
324 lines
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Executable File

Audacity: A Digital Audio Editor
Dominic Mazzoni
\file Prefs.cpp
\brief Utility functions for working with our wxConf (gPrefs)
Audacity uses wxWidgets' wxConfig class to handle preferences.
See Prefs.h for more information on how it works...
Note: The info below is very outdated and incomplete
Preference field specification:
Version - Audacity Version that created these prefs
DefaultOpenPath - Default directory for NEW file selector
CopyOrEditUncompressedData - Copy data from uncompressed files or
[ "copy", "edit"] - edit in place?
ExportFormat_SF1 - Format to export PCM data in
(this number is a libsndfile1.0 format)
DefaultProjectSampleRate- New projects will have this rate
[ 8000, 11025, 16000, 22050, 44100, 48000 ]
PlaybackDevice - device to use for playback
RecordingDevice - device to use for recording
(these are device names understood by PortAudio)
WaveformColor - 0xRRGGBB --since it will be stored in
ShadowColor - decimal, it will be somewhat
SpectrumLowColor - non-intuitive to edit, but
SpectrumHighColor - much easier to parse.
Language - two-letter language code for translations
(*): wxGTK
(+): wxWin
($): wxMac
#include "Audacity.h"
#include <wx/defs.h>
#include <wx/msgdlg.h>
#include <wx/app.h>
#include <wx/config.h>
#include <wx/intl.h>
#include <wx/fileconf.h>
#include <wx/filename.h>
#include <wx/stdpaths.h>
#include "AudacityApp.h"
#include "FileNames.h"
#include "Languages.h"
#include "Prefs.h"
wxFileConfig *gPrefs = NULL;
int gMenusDirty = 0;
// Copy one entry from one wxConfig object to another
static void CopyEntry(wxString path, wxConfigBase *src, wxConfigBase *dst, wxString entry)
switch(src->GetEntryType(entry)) {
case wxConfigBase::Type_Unknown:
case wxConfigBase::Type_String: {
wxString value = src->Read(entry, wxT(""));
dst->Write(path + entry, value);
case wxConfigBase::Type_Boolean: {
bool value = false;
src->Read(entry, &value, value);
dst->Write(path + entry, value);
case wxConfigBase::Type_Integer: {
long value = false;
src->Read(entry, &value, value);
dst->Write(path + entry, value);
case wxConfigBase::Type_Float: {
double value = false;
src->Read(entry, &value, value);
dst->Write(path + entry, value);
// Recursive routine to copy all groups and entries from one wxConfig object to another
static void CopyEntriesRecursive(wxString path, wxConfigBase *src, wxConfigBase *dst)
wxString entryName;
long entryIndex;
bool entryKeepGoing;
entryKeepGoing = src->GetFirstEntry(entryName, entryIndex);
while (entryKeepGoing) {
CopyEntry(path, src, dst, entryName);
entryKeepGoing = src->GetNextEntry(entryName, entryIndex);
wxString groupName;
long groupIndex;
bool groupKeepGoing;
groupKeepGoing = src->GetFirstGroup(groupName, groupIndex);
while (groupKeepGoing) {
wxString subPath = path+groupName+wxT("/");
CopyEntriesRecursive(subPath, src, dst);
groupKeepGoing = src->GetNextGroup(groupName, groupIndex);
void InitPreferences()
wxString appName = wxTheApp->GetAppName();
wxFileName configFileName(FileNames::DataDir(), wxT("audacity.cfg"));
gPrefs = new wxFileConfig(appName, wxEmptyString,
wxEmptyString, wxCONFIG_USE_LOCAL_FILE);
bool resetPrefs = false;
wxString langCode = gPrefs->Read(wxT("/Locale/Language"), wxEmptyString);
bool writeLang = false;
wxFileName fn(wxStandardPaths::Get().GetResourcesDir(), wxT("FirstTime.ini"));
if (fn.FileExists()) // it will exist if the (win) installer put it there
wxFileConfig ini(wxEmptyString,
wxString lang;
if (ini.Read(wxT("/FromInno/Language"), &lang))
// Only change "langCode" if the language was actually specified in the ini file.
langCode = lang;
writeLang = true;
// Inno Setup doesn't allow special characters in the Name values, so "0" is used
// to represent the "@" character.
langCode.Replace(wxT("0"), wxT("@"));
ini.Read(wxT("/FromInno/ResetPrefs"), &resetPrefs, false);
bool gone = wxRemoveFile(fn.GetFullPath()); // remove FirstTime.ini
if (!gone)
wxString fileName = fn.GetFullPath();
wxMessageBox(wxString::Format( _("Failed to remove %s"), fileName.c_str()), _("Failed!"));
// Use the system default language if one wasn't specified or if the user selected System.
if (langCode.IsEmpty())
langCode = GetSystemLanguageCode();
// Initialize the language
langCode = wxGetApp().InitLang(langCode);
// User requested that the preferences be completely reset
if (resetPrefs)
// pop up a dialogue
wxString prompt = _("Reset Preferences?\n\nThis is a one-time question, after an 'install' where you asked to have the Preferences reset.");
int action = wxMessageBox(prompt, _("Reset Audacity Preferences"),
if (action == wxYES) // reset
writeLang = true;
// Save the specified language
if (writeLang)
gPrefs->Write(wxT("/Locale/Language"), langCode);
// In AUdacity 2.1.0 support for the legacy 1.2.x preferences (depreciated since Audacity
// 1.3.1) is dropped. As a result we can drop the import flag
// first time this version of Audacity is run we try to migrate
// old preferences.
bool newPrefsInitialized = false;
gPrefs->Read(wxT("/NewPrefsInitialized"), &newPrefsInitialized, false);
if (newPrefsInitialized) {
gPrefs->DeleteEntry(wxT("/NewPrefsInitialized"), true); // take group as well if empty
// record the Prefs version for future checking (this has not been used for a very
// long time).
gPrefs->Write(wxT("/PrefsVersion"), wxString(wxT(AUDACITY_PREFS_VERSION_STRING)));
// Check if some prefs updates need to happen based on audacity version.
// Unfortunately we can't use the PrefsVersion prefs key because that resets things.
// In the future we may want to integrate that better.
// these are done on a case-by-case basis for now so they must be backwards compatible
// (meaning the changes won't mess audacity up if the user goes back to an earlier version)
int vMajor = gPrefs->Read(wxT("/Version/Major"), (long) 0);
int vMinor = gPrefs->Read(wxT("/Version/Minor"), (long) 0);
int vMicro = gPrefs->Read(wxT("/Version/Micro"), (long) 0);
// These integer version keys were introduced april 4 2011 for 1.3.13
// The device toolbar needs to be enabled due to removal of source selection features in
// the mixer toolbar.
if ((vMajor < 1) ||
(vMajor == 1 && vMinor < 3) ||
(vMajor == 1 && vMinor == 3 && vMicro < 13)) {
// Do a full reset of the Device Toolbar to get it on the screen.
if (gPrefs->Exists(wxT("/GUI/ToolBars/Device")))
// We keep the mixer toolbar prefs (shown/not shown)
// the width of the mixer toolbar may have shrunk, the prefs will keep the larger value
// if the user had a device that had more than one source.
if (gPrefs->Exists(wxT("/GUI/ToolBars/Mixer"))) {
// Use the default width
gPrefs->Write(wxT("/GUI/ToolBars/Mixer/W"), -1);
// In 2.1.0, the Meter toolbar was split and lengthened, but strange arrangements happen
// if upgrading due to the extra length. So, if a user is upgrading, use the pre-2.1.0
// lengths, but still use the NEW split versions.
if (gPrefs->Exists(wxT("/GUI/ToolBars/Meter")) &&
!gPrefs->Exists(wxT("/GUI/ToolBars/CombinedMeter"))) {
// Read in all of the existing values
long dock, order, show, x, y, w, h;
gPrefs->Read(wxT("/GUI/ToolBars/Meter/Dock"), &dock, -1);
gPrefs->Read(wxT("/GUI/ToolBars/Meter/Order"), &order, -1);
gPrefs->Read(wxT("/GUI/ToolBars/Meter/Show"), &show, -1);
gPrefs->Read(wxT("/GUI/ToolBars/Meter/X"), &x, -1);
gPrefs->Read(wxT("/GUI/ToolBars/Meter/Y"), &y, -1);
gPrefs->Read(wxT("/GUI/ToolBars/Meter/W"), &w, -1);
gPrefs->Read(wxT("/GUI/ToolBars/Meter/H"), &h, -1);
// "Order" must be adjusted since we're inserting two NEW toolbars
if (dock > 0) {
wxString oldPath = gPrefs->GetPath();
wxString bar;
long ndx = 0;
bool cont = gPrefs->GetFirstGroup(bar, ndx);
while (cont) {
long o;
if (gPrefs->Read(bar + wxT("/Order"), &o) && o >= order) {
gPrefs->Write(bar + wxT("/Order"), o + 2);
cont = gPrefs->GetNextGroup(bar, ndx);
// And override the height
h = 27;
// Write the split meter bar values
gPrefs->Write(wxT("/GUI/ToolBars/RecordMeter/Dock"), dock);
gPrefs->Write(wxT("/GUI/ToolBars/RecordMeter/Order"), order);
gPrefs->Write(wxT("/GUI/ToolBars/RecordMeter/Show"), show);
gPrefs->Write(wxT("/GUI/ToolBars/RecordMeter/X"), -1);
gPrefs->Write(wxT("/GUI/ToolBars/RecordMeter/Y"), -1);
gPrefs->Write(wxT("/GUI/ToolBars/RecordMeter/W"), w);
gPrefs->Write(wxT("/GUI/ToolBars/RecordMeter/H"), h);
gPrefs->Write(wxT("/GUI/ToolBars/PlayMeter/Dock"), dock);
gPrefs->Write(wxT("/GUI/ToolBars/PlayMeter/Order"), order + 1);
gPrefs->Write(wxT("/GUI/ToolBars/PlayMeter/Show"), show);
gPrefs->Write(wxT("/GUI/ToolBars/PlayMeter/X"), -1);
gPrefs->Write(wxT("/GUI/ToolBars/PlayMeter/Y"), -1);
gPrefs->Write(wxT("/GUI/ToolBars/PlayMeter/W"), w);
gPrefs->Write(wxT("/GUI/ToolBars/PlayMeter/H"), h);
// And hide the old combined meter bar
gPrefs->Write(wxT("/GUI/ToolBars/Meter/Dock"), -1);
// write out the version numbers to the prefs file for future checking
gPrefs->Write(wxT("/Version/Major"), AUDACITY_VERSION);
gPrefs->Write(wxT("/Version/Minor"), AUDACITY_RELEASE);
gPrefs->Write(wxT("/Version/Micro"), AUDACITY_REVISION);
void FinishPreferences()
if (gPrefs) {
delete gPrefs;
gPrefs = NULL;