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Audacity: A Digital Audio Editor
Paul Licameli split from Types.h
#include <vector>
#include <wx/string.h>
//! An explicitly nonlocalized string, not meant for the user to see.
/*! String manipulations are discouraged, other than splitting and joining on separator characters.
Wherever GET is used to fetch the underlying wxString, there should be a comment explaining the need for it.
class AUDACITY_DLL_API Identifier
Identifier() = default;
//! Allow implicit conversion to this class, but not from
Identifier(const wxString &str) : value{ str } {}
//! Allow implicit conversion to this class, but not from
Identifier(const wxChar *str) : value{ str } {}
//! Allow implicit conversion to this class, but not from
Identifier(const char *str) : value{ str } {}
// Copy construction and assignment
Identifier( const Identifier & ) = default;
Identifier &operator = ( const Identifier& ) = default;
// Move construction and assignment
Identifier( wxString && str )
{ value.swap( str ); }
Identifier( Identifier && id )
{ swap( id ); }
Identifier &operator= ( Identifier&& id )
if ( this != &id )
value.clear(), swap( id );
return *this;
// Implements moves
void swap( Identifier &id ) { value.swap( id.value ); }
//! Convenience for building concatenated identifiers.
/*! The list must have at least two members (so you don't easily circumvent the restrictions on
interconversions intended in TaggedIdentifier below) */
Identifier(std::initializer_list<Identifier> components, wxChar separator);
bool empty() const { return value.empty(); }
size_t size() const { return value.size(); }
size_t length() const { return value.length(); }
//! Explicit conversion to wxString, meant to be ugly-looking and demanding of a comment why it's correct
const wxString &GET() const { return value; }
std::vector< Identifier > split( wxChar separator ) const;
wxString value;
//! Comparisons of Identifiers are case-sensitive
inline bool operator == ( const Identifier &x, const Identifier &y )
{ return x.GET() == y.GET(); }
inline bool operator != ( const Identifier &x, const Identifier &y )
{ return !(x == y); }
inline bool operator < ( const Identifier &x, const Identifier &y )
{ return x.GET() < y.GET(); }
inline bool operator > ( const Identifier &x, const Identifier &y )
{ return y < x; }
inline bool operator <= ( const Identifier &x, const Identifier &y )
{ return !(y < x); }
inline bool operator >= ( const Identifier &x, const Identifier &y )
{ return !(x < y); }
namespace std
template<> struct hash< Identifier > {
size_t operator () ( const Identifier &id ) const // noexcept
{ return hash<wxString>{}( id.GET() ); }
//! This lets you pass Identifier into wxFileConfig::Read
inline bool wxFromString(const wxString& str, Identifier *id)
{ if (id) { *id = str; return true; } else return false; }
//! This lets you pass Identifier into wxFileConfig::Write
inline wxString wxToString( const Identifier& str ) { return str.GET(); }
//! Template generates different TaggedIdentifier classes that don't interconvert implicitly
/*! The second template parameter determines whether comparisons are case
sensitive; default is case sensitive */
template<typename Tag, bool CaseSensitive = true >
class TaggedIdentifier : public Identifier
using TagType = Tag;
using Identifier::Identifier;
TaggedIdentifier() = default;
//! Copy allowed only for the same Tag class and case sensitivity
TaggedIdentifier( const TaggedIdentifier& ) = default;
//! Move allowed only for the same Tag class and case sensitivity
TaggedIdentifier( TaggedIdentifier&& ) = default;
//! Copy allowed only for the same Tag class and case sensitivity
TaggedIdentifier& operator= ( const TaggedIdentifier& ) = default;
//! Move allowed only for the same Tag class and case sensitivity
TaggedIdentifier& operator= ( TaggedIdentifier&& ) = default;
//! Copy prohibited for other Tag classes or case sensitivity
template< typename Tag2, bool b >
TaggedIdentifier( const TaggedIdentifier<Tag2, b>& ) PROHIBITED;
//! Move prohibited for other Tag classes or case sensitivity
template< typename Tag2, bool b >
TaggedIdentifier( TaggedIdentifier<Tag2, b>&& ) PROHIBITED;
//! Copy prohibited for other Tag classes or case sensitivity
template< typename Tag2, bool b >
TaggedIdentifier& operator= ( const TaggedIdentifier<Tag2, b>& ) PROHIBITED;
//! Move prohibited for other Tag classes or case sensitivity
template< typename Tag2, bool b >
TaggedIdentifier& operator= ( TaggedIdentifier<Tag2, b>&& ) PROHIBITED;
/*! Allow implicit conversion to this class from un-tagged Identifier,
but not from; resolution will use other overloads above if argument has a tag */
TaggedIdentifier(const Identifier &str) : Identifier{ str } {}
//! Explicit conversion to another kind of TaggedIdentifier
template<typename String, typename = typename String::TagType>
String CONVERT() const
{ return String{ this->GET() }; }
/*! Comparison of a TaggedIdentifier with an Identifier is allowed, resolving
to one of the operators on Identifiers, but always case sensitive.
