audacia/src/Mix.cpp 277932dccb Remove trailing spaces.
2014-06-03 20:30:19 +00:00

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Audacity: A Digital Audio Editor
Dominic Mazzoni
Markus Meyer
Vaughan Johnson
\class Mixer
\brief Functions for doing the mixdown of the tracks.
\class MixerSpec
\brief Class used with Mixer.
#include "Audacity.h"
#include "Mix.h"
#include <math.h>
#include <wx/textctrl.h>
#include <wx/msgdlg.h>
#include <wx/progdlg.h>
#include <wx/timer.h>
#include <wx/intl.h>
#include "WaveTrack.h"
#include "DirManager.h"
#include "Envelope.h"
#include "Internat.h"
#include "Prefs.h"
#include "Project.h"
#include "Resample.h"
#include "float_cast.h"
//TODO-MB: wouldn't it make more sense to delete the time track after 'mix and render'?
bool MixAndRender(TrackList *tracks, TrackFactory *trackFactory,
double rate, sampleFormat format,
double startTime, double endTime,
WaveTrack **newLeft, WaveTrack **newRight)
// This function was formerly known as "Quick Mix".
WaveTrack **waveArray;
Track *t;
int numWaves = 0; /* number of wave tracks in the selection */
int numMono = 0; /* number of mono, centre-panned wave tracks in selection*/
bool mono = false; /* flag if output can be mono without loosing anything*/
bool oneinput = false; /* flag set to true if there is only one input track
(mono or stereo) */
int w;
TrackListIterator iter(tracks);
SelectedTrackListOfKindIterator usefulIter(Track::Wave, tracks);
// this only iterates tracks which are relevant to this function, i.e.
// selected WaveTracks. The tracklist is (confusingly) the list of all
// tracks in the project
t = iter.First();
while (t) {
if (t->GetSelected() && t->GetKind() == Track::Wave) {
float pan = ((WaveTrack*)t)->GetPan();
if (t->GetChannel() == Track::MonoChannel && pan == 0)
t = iter.Next();
if (numMono == numWaves)
mono = true;
/* the next loop will do two things at once:
* 1. build an array of all the wave tracks were are trying to process
* 2. determine when the set of WaveTracks starts and ends, in case we
* need to work out for ourselves when to start and stop rendering.
double mixStartTime = 0.0; /* start time of first track to start */
bool gotstart = false; // flag indicates we have found a start time
double mixEndTime = 0.0; /* end time of last track to end */
double tstart, tend; // start and end times for one track.
waveArray = new WaveTrack *[numWaves];
w = 0;
t = iter.First();
while (t) {
if (t->GetSelected() && t->GetKind() == Track::Wave) {
waveArray[w++] = (WaveTrack *) t;
tstart = t->GetStartTime();
tend = t->GetEndTime();
if (tend > mixEndTime)
mixEndTime = tend;
// try and get the start time. If the track is empty we will get 0,
// which is ambiguous because it could just mean the track starts at
// the beginning of the project, as well as empty track. The give-away
// is that an empty track also ends at zero.
if (tstart != tend) {
// we don't get empty tracks here
if (!gotstart) {
// no previous start, use this one unconditionally
mixStartTime = tstart;
gotstart = true;
} else if (tstart < mixStartTime)
mixStartTime = tstart; // have a start, only make it smaller
} // end if start and end are different
} // end if track is a selected WaveTrack.
/** @TODO: could we not use a SelectedTrackListOfKindIterator here? */
t = iter.Next();
/* create the destination track (new track) */
if ((numWaves == 1) || ((numWaves == 2) && (usefulIter.First()->GetLink() != NULL)))
oneinput = true;
// only one input track (either 1 mono or one linked stereo pair)
WaveTrack *mixLeft = trackFactory->NewWaveTrack(format, rate);
if (oneinput)
mixLeft->SetName(usefulIter.First()->GetName()); /* set name of output track to be the same as the sole input track */
WaveTrack *mixRight = 0;
if (mono) {
else {
mixRight = trackFactory->NewWaveTrack(format, rate);
if (oneinput) {
if (usefulIter.First()->GetLink() != NULL) // we have linked track
mixLeft->SetName(usefulIter.First()->GetLink()->GetName()); /* set name to match input track's right channel!*/
mixLeft->SetName(usefulIter.First()->GetName()); /* set name to that of sole input channel */
int maxBlockLen = mixLeft->GetIdealBlockSize();
// If the caller didn't specify a time range, use the whole range in which
// any input track had clips in it.
