
698 lines
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Audacity: A Digital Audio Editor
Brian Gunlogson
Dominic Mazzoni
#include "../Experimental.h"
#include "audacity/Types.h"
#include "../ClientData.h"
#include "CommandFunctors.h"
#include "CommandFlag.h"
#include "Keyboard.h"
#include "../Prefs.h"
#include "../Registry.h"
#include <vector>
#include "../xml/XMLTagHandler.h"
#include "audacity/Types.h"
#include <unordered_map>
class wxMenu;
class wxMenuBar;
using CommandParameter = CommandID;
struct MenuBarListEntry;
struct SubMenuListEntry;
struct CommandListEntry;
using MenuBarList = std::vector < MenuBarListEntry >;
using SubMenuList = std::vector < SubMenuListEntry >;
// This is an array of pointers, not structures, because the hash maps also point to them,
// so we don't want the structures to relocate with vector operations.
using CommandList = std::vector<std::unique_ptr<CommandListEntry>>;
using CommandKeyHash = std::unordered_map<NormalizedKeyString, CommandListEntry*>;
using CommandNameHash = std::unordered_map<CommandID, CommandListEntry*>;
using CommandNumericIDHash = std::unordered_map<int, CommandListEntry*>;
class AudacityProject;
class CommandContext;
class AUDACITY_DLL_API CommandManager final
: public XMLTagHandler
, public ClientData::Base
static CommandManager &Get( AudacityProject &project );
static const CommandManager &Get( const AudacityProject &project );
// Type of a function that can intercept menu item handling.
// If it returns true, bypass the usual dipatch of commands.
using MenuHook = std::function< bool(const CommandID&) >;
// install a menu hook, returning the previously installed one
static MenuHook SetMenuHook( const MenuHook &hook );
// Constructor / Destructor
virtual ~CommandManager();
CommandManager(const CommandManager&) PROHIBITED;
CommandManager &operator= (const CommandManager&) PROHIBITED;
void SetMaxList();
void PurgeData();
// Creating menus and adding commands
std::unique_ptr<wxMenuBar> AddMenuBar(const wxString & sMenu);
wxMenu *BeginMenu(const TranslatableString & tName);
void EndMenu();
// type of a function that determines checkmark state
using CheckFn = std::function< bool(AudacityProject&) >;
// For specifying unusual arguments in AddItem
struct Options
Options() {}
// Allow implicit construction from an accelerator string, which is
// a very common case
Options( const wxChar *accel_ ) : accel{ accel_ } {}
// A two-argument constructor for another common case
const wxChar *accel_,
const TranslatableString &longName_ )
: accel{ accel_ }, longName{ longName_ } {}
Options &&Accel (const wxChar *value) &&
{ accel = value; return std::move(*this); }
Options &&IsEffect (bool value = true) &&
{ bIsEffect = value; return std::move(*this); }
Options &&Parameter (const CommandParameter &value) &&
{ parameter = value; return std::move(*this); }
Options &&LongName (const TranslatableString &value ) &&
{ longName = value; return std::move(*this); }
Options &&IsGlobal () &&
{ global = true; return std::move(*this); }
Options &&UseStrictFlags () &&
{ useStrictFlags = true; return std::move(*this); }
Options &&WantKeyUp () &&
{ wantKeyUp = true; return std::move(*this); }
Options &&SkipKeyDown () &&
{ skipKeyDown = true; return std::move(*this); }
// This option affects debugging only:
Options &&AllowDup () &&
{ allowDup = true; return std::move(*this); }
Options &&AllowInMacros ( int value = 1 ) &&
{ allowInMacros = value; return std::move(*this); }
// CheckTest is overloaded
// Take arbitrary predicate
Options &&CheckTest (const CheckFn &fn) &&
