2020-04-11 10:06:24 +01:00

342 lines
11 KiB

Audacity: A Digital Audio Editor
Paul Licameli split this from Envelope.cpp
#include "Audacity.h"
#include "EnvelopeEditor.h"
#include "Experimental.h"
#include <wx/dc.h>
#include <wx/event.h>
#include "AColor.h"
#include "Envelope.h"
#include "TrackArtist.h"
#include "TrackPanelDrawingContext.h"
#include "ViewInfo.h"
namespace {
void DrawPoint(wxDC & dc, const wxRect & r, int x, int y, bool top)
if (y >= 0 && y <= r.height) {
wxRect circle(r.x + x, r.y + (top ? y - 1: y - 2), 4, 4);
void EnvelopeEditor::DrawPoints
(const Envelope &env,
TrackPanelDrawingContext &context, const wxRect & r,
bool dB, double dBRange,
float zoomMin, float zoomMax, bool mirrored)
auto &dc = context.dc;
const auto artist = TrackArtist::Get( context );
const auto &zoomInfo = *artist->pZoomInfo;
bool highlight = false;
auto target = dynamic_cast<EnvelopeHandle*>(;
highlight = target && target->GetEnvelope() == this;
wxPen &pen = highlight ? AColor::uglyPen : AColor::envelopePen;
dc.SetPen( pen );
for (int i = 0; i < (int)env.GetNumberOfPoints(); i++) {
const double time = env[i].GetT() + env.GetOffset();
const wxInt64 position = zoomInfo.TimeToPosition(time);
if (position >= 0 && position < r.width) {
// Change colour if this is the draggable point...
if (i == env.GetDragPoint()) {
dc.SetPen( pen );
double v = env[i].GetVal();
int x = (int)(position);
int y, y2;
y = GetWaveYPos(v, zoomMin, zoomMax, r.height, dB,
true, dBRange, false);
if (!mirrored) {
DrawPoint(dc, r, x, y, true);
else {
y2 = GetWaveYPos(-v-.000000001, zoomMin, zoomMax, r.height, dB,
true, dBRange, false);
// This follows the same logic as the envelop drawing in
// TrackArt::DrawEnvelope().
// TODO: make this calculation into a reusable function.
if (y2 - y < 9) {
int value = (int)((zoomMax / (zoomMax - zoomMin)) * r.height);
y = value - 4;
y2 = value + 4;
DrawPoint(dc, r, x, y, true);
DrawPoint(dc, r, x, y2, false);
// Contour
y = GetWaveYPos(v, zoomMin, zoomMax, r.height, dB,
false, dBRange, false);
y2 = GetWaveYPos(-v-.000000001, zoomMin, zoomMax, r.height, dB,
false, dBRange, false);
if (y <= y2) {
DrawPoint(dc, r, x, y, true);
DrawPoint(dc, r, x, y2, false);
// Change colour back again if was the draggable point.
if (i == env.GetDragPoint()) {
dc.SetPen( pen );
EnvelopeEditor::EnvelopeEditor(Envelope &envelope, bool mirrored)
: mEnvelope(envelope)
, mMirrored(mirrored)
, mContourOffset(-1)
// , mInitialVal(-1.0)
// , mInitialY(-1)
, mUpper(false)
, mButton(wxMOUSE_BTN_NONE)
, mDirty(false)
inline int SQR(int x) { return x * x; }
/// ValueOfPixel() converts a y position on screen to an envelope value.
/// @param y - y position, usually of the mouse.relative to the clip.
/// @param height - height of the rectangle we are in.
/// @upper - true if we are on the upper line, false if on lower.
/// @dB - display mode either linear or log.
/// @zoomMin - vertical scale, typically -1.0
/// @zoomMax - vertical scale, typically +1.0
float EnvelopeEditor::ValueOfPixel( int y, int height, bool upper,
bool dB, double dBRange,
float zoomMin, float zoomMax)
float v = ::ValueOfPixel(y, height, 0 != mContourOffset, dB, dBRange, zoomMin, zoomMax);
// MB: this is mostly equivalent to what the old code did, I'm not sure
// if anything special is needed for asymmetric ranges
return mEnvelope.ClampValue(v);
return mEnvelope.ClampValue(-v);
/// HandleMouseButtonDown either finds an existing control point or adds a NEW one
/// which is then recorded as the point to drag.
/// This is slightly complicated by there possibly being four control points for
/// a given time value:
/// We have an upper and lower envelope line.
/// Also we may be showing an inner envelope (at 0.5 the range).
bool EnvelopeEditor::HandleMouseButtonDown(const wxMouseEvent & event, wxRect & r,
const ZoomInfo &zoomInfo,
bool dB, double dBRange,
float zoomMin, float zoomMax)
int ctr = (int)(r.height * zoomMax / (zoomMax - zoomMin));
bool upper = !mMirrored || (zoomMin >= 0.0) || (event.m_y - r.y < ctr);
int clip_y = event.m_y - r.y;
if(clip_y < 0) clip_y = 0; //keeps point in rect r, even if mouse isn't
if(clip_y > r.GetBottom()) clip_y = r.GetBottom();
int bestNum = -1;
int bestDistSqr = 100; // Must be within 10 pixel radius.
// Member variables hold state that will be needed in dragging.
mButton = event.GetButton();
mContourOffset = false;
// wxLogDebug(wxT("Y:%i Height:%i Offset:%i"), y, height, mContourOffset );
int len = mEnvelope.GetNumberOfPoints();
// TODO: extract this into a function FindNearestControlPoint()
// TODO: also fix it so that we can drag the last point on an envelope.
