime() - pastedClip->GetStartTime());
// Paste cut lines contained in pasted clip
for (WaveClipList::compatibility_iterator it = pastedClip->mCutLines.GetFirst(); it; it=it->GetNext())
WaveClip* cutline = it->GetData();
WaveClip* newCutLine = new WaveClip(*cutline,
newCutLine->Offset(t0 - mOffset);
result = true;
if (clipNeedsResampling)
// Clip was constructed as a copy, so delete it
delete pastedClip;
return result;
bool WaveClip::InsertSilence(double t, double len)
sampleCount s0;
TimeToSamplesClip(t, &s0);
sampleCount slen = (sampleCount)floor(len * mRate + 0.5);
if (!GetSequence()->InsertSilence(s0, slen))
return false;
OffsetCutLines(t, len);
GetEnvelope()->InsertSpace(t, len);
return true;
bool WaveClip::Clear(double t0, double t1)
sampleCount s0, s1;
TimeToSamplesClip(t0, &s0);
TimeToSamplesClip(t1, &s1);
if (GetSequence()->Delete(s0, s1-s0))
// msmeyer
// Delete all cutlines that are within the given area, if any.
// Note that when cutlines are active, two functions are used:
// Clear() and ClearAndAddCutLine(). ClearAndAddCutLine() is called
// whenever the user directly calls a command that removes some audio, e.g.
// "Cut" or "Clear" from the menu. This command takes care about recursive
// preserving of cutlines within clips. Clear() is called when internal
// operations want to remove audio. In the latter case, it is the right
// thing to just remove all cutlines within the area.
double clip_t0 = t0;
double clip_t1 = t1;
if (clip_t0 < GetStartTime())
clip_t0 = GetStartTime();
if (clip_t1 > GetEndTime())
clip_t1 = GetEndTime();
WaveClipList::compatibility_iterator nextIt;
for (WaveClipList::compatibility_iterator it = mCutLines.GetFirst(); it; it=nextIt)
nextIt = it->GetNext();
WaveClip* clip = it->GetData();
double cutlinePosition = mOffset + clip->GetOffset();
if (cutlinePosition >= t0 && cutlinePosition <= t1)
// This cutline is within the area, delete it
delete clip;
} else
if (cutlinePosition >= t1)
// Collapse envelope
GetEnvelope()->CollapseRegion(t0, t1);
if (t0 < GetStartTime())
Offset(-(GetStartTime() - t0));
return true;
return false;
bool WaveClip::ClearAndAddCutLine(double t0, double t1)
if (t0 > GetEndTime() || t1 < GetStartTime())
return true; // time out of bounds
WaveClip *newClip = new WaveClip(mSequence->GetDirManager(),
double clip_t0 = t0;
double clip_t1 = t1;
if (clip_t0 < GetStartTime())
clip_t0 = GetStartTime();
if (clip_t1 > GetEndTime())
clip_t1 = GetEndTime();
if (!newClip->CreateFromCopy(clip_t0, clip_t1, this))
return false;
// Sort out cutlines that belong to the new cutline
WaveClipList::compatibility_iterator nextIt;
for (WaveClipList::compatibility_iterator it = mCutLines.GetFirst(); it; it=nextIt)
nextIt = it->GetNext();
WaveClip* clip = it->GetData();
double cutlinePosition = mOffset + clip->GetOffset();
if (cutlinePosition >= t0 && cutlinePosition <= t1)
clip->SetOffset(cutlinePosition - newClip->GetOffset() - mOffset);
} else
if (cutlinePosition >= t1)
// Clear actual audio data
sampleCount s0, s1;
TimeToSamplesClip(t0, &s0);
TimeToSamplesClip(t1, &s1);
if (GetSequence()->Delete(s0, s1-s0))
// Collapse envelope
GetEnvelope()->CollapseRegion(t0, t1);
if (t0 < GetStartTime())
Offset(-(GetStartTime() - t0));
return true;
} else
delete newClip;
return false;
bool WaveClip::FindCutLine(double cutLinePosition,
double* cutlineStart /* = NULL */,
double* cutlineEnd /* = NULL */)
for (WaveClipList::compatibility_iterator it = mCutLines.GetFirst(); it; it=it->GetNext())