{ checker = fn; return std::move(*this); }
// Take a preference path
Options &&CheckTest (const wxChar *key, bool defaultValue) && {
checker = MakeCheckFn( key, defaultValue );
return std::move(*this);
const wxChar *accel{ wxT("") };
CheckFn checker; // default value means it's not a check item
bool bIsEffect{ false };
CommandParameter parameter{};
TranslatableString longName{};
bool global{ false };
bool useStrictFlags{ false };
bool wantKeyUp{ false };
bool skipKeyDown{ false };
bool allowDup{ false };
int allowInMacros{ -1 }; // 0 = never, 1 = always, -1 = deduce from label
static CheckFn
MakeCheckFn( const wxString key, bool defaultValue );
void AddItemList(const CommandID & name,
const ComponentInterfaceSymbol items[],
size_t nItems,
CommandHandlerFinder finder,
CommandFunctorPointer callback,
CommandFlag flags,
bool bIsEffect = false);
void AddItem(AudacityProject &project,
const CommandID & name,
const TranslatableString &label_in,
CommandHandlerFinder finder,
CommandFunctorPointer callback,
CommandFlag flags,
const Options &options = {});
void AddSeparator();
void PopMenuBar();
void BeginOccultCommands();
void EndOccultCommands();
void SetCommandFlags(const CommandID &name, CommandFlag flags);
// Modifying menus
void EnableUsingFlags(
CommandFlag flags, CommandFlag strictFlags);
void Enable(const wxString &name, bool enabled);
void Check(const CommandID &name, bool checked);
void Modify(const wxString &name, const TranslatableString &newLabel);
// Modifying accelerators
void SetKeyFromName(const CommandID &name, const NormalizedKeyString &key);
void SetKeyFromIndex(int i, const NormalizedKeyString &key);
// Executing commands
// "permit" allows filtering even if the active window isn't a child of the project.
// Lyrics and MixerTrackCluster classes use it.
bool FilterKeyEvent(AudacityProject *project, const wxKeyEvent & evt, bool permit = false);
bool HandleMenuID(AudacityProject &project, int id, CommandFlag flags, bool alwaysEnabled);
enum TextualCommandResult {
HandleTextualCommand(const CommandID & Str,
const CommandContext & context, CommandFlag flags, bool alwaysEnabled);
// Accessing
TranslatableStrings GetCategories( AudacityProject& );
void GetAllCommandNames(CommandIDs &names, bool includeMultis) const;
void GetAllCommandLabels(
TranslatableStrings &labels, std::vector<bool> &vExcludeFromMacros,
bool includeMultis) const;
void GetAllCommandData(
CommandIDs &names,
std::vector<NormalizedKeyString> &keys,
std::vector<NormalizedKeyString> &default_keys,
TranslatableStrings &labels, TranslatableStrings &categories,
TranslatableStrings &prefixes,
bool includeMultis);
// Each command is assigned a numerical ID for use in wxMenu and wxEvent,
// which need not be the same across platforms or sessions
CommandID GetNameFromNumericID( int id );
TranslatableString GetLabelFromName(const CommandID &name);
TranslatableString GetPrefixedLabelFromName(const CommandID &name);
TranslatableString GetCategoryFromName(const CommandID &name);
NormalizedKeyString GetKeyFromName(const CommandID &name) const;
NormalizedKeyString GetDefaultKeyFromName(const CommandID &name);
bool GetEnabled(const CommandID &name);
int GetNumberOfKeysRead() const;
#if defined(_DEBUG)
void CheckDups();
void RemoveDuplicateShortcuts();
// Loading/Saving
void WriteXML(XMLWriter &xmlFile) const /* not override */;
/// Formatting summaries that include shortcut keys
TranslatableString DescribeCommandsAndShortcuts
// If a shortcut key is defined for the command, then it is appended,
// parenthesized, after the translated name.
