audacia/src/TimerRecordDialog.h 67d2b274e2 Frequency Selection toolbar from Paul Licameli.
Linux/Mac will need new files adding to project, SpectralSelectionBar.cpp, NumericTextCtrl.cpp.
2014-11-08 15:18:43 +00:00

75 lines
2.0 KiB

Audacity: A Digital Audio Editor
Copyright 2006 by Vaughan Johnson
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
#include <wx/dialog.h>
#include <wx/datectrl.h>
#include <wx/calctrl.h>
#include "ShuttleGui.h"
class NumericTextCtrl;
class TimerRecordDialog : public wxDialog
TimerRecordDialog(wxWindow* parent);
void OnTimer(wxTimerEvent& event);
///Runs the wait for start dialog. Returns false if the user clicks stop.
bool RunWaitDialog();
void OnDatePicker_Start(wxDateEvent& event);
void OnTimeText_Start(wxCommandEvent& event);
void OnDatePicker_End(wxDateEvent& event);
void OnTimeText_End(wxCommandEvent& event);
void OnTimeText_Duration(wxCommandEvent & event);
void OnOK(wxCommandEvent& event);
wxString GetDisplayDate(wxDateTime & dt);
void PopulateOrExchange(ShuttleGui& S);
bool TransferDataFromWindow();
void UpdateDuration(); // Update m_TimeSpan_Duration and ctrl based on m_DateTime_Start and m_DateTime_End.
void UpdateEnd(); // Update m_DateTime_End and ctrls based on m_DateTime_Start and m_TimeSpan_Duration.
int WaitForStart();
wxDateTime m_DateTime_Start;
wxDateTime m_DateTime_End;
wxTimeSpan m_TimeSpan_Duration;
// controls
wxDatePickerCtrl* m_pDatePickerCtrl_Start;
NumericTextCtrl* m_pTimeTextCtrl_Start;
wxDatePickerCtrl* m_pDatePickerCtrl_End;
NumericTextCtrl* m_pTimeTextCtrl_End;
NumericTextCtrl* m_pTimeTextCtrl_Duration;
wxTimer m_timer;