
343 lines
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Audacity: A Digital Audio Editor
Paul Licameli split from TrackPanel.cpp
#include "../../../../Audacity.h"
#ifdef USE_MIDI
#include "StretchHandle.h"
#include "../../../../HitTestResult.h"
#include "../../../../NoteTrack.h"
#include "../../../../Project.h"
#include "../../../../RefreshCode.h"
#include "../../../../TrackPanelMouseEvent.h"
#include "../../../../UndoManager.h"
#include "../../../../../images/Cursors.h"
#include <algorithm>
( const std::shared_ptr<NoteTrack> &pTrack, const StretchState &stretchState )
: mpTrack{ pTrack }
, mStretchState{ stretchState }
HitTestPreview StretchHandle::HitPreview( StretchEnum stretchMode, bool unsafe )
static auto disabledCursor =
::MakeCursor(wxCURSOR_NO_ENTRY, DisabledCursorXpm, 16, 16);
static auto stretchLeftCursor =
::MakeCursor(wxCURSOR_BULLSEYE, StretchLeftCursorXpm, 16, 16);
static auto stretchRightCursor =
::MakeCursor(wxCURSOR_BULLSEYE, StretchRightCursorXpm, 16, 16);
static auto stretchCursor =
::MakeCursor(wxCURSOR_BULLSEYE, StretchCursorXpm, 16, 16);
if (unsafe) {
return { wxT(""), &*disabledCursor };
else {
wxCursor *pCursor = NULL;
switch (stretchMode) {
case stretchLeft:
pCursor = &*stretchLeftCursor; break;
case stretchCenter:
pCursor = &*stretchCursor; break;
case stretchRight:
pCursor = &*stretchRightCursor; break;
return {
_("Click and drag to stretch selected region."),
UIHandlePtr StretchHandle::HitTest
(std::weak_ptr<StretchHandle> &holder,
const TrackPanelMouseState &st, const AudacityProject *pProject,
const std::shared_ptr<NoteTrack> &pTrack)
StretchState stretchState;
const wxMouseState &state = st.state;
// later, we may want a different policy, but for now, stretch is
// selected when the cursor is near the center of the track and
// within the selection
const ViewInfo &viewInfo = pProject->GetViewInfo();
if (!pTrack || !pTrack->GetSelected())
return {};
const wxRect &rect = st.rect;
int center = rect.y + rect.height / 2;
int distance = abs(state.m_y - center);
const int yTolerance = 10;
wxInt64 leftSel = viewInfo.TimeToPosition(viewInfo.selectedRegion.t0(), rect.x);
wxInt64 rightSel = viewInfo.TimeToPosition(viewInfo.selectedRegion.t1(), rect.x);
// Something is wrong if right edge comes before left edge
wxASSERT(!(rightSel < leftSel));
if (!(leftSel <= state.m_x && state.m_x <= rightSel &&
distance < yTolerance))
return {};
// find nearest beat to sel0, sel1
static const double minPeriod = 0.05; // minimum beat period
stretchState.mBeatCenter = { 0, 0 };
auto t0 = GetT0(*pTrack, viewInfo);
auto t1 = GetT1(*pTrack, viewInfo);
if (t0 >= t1)
return {};
stretchState.mBeat0 = pTrack->NearestBeatTime( t0 );
stretchState.mOrigSel0Quantized = stretchState.mBeat0.first;
stretchState.mBeat1 = pTrack->NearestBeatTime( t1 );
stretchState.mOrigSel1Quantized = stretchState.mBeat1.first;
// If there is not (almost) a beat to stretch that is slower
// than 20 beats per second, don't stretch
if ( within( stretchState.mBeat0.second,
stretchState.mBeat1.second, 0.9 ) ||
( stretchState.mBeat1.first - stretchState.mBeat0.first ) /
( stretchState.mBeat1.second - stretchState.mBeat0.second )
< minPeriod )
return {};
auto selStart = viewInfo.PositionToTime( state.m_x, rect.x );
selStart = std::max(t0, std::min(t1, selStart));
stretchState.mBeatCenter = pTrack->NearestBeatTime( selStart );
if ( within( stretchState.mBeat0.second,
stretchState.mBeatCenter.second, 0.1 ) ) {
stretchState.mMode = stretchLeft;
stretchState.mLeftBeats = 0;
stretchState.mRightBeats =
stretchState.mBeat1.second - stretchState.mBeat0.second;
else if ( within( stretchState.mBeat1.second,
stretchState.mBeatCenter.second, 0.1 ) ) {
stretchState.mMode = stretchRight;
stretchState.mLeftBeats =
stretchState.mBeat1.second - stretchState.mBeat0.second;
stretchState.mRightBeats = 0;
else {
stretchState.mMode = stretchCenter;
stretchState.mLeftBeats =
stretchState.mBeat1.second - stretchState.mBeatCenter.second;
stretchState.mRightBeats =
stretchState.mBeatCenter.second - stretchState.mBeat0.second;
auto result = std::make_shared<StretchHandle>( pTrack, stretchState );
result = AssignUIHandlePtr(holder, result);
return result;
UIHandle::Result StretchHandle::Click
(const TrackPanelMouseEvent &evt, AudacityProject *pProject)
using namespace RefreshCode;
const bool unsafe = pProject->IsAudioActive();
if ( unsafe )
return Cancelled;
