Paul Licameli 68e25f3b7d static SelectionState::Get()...
... not member functions of AudacityProject
2019-05-23 14:11:05 -04:00

180 lines
5.1 KiB

Audacity: A Digital Audio Editor
#include "Audacity.h"
#include "SelectionState.h"
#include "ViewInfo.h"
#include "Track.h"
#include "Project.h"
static const AudacityProject::AttachedObjects::RegisteredFactory key{
[](AudacityProject &){ return std::make_shared< SelectionState >(); }
SelectionState &SelectionState::Get( AudacityProject &project )
return project.AttachedObjects::Get< SelectionState >( key );
const SelectionState &SelectionState::Get( const AudacityProject &project )
return Get( const_cast< AudacityProject & >( project ) );
// Set selection length to the length of a track -- but if sync-lock is turned
// on, use the largest possible selection in the sync-lock group.
// If it's a stereo track, do the same for the stereo channels.
void SelectionState::SelectTrackLength
( ViewInfo &viewInfo, Track &track, bool syncLocked )
auto trackRange = syncLocked
// If we have a sync-lock group and sync-lock linking is on,
// check the sync-lock group tracks.
? TrackList::SyncLockGroup(&track)
// Otherwise, check for a stereo pair
: TrackList::Channels(&track);
auto minOffset = trackRange.min( &Track::GetOffset );
auto maxEnd = trackRange.max( &Track::GetEndTime );
// PRL: double click or click on track control.
// should this select all frequencies too? I think not.
viewInfo.selectedRegion.setTimes(minOffset, maxEnd);
void SelectionState::SelectTrack(
Track &track, bool selected, bool updateLastPicked )
//bool wasCorrect = (selected == track.GetSelected());
for (auto channel : TrackList::Channels(&track))
if (updateLastPicked)
mLastPickedTrack = track.SharedPointer();
//The older code below avoids an anchor on an unselected track.
if (selected) {
// This handles the case of linked tracks, selecting all channels
mTracks->Select(pTrack, true);
if (updateLastPicked)
mLastPickedTrack = Track::Pointer( pTrack );
else {
mTracks->Select(pTrack, false);
if (updateLastPicked && pTrack == mLastPickedTrack.lock().get())
void SelectionState::SelectRangeOfTracks
( TrackList &tracks, Track &rsTrack, Track &reTrack )
Track *sTrack = &rsTrack, *eTrack = &reTrack;
// Swap the track pointers if needed
if (eTrack->GetIndex() < sTrack->GetIndex())
std::swap(sTrack, eTrack);
for (auto track :
SelectTrack(*track, true, false);
void SelectionState::SelectNone( TrackList &tracks )
for (auto t : tracks.Any())
SelectTrack( *t, false, false );
void SelectionState::ChangeSelectionOnShiftClick
( TrackList &tracks, Track &track )
// We will either extend from the first or from the last.
auto pExtendFrom = tracks.Lock(mLastPickedTrack);
if( !pExtendFrom ) {
auto trackRange = tracks.Selected();
auto pFirst = *trackRange.begin();
// If our track is at or after the first, extend from the first.
if( pFirst && track.GetIndex() >= pFirst->GetIndex() )
pExtendFrom = pFirst->SharedPointer();
// Our track was earlier than the first. Extend from the last.
if( !pExtendFrom )
pExtendFrom = Track::SharedPointer( *trackRange.rbegin() );
SelectNone( tracks );
if( pExtendFrom )
SelectRangeOfTracks( tracks, track, *pExtendFrom );
SelectTrack( track, true, true );
mLastPickedTrack = pExtendFrom;
void SelectionState::HandleListSelection
( TrackList &tracks, ViewInfo &viewInfo,
Track &track, bool shift, bool ctrl, bool syncLocked )
// AS: If the shift button is being held down, invert
// the selection on this track.
if (ctrl)
SelectTrack( track, !track.GetSelected(), true );
else {
if (shift && mLastPickedTrack.lock())
ChangeSelectionOnShiftClick( tracks, track );
else {
SelectNone( tracks );
SelectTrack( track, true, true );
SelectTrackLength( viewInfo, track, syncLocked );
( SelectionState &state, TrackList &tracks )
: mpState{ &state }
, mTracks{ tracks }
, mInitialLastPickedTrack{ state.mLastPickedTrack }
// Save initial state of track selections
for (const auto track : tracks.Any()) {
const bool isSelected = track->GetSelected();
if ( mpState ) {
// roll back changes
mpState->mLastPickedTrack = mInitialLastPickedTrack;
it = mInitialTrackSelection.begin(),
end = mInitialTrackSelection.end();
for (auto track : mTracks.Any()) {
if (it == end)
track->SetSelected( *it++ );
void SelectionStateChanger::Commit()
mpState = nullptr;