
387 lines
13 KiB

Audacity: A Digital Audio Editor
Dominic Mazzoni, Vaughan Johnson
This abstract class contains all of the common code for an
effect that uses SoundTouch to do its processing (ChangeTempo
and ChangePitch).
#include "../Audacity.h"
#include <math.h>
#include "../LabelTrack.h"
#include "../WaveTrack.h"
#include "../Project.h"
#include "SoundTouchEffect.h"
#include "TimeWarper.h"
#include "../NoteTrack.h"
bool EffectSoundTouch::ProcessLabelTrack(Track *track)
// SetTimeWarper(new RegionTimeWarper(mCurT0, mCurT1,
// std::make_unique<LinearTimeWarper>(mCurT0, mCurT0,
// mCurT1, mCurT0 + (mCurT1-mCurT0)*mFactor)));
LabelTrack *lt = (LabelTrack*)track;
if (lt == NULL) return false;
return true;
#ifdef USE_MIDI
bool EffectSoundTouch::ProcessNoteTrack(Track *track)
NoteTrack *nt = (NoteTrack *) track;
if (nt == NULL) return false;
nt->WarpAndTransposeNotes(mCurT0, mCurT1, *GetTimeWarper(), mSemitones);
return true;
bool EffectSoundTouch::Process()
// Assumes that mSoundTouch has already been initialized
// by the subclass for subclass-specific parameters. The
// time warper should also be set.
// Check if this effect will alter the selection length; if so, we need
// to operate on sync-lock selected tracks.
bool mustSync = true;
if (mT1 == GetTimeWarper()->Warp(mT1)) {
mustSync = false;
//Iterate over each track
// Needs Track::All for sync-lock grouping.
bool bGoodResult = true;
TrackListIterator iter(mOutputTracks);
Track* t;
mCurTrackNum = 0;
m_maxNewLength = 0.0;
t = iter.First();
while (t != NULL) {
if (t->GetKind() == Track::Label &&
(t->GetSelected() || (mustSync && t->IsSyncLockSelected())) )
if (!ProcessLabelTrack(t))
bGoodResult = false;
#ifdef USE_MIDI
else if (t->GetKind() == Track::Note &&
(t->GetSelected() || (mustSync && t->IsSyncLockSelected())))
if (!ProcessNoteTrack(t))
bGoodResult = false;
else if (t->GetKind() == Track::Wave && t->GetSelected())
WaveTrack* leftTrack = (WaveTrack*)t;
//Get start and end times from track
mCurT0 = leftTrack->GetStartTime();
mCurT1 = leftTrack->GetEndTime();
//Set the current bounds to whichever left marker is
//greater and whichever right marker is less
mCurT0 = wxMax(mT0, mCurT0);
mCurT1 = wxMin(mT1, mCurT1);
// Process only if the right marker is to the right of the left marker
if (mCurT1 > mCurT0) {
sampleCount start, end;
if (leftTrack->GetLinked()) {
double t;
WaveTrack* rightTrack = (WaveTrack*)(iter.Next());
//Adjust bounds by the right tracks markers
t = rightTrack->GetStartTime();
t = wxMax(mT0, t);
mCurT0 = wxMin(mCurT0, t);
t = rightTrack->GetEndTime();
t = wxMin(mT1, t);
mCurT1 = wxMax(mCurT1, t);
//Transform the marker timepoints to samples
start = leftTrack->TimeToLongSamples(mCurT0);
end = leftTrack->TimeToLongSamples(mCurT1);
//Inform soundtouch there's 2 channels
//ProcessStereo() (implemented below) processes a stereo track
if (!ProcessStereo(leftTrack, rightTrack, start, end))
bGoodResult = false;
mCurTrackNum++; // Increment for rightTrack, too.