const ComponentInterfaceSymbol commands[], size_t nCommands) const;
// Sorted list of the shortcut keys to be excluded from the standard defaults
static const std::vector<NormalizedKeyString> &ExcludedList();
// Creating menus and adding commands
int NextIdentifier(int ID);
CommandListEntry *NewIdentifier(const CommandID & name,
const TranslatableString & label,
wxMenu *menu,
CommandHandlerFinder finder,
CommandFunctorPointer callback,
const CommandID &nameSuffix,
int index,
int count,
const Options &options);
void AddGlobalCommand(const CommandID &name,
const TranslatableString &label,
CommandHandlerFinder finder,
CommandFunctorPointer callback,
const Options &options = {});
// Executing commands
bool HandleCommandEntry(AudacityProject &project,
const CommandListEntry * entry, CommandFlag flags,
bool alwaysEnabled, const wxEvent * evt = NULL);
// Modifying
void Enable(CommandListEntry *entry, bool enabled);
wxMenu *BeginMainMenu(const TranslatableString & tName);
void EndMainMenu();
wxMenu* BeginSubMenu(const TranslatableString & tName);
void EndSubMenu();
// Accessing
wxMenuBar * CurrentMenuBar() const;
wxMenuBar * GetMenuBar(const wxString & sMenu) const;
wxMenu * CurrentSubMenu() const;
wxMenu * CurrentMenu() const;
void UpdateCheckmarks( AudacityProject &project );
wxString FormatLabelForMenu(const CommandListEntry *entry) const;
wxString FormatLabelWithDisabledAccel(const CommandListEntry *entry) const;
// Loading/Saving
bool HandleXMLTag(const wxChar *tag, const wxChar **attrs) override;
void HandleXMLEndTag(const wxChar *tag) override;
XMLTagHandler *HandleXMLChild(const wxChar *tag) override;
// mMaxList only holds shortcuts that should not be added (by default)
// and is sorted.
std::vector<NormalizedKeyString> mMaxListOnly;
MenuBarList mMenuBarList;
SubMenuList mSubMenuList;
CommandList mCommandList;
CommandNameHash mCommandNameHash;
CommandKeyHash mCommandKeyHash;
CommandNumericIDHash mCommandNumericIDHash;
int mCurrentID;
int mXMLKeysRead;
bool mbSeparatorAllowed; // false at the start of a menu and immediately after a separator.
TranslatableString mCurrentMenuName;
std::unique_ptr<wxMenu> uCurrentMenu;
wxMenu *mCurrentMenu {};
bool bMakingOccultCommands;
std::unique_ptr< wxMenuBar > mTempMenuBar;
struct MenuVisitor : Registry::Visitor
// final overrides
void BeginGroup( Registry::GroupItem &item, const Path &path ) final;
void EndGroup( Registry::GroupItem &item, const Path& ) final;
void Visit( Registry::SingleItem &item, const Path &path ) final;
// added virtuals
virtual void DoBeginGroup( Registry::GroupItem &item, const Path &path );
virtual void DoEndGroup( Registry::GroupItem &item, const Path &path );
virtual void DoVisit( Registry::SingleItem &item, const Path &path );
virtual void DoSeparator();
void MaybeDoSeparator();
std::vector<bool> firstItem;
std::vector<bool> needSeparator;
struct ToolbarMenuVisitor : MenuVisitor
explicit ToolbarMenuVisitor( AudacityProject &p ) : project{ p } {}
operator AudacityProject & () const { return project; }
AudacityProject &project;
// Define items that populate tables that specifically describe menu trees
namespace MenuTable {
using namespace Registry;
// These are found by dynamic_cast
struct MenuSection {
virtual ~MenuSection();
struct WholeMenu {
WholeMenu( bool extend = false ) : extension{ extend } {}
virtual ~WholeMenu();
bool extension;
// Describes a main menu in the toolbar, or a sub-menu
struct MenuItem final : ConcreteGroupItem< false, ToolbarMenuVisitor >
, WholeMenu {
// Construction from an internal name and a previously built-up
// vector of pointers
MenuItem( const Identifier &internalName,
const TranslatableString &title_, BaseItemPtrs &&items_ );
// In-line, variadic constructor that doesn't require building a vector
template< typename... Args >
MenuItem( const Identifier &internalName,
const TranslatableString &title_, Args&&... args )
: ConcreteGroupItem< false, ToolbarMenuVisitor >{
internalName, std::forward<Args>(args)... }
, title{ title_ }
~MenuItem() override;
TranslatableString title;
// Collects other items that are conditionally shown or hidden, but are
// always available to macro programming
struct ConditionalGroupItem final
: ConcreteGroupItem< false, ToolbarMenuVisitor > {
using Condition = std::function< bool() >;
// Construction from an internal name and a previously built-up
// vector of pointers
ConditionalGroupItem( const Identifier &internalName,
Condition condition_, BaseItemPtrs &&items_ );
// In-line, variadic constructor that doesn't require building a vector
template< typename... Args >
ConditionalGroupItem( const Identifier &internalName,
Condition condition_, Args&&... args )
: ConcreteGroupItem< false, ToolbarMenuVisitor >{
internalName, std::forward<Args>(args)... }
, condition{ condition_ }
~ConditionalGroupItem() override;
Condition condition;
// usage:
// auto scope = FinderScope( findCommandHandler );
// return Items( ... );
// or:
// return ( FinderScope( findCommandHandler ), Items( ... ) );
// where findCommandHandler names a function.