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { //search for control point nearest click
const double time = mEnvelope[i].GetT() + mEnvelope.GetOffset();
const wxInt64 position = zoomInfo.TimeToPosition(time);
if (position >= 0 && position < r.width) {
int x = (int)(position);
int y[4];
int numControlPoints;
// Outer control points
double value = mEnvelope[i].GetVal();
y[0] = GetWaveYPos(value, zoomMin, zoomMax, r.height,
dB, true, dBRange, false);
y[1] = GetWaveYPos(-value, zoomMin, zoomMax, r.height,
dB, true, dBRange, false);
// Inner control points(contour)
y[2] = GetWaveYPos(value, zoomMin, zoomMax, r.height,
dB, false, dBRange, false);
y[3] = GetWaveYPos(-value -.00000001, zoomMin, zoomMax,
r.height, dB, false, dBRange, false);
numControlPoints = 4;
if (y[2] > y[3])
numControlPoints = 2;
if (!mMirrored)
numControlPoints = 1;
const int deltaXSquared = SQR(x - (event.m_x - r.x));
for(int j=0; j<numControlPoints; j++){
const int dSqr = deltaXSquared + SQR(y[j] - (event.m_y - r.y));
if (dSqr < bestDistSqr) {
bestNum = i;
bestDistSqr = dSqr;
mContourOffset = (bool)(j > 1);
if (bestNum >= 0) {
else {
// TODO: Extract this into a function CreateNewPoint
const double when = zoomInfo.PositionToTime(event.m_x, r.x);
// if (when <= 0 || when >= mTrackLen)
// return false;
const double v = mEnvelope.GetValue( when );
int ct = GetWaveYPos( v, zoomMin, zoomMax, r.height, dB,
false, dBRange, false) ;
int cb = GetWaveYPos( -v-.000000001, zoomMin, zoomMax, r.height, dB,
false, dBRange, false) ;
if (ct <= cb || !mMirrored) {
int t = GetWaveYPos( v, zoomMin, zoomMax, r.height, dB,
true, dBRange, false) ;
int b = GetWaveYPos( -v, zoomMin, zoomMax, r.height, dB,
true, dBRange, false) ;
ct = (t + ct) / 2;
cb = (b + cb) / 2;
if (mMirrored &&
(event.m_y - r.y) > ct &&
((event.m_y - r.y) < cb))
mContourOffset = true;
mContourOffset = false;
double newVal = ValueOfPixel(clip_y, r.height, upper, dB, dBRange,
zoomMin, zoomMax);
mEnvelope.SetDragPoint(mEnvelope.InsertOrReplace(when, newVal));
mDirty = true;
mUpper = upper;
// const int dragPoint = mEnvelope.GetDragPoint();
// mInitialVal = mEnvelope[dragPoint].GetVal();
// mInitialY = event.m_y+mContourOffset;
return true;
void EnvelopeEditor::MoveDragPoint(const wxMouseEvent & event, wxRect & r,
const ZoomInfo &zoomInfo, bool dB, double dBRange,
float zoomMin, float zoomMax)
int clip_y = event.m_y - r.y;
if(clip_y < 0) clip_y = 0;
if(clip_y > r.height) clip_y = r.height;
double newVal = ValueOfPixel(clip_y, r.height, mUpper, dB, dBRange,
zoomMin, zoomMax);
// We no longer tolerate multiple envelope points at the same t.
// epsilon is less than the time offset of a single sample
// TODO: However because mTrackEpsilon assumes 200KHz this use
// of epsilon is a tad bogus. What we need to do instead is DELETE
// a duplicated point on a mouse up.
double newWhen = zoomInfo.PositionToTime(event.m_x, r.x) - mEnvelope.GetOffset();
mEnvelope.MoveDragPoint(newWhen, newVal);
bool EnvelopeEditor::HandleDragging(const wxMouseEvent & event, wxRect & r,
const ZoomInfo &zoomInfo, bool dB, double dBRange,
float zoomMin, float zoomMax,
float WXUNUSED(eMin), float WXUNUSED(eMax))
mDirty = true;
wxRect larger = r;
larger.Inflate(10, 10);
if (larger.Contains(event.m_x, event.m_y))
// IF we're in the rect THEN we're not deleting this point (anymore).
// ...we're dragging it.
MoveDragPoint( event, r, zoomInfo, dB, dBRange, zoomMin, zoomMax);
return true;
// IF we already know we're deleting THEN no envelope point to update.
return false;
// Invalidate the point
return true;
// Exit dragging mode and delete dragged point if necessary.
bool EnvelopeEditor::HandleMouseButtonUp()
mButton = wxMOUSE_BTN_NONE;
return true;
// Returns true if parent needs to be redrawn
bool EnvelopeEditor::MouseEvent(const wxMouseEvent & event, wxRect & r,
const ZoomInfo &zoomInfo, bool dB, double dBRange,
float zoomMin, float zoomMax)
if (event.ButtonDown() && mButton == wxMOUSE_BTN_NONE)
return HandleMouseButtonDown( event, r, zoomInfo, dB, dBRange,
zoomMin, zoomMax);
if (event.Dragging() && mEnvelope.GetDragPoint() >= 0)
return HandleDragging( event, r, zoomInfo, dB, dBRange,
zoomMin, zoomMax);
if (event.ButtonUp() && event.GetButton() == mButton)
return HandleMouseButtonUp();
return false;