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Audacity: A Digital Audio Editor
Dominic Mazzoni
\file Sequence.cpp
\brief Implements classes Sequence and SeqBlock.
\class Sequence
\brief A WaveTrack contains WaveClip(s).
A WaveClip contains a Sequence. A Sequence is primarily an
interface to an array of SeqBlock instances, corresponding to
the audio BlockFiles on disk.
Contrast with RingBuffer.
\class SeqBlock
\brief Data structure containing pointer to a BlockFile and
a start time. Element of a BlockArray.
#include "Audacity.h"
#include "Sequence.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <float.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <wx/dynarray.h>
#include <wx/intl.h>
#include <wx/filefn.h>
#include <wx/ffile.h>
#include <wx/log.h>
#include "BlockFile.h"
#include "blockfile/ODDecodeBlockFile.h"
#include "DirManager.h"
#include "blockfile/SimpleBlockFile.h"
#include "blockfile/SilentBlockFile.h"
size_t Sequence::sMaxDiskBlockSize = 1048576;
// Sequence methods
Sequence::Sequence(const std::shared_ptr<DirManager> &projDirManager, sampleFormat format)
: mDirManager(projDirManager)
, mSampleFormat(format)
, mMinSamples(sMaxDiskBlockSize / SAMPLE_SIZE(mSampleFormat) / 2)
, mMaxSamples(mMinSamples * 2)
// essentially a copy constructor - but you must pass in the
// current project's DirManager, because we might be copying
// from one project to another
Sequence::Sequence(const Sequence &orig, const std::shared_ptr<DirManager> &projDirManager)
: mDirManager(projDirManager)
, mSampleFormat(orig.mSampleFormat)
, mMinSamples(orig.mMinSamples)
, mMaxSamples(orig.mMaxSamples)
bool bResult = Paste(0, &orig);
wxASSERT(bResult); // TO DO: Actually handle this.
size_t Sequence::GetMaxBlockSize() const
return mMaxSamples;
size_t Sequence::GetIdealBlockSize() const
return mMaxSamples;
bool Sequence::Lock()
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < mBlock.size(); i++)
return true;
bool Sequence::CloseLock()
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < mBlock.size(); i++)
return true;
bool Sequence::Unlock()
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < mBlock.size(); i++)
return true;
sampleFormat Sequence::GetSampleFormat() const
return mSampleFormat;
bool Sequence::SetSampleFormat(sampleFormat format)
if (mBlock.size() > 0 || mNumSamples > 0)
return false;
mSampleFormat = format;
return true;
bool Sequence::ConvertToSampleFormat(sampleFormat format, bool* pbChanged)
*pbChanged = false;
// Caller should check this no-change case before calling; we ignore it here.
if (format == mSampleFormat)
return true;
if (mBlock.size() == 0)
mSampleFormat = format;
*pbChanged = true;
return true;
const sampleFormat oldFormat = mSampleFormat;
mSampleFormat = format;
const auto oldMinSamples = mMinSamples, oldMaxSamples = mMaxSamples;
// These are the same calculations as in the constructor.
mMinSamples = sMaxDiskBlockSize / SAMPLE_SIZE(mSampleFormat) / 2;
mMaxSamples = mMinSamples * 2;
BlockArray newBlockArray;
// Use the ratio of old to NEW mMaxSamples to make a reasonable guess at allocation.
newBlockArray.reserve(1 + mBlock.size() * ((float)oldMaxSamples / (float)mMaxSamples));
bool bSuccess = true;
SampleBuffer bufferOld(oldMaxSamples, oldFormat);
SampleBuffer bufferNew(oldMaxSamples, format);
for (size_t i = 0, nn = mBlock.size(); i < nn && bSuccess; i++)
SeqBlock &oldSeqBlock = mBlock[i];
const auto &oldBlockFile = oldSeqBlock.f;
const auto len = oldBlockFile->GetLength();
bSuccess = (oldBlockFile->ReadData(bufferOld.ptr(), oldFormat, 0, len) > 0);
if (!bSuccess)
CopySamples(bufferOld.ptr(), oldFormat, bufferNew.ptr(), format, len);
// Note this fix for,
// using Blockify, allows (len < mMinSamples).
// This will happen consistently when going from more bytes per sample to fewer...
