Paul Licameli 0c6cda50c3 Split AutoRecoveryDialog.cpp from AutoRecovery.cpp...
... leaving AutoRecovery as a lower-level file, to be used by ProjectHistory
for auto-save, and not including ProjectManager.

The new file floats to a high level of the graph, but AutoRecovery.cpp
remains in the big strongly connected component.
2019-06-09 12:10:48 -04:00

33 lines
981 B

Audacity: A Digital Audio Editor
Paul Licameli split from AutoRecovery.h
class AudacityProject;
// Show auto recovery dialog if there are projects to recover. Should be
// called once at Audacity startup.
// This function possibly opens NEW project windows while it recovers all
// projects. If so, it will re-use *pproj, if != NULL and set it to NULL.
// Returns: True, if the start of Audacity should continue as normal
// False if Audacity should be quit immediately
// The didRecoverAnything param is strictly for a return value.
// Any value passed in is ignored.
bool ShowAutoRecoveryDialogIfNeeded(AudacityProject** pproj,
bool *didRecoverAnything);