if (startTime == endTime) {
startTime = mixStartTime;
endTime = mixEndTime;
Mixer *mixer = new Mixer(numWaves, waveArray, tracks->GetTimeTrack(),
startTime, endTime, mono ? 1 : 2, maxBlockLen, false,
rate, format);
ProgressDialog *progress = new ProgressDialog(_("Mix and Render"),
_("Mixing and rendering tracks"));
int updateResult = eProgressSuccess;
while(updateResult == eProgressSuccess) {
sampleCount blockLen = mixer->Process(maxBlockLen);
if (blockLen == 0)
if (mono) {
samplePtr buffer = mixer->GetBuffer();
mixLeft->Append(buffer, format, blockLen);
else {
samplePtr buffer;
buffer = mixer->GetBuffer(0);
mixLeft->Append(buffer, format, blockLen);
buffer = mixer->GetBuffer(1);
mixRight->Append(buffer, format, blockLen);
updateResult = progress->Update(mixer->MixGetCurrentTime() - startTime, endTime - startTime);
delete progress;
if (!mono)
if (updateResult == eProgressCancelled || updateResult == eProgressFailed)
delete mixLeft;
if (!mono)
delete mixRight;
} else {
*newLeft = mixLeft;
if (!mono)
*newRight = mixRight;
#if 0
int elapsedMS = wxGetElapsedTime();
double elapsedTime = elapsedMS * 0.001;
double maxTracks = totalTime / (elapsedTime / numWaves);
// Note: these shouldn't be translated - they're for debugging
// and profiling only.
printf(" Tracks: %d\n", numWaves);
printf(" Mix length: %f sec\n", totalTime);
printf("Elapsed time: %f sec\n", elapsedTime);
printf("Max number of tracks to mix in real time: %f\n", maxTracks);
delete[] waveArray;
delete mixer;
return (updateResult == eProgressSuccess || updateResult == eProgressStopped);
Mixer::Mixer(int numInputTracks, WaveTrack **inputTracks,
TimeTrack *timeTrack,
double startTime, double stopTime,
int numOutChannels, int outBufferSize, bool outInterleaved,
double outRate, sampleFormat outFormat,
bool highQuality, MixerSpec *mixerSpec)
int i;
mHighQuality = highQuality;
mNumInputTracks = numInputTracks;
mInputTrack = new WaveTrack*[mNumInputTracks];
mSamplePos = new sampleCount[mNumInputTracks];
for(i=0; i<mNumInputTracks; i++) {
mInputTrack[i] = inputTracks[i];
mSamplePos[i] = inputTracks[i]->TimeToLongSamples(startTime);
mTimeTrack = timeTrack;
mT0 = startTime;
mT1 = stopTime;
mTime = startTime;
mNumChannels = numOutChannels;
mBufferSize = outBufferSize;
mInterleaved = outInterleaved;
mRate = outRate;
mFormat = outFormat;
mApplyTrackGains = true;
mGains = new float[mNumChannels];
if( mixerSpec && mixerSpec->GetNumChannels() == mNumChannels &&
mixerSpec->GetNumTracks() == mNumInputTracks )
mMixerSpec = mixerSpec;
mMixerSpec = NULL;
if (mInterleaved) {
mNumBuffers = 1;
mInterleavedBufferSize = mBufferSize * mNumChannels;
else {
mNumBuffers = mNumChannels;
mInterleavedBufferSize = mBufferSize;
mBuffer = new samplePtr[mNumBuffers];
mTemp = new samplePtr[mNumBuffers];
for (int c = 0; c < mNumBuffers; c++) {
mBuffer[c] = NewSamples(mInterleavedBufferSize, mFormat);
