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Audacity: A Digital Audio Editor
Paul Licameli split from TrackPanel.cpp
#include "../../Experimental.h"
#include <vector>
#include <wx/longlong.h>
#include "../../widgets/Overlay.h" // to inherit
#include "../../commands/CommandContext.h"
#include "../../commands/CommandManager.h" // for MenuTable
#include "../../../include/audacity/Types.h"
class AudacityProject;
extern AudacityProject *GetActiveProject();
// Conditionally compile either a separate thead, or else use a timer in the main
// thread, to poll the mouse and update scrubbing speed and direction. The advantage of
// a thread may be immunity to choppy scrubbing in case redrawing takes too much time.
#ifdef __WXGTK__
// Unfortunately some things the thread needs to do are not thread safe
// For putting an increment of work in the scrubbing queue
struct ScrubbingOptions {
ScrubbingOptions() {}
bool adjustStart {};
// usually from TrackList::GetEndTime()
double maxTime {};
double minTime {};
bool bySpeed {};
bool isPlayingAtSpeed{};
double delay {};
// Limiting values for the speed of a scrub interval:
double minSpeed { 0.0 };
double maxSpeed { 1.0 };
// When maximum speed scrubbing skips to follow the mouse,
// this is the minimum amount of playback allowed at the maximum speed:
double minStutterTime {};
static double MaxAllowedScrubSpeed()
{ return 32.0; } // Is five octaves enough for your amusement?
static double MinAllowedScrubSpeed()
{ return 0.01; } // Mixer needs a lower bound speed. Scrub no slower than this.
// Scrub state object
class Scrubber : public wxEvtHandler
static constexpr unsigned ScrubPollInterval_ms = 50;
Scrubber(AudacityProject *project);
static bool ShouldScrubPinned();
// Assume xx is relative to the left edge of TrackPanel!
void MarkScrubStart(wxCoord xx, bool smoothScrolling, bool seek);
// Returns true iff the event should be considered consumed by this:
// Assume xx is relative to the left edge of TrackPanel!
bool MaybeStartScrubbing(wxCoord xx);
bool StartSpeedPlay(double speed, double time0, double time1);
void ContinueScrubbingUI();
void ContinueScrubbingPoll();
// This is meant to be called only from ControlToolBar
void StopScrubbing();
wxCoord GetScrubStartPosition() const
{ return mScrubStartPosition; }
bool WasSpeedPlaying() const
{ return mSpeedPlaying;}
bool IsSpeedPlaying() const
{ return IsScrubbing() && mSpeedPlaying; }
// True iff the user has clicked to start scrub and not yet stopped,
// but IsScrubbing() may yet be false
bool HasMark() const
{ return GetScrubStartPosition() >= 0; }
bool IsScrubbing() const;
bool IsScrollScrubbing() const // If true, implies HasMark()
{ return mSmoothScrollingScrub; }
void SetScrollScrubbing(bool value)
{ mSmoothScrollingScrub = value; }
bool ChoseSeeking() const;
bool MayDragToSeek() const;
bool TemporarilySeeks() const;
bool Seeks() const;
bool Scrubs() const;
bool ShowsBar() const;
void Cancel()
{ mCancelled = true; }
bool ShouldDrawScrubSpeed();
double FindScrubSpeed(bool seeking, double time) const;
double GetMaxScrubSpeed() const { return mOptions.maxSpeed; }
void HandleScrollWheel(int steps);
// This returns the same as the enabled state of the menu items:
bool CanScrub() const;
// For the toolbar
MenuTable::BaseItemPtr Menu();
// For popup
void PopulatePopupMenu(wxMenu &menu);
void OnScrubOrSeek(bool seek);
void OnScrub(const CommandContext&);
void OnSeek(const CommandContext&);
void OnToggleScrubRuler(const CommandContext&);
// Convenience wrapper for the above
template<void (Scrubber::*pfn)(const CommandContext&)>
void Thunk(wxCommandEvent &)
{ (this->*pfn)(*GetActiveProject()); }
// A string to put in the leftmost part of the status bar
// when scrub or seek is in progress, or else empty.
const wxString &GetUntranslatedStateString() const;
wxString StatusMessageForWave() const;
// All possible status strings.
static std::vector<wxString> GetAllUntranslatedStatusStrings();
void Pause(bool paused);
bool IsPaused() const;
void CheckMenuItems();
void StartPolling();
void StopPolling();
void DoScrub(bool seek);
void OnActivateOrDeactivateApp(wxActivateEvent & event);
// I need this because I can't push the scrubber as an event handler
// in two places at once.
struct Forwarder : public wxEvtHandler {
Forwarder(Scrubber &scrubber_) : scrubber( scrubber_ ) {}
Scrubber &scrubber;
void OnMouse(wxMouseEvent &event);
Forwarder mForwarder{ *this };
int mScrubToken;
int mScrubSpeedDisplayCountdown;
wxCoord mScrubStartPosition;
wxCoord mLastScrubPosition {};
bool mScrubSeekPress {};
bool mSmoothScrollingScrub;
bool mPaused{};
bool mSeeking {};
bool mSpeedPlaying{true};
bool mDragging {};
bool mCancelled {};
int mLogMaxScrubSpeed;
AudacityProject *mProject;
// Course corrections in playback are done in a helper thread, unhindered by
// the complications of the main event dispatch loop
class ScrubPollerThread;
ScrubPollerThread *mpThread {};
// Other periodic update of the UI must be done in the main thread,
// by this object which is driven by timer events.
class ScrubPoller;
std::unique_ptr<ScrubPoller> mPoller;
ScrubbingOptions mOptions;
double mMaxSpeed { 1.0 };
// Specialist in drawing the scrub speed, and listening for certain events
class ScrubbingOverlay final : public wxEvtHandler, public Overlay
ScrubbingOverlay(AudacityProject *project);
std::pair<wxRect, bool> DoGetRectangle(wxSize size) override;
void Draw(OverlayPanel &panel, wxDC &dc) override;
void OnTimer(wxCommandEvent &event);
const Scrubber &GetScrubber() const;
Scrubber &GetScrubber();
AudacityProject *mProject;
wxRect mLastScrubRect, mNextScrubRect;
wxString mLastScrubSpeedText, mNextScrubSpeedText;