// This will create a block that's smaller than mMinSamples, which
// shouldn't be allowed, but we agreed it's okay for now.
//vvv ANSWER-ME: Does this cause any bugs, or failures on write, elsewhere?
// If so, need to special-case (len < mMinSamples) and start combining data
// from the old blocks... Oh no!
// Using Blockify will handle the cases where len > the NEW mMaxSamples. Previous code did not.
const auto blockstart = oldSeqBlock.start;
const unsigned prevSize = newBlockArray.size();
Blockify(newBlockArray, blockstart, bufferNew.ptr(), len);
bSuccess = (newBlockArray.size() > prevSize);
if (bSuccess)
*pbChanged = true;
if (bSuccess)
// Invalidate all the old, non-aliased block files.
// Aliased files will be converted at save, per comment above.
// Replace with NEW blocks.
/* vvvvv We *should do the following, but TrackPanel::OnFormatChange() doesn't actually check the conversion results,
it just assumes the conversion was successful.
TODO: Uncomment this section when TrackPanel::OnFormatChange() is upgraded to check the results.
PRL: I don't understand why the comment above justifies leaving the sequence in an inconsistent state.
If this function must fail, better to leave it as a no-op on this sequence. I am uncommenting the
lines below, and adding one to revert mMinSamples too.
// Conversion failed. Revert these member vars.
mSampleFormat = oldFormat;
mMaxSamples = oldMaxSamples;
mMinSamples = oldMinSamples;
*pbChanged = false; // Revert overall change flag, in case we had some partial success in the loop.
bSuccess &= ConsistencyCheck(wxT("Sequence::ConvertToSampleFormat()"));
return bSuccess;
bool Sequence::GetMinMax(sampleCount start, sampleCount len,
float * outMin, float * outMax) const
if (len == 0 || mBlock.size() == 0) {
*outMin = float(0.0); // FLT_MAX? So it doesn't look like a spurious '0' to a caller?
*outMax = float(0.0); // -FLT_MAX? So it doesn't look like a spurious '0' to a caller?
return true;
float min = FLT_MAX;
float max = -FLT_MAX;
unsigned int block0 = FindBlock(start);
unsigned int block1 = FindBlock(start + len - 1);
// First calculate the min/max of the blocks in the middle of this region;
// this is very fast because we have the min/max of every entire block
// already in memory.
for (unsigned b = block0 + 1; b < block1; ++b) {
float blockMin, blockMax, blockRMS;
mBlock[b].f->GetMinMax(&blockMin, &blockMax, &blockRMS);
if (blockMin < min)
min = blockMin;
if (blockMax > max)
max = blockMax;
// Now we take the first and last blocks into account, noting that the
// selection may only partly overlap these blocks. If the overall min/max
// of either of these blocks is within min...max, then we can ignore them.
// If not, we need read some samples and summaries from disk.
float block0Min, block0Max, block0RMS;
const SeqBlock &theBlock = mBlock[block0];
const auto &theFile = theBlock.f;
theFile->GetMinMax(&block0Min, &block0Max, &block0RMS);
if (block0Min < min || block0Max > max) {
// start lies within theBlock:
auto s0 = ( start - theBlock.start ).as_size_t();
const auto maxl0 = (
// start lies within theBlock:
theBlock.start + theFile->GetLength() - start
wxASSERT(maxl0 <= mMaxSamples); // Vaughan, 2011-10-19
const auto l0 = limitSampleBufferSize ( maxl0, len );
float partialMin, partialMax, partialRMS;
theFile->GetMinMax(s0, l0,
&partialMin, &partialMax, &partialRMS);
if (partialMin < min)
min = partialMin;
if (partialMax > max)
max = partialMax;
if (block1 > block0)
float block1Min, block1Max, block1RMS;
const SeqBlock &theBlock = mBlock[block1];
const auto &theFile = theBlock.f;
theFile->GetMinMax(&block1Min, &block1Max, &block1RMS);
if (block1Min < min || block1Max > max) {
// start + len - 1 lies in theBlock:
const auto l0 = ( start + len - theBlock.start ).as_size_t();
wxASSERT(l0 <= mMaxSamples); // Vaughan, 2011-10-19
float partialMin, partialMax, partialRMS;
theFile->GetMinMax(0, l0,
&partialMin, &partialMax, &partialRMS);
if (partialMin < min)
min = partialMin;
if (partialMax > max)
max = partialMax;
*outMin = min;
*outMax = max;
return true;
bool Sequence::GetRMS(sampleCount start, sampleCount len,
float * outRMS) const
// len is the number of samples that we want the rms of.