} else {
//Transform the marker timepoints to samples
start = leftTrack->TimeToLongSamples(mCurT0);
end = leftTrack->TimeToLongSamples(mCurT1);
//Inform soundtouch there's a single channel
//ProcessOne() (implemented below) processes a single track
if (!ProcessOne(leftTrack, start, end))
bGoodResult = false;
else if (mustSync && t->IsSyncLockSelected()) {
t->SyncLockAdjust(mT1, GetTimeWarper()->Warp(mT1));
//Iterate to the next track
t = iter.Next();
if (bGoodResult)
// mT0 = mCurT0;
// mT1 = mCurT0 + m_maxNewLength; // Update selection.
return bGoodResult;
//ProcessOne() takes a track, transforms it to bunch of buffer-blocks,
//and executes ProcessSoundTouch on these blocks
bool EffectSoundTouch::ProcessOne(WaveTrack *track,
sampleCount start, sampleCount end)
sampleCount s;
mSoundTouch->setSampleRate((unsigned int)(track->GetRate()+0.5));
auto outputTrack = mFactory->NewWaveTrack(track->GetSampleFormat(), track->GetRate());
//Get the length of the buffer (as double). len is
//used simple to calculate a progress meter, so it is easier
//to make it a double now than it is to do it later
double len = (double)(end - start);
//Initiate a processing buffer. This buffer will (most likely)
//be shorter than the length of the track being processed.
float *buffer = new float[track->GetMaxBlockSize()];
//Go through the track one buffer at a time. s counts which
//sample the current buffer starts at.
s = start;
while (s < end) {
//Get a block of samples (smaller than the size of the buffer)
sampleCount block = track->GetBestBlockSize(s);
//Adjust the block size if it is the final block in the track
if (s + block > end)
block = end - s;
//Get the samples from the track and put them in the buffer
track->Get((samplePtr) buffer, floatSample, s, block);
//Add samples to SoundTouch
mSoundTouch->putSamples(buffer, block);
//Get back samples from SoundTouch
unsigned int outputCount = mSoundTouch->numSamples();
if (outputCount > 0) {
float *buffer2 = new float[outputCount];
mSoundTouch->receiveSamples(buffer2, outputCount);
outputTrack->Append((samplePtr)buffer2, floatSample, outputCount);
delete[] buffer2;
//Increment s one blockfull of samples
s += block;
//Update the Progress meter
if (TrackProgress(mCurTrackNum, (s - start) / len))
return false;
// Tell SoundTouch to finish processing any remaining samples
mSoundTouch->flush(); // this should only be used for changeTempo - it dumps data otherwise with pRateTransposer->clear();
unsigned int outputCount = mSoundTouch->numSamples();
if (outputCount > 0) {
float *buffer2 = new float[outputCount];
mSoundTouch->receiveSamples(buffer2, outputCount);
outputTrack->Append((samplePtr)buffer2, floatSample, outputCount);
delete[] buffer2;
// Flush the output WaveTrack (since it's buffered, too)
// Clean up the buffer
// Take the output track and insert it in place of the original
// sample data
track->ClearAndPaste(mCurT0, mCurT1, outputTrack.get(), true, false, GetTimeWarper());
double newLength = outputTrack->GetEndTime();
m_maxNewLength = wxMax(m_maxNewLength, newLength);
//Return true because the effect processing succeeded.
return true;
bool EffectSoundTouch::ProcessStereo(WaveTrack* leftTrack, WaveTrack* rightTrack,
sampleCount start, sampleCount end)
mSoundTouch->setSampleRate((unsigned int)(leftTrack->GetRate()+0.5));
auto outputLeftTrack = mFactory->NewWaveTrack(leftTrack->GetSampleFormat(),
auto outputRightTrack = mFactory->NewWaveTrack(rightTrack->GetSampleFormat(),
//Get the length of the buffer (as double). len is
//used simple to calculate a progress meter, so it is easier
//to make it a double now than it is to do it later
double len = (double)(end - start);
//Initiate a processing buffer. This buffer will (most likely)
//be shorter than the length of the track being processed.
// Make soundTouchBuffer twice as big as MaxBlockSize for each channel,
// because Soundtouch wants them interleaved, i.e., each
// Soundtouch sample is left-right pair.
sampleCount maxBlockSize = leftTrack->GetMaxBlockSize();
float* leftBuffer = new float[maxBlockSize];
float* rightBuffer = new float[maxBlockSize];
float* soundTouchBuffer = new float[maxBlockSize * 2];
// Go through the track one stereo buffer at a time.