mTemp[c] = NewSamples(mInterleavedBufferSize, floatSample);
mFloatBuffer = new float[mInterleavedBufferSize];
mQueueMaxLen = 65536;
mProcessLen = 1024;
mQueueStart = new int[mNumInputTracks];
mQueueLen = new int[mNumInputTracks];
mSampleQueue = new float *[mNumInputTracks];
mResample = new Resample*[mNumInputTracks];
for(i=0; i<mNumInputTracks; i++) {
double factor = (mRate / mInputTrack[i]->GetRate());
if (timeTrack) {
// variable rate resampling
mResample[i] = new Resample(mHighQuality,
factor / timeTrack->GetRangeUpper(),
factor / timeTrack->GetRangeLower());
} else {
mResample[i] = new Resample(mHighQuality, factor, factor); // constant rate resampling
mSampleQueue[i] = new float[mQueueMaxLen];
mQueueStart[i] = 0;
mQueueLen[i] = 0;
int envLen = mInterleavedBufferSize;
if (mQueueMaxLen > envLen)
envLen = mQueueMaxLen;
mEnvValues = new double[envLen];
int i;
for (i = 0; i < mNumBuffers; i++) {
delete[] mBuffer;
delete[] mTemp;
delete[] mInputTrack;
delete[] mEnvValues;
delete[] mFloatBuffer;
delete[] mGains;
delete[] mSamplePos;
for(i=0; i<mNumInputTracks; i++) {
delete mResample[i];
delete[] mSampleQueue[i];
delete[] mResample;
delete[] mSampleQueue;
delete[] mQueueStart;
delete[] mQueueLen;
void Mixer::ApplyTrackGains(bool apply)
mApplyTrackGains = apply;
void Mixer::Clear()
for (int c = 0; c < mNumBuffers; c++) {
memset(mTemp[c], 0, mInterleavedBufferSize * SAMPLE_SIZE(floatSample));
void MixBuffers(int numChannels, int *channelFlags, float *gains,
samplePtr src, samplePtr *dests,
int len, bool interleaved)
for (int c = 0; c < numChannels; c++) {
if (!channelFlags[c])
samplePtr destPtr;
int skip;
if (interleaved) {
destPtr = dests[0] + c*SAMPLE_SIZE(floatSample);
skip = numChannels;
} else {
destPtr = dests[c];
skip = 1;
float gain = gains[c];
float *dest = (float *)destPtr;
float *temp = (float *)src;
for (int j = 0; j < len; j++) {
*dest += temp[j] * gain; // the actual mixing process
dest += skip;
sampleCount Mixer::MixVariableRates(int *channelFlags, WaveTrack *track,
sampleCount *pos, float *queue,
int *queueStart, int *queueLen,
Resample * pResample)
double trackRate = track->GetRate();
double initialWarp = mRate / trackRate;
double tstep = 1.0 / trackRate;
double t = (*pos - *queueLen) / trackRate;
int sampleSize = SAMPLE_SIZE(floatSample);
sampleCount out = 0;
/* time is floating point. Sample rate is integer. The number of samples
* has to be integer, but the multiplication gives a float result, which we
* round to get an integer result. TODO: is this always right or can it be
* off by one sometimes? Can we not get this information directly from the
* clip (which must know) rather than convert the time?
* LLL: Not at this time. While WaveClips provide methods to retrieve the
* start and end sample, they do the same float->sampleCount conversion
* to calculate the position.