// This is used before a sequence of many calls to Command() and
// CommandGroup(), so that the finder argument need not be specified
// in each call.
class FinderScope : ValueRestorer< CommandHandlerFinder >
static CommandHandlerFinder sFinder;
static CommandHandlerFinder DefaultFinder() { return sFinder; }
FinderScope( CommandHandlerFinder finder )
: ValueRestorer( sFinder, finder )
// Describes one command in a menu
struct CommandItem final : SingleItem {
CommandItem(const CommandID &name_,
const TranslatableString &label_in_,
CommandFunctorPointer callback_,
CommandFlag flags_,
const CommandManager::Options &options_,
CommandHandlerFinder finder_);
// Takes a pointer to member function directly, and delegates to the
// previous constructor; useful within the lifetime of a FinderScope
template< typename Handler >
CommandItem(const CommandID &name_,
const TranslatableString &label_in_,
void (Handler::*pmf)(const CommandContext&),
CommandFlag flags_,
const CommandManager::Options &options_,
CommandHandlerFinder finder = FinderScope::DefaultFinder())
: CommandItem(name_, label_in_,
flags_, options_, finder)
~CommandItem() override;
const TranslatableString label_in;
CommandHandlerFinder finder;
CommandFunctorPointer callback;
CommandFlag flags;
CommandManager::Options options;
// Describes several successive commands in a menu that are closely related
// and dispatch to one common callback, which will be passed a number
// in the CommandContext identifying the command
struct CommandGroupItem final : SingleItem {
CommandGroupItem(const Identifier &name_,
std::vector< ComponentInterfaceSymbol > items_,
CommandFunctorPointer callback_,
CommandFlag flags_,
bool isEffect_,
CommandHandlerFinder finder_);
// Takes a pointer to member function directly, and delegates to the
// previous constructor; useful within the lifetime of a FinderScope
template< typename Handler >
CommandGroupItem(const Identifier &name_,
std::vector< ComponentInterfaceSymbol > items_,
void (Handler::*pmf)(const CommandContext&),
CommandFlag flags_,
bool isEffect_,
CommandHandlerFinder finder = FinderScope::DefaultFinder())
: CommandGroupItem(name_, std::move(items_),
flags_, isEffect_, finder)
~CommandGroupItem() override;
const std::vector<ComponentInterfaceSymbol> items;
CommandHandlerFinder finder;
CommandFunctorPointer callback;
CommandFlag flags;
bool isEffect;
// For manipulating the enclosing menu or sub-menu directly,
// adding any number of items, not using the CommandManager
struct SpecialItem final : SingleItem
using Appender = std::function< void( AudacityProject&, wxMenu& ) >;
explicit SpecialItem( const Identifier &internalName, const Appender &fn_ )
: SingleItem{ internalName }
, fn{ fn_ }
~SpecialItem() override;
Appender fn;
struct MenuPart : ConcreteGroupItem< false, ToolbarMenuVisitor >, MenuSection
template< typename... Args >
MenuPart( const Identifier &internalName, Args&&... args )
: ConcreteGroupItem< false, ToolbarMenuVisitor >{
internalName, std::forward< Args >( args )... }
using MenuItems = ConcreteGroupItem< true, ToolbarMenuVisitor >;
// The following, and Shared(), are the functions to use directly
// in writing table definitions.
// Group items can be constructed two ways.
// Pointers to subordinate items are moved into the result.
// Null pointers are permitted, and ignored when building the menu.
// Items are spliced into the enclosing menu.
// The name is untranslated and may be empty, to make the group transparent
// in identification of items by path. Otherwise try to keep the name
// stable across Audacity versions.
template< typename... Args >
inline std::unique_ptr< MenuItems > Items(
const Identifier &internalName, Args&&... args )
{ return std::make_unique< MenuItems >(
internalName, std::forward<Args>(args)... ); }
// Like Items, but insert a menu separator between the menu section and
// any other items or sections before or after it in the same (innermost,
// enclosing) menu.