Comparison operators for two TaggedIdentifiers require the same tags and case sensitivity. */
template< typename Tag1, typename Tag2, bool b1, bool b2 >
inline bool operator == (
const TaggedIdentifier< Tag1, b1 > &x, const TaggedIdentifier< Tag2, b2 > &y )
static_assert( std::is_same< Tag1, Tag2 >::value && b1 == b2,
"TaggedIdentifiers with different tags or sensitivity are not comparable" );
// This test should be eliminated at compile time:
if ( b1 )
return x.GET(). Cmp ( y.GET() ) == 0;
return x.GET(). CmpNoCase ( y.GET() ) == 0;
template< typename Tag1, typename Tag2, bool b1, bool b2 >
inline bool operator != (
const TaggedIdentifier< Tag1, b1 > &x, const TaggedIdentifier< Tag2, b2 > &y )
{ return !(x == y); }
template< typename Tag1, typename Tag2, bool b1, bool b2 >
inline bool operator < (
const TaggedIdentifier< Tag1, b1 > &x, const TaggedIdentifier< Tag2, b2 > &y )
static_assert( std::is_same< Tag1, Tag2 >::value && b1 == b2,
"TaggedIdentifiers with different tags or sensitivity are not comparable" );
// This test should be eliminated at compile time:
if ( b1 )
return x.GET(). Cmp ( y.GET() ) < 0;
return x.GET(). CmpNoCase ( y.GET() ) < 0;
template< typename Tag1, typename Tag2, bool b1, bool b2 >
inline bool operator > (
const TaggedIdentifier< Tag1, b1 > &x, const TaggedIdentifier< Tag2, b2 > &y )
{ return y < x; }
template< typename Tag1, typename Tag2, bool b1, bool b2 >
inline bool operator <= (
const TaggedIdentifier< Tag1, b1 > &x, const TaggedIdentifier< Tag2, b2 > &y )
{ return !(y < x); }
template< typename Tag1, typename Tag2, bool b1, bool b2 >
inline bool operator >= (
const TaggedIdentifier< Tag1, b1 > &x, const TaggedIdentifier< Tag2, b2 > &y )
{ return !(x < y); }
namespace std
template<typename Tag, bool b > struct hash< TaggedIdentifier<Tag, b> >
: hash< Identifier > {};
\brief type alias for identifying a Plugin supplied by a module, each module
defining its own interpretation of the strings, which may or may not be as a
file system path
using PluginPath = wxString;
using PluginPaths = std::vector< PluginPath >;
// A key to be passed to wxConfigBase
using RegistryPath = wxString;
using RegistryPaths = std::vector< RegistryPath >;
class wxArrayStringEx;
//! File extension, not including any leading dot
using FileExtension = wxString;
using FileExtensions = wxArrayStringEx;
using FilePath = wxString;
using FilePaths = wxArrayStringEx;
struct CommandIdTag;
//! Identifies a menu command or macro. Case-insensitive comparison
using CommandID = TaggedIdentifier< CommandIdTag, false >;
using CommandIDs = std::vector<CommandID>;