// sourceSampleCount counts the sample at which the current buffer starts,
// per channel.
sampleCount sourceSampleCount = start;
while (sourceSampleCount < end) {
//Get a block of samples (smaller than the size of the buffer)
sampleCount blockSize = leftTrack->GetBestBlockSize(sourceSampleCount);
//Adjust the block size if it is the final block in the track
if (sourceSampleCount + blockSize > end)
blockSize = end - sourceSampleCount;
// Get the samples from the tracks and put them in the buffers.
leftTrack->Get((samplePtr)(leftBuffer), floatSample, sourceSampleCount, blockSize);
rightTrack->Get((samplePtr)(rightBuffer), floatSample, sourceSampleCount, blockSize);
// Interleave into soundTouchBuffer.
for (int index = 0; index < blockSize; index++) {
soundTouchBuffer[index*2] = leftBuffer[index];
soundTouchBuffer[(index*2)+1] = rightBuffer[index];
//Add samples to SoundTouch
mSoundTouch->putSamples(soundTouchBuffer, blockSize);
//Get back samples from SoundTouch
unsigned int outputCount = mSoundTouch->numSamples();
if (outputCount > 0)
this->ProcessStereoResults(outputCount, outputLeftTrack.get(), outputRightTrack.get());
//Increment sourceSampleCount one blockfull of samples
sourceSampleCount += blockSize;
//Update the Progress meter
// mCurTrackNum is left track. Include right track.
int nWhichTrack = mCurTrackNum;
double frac = (sourceSampleCount - start) / len;
if (frac < 0.5)
frac *= 2.0; // Show twice as far for each track, because we're doing 2 at once.
frac -= 0.5;
frac *= 2.0; // Show twice as far for each track, because we're doing 2 at once.
if (TrackProgress(nWhichTrack, frac))
return false;
// Tell SoundTouch to finish processing any remaining samples
unsigned int outputCount = mSoundTouch->numSamples();
if (outputCount > 0)
this->ProcessStereoResults(outputCount, outputLeftTrack.get(), outputRightTrack.get());
// Flush the output WaveTracks (since they're buffered, too)
// Clean up the buffers.
delete [] leftBuffer;
delete [] rightBuffer;
delete [] soundTouchBuffer;
// Take the output tracks and insert in place of the original
// sample data.
leftTrack->ClearAndPaste(mCurT0, mCurT1, outputLeftTrack.get(), true, false, GetTimeWarper());
rightTrack->ClearAndPaste(mCurT0, mCurT1, outputRightTrack.get(), true, false, GetTimeWarper());
// Track the longest result length
double newLength = outputLeftTrack->GetEndTime();
m_maxNewLength = wxMax(m_maxNewLength, newLength);
newLength = outputRightTrack->GetEndTime();
m_maxNewLength = wxMax(m_maxNewLength, newLength);
//Return true because the effect processing succeeded.
return true;
bool EffectSoundTouch::ProcessStereoResults(const unsigned int outputCount,
WaveTrack* outputLeftTrack,
WaveTrack* outputRightTrack)
float* outputSoundTouchBuffer = new float[outputCount*2];
mSoundTouch->receiveSamples(outputSoundTouchBuffer, outputCount);
// Dis-interleave outputSoundTouchBuffer into separate track buffers.
float* outputLeftBuffer = new float[outputCount];
float* outputRightBuffer = new float[outputCount];
for (unsigned int index = 0; index < outputCount; index++)
outputLeftBuffer[index] = outputSoundTouchBuffer[index*2];
outputRightBuffer[index] = outputSoundTouchBuffer[(index*2)+1];
outputLeftTrack->Append((samplePtr)outputLeftBuffer, floatSample, outputCount);
outputRightTrack->Append((samplePtr)outputRightBuffer, floatSample, outputCount);
delete[] outputSoundTouchBuffer;
delete[] outputLeftBuffer;
delete[] outputRightBuffer;
return true;