// It's not necessary that the sisters of sections be other sections, but it
// might clarify the logical groupings.
template< typename... Args >
inline std::unique_ptr< MenuPart > Section(
const Identifier &internalName, Args&&... args )
{ return std::make_unique< MenuPart >(
internalName, std::forward<Args>(args)... ); }
// Menu items can be constructed two ways, as for group items
// Items will appear in a main toolbar menu or in a sub-menu.
// The name is untranslated. Try to keep the name stable across Audacity
// versions.
// If the name of a menu is empty, then subordinate items cannot be located
// by path.
template< typename... Args >
inline std::unique_ptr<MenuItem> Menu(
const Identifier &internalName, const TranslatableString &title, Args&&... args )
{ return std::make_unique<MenuItem>(
internalName, title, std::forward<Args>(args)... ); }
inline std::unique_ptr<MenuItem> Menu(
const Identifier &internalName, const TranslatableString &title, BaseItemPtrs &&items )
{ return std::make_unique<MenuItem>(
internalName, title, std::move( items ) ); }
// Conditional group items can be constructed two ways, as for group items
// These items register in the CommandManager but are not shown in menus
// if the condition evaluates false.
// The name is untranslated. Try to keep the name stable across Audacity
// versions.
// Name for conditional group must be non-empty.
template< typename... Args >
inline std::unique_ptr<ConditionalGroupItem> ConditionalItems(
const Identifier &internalName,
ConditionalGroupItem::Condition condition, Args&&... args )
{ return std::make_unique<ConditionalGroupItem>(
internalName, condition, std::forward<Args>(args)... ); }
inline std::unique_ptr<ConditionalGroupItem> ConditionalItems(
const Identifier &internalName, ConditionalGroupItem::Condition condition,
BaseItemPtrs &&items )
{ return std::make_unique<ConditionalGroupItem>(
internalName, condition, std::move( items ) ); }
// Make either a menu item or just a group, depending on the nonemptiness
// of the title.
// The name is untranslated and may be empty, to make the group transparent
// in identification of items by path. Otherwise try to keep the name
// stable across Audacity versions.
// If the name of a menu is empty, then subordinate items cannot be located
// by path.
template< typename... Args >
inline BaseItemPtr MenuOrItems(
const Identifier &internalName, const TranslatableString &title, Args&&... args )
{ if ( title.empty() )
return Items( internalName, std::forward<Args>(args)... );
return std::make_unique<MenuItem>(
internalName, title, std::forward<Args>(args)... ); }
inline BaseItemPtr MenuOrItems(
const Identifier &internalName,
const TranslatableString &title, BaseItemPtrs &&items )
{ if ( title.empty() )
return Items( internalName, std::move( items ) );
return std::make_unique<MenuItem>(
internalName, title, std::move( items ) ); }
template< typename Handler >
inline std::unique_ptr<CommandItem> Command(
const CommandID &name,
const TranslatableString &label_in,
void (Handler::*pmf)(const CommandContext&),
CommandFlag flags, const CommandManager::Options &options = {},
CommandHandlerFinder finder = FinderScope::DefaultFinder())
return std::make_unique<CommandItem>(
name, label_in, pmf, flags, options, finder
template< typename Handler >
inline std::unique_ptr<CommandGroupItem> CommandGroup(
const Identifier &name,
std::vector< ComponentInterfaceSymbol > items,
void (Handler::*pmf)(const CommandContext&),
CommandFlag flags, bool isEffect = false,
CommandHandlerFinder finder = FinderScope::DefaultFinder())
return std::make_unique<CommandGroupItem>(
name, std::move(items), pmf, flags, isEffect, finder
inline std::unique_ptr<SpecialItem> Special(
const Identifier &name, const SpecialItem::Appender &fn )
{ return std::make_unique<SpecialItem>( name, fn ); }
// Typically you make a static object of this type in the .cpp file that
// also defines the added menu actions.
// pItem can be specified by an expression using the inline functions above.
struct AttachedItem final
AttachedItem( const Placement &placement, BaseItemPtr pItem );
AttachedItem( const wxString &path, BaseItemPtr pItem )
// Delegating constructor
: AttachedItem( Placement{ path }, std::move( pItem ) )
void DestroyRegistry();