// it may be longer than a block, and the code is carefully set up to handle that.
if (len == 0 || mBlock.size() == 0) {
*outRMS = float(0.0);
return true;
double sumsq = 0.0;
sampleCount length = 0; // this is the cumulative length of the bits we have the ms of so far, and should end up == len
unsigned int block0 = FindBlock(start);
unsigned int block1 = FindBlock(start + len - 1);
// First calculate the rms of the blocks in the middle of this region;
// this is very fast because we have the rms of every entire block
// already in memory.
for (unsigned b = block0 + 1; b < block1; b++) {
float blockMin, blockMax, blockRMS;
const SeqBlock &theBlock = mBlock[b];
const auto &theFile = theBlock.f;
theFile->GetMinMax(&blockMin, &blockMax, &blockRMS);
const auto fileLen = theFile->GetLength();
sumsq += blockRMS * blockRMS * fileLen;
length += fileLen;
// Now we take the first and last blocks into account, noting that the
// selection may only partly overlap these blocks.
// If not, we need read some samples and summaries from disk.
const SeqBlock &theBlock = mBlock[block0];
const auto &theFile = theBlock.f;
// start lies within theBlock
auto s0 = ( start - theBlock.start ).as_size_t();
// start lies within theBlock
const auto maxl0 =
(theBlock.start + theFile->GetLength() - start).as_size_t();
wxASSERT(maxl0 <= mMaxSamples); // Vaughan, 2011-10-19
const auto l0 = limitSampleBufferSize( maxl0, len );
float partialMin, partialMax, partialRMS;
theFile->GetMinMax(s0, l0, &partialMin, &partialMax, &partialRMS);
sumsq += partialRMS * partialRMS * l0;
length += l0;
if (block1 > block0) {
const SeqBlock &theBlock = mBlock[block1];
const auto &theFile = theBlock.f;
// start + len - 1 lies within theBlock
const auto l0 = ( start + len - theBlock.start ).as_size_t();
wxASSERT(l0 <= mMaxSamples); // PRL: I think Vaughan missed this
float partialMin, partialMax, partialRMS;
theFile->GetMinMax(0, l0, &partialMin, &partialMax, &partialRMS);
sumsq += partialRMS * partialRMS * l0;
length += l0;
// PRL: catch bugs like 1320:
wxASSERT(length == len);
*outRMS = sqrt(sumsq / length.as_double() );
return true;
bool Sequence::Copy(sampleCount s0, sampleCount s1, std::unique_ptr<Sequence> &dest) const
if (s0 >= s1 || s0 >= mNumSamples || s1 < 0)
return false;
int numBlocks = mBlock.size();
int b0 = FindBlock(s0);
const int b1 = FindBlock(s1 - 1);
wxASSERT(b0 >= 0);
wxASSERT(b0 < numBlocks);
wxASSERT(b1 < numBlocks);
wxASSERT(b0 <= b1);
dest = std::make_unique<Sequence>(mDirManager, mSampleFormat);
dest->mBlock.reserve(b1 - b0 + 1);
SampleBuffer buffer(mMaxSamples, mSampleFormat);
int blocklen;
// Do the first block
const SeqBlock &block0 = mBlock[b0];
if (s0 != block0.start) {
const auto &file = block0.f;
// Nonnegative result is length of block0 or less:
blocklen =
( std::min(s1, block0.start + file->GetLength()) - s0 ).as_size_t();
wxASSERT(file->IsAlias() || (blocklen <= mMaxSamples)); // Vaughan, 2012-02-29
Get(b0, buffer.ptr(), mSampleFormat, s0, blocklen);
dest->Append(buffer.ptr(), mSampleFormat, blocklen);
// If there are blocks in the middle, copy the blockfiles directly
for (int bb = b0 + 1; bb < b1; ++bb)
dest->AppendBlock(mBlock[bb]); // Increase ref count or duplicate file
// Do the last block
if (b1 > b0) {
const SeqBlock &block = mBlock[b1];
const auto &file = block.f;
// s1 is within block:
blocklen = (s1 - block.start).as_size_t();
wxASSERT(file->IsAlias() || (blocklen <= mMaxSamples)); // Vaughan, 2012-02-29
if (blocklen < file->GetLength()) {
Get(b1, buffer.ptr(), mSampleFormat, block.start, blocklen);
dest->Append(buffer.ptr(), mSampleFormat, blocklen);
// Special case, copy exactly
dest->AppendBlock(block); // Increase ref count or duplicate file
return ConsistencyCheck(wxT("Sequence::Copy()"));
namespace {
inline bool Overflows(double numSamples)
return numSamples > wxLL(9223372036854775807);
bool Sequence::Paste(sampleCount s, const Sequence *src)
if ((s < 0) || (s > mNumSamples))
wxT("Sequence::Paste: sampleCount s %s is < 0 or > mNumSamples %s)."),
// PRL: Why bother with Internat when the above is just wxT?
