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Audacity: A Digital Audio Editor
Dominic Mazzoni
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include <vector>
#include "xml/XMLTagHandler.h"
class wxRect;
class wxMouseEvent;
class wxTextFile;
class DirManager;
class Envelope;
class EnvPoint;
class ZoomInfo;
class EnvPoint final : public XMLTagHandler {
EnvPoint() {}
inline EnvPoint( double t, double val ) : mT{ t }, mVal{ val } {}
double GetT() const { return mT; }
void SetT(double t) { mT = t; }
double GetVal() const { return mVal; }
inline void SetVal( Envelope *pEnvelope, double val );
bool HandleXMLTag(const wxChar *tag, const wxChar **attrs) override
if (!wxStrcmp(tag, wxT("controlpoint"))) {
while (*attrs) {
const wxChar *attr = *attrs++;
const wxChar *value = *attrs++;
if (!wxStrcmp(attr, wxT("t")))
else if (!wxStrcmp(attr, wxT("val")))
SetVal( nullptr, Internat::CompatibleToDouble(value) );
return true;
return false;
XMLTagHandler *HandleXMLChild(const wxChar * WXUNUSED(tag)) override
return NULL;
double mT {};
double mVal {};
typedef std::vector<EnvPoint> EnvArray;
struct TrackPanelDrawingContext;
class Envelope final : public XMLTagHandler {
// Envelope can define a piecewise linear function, or piecewise exponential.
Envelope(bool exponential, double minValue, double maxValue, double defaultValue);
Envelope(const Envelope &orig);
// Create from a subrange of another envelope.
Envelope(const Envelope &orig, double t0, double t1);
void Initialize(int numPoints);
virtual ~Envelope();
// Return true if violations of point ordering invariants were detected
// and repaired
bool ConsistencyCheck();
double GetOffset() const { return mOffset; }
double GetTrackLen() const { return mTrackLen; }
bool GetExponential() const { return mDB; }
void SetExponential(bool db) { mDB = db; }
void Flatten(double value);
double GetMinValue() const { return mMinValue; }
double GetMaxValue() const { return mMaxValue; }
void SetRange(double minValue, double maxValue);
double ClampValue(double value) { return std::max(mMinValue, std::min(mMaxValue, value)); }
// File I/O
bool Load(wxTextFile * in, DirManager * dirManager) override;
bool Save(wxTextFile * out, bool overwrite) override;
// Newfangled XML file I/O
bool HandleXMLTag(const wxChar *tag, const wxChar **attrs) override;
XMLTagHandler *HandleXMLChild(const wxChar *tag) override;
void WriteXML(XMLWriter &xmlFile) const /* not override */;
// Handling Cut/Copy/Paste events
// sampleDur determines when the endpoint of the collapse is near enough
// to an endpoint of the domain, that an extra control point is not needed.
void CollapseRegion(double t0, double t1, double sampleDur);
// Envelope has no notion of rate and control point times are not quantized;
// but a tolerance is needed in the Paste routine, and better to inform it
// of an appropriate number, than use hidden arbitrary constants.
// The function is called 'PasteEnvelope' rather than 'Paste' to make it
// easier to find where it is used in source code.
void PasteEnvelope(double t0, const Envelope *e, double sampleDur);
void InsertSpace(double t0, double tlen);
// Control
void SetOffset(double newOffset);
void SetTrackLen( double trackLen, double sampleDur = 0.0 );
void RescaleValues(double minValue, double maxValue);
void RescaleTimes( double newLength );
// Accessors
/** \brief Get envelope value at time t */
double GetValue( double t, double sampleDur = 0 ) const;
/** \brief Get many envelope points at once.
* This is much faster than calling GetValue() multiple times if you need
* more than one value in a row. */
void GetValues(double *buffer, int len, double t0, double tstep) const;
// Guarantee an envelope point at the end of the domain.
void Cap( double sampleDur );
std::pair< int, int > ExpandRegion
( double t0, double tlen, double *pLeftVal, double *pRightVal );
void RemoveUnneededPoints
( size_t startAt, bool rightward, bool testNeighbors = true );
double GetValueRelative(double t, bool leftLimit = false) const;
void GetValuesRelative
(double *buffer, int len, double t0, double tstep, bool leftLimit = false)
// relative time
int NumberOfPointsAfter(double t) const;
// relative time
double NextPointAfter(double t) const;
double Average( double t0, double t1 ) const;
double AverageOfInverse( double t0, double t1 ) const;
double Integral( double t0, double t1 ) const;
double IntegralOfInverse( double t0, double t1 ) const;
double SolveIntegralOfInverse( double t0, double area) const;
void print() const;
void testMe();
bool IsDirty() const;
/** \brief Add a point at a particular absolute time coordinate */
int InsertOrReplace(double when, double value)
{ return InsertOrReplaceRelative( when - mOffset, value ); }
/** \brief Move a point at when to value
* Returns 0 if point moved, -1 if not found.*/
int Reassign(double when, double value);
/** \brief DELETE a point by its position in array */
void Delete(int point);
/** \brief insert a point */
void Insert(int point, const EnvPoint &p);
/** \brief Return number of points */
size_t GetNumberOfPoints() const;
int InsertOrReplaceRelative(double when, double value);
friend class EnvelopeEditor;
/** \brief Accessor for points */
const EnvPoint &operator[] (int index) const
return mEnv[index];
std::pair<int, int> EqualRange( double when, double sampleDur ) const;
/** \brief Returns the sets of when and value pairs */
void GetPoints(double *bufferWhen,
double *bufferValue,
int bufferLen) const;
// UI-related
// The drag point needs to display differently.
int GetDragPoint() const { return mDragPoint; }
// Choose the drag point.
void SetDragPoint(int dragPoint);
// Mark or unmark the drag point for deletion.
void SetDragPointValid(bool valid);
bool GetDragPointValid() const { return mDragPointValid; }
// Modify the dragged point and change its value.
// But consistency constraints may move it less then you ask for.
void MoveDragPoint(double newWhen, double value);
// May delete the drag point. Restores envelope consistency.
void ClearDragPoint();
void AddPointAtEnd( double t, double val );
void CopyRange(const Envelope &orig, size_t begin, size_t end);
// relative time
void BinarySearchForTime( int &Lo, int &Hi, double t ) const;
void BinarySearchForTime_LeftLimit( int &Lo, int &Hi, double t ) const;
double GetInterpolationStartValueAtPoint( int iPoint ) const;
// The list of envelope control points.
EnvArray mEnv;
/** \brief The time at which the envelope starts, i.e. the start offset */
double mOffset { 0.0 };
/** \brief The length of the envelope, which is the same as the length of the
* underlying track (normally) */
double mTrackLen { 0.0 };
// TODO: mTrackEpsilon based on assumption of 200KHz. Needs review if/when
// we support higher sample rates.
/** \brief The shortest distance appart that points on an envelope can be
* before being considered the same point */
double mTrackEpsilon { 1.0 / 200000.0 };
bool mDB;
double mMinValue, mMaxValue;
double mDefaultValue;
// UI stuff
bool mDragPointValid { false };
int mDragPoint { -1 };
mutable int mSearchGuess { -2 };
friend class GetInfoCommand;
friend class SetEnvelopeCommand;
inline void EnvPoint::SetVal( Envelope *pEnvelope, double val )
if ( pEnvelope )
val = pEnvelope->ClampValue(val);
mVal = val;