// Find the last sample
sampleCount endPos;
double endTime = track->GetEndTime();
if (endTime > mT1) {
endPos = track->TimeToLongSamples(mT1);
else {
endPos = track->TimeToLongSamples(endTime);
while (out < mMaxOut) {
if (*queueLen < mProcessLen) {
memmove(queue, &queue[*queueStart], (*queueLen) * sampleSize);
*queueStart = 0;
int getLen = mQueueMaxLen - *queueLen;
// Constrain
if (*pos + getLen > endPos) {
getLen = endPos - *pos;
// Nothing to do if past end of track
if (getLen > 0) {
(*pos) / trackRate,
for (int i = 0; i < getLen; i++) {
queue[(*queueLen) + i] *= mEnvValues[i];
*queueLen += getLen;
*pos += getLen;
sampleCount thisProcessLen = mProcessLen;
bool last = (*queueLen < mProcessLen);
if (last) {
thisProcessLen = *queueLen;
double factor = initialWarp;
if (mTimeTrack)
//TODO-MB: The end time is wrong when the resampler doesn't use all input samples,
// as a result of this the warp factor may be slightly wrong, so AudioIO will stop too soon
// or too late (resulting in missing sound or inserted silence). This can't be fixed
// without changing the way the resampler works, because the number of input samples that will be used
// is unpredictable. Maybe it can be compensated lated though.
factor *= mTimeTrack->ComputeWarpFactor(t, t + (double)thisProcessLen / trackRate);
int input_used;
int outgen = pResample->Process(factor,
mMaxOut - out);
if (outgen < 0) {
return 0;
*queueStart += input_used;
*queueLen -= input_used;
out += outgen;
t += (input_used / trackRate);
if (last) {
for (int c = 0; c < mNumChannels; c++) {
if (mApplyTrackGains) {
mGains[c] = track->GetChannelGain(c);
else {
mGains[c] = 1.0;
return out;
sampleCount Mixer::MixSameRate(int *channelFlags, WaveTrack *track,
sampleCount *pos)
int slen = mMaxOut;
int c;
double t = *pos / track->GetRate();
double trackEndTime = track->GetEndTime();
double tEnd = trackEndTime > mT1 ? mT1 : trackEndTime;
//don't process if we're at the end of the selection or track.
if (t>=tEnd)
return 0;
//if we're about to approach the end of the track or selection, figure out how much we need to grab
if (t + slen/track->GetRate() > tEnd)
slen = (int)((tEnd - t) * track->GetRate() + 0.5);
if (slen > mMaxOut)
slen = mMaxOut;
track->Get((samplePtr)mFloatBuffer, floatSample, *pos, slen);
track->GetEnvelopeValues(mEnvValues, slen, t, 1.0 / mRate);
for(int i=0; i<slen; i++)
mFloatBuffer[i] *= mEnvValues[i]; // Track gain control will go here?
for(c=0; c<mNumChannels; c++)
if (mApplyTrackGains)
mGains[c] = track->GetChannelGain(c);
mGains[c] = 1.0;
MixBuffers(mNumChannels, channelFlags, mGains,
(samplePtr)mFloatBuffer, mTemp, slen, mInterleaved);
*pos += slen;
return slen;
sampleCount Mixer::Process(sampleCount maxToProcess)
// MB: this is wrong! mT represented warped time, and mTime is too inaccurate to use
// it here. It's also unnecessary I think.