Internat::ToString(s.as_double(), 0).c_str(),
Internat::ToString(mNumSamples.as_double(), 0).c_str());
return false;
// Quick check to make sure that it doesn't overflow
if (Overflows((mNumSamples.as_double()) + (src->mNumSamples.as_double())))
wxT("Sequence::Paste: mNumSamples %s + src->mNumSamples %s would overflow."),
// PRL: Why bother with Internat when the above is just wxT?
Internat::ToString(mNumSamples.as_double(), 0).c_str(),
Internat::ToString(src->mNumSamples.as_double(), 0).c_str());
return false;
if (src->mSampleFormat != mSampleFormat)
wxT("Sequence::Paste: Sample format to be pasted, %s, does not match destination format, %s."),
GetSampleFormatStr(src->mSampleFormat), GetSampleFormatStr(src->mSampleFormat));
return false;
const BlockArray &srcBlock = src->mBlock;
auto addedLen = src->mNumSamples;
const unsigned int srcNumBlocks = srcBlock.size();
auto sampleSize = SAMPLE_SIZE(mSampleFormat);
if (addedLen == 0 || srcNumBlocks == 0)
return true;
const size_t numBlocks = mBlock.size();
if (numBlocks == 0 ||
(s == mNumSamples && mBlock.back().f->GetLength() >= mMinSamples)) {
// Special case: this track is currently empty, or it's safe to append
// onto the end because the current last block is longer than the
// minimum size
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < srcNumBlocks; i++)
AppendBlock(srcBlock[i]); // Increase ref count or duplicate file
return ConsistencyCheck(wxT("Paste branch one"));
const int b = (s == mNumSamples) ? mBlock.size() - 1 : FindBlock(s);
wxASSERT((b >= 0) && (b < (int)numBlocks));
SeqBlock *const pBlock = &mBlock[b];
const auto length = pBlock->f->GetLength();
const auto largerBlockLen = addedLen + length;
// PRL: when insertion point is the first sample of a block,
// and the following test fails, perhaps we could test
// whether coalescence with the previous block is possible.
if (largerBlockLen <= mMaxSamples) {
// Special case: we can fit all of the NEW samples inside of
// one block!
SeqBlock &block = *pBlock;
// largerBlockLen is not more than mMaxSamples...
SampleBuffer buffer(largerBlockLen.as_size_t(), mSampleFormat);
// ...and addedLen is not more than largerBlockLen
auto sAddedLen = addedLen.as_size_t();
// s lies within block:
auto splitPoint = ( s - block.start ).as_size_t();
Read(buffer.ptr(), mSampleFormat, block, 0, splitPoint);
src->Get(0, buffer.ptr() + splitPoint*sampleSize,
mSampleFormat, 0, sAddedLen);
Read(buffer.ptr() + (splitPoint + sAddedLen) * sampleSize,
mSampleFormat, block,
splitPoint, length - splitPoint);
auto file =
// largerBlockLen is not more than mMaxSamples...