const wxMouseEvent &event = evt.event;
if (event.LeftDClick() ||
!event.LeftDown() ||
evt.pCell == NULL)
return Cancelled;
mLeftEdge = evt.rect.GetLeft();
ViewInfo &viewInfo = pProject->GetViewInfo();
( mStretchState.mBeat0.first, mStretchState.mBeat1.first );
// Full refresh since the label area may need to indicate
// newly selected tracks. (I'm really not sure if the label area
// needs to be refreshed or how to just refresh non-label areas.-RBD)
return RefreshAll | UpdateSelection;
UIHandle::Result StretchHandle::Drag
(const TrackPanelMouseEvent &evt, AudacityProject *pProject)
using namespace RefreshCode;
const bool unsafe = pProject->IsAudioActive();
if (unsafe) {
return RefreshAll | Cancelled;
const wxMouseEvent &event = evt.event;
const int x = event.m_x;
Track *clickedTrack=nullptr;
if (evt.pCell)
clickedTrack =
if (clickedTrack == nullptr && mpTrack != nullptr)
clickedTrack = mpTrack.get();
Stretch(pProject, x, mLeftEdge, clickedTrack);
return RefreshAll;
HitTestPreview StretchHandle::Preview
(const TrackPanelMouseState &, const AudacityProject *pProject)
const bool unsafe = pProject->IsAudioActive();
return HitPreview( mStretchState.mMode, unsafe );
UIHandle::Result StretchHandle::Release
(const TrackPanelMouseEvent &, AudacityProject *pProject,
wxWindow *)
using namespace RefreshCode;
const bool unsafe = pProject->IsAudioActive();
if (unsafe) {
return RefreshAll | Cancelled;
bool left = mStretchState.mMode == stretchLeft;
bool right = mStretchState.mMode == stretchRight;
ViewInfo &viewInfo = pProject->GetViewInfo();
if ( pProject->IsSyncLocked() && ( left || right ) ) {
for ( auto track :
TrackList::SyncLockGroup( mpTrack.get() ) ) {
if ( track != mpTrack.get() ) {
if ( left ) {
auto origT0 = mStretchState.mOrigSel0Quantized;
auto diff = viewInfo.selectedRegion.t0() - origT0;
if ( diff > 0)
track->SyncLockAdjust( origT0 + diff, origT0 );
track->SyncLockAdjust( origT0, origT0 - diff );
track->Offset( diff );
else {
auto origT1 = mStretchState.mOrigSel1Quantized;
auto diff = viewInfo.selectedRegion.t1() - origT1;
track->SyncLockAdjust( origT1, origT1 + diff );
/* i18n-hint: (noun) The track that is used for MIDI notes which can be
dragged to change their duration.*/
pProject->PushState(_("Stretch Note Track"),
/* i18n-hint: In the history list, indicates a MIDI note has
been dragged to change its duration (stretch it). Using either past
or present tense is fine here. If unsure, go for whichever is
return RefreshAll;
UIHandle::Result StretchHandle::Cancel(AudacityProject *pProject)
return RefreshCode::RefreshNone;
double StretchHandle::GetT0(const Track &track, const ViewInfo &viewInfo)
return std::max(track.GetStartTime(), viewInfo.selectedRegion.t0());
double StretchHandle::GetT1(const Track &track, const ViewInfo &viewInfo)
return std::min(track.GetEndTime(), viewInfo.selectedRegion.t1());
void StretchHandle::Stretch(AudacityProject *pProject, int mouseXCoordinate, int trackLeftEdge,
Track *pTrack)
ViewInfo &viewInfo = pProject->GetViewInfo();
if (pTrack == NULL && mpTrack != NULL)
pTrack = mpTrack.get();
if (pTrack) pTrack->TypeSwitch( [&](NoteTrack *pNt) {
double moveto =
std::max(0.0, viewInfo.PositionToTime(mouseXCoordinate, trackLeftEdge));
double dur, left_dur, right_dur;
// check to make sure tempo is not higher than 20 beats per second
// (In principle, tempo can be higher, but not infinity.)
double minPeriod = 0.05; // minimum beat period
// make sure target duration is not too short
// Take quick exit if so, without changing the selection.
auto t0 = mStretchState.mBeat0.first;
auto t1 = mStretchState.mBeat1.first;
switch ( mStretchState.mMode ) {
case stretchLeft: {
dur = t1 - moveto;
if (dur < mStretchState.mRightBeats * minPeriod)
( mStretchState.mBeat0, mStretchState.mBeat1, dur );
pNt->Offset( moveto - t0 );
mStretchState.mBeat0.first = moveto;
case stretchRight: {
dur = moveto - t0;
if (dur < mStretchState.mLeftBeats * minPeriod)
( mStretchState.mBeat0, mStretchState.mBeat1, dur );
mStretchState.mBeat1.first = moveto;
case stretchCenter: {
moveto = std::max(t0, std::min(t1, moveto));
left_dur = moveto - t0;
right_dur = t1 - moveto;
if ( left_dur < mStretchState.mLeftBeats * minPeriod ||
right_dur < mStretchState.mRightBeats * minPeriod )
( mStretchState.mBeatCenter, mStretchState.mBeat1, right_dur );
( mStretchState.mBeat0, mStretchState.mBeatCenter, left_dur );
mStretchState.mBeatCenter.first = moveto;