//if (mT >= mT1)
// return 0;
int i, j;
sampleCount out;
sampleCount maxOut = 0;
int *channelFlags = new int[mNumChannels];
mMaxOut = maxToProcess;
for(i=0; i<mNumInputTracks; i++) {
WaveTrack *track = mInputTrack[i];
for(j=0; j<mNumChannels; j++)
channelFlags[j] = 0;
if( mMixerSpec ) {
//ignore left and right when downmixing is not required
for( j = 0; j < mNumChannels; j++ )
channelFlags[ j ] = mMixerSpec->mMap[ i ][ j ] ? 1 : 0;
else {
switch(track->GetChannel()) {
case Track::MonoChannel:
for(j=0; j<mNumChannels; j++)
channelFlags[j] = 1;
case Track::LeftChannel:
channelFlags[0] = 1;
case Track::RightChannel:
if (mNumChannels >= 2)
channelFlags[1] = 1;
channelFlags[0] = 1;
if (mTimeTrack || track->GetRate() != mRate)
out = MixVariableRates(channelFlags, track,
&mSamplePos[i], mSampleQueue[i],
&mQueueStart[i], &mQueueLen[i], mResample[i]);
out = MixSameRate(channelFlags, track, &mSamplePos[i]);
if (out > maxOut)
maxOut = out;
double t = (double)mSamplePos[i] / (double)track->GetRate();
if(t > mTime)
mTime = std::min(t, mT1);
if(mInterleaved) {
for(int c=0; c<mNumChannels; c++) {
CopySamples(mTemp[0] + (c * SAMPLE_SIZE(floatSample)),
mBuffer[0] + (c * SAMPLE_SIZE(mFormat)),
else {
for(int c=0; c<mNumBuffers; c++) {
// MB: this doesn't take warping into account, replaced with code based on mSamplePos
//mT += (maxOut / mRate);
delete [] channelFlags;
return maxOut;
samplePtr Mixer::GetBuffer()
return mBuffer[0];
samplePtr Mixer::GetBuffer(int channel)
return mBuffer[channel];
double Mixer::MixGetCurrentTime()
return mTime;
void Mixer::Restart()
int i;
mTime = mT0;
for(i=0; i<mNumInputTracks; i++)
mSamplePos[i] = mInputTrack[i]->TimeToLongSamples(mT0);
for(i=0; i<mNumInputTracks; i++) {
mQueueStart[i] = 0;
mQueueLen[i] = 0;
void Mixer::Reposition(double t)
int i;
mTime = t;
if( mTime < mT0 )
mTime = mT0;
if( mTime > mT1 )
mTime = mT1;
for(i=0; i<mNumInputTracks; i++) {
mSamplePos[i] = mInputTrack[i]->TimeToLongSamples(mTime);
mQueueStart[i] = 0;
mQueueLen[i] = 0;
MixerSpec::MixerSpec( int numTracks, int maxNumChannels )
mNumTracks = mNumChannels = numTracks;
mMaxNumChannels = maxNumChannels;
if( mNumChannels > mMaxNumChannels )
mNumChannels = mMaxNumChannels;
for( int i = 0; i < mNumTracks; i++ )
for( int j = 0; j < mNumChannels; j++ )
mMap[ i ][ j ] = ( i == j );
MixerSpec::MixerSpec( const MixerSpec &mixerSpec )
mNumTracks = mixerSpec.mNumTracks;
mMaxNumChannels = mixerSpec.mMaxNumChannels;
mNumChannels = mixerSpec.mNumChannels;
for( int i = 0; i < mNumTracks; i++ )
for( int j = 0; j < mNumChannels; j++ )
mMap[ i ][ j ] = mixerSpec.mMap[ i ][ j ];
void MixerSpec::Alloc()
mMap = new bool*[ mNumTracks ];
for( int i = 0; i < mNumTracks; i++ )
mMap[ i ] = new bool[ mMaxNumChannels ];
void MixerSpec::Free()
for( int i = 0; i < mNumTracks; i++ )
delete[] mMap[ i ];
delete[] mMap;
bool MixerSpec::SetNumChannels( int newNumChannels )
if( mNumChannels == newNumChannels )
return true;
if( newNumChannels > mMaxNumChannels )
return false;
for( int i = 0; i < mNumTracks; i++ )
for( int j = newNumChannels; j < mNumChannels; j++ )
mMap[ i ][ j ] = false;
for( int j = mNumChannels; j < newNumChannels; j++ )
mMap[ i ][ j ] = false;
mNumChannels = newNumChannels;
return true;
MixerSpec& MixerSpec::operator=( const MixerSpec &mixerSpec )
mNumTracks = mixerSpec.mNumTracks;
mNumChannels = mixerSpec.mNumChannels;
mMaxNumChannels = mixerSpec.mMaxNumChannels;
for( int i = 0; i < mNumTracks; i++ )
for( int j = 0; j < mNumChannels; j++ )
mMap[ i ][ j ] = mixerSpec.mMap[ i ][ j ];
return *this;