buffer.ptr(), largerBlockLen.as_size_t(), mSampleFormat);
block.f = file;
for (unsigned int i = b + 1; i < numBlocks; i++)
mBlock[i].start += addedLen;
mNumSamples += addedLen;
return ConsistencyCheck(wxT("Paste branch two"));
// Case three: if we are inserting four or fewer blocks,
// it's simplest to just lump all the data together
// into one big block along with the split block,
// then resplit it all
BlockArray newBlock;
newBlock.reserve(numBlocks + srcNumBlocks + 2);
newBlock.insert(newBlock.end(), mBlock.begin(), mBlock.begin() + b);
SeqBlock &splitBlock = mBlock[b];
auto splitLen = splitBlock.f->GetLength();
// s lies within splitBlock
auto splitPoint = ( s - splitBlock.start ).as_size_t();
unsigned int i;
if (srcNumBlocks <= 4) {
// addedLen is at most four times maximum block size
auto sAddedLen = addedLen.as_size_t();
const auto sum = splitLen + sAddedLen;
SampleBuffer sumBuffer(sum, mSampleFormat);
Read(sumBuffer.ptr(), mSampleFormat, splitBlock, 0, splitPoint);
src->Get(0, sumBuffer.ptr() + splitPoint * sampleSize,
0, sAddedLen);
Read(sumBuffer.ptr() + (splitPoint + sAddedLen) * sampleSize, mSampleFormat,
splitBlock, splitPoint,
splitLen - splitPoint);
Blockify(newBlock, splitBlock.start, sumBuffer.ptr(), sum);
} else {
// The final case is that we're inserting at least five blocks.
// We divide these into three groups: the first two get merged
// with the first half of the split block, the middle ones get
// copied in as is, and the last two get merged with the last
// half of the split block.
const auto srcFirstTwoLen =
srcBlock[0].f->GetLength() + srcBlock[1].f->GetLength();
const auto leftLen = splitPoint + srcFirstTwoLen;
const SeqBlock &penultimate = srcBlock[srcNumBlocks - 2];
const auto srcLastTwoLen =
penultimate.f->GetLength() +
srcBlock[srcNumBlocks - 1].f->GetLength();
const auto rightSplit = splitBlock.f->GetLength() - splitPoint;
const auto rightLen = rightSplit + srcLastTwoLen;
SampleBuffer sampleBuffer(std::max(leftLen, rightLen), mSampleFormat);
Read(sampleBuffer.ptr(), mSampleFormat, splitBlock, 0, splitPoint);
src->Get(0, sampleBuffer.ptr() + splitPoint*sampleSize,
mSampleFormat, 0, srcFirstTwoLen);
Blockify(newBlock, splitBlock.start, sampleBuffer.ptr(), leftLen);
for (i = 2; i < srcNumBlocks - 2; i++) {
const SeqBlock &block = srcBlock[i];
auto file = mDirManager->CopyBlockFile(block.f);
if (!file) {
wxASSERT(false); // TODO: Handle this better, alert the user of failure.
return false;
newBlock.push_back(SeqBlock(file, block.start + s));
auto lastStart = penultimate.start;
src->Get(srcNumBlocks - 2, sampleBuffer.ptr(), mSampleFormat,
lastStart, srcLastTwoLen);
Read(sampleBuffer.ptr() + srcLastTwoLen * sampleSize, mSampleFormat,
splitBlock, splitPoint, rightSplit);
Blockify(newBlock, s + lastStart, sampleBuffer.ptr(), rightLen);
// Copy remaining blocks to NEW block array and
// swap the NEW block array in for the old
for (i = b + 1; i < numBlocks; i++)
mNumSamples += addedLen;
return ConsistencyCheck(wxT("Paste branch three"));
bool Sequence::SetSilence(sampleCount s0, sampleCount len)
return Set(NULL, mSampleFormat, s0, len);
bool Sequence::InsertSilence(sampleCount s0, sampleCount len)
// Quick check to make sure that it doesn't overflow
if (Overflows((mNumSamples.as_double()) + (len.as_double())))
return false;
if (len <= 0)
return true;
// Create a NEW track containing as much silence as we
// need to insert, and then call Paste to do the insertion.
// We make use of a SilentBlockFile, which takes up no
// space on disk.