WaveClip* cutline = it->GetData();
if (fabs(mOffset + cutline->GetOffset() - cutLinePosition) < 0.0001)
if (cutlineStart)
*cutlineStart = mOffset+cutline->GetStartTime();
if (cutlineEnd)
*cutlineEnd = mOffset+cutline->GetEndTime();
return true;
return false;
bool WaveClip::ExpandCutLine(double cutLinePosition)
for (WaveClipList::compatibility_iterator it = mCutLines.GetFirst(); it; it=it->GetNext())
WaveClip* cutline = it->GetData();
if (fabs(mOffset + cutline->GetOffset() - cutLinePosition) < 0.0001)
if (!Paste(mOffset+cutline->GetOffset(), cutline))
return false;
delete cutline;
return true;
return false;
bool WaveClip::RemoveCutLine(double cutLinePosition)
for (WaveClipList::compatibility_iterator it = mCutLines.GetFirst(); it; it=it->GetNext())
if (fabs(mOffset + it->GetData()->GetOffset() - cutLinePosition) < 0.0001)
delete it->GetData();
return true;
return false;
void WaveClip::RemoveAllCutLines()
while (!mCutLines.IsEmpty())
WaveClipList::compatibility_iterator head = mCutLines.GetFirst();
delete head->GetData();
void WaveClip::OffsetCutLines(double t0, double len)
for (WaveClipList::compatibility_iterator it = mCutLines.GetFirst(); it; it=it->GetNext())
WaveClip* cutLine = it->GetData();
if (mOffset + cutLine->GetOffset() >= t0)
void WaveClip::Lock()
for (WaveClipList::compatibility_iterator it = mCutLines.GetFirst(); it; it=it->GetNext())
void WaveClip::CloseLock()
for (WaveClipList::compatibility_iterator it = mCutLines.GetFirst(); it; it=it->GetNext())
void WaveClip::Unlock()
for (WaveClipList::compatibility_iterator it = mCutLines.GetFirst(); it; it=it->GetNext())
void WaveClip::SetRate(int rate)
mRate = rate;
bool WaveClip::Resample(int rate, ProgressDialog *progress)
if (rate == mRate)
return true; // Nothing to do
double factor = (double)rate / (double)mRate;
::Resample* resample = new ::Resample(true, factor, factor); // constant rate resampling
int bufsize = 65536;
float* inBuffer = new float[bufsize];
float* outBuffer = new float[bufsize];
sampleCount pos = 0;
bool error = false;
int outGenerated = 0;
sampleCount numSamples = mSequence->GetNumSamples();
Sequence* newSequence =
new Sequence(mSequence->GetDirManager(), mSequence->GetSampleFormat());
* We want to keep going as long as we have something to feed the resampler
* with OR as long as the resampler spews out samples (which could continue
* for a few iterations after we stop feeding it)
while (pos < numSamples || outGenerated > 0)
int inLen = numSamples - pos;
if (inLen > bufsize)
inLen = bufsize;
bool isLast = ((pos + inLen) == numSamples);
if (!mSequence->Get((samplePtr)inBuffer, floatSample, pos, inLen))
error = true;
int inBufferUsed = 0;
outGenerated = resample->Process(factor, inBuffer, inLen, isLast,
&inBufferUsed, outBuffer, bufsize);
pos += inBufferUsed;
if (outGenerated < 0)
error = true;
if (!newSequence->Append((samplePtr)outBuffer, floatSample,
error = true;
if (progress)
int updateResult = progress->Update(pos, numSamples);
error = (updateResult != eProgressSuccess);
if (error)
delete[] inBuffer;
delete[] outBuffer;
delete resample;
if (error)
delete newSequence;
} else
delete mSequence;
mSequence = newSequence;
mRate = rate;
// Invalidate wave display cache
if (mWaveCache)
delete mWaveCache;
mWaveCache = NULL;
mWaveCache = new WaveCache(1);
// Invalidate the spectrum display cache
if (mSpecCache)
delete mSpecCache;
mSpecCache = new SpecCache(1, 1, false);
return !error;