Leland Lucius 7a0aa43a82 Convert all wxTRANSLATE() to XO()
XO() can be used anywhere a string must be extracted for translation
but not automatically translated at runtime.
2015-04-18 23:03:49 -05:00

268 lines
8.2 KiB

Audacity: A Digital Audio Editor
Mark Phillips
\class EffectReverse
\brief An Effect that reverses the selected audio.
#include "../Audacity.h"
#include <math.h>
#include <wx/intl.h>
#include "../LabelTrack.h"
#include "Reverse.h"
// EffectReverse
// IdentInterface implementation
wxString EffectReverse::GetSymbol()
wxString EffectReverse::GetDescription()
return XO("Reverses the selected audio");
// EffectIdentInterface implementation
EffectType EffectReverse::GetType()
return EffectTypeProcess;
bool EffectReverse::IsInteractive()
return false;
// Effect implementation
bool EffectReverse::Process()
//Track::All is needed because Reverse should move the labels too
this->CopyInputTracks(Track::All); // Set up mOutputTracks.
bool bGoodResult = true;
TrackListIterator iter(mOutputTracks);
Track *t = iter.First();
int count = 0;
while (t) {
if (t->GetKind() == Track::Wave &&
(t->GetSelected() || t->IsSyncLockSelected()))
WaveTrack *track = (WaveTrack*)t;
if (mT1 > mT0) {
sampleCount start = track->TimeToLongSamples(mT0);
sampleCount end = track->TimeToLongSamples(mT1);
sampleCount len = (sampleCount)(end - start);
if (!ProcessOneWave(count, track, start, len))
bGoodResult = false;
else if (t->GetKind() == Track::Label &&
(t->GetSelected() || t->IsSyncLockSelected()))
LabelTrack *track = (LabelTrack*)t;
track->ChangeLabelsOnReverse(mT0, mT1);
t = iter.Next();
return bGoodResult;
bool EffectReverse::ProcessOneWave(int count, WaveTrack * track, sampleCount start, sampleCount len)
bool rValue = true; // return value
sampleCount end = (sampleCount) start + len; // start, end, len refer to the selected reverse region
// STEP 1:
// If a reverse selection begins and/or ends at the inside of a clip
// perform a split at the start and/or end of the reverse selection
WaveClipList::compatibility_iterator node = track->GetClipIterator();
while (node) {
WaveClip *clip = node->GetData();
sampleCount clipStart = clip->GetStartSample();
sampleCount clipEnd = clip->GetEndSample();
if (clipStart < start && clipEnd > start && clipEnd <= end) { // the reverse selection begins at the inside of a clip
double splitTime = track->LongSamplesToTime(start);
else if (clipStart >= start && clipStart < end && clipEnd > end) { // the reverse selection ends at the inside of a clip
double splitTime = track->LongSamplesToTime(end);
else if (clipStart < start && clipEnd > end) { // the selection begins AND ends at the inside of a clip
double splitTime = track->LongSamplesToTime(start);
splitTime = track->LongSamplesToTime(end);
node = node->GetNext();
//STEP 2:
// Individually reverse each clip inside the selected region
// and apply the appropriate offset after detaching them from the track
bool checkedFirstClip = false;
// used in calculating the offset of clips to rearrange
// holds the new end position of the current clip
sampleCount currentEnd = (sampleCount)end;
WaveClipList revClips; // holds the reversed clips
WaveClipList otherClips; // holds the clips that appear after the reverse selection region
WaveClipArray clipArray;
size_t i;
for (i=0; i < clipArray.Count(); i++) {
WaveClip *clip = clipArray.Item(i);
sampleCount clipStart = clip->GetStartSample();
sampleCount clipEnd = clip->GetEndSample();
if (clipStart >= start && clipEnd <= end) { // if the clip is inside the selected region
// this is used to check if the selected region begins with a whitespace.
// if yes then clipStart (of the first clip) and start are not the same.
// adjust currentEnd accordingly and set endMerge to false
if(checkedFirstClip == false && clipStart > start) {
checkedFirstClip = true;
if(i > 0) {
if (clipArray.Item(i-1)->GetEndSample() <= start) {
currentEnd -= (clipStart - start);
else {
currentEnd -= (clipStart - start);
sampleCount revStart = (clipStart >= start)? clipStart: start;
sampleCount revEnd = (clipEnd >= end)? end: clipEnd;
sampleCount revLen = (sampleCount)revEnd-revStart;
if (revEnd >= revStart) {
if(!ProcessOneClip(count, track, revStart, revLen, start, end)) // reverse the clip
rValue = false;
sampleCount clipOffsetStart = (sampleCount)(currentEnd - (clipEnd-clipStart)); // calculate the offset required
double offsetStartTime = track->LongSamplesToTime(clipOffsetStart);
if(i+1 < clipArray.Count()) // update currentEnd if there is a clip to process next
sampleCount nextClipStart = clipArray.Item(i+1)->GetStartSample();
currentEnd = (sampleCount)(currentEnd - (clipEnd - clipStart) - (nextClipStart - clipEnd));
clip = track->RemoveAndReturnClip(clip); // detach the clip from track
clip->SetOffset(track->LongSamplesToTime(track->TimeToLongSamples(offsetStartTime))); // align time to a sample and set offset
else if (clipStart >= end) { // clip is after the selection region
clip = track->RemoveAndReturnClip(clip); // simply remove and append to otherClips
// STEP 3: Append the clips from
// revClips and otherClips back to the track
size_t revClipsCount = revClips.GetCount();
for (i = 0; i < revClipsCount; i++) {
WaveClipList::compatibility_iterator node = revClips.Item(revClipsCount - 1 - i); // the last clip of revClips is appended to the track first
WaveClip *clip = node->GetData();
for (i = 0; i < otherClips.GetCount(); i++) {
WaveClipList::compatibility_iterator node = otherClips.Item(i);
return rValue;
bool EffectReverse::ProcessOneClip(int count, WaveTrack *track,
sampleCount start, sampleCount len,
sampleCount originalStart, sampleCount originalEnd)
bool rc = true;
// keep track of two blocks whose data we will swap
sampleCount first = start;
sampleCount second;
sampleCount blockSize = track->GetMaxBlockSize();
float tmp;
float *buffer1 = new float[blockSize];
float *buffer2 = new float[blockSize];
sampleCount originalLen = (sampleCount)originalEnd-originalStart;
while (len > 1) {
sampleCount block = track->GetBestBlockSize(first);
if (block > len / 2)
block = len / 2;
second = first + (len - block);
track->Get((samplePtr)buffer1, floatSample, first, block);
track->Get((samplePtr)buffer2, floatSample, second, block);
for (int i = 0; i < block; i++) {
tmp = buffer1[i];
buffer1[i] = buffer2[block-i-1];
buffer2[block-i-1] = tmp;
track->Set((samplePtr)buffer1, floatSample, first, block);
track->Set((samplePtr)buffer2, floatSample, second, block);
len -= 2 * block;
first += block;
if( TrackProgress(count, 2*(first-originalStart) / (double) originalLen) ) {
rc = false;
delete[] buffer1;
delete[] buffer2;
return rc;