
191 lines
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Audacity: A Digital Audio Editor
Dominic Mazzoni
#include "Export.h"
#include "../wxFileNameWrapper.h" // member variable
class wxButton;
class wxCheckBox;
class wxChoice;
class wxListEvent;
class wxRadioButton;
class wxSimplebook;
class wxStaticText;
class wxTextCtrl;
class AudacityProject;
class LabelTrack;
class SelectionState;
class ShuttleGui;
class Track;
class ExportMultipleDialog final : public wxDialogWrapper
ExportMultipleDialog(AudacityProject *parent);
virtual ~ExportMultipleDialog();
int ShowModal();
// Export
void CanExport();
void CountTracksAndLabels();
bool DirOk();
/** \brief Export multiple labeled regions of the project to separate files
* Uses a single label track in the project to split up the audio into a
* series of sections, each of which is exported to a separate file.
* @param byName Controls whether files are named after the text in the
* labels that define them (true), or just numbered (false).
* @param prefix The string used to prefix the file number if files are being
* numbered rather than named */
ProgressResult ExportMultipleByLabel(bool byName, const wxString &prefix, bool addNumber);
/** \brief Export each track in the project to a separate file
* @param byName Controls whether files are named after the track names
* (true), or just numbered (false).
* @param prefix The string used to prefix the file number if files are being
* numbered rather than named */
ProgressResult ExportMultipleByTrack(bool byName, const wxString &prefix, bool addNumber);
/** Export one file of an export multiple set
* Called once for each file in the list to do a (non-interactive) export
* @param channels Number of channels to export
* @param name The file name (and path) to export to
* @param selectedOnly Should we export the selected tracks only?
* @param t0 Start time for export
* @param t1 End time for export
* @param tags Metadata to include in the file (if possible).
ProgressResult DoExport(std::unique_ptr<ProgressDialog> &pDialog,
unsigned channels,
const wxFileName &name,
bool selectedOnly,
double t0,
double t1,
const Tags &tags);
/** \brief Takes an arbitrary text string and converts it to a form that can
* be used as a file name, if necessary prompting the user to edit the file
* name produced */
wxString MakeFileName(const wxString &input);
// Dialog
void PopulateOrExchange(ShuttleGui& S);
void EnableControls();
void OnFormat(wxCommandEvent& event);
void OnOptions(wxCommandEvent& event);
void OnCreate(wxCommandEvent& event);
void OnChoose(wxCommandEvent& event);
void OnLabel(wxCommandEvent& event);
void OnFirst(wxCommandEvent& event);
void OnFirstFileName(wxCommandEvent& event);
void OnTrack(wxCommandEvent& event);
void OnByName(wxCommandEvent& event);
void OnByNumber(wxCommandEvent& event);
void OnPrefix(wxCommandEvent& event);
void OnCancel(wxCommandEvent& event);
void OnHelp(wxCommandEvent& event);
void OnExport(wxCommandEvent& event);
Exporter mExporter;
std::vector<ExportPlugin*> mPlugins; /**< Array of references to available exporter
plug-ins */
AudacityProject *mProject;
TrackList *mTracks; /**< The list of tracks in the project that is
being exported */
const LabelTrack *mLabels;
int mNumLabels;
int mNumWaveTracks;
int mFilterIndex; /**< The index in the drop-down list of export
formats (mFormat) of the selected export format.
This list includes all possible
plug-in - subformat combinations. */
int mPluginIndex; /**< The index in mPlugins of the selected export
plug-in */
int mSubFormatIndex; /**< The selected subformat number within the
selected export plug-in set by mPluginIndex */
bool mInitialized;
// List of file actually exported
FilePaths mExported;
wxChoice *mFormat; /**< Drop-down list of export formats
(combinations of plug-in and subformat) */
wxButton *mOptions;
wxTextCtrl *mDir; /**< The directory all the exported files will end
up in */
wxButton *mCreate;
wxButton *mChoose;
wxRadioButton *mLabel; /**< button to choose export based on Labels */
wxStaticText *mLabelLabel; /**< description text for mLabel */
wxCheckBox *mFirst; /**< Check box to export audio before first label */
wxStaticText *mFirstFileLabel; /**< description text for mFirstFileName */
wxTextCtrl *mFirstFileName; /**< Name to use for exporting audio before
the first label in the file */
wxRadioButton *mTrack; /**< button to choose export based on tracks */
wxStaticText *mTrackLabel;
wxRadioButton *mByNumberAndName; /**< button to choose number AND name for exported files */
wxRadioButton *mByName; /**< button to choose naming exported file from label text */
wxRadioButton *mByNumber; /**< button to choose numbering exported files */
wxStaticText *mPrefixLabel;
wxTextCtrl *mPrefix;
wxCheckBox *mOverwrite;
wxButton *mCancel;
wxButton *mExport;
wxSimplebook *mBook;
SelectionState &mSelectionState;
class SuccessDialog final : public wxDialogWrapper
SuccessDialog(wxWindow *parent, wxWindowID id, const TranslatableString &title) :
wxDialogWrapper(parent, id, title, wxDefaultPosition,
void OnKeyDown(wxListEvent& event); // dismisses dialog when <enter> is pressed with list control having focus
void OnItemActivated(wxListEvent& event); // dismisses dialog when <enter> is pressed with list item having focus
class MouseEvtHandler final : public wxEvtHandler
void OnMouse(wxMouseEvent& event);