Paul Licameli ae9aca8177 Implement member functions of classes in corresponding .cpp files...
... in four cases; not in some other .cpp file.

This is another move that causes the generated graph to reflect dependencies

This fixes other large, hidden cycles that involved PrefsDialog.cpp: there was
link dependency on that when PrefsPanel.h was used for the base class.  No

Also cycles involving TrackPanel.cpp, which contained the default
implementations for TrackPanelCell and related abstract base classes.
2020-05-28 05:50:22 -04:00

59 lines
2.0 KiB

Audacity: A Digital Audio Editor
Paul Licameli
#include "Audacity.h"
#include <wx/gdicmn.h> // for wxRect
struct TrackPanelDrawingContext;
class wxRect;
/// \brief Drawing interface common to cells, groups of cells, and temporary handles in CellularPanel
class AUDACITY_DLL_API TrackPanelDrawable {
virtual ~TrackPanelDrawable() = 0;
// Drawing functions of the subdivision are visited repeatedly in one
// painting if their areas (as computed by DrawingArea) intersect the
// panel area, and depending on iPass may overpaint results of previous
// passes.
// Drawing function is given the rectangle computed by DrawingArea.
// iPass counts zero-based up to some limit given to CellularPanel::Draw.
// Default implementation does nothing.
virtual void Draw(
TrackPanelDrawingContext &context, const wxRect &rect, unsigned iPass );
// For drawing purposes, a cell might require a bigger rectangle than for
// hit-test purposes, spilling over into other parts of the partition of the
// panel area.
// Default implementation returns rect unchanged.
// TrackPanelContext is passed in because sometimes a drawing context is
// needed for text extent calculations.
virtual wxRect DrawingArea(
TrackPanelDrawingContext &context,
const wxRect &rect, const wxRect &panelRect, unsigned iPass );
// Utilities for implementing DrawingArea:
static inline wxRect MaximizeWidth(
const wxRect &rect, const wxRect &panelRect ) {
return { panelRect.x, rect.y, panelRect.width, rect.height };
static inline wxRect MaximizeHeight(
const wxRect &rect, const wxRect &panelRect ) {
return { rect.x, panelRect.y, rect.width, panelRect.height };