Sequence sTrack(mDirManager, mSampleFormat);
auto idealSamples = GetIdealBlockSize();
sampleCount pos = 0;
// Could nBlocks overflow a size_t? Not very likely. You need perhaps
// 2 ^ 52 samples which is over 3000 years at 44.1 kHz.
auto nBlocks = (len + idealSamples - 1) / idealSamples;
BlockFilePtr silentFile {};
if (len >= idealSamples)
silentFile = make_blockfile<SilentBlockFile>(idealSamples);
while (len >= idealSamples) {
sTrack.mBlock.push_back(SeqBlock(silentFile, pos));
pos += idealSamples;
len -= idealSamples;
if (len != 0) {
// len is not more than idealSamples:
make_blockfile<SilentBlockFile>( len.as_size_t() ), pos));
pos += len;
sTrack.mNumSamples = pos;
bool bResult = Paste(s0, &sTrack);
return bResult && ConsistencyCheck(wxT("InsertSilence"));
bool Sequence::AppendAlias(const wxString &fullPath,
sampleCount start,
size_t len, int channel, bool useOD)
// Quick check to make sure that it doesn't overflow
if (Overflows((mNumSamples.as_double()) + ((double)len)))
return false;
SeqBlock newBlock(
mDirManager->NewODAliasBlockFile(fullPath, start, len, channel):
mDirManager->NewAliasBlockFile(fullPath, start, len, channel),
mNumSamples += len;
return true;
bool Sequence::AppendCoded(const wxString &fName, sampleCount start,
size_t len, int channel, int decodeType)
// Quick check to make sure that it doesn't overflow
if (Overflows((mNumSamples.as_double()) + ((double)len)))
return false;
SeqBlock newBlock(
mDirManager->NewODDecodeBlockFile(fName, start, len, channel, decodeType),
mNumSamples += len;
return true;
bool Sequence::AppendBlock(const SeqBlock &b)
// Quick check to make sure that it doesn't overflow
if (Overflows((mNumSamples.as_double()) + ((double)b.f->GetLength())))
return false;
SeqBlock newBlock(
mDirManager->CopyBlockFile(b.f), // Bump ref count if not locked, else copy
if (!newBlock.f) {
/// \todo Error Could not paste! (Out of disk space?)
wxASSERT(false); // TODO: Handle this better, alert the user of failure.
return false;
//Don't need to Ref because it was done by CopyBlockFile, above...
mNumSamples += newBlock.f->GetLength();
// Don't do a consistency check here because this
// function gets called in an inner loop.
return true;
///gets an int with OD flags so that we can determine which ODTasks should be run on this track after save/open, etc.
unsigned int Sequence::GetODFlags()
unsigned int ret = 0;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < mBlock.size(); i++) {
const auto &file = mBlock[i].f;
ret |= (static_cast< ODDecodeBlockFile * >( &*file ))->GetDecodeType();
else if(!file->IsSummaryAvailable())
ret |= ODTask::eODPCMSummary;
return ret;
sampleCount Sequence::GetBlockStart(sampleCount position) const
int b = FindBlock(position);
return mBlock[b].start;
size_t Sequence::GetBestBlockSize(sampleCount start) const
// This method returns a nice number of samples you should try to grab in
// one big chunk in order to land on a block boundary, based on the starting
// sample. The value returned will always be nonzero and will be no larger
// than the value of GetMaxBlockSize()
if (start < 0 || start >= mNumSamples)
return mMaxSamples;
int b = FindBlock(start);
int numBlocks = mBlock.size();
const SeqBlock &block = mBlock[b];
// start is in block:
auto result = (block.start + block.f->GetLength() - start).as_size_t();
decltype(result) length;
while(result < mMinSamples && b+1<numBlocks &&
((length = mBlock[b+1].f->GetLength()) + result) <= mMaxSamples) {
result += length;
wxASSERT(result > 0 && result <= mMaxSamples);
return result;
bool Sequence::HandleXMLTag(const wxChar *tag, const wxChar **attrs)
/* handle waveblock tag and its attributes */
if (!wxStrcmp(tag, wxT("waveblock"))) {
SeqBlock wb;
// loop through attrs, which is a null-terminated list of
// attribute-value pairs
while(*attrs) {
const wxChar *attr = *attrs++;
const wxChar *value = *attrs++;
long long nValue = 0;
if (!value)
// Both these attributes have non-negative integer counts of samples, so
// we can test & convert here, making sure that values > 2^31 are OK
// because long clips will need them.
const wxString strValue = value;
if (!XMLValueChecker::IsGoodInt64(strValue) || !strValue.ToLongLong(&nValue) || (nValue < 0))
mErrorOpening = true;
wxT(" Sequence has bad %s attribute value, %s, that should be a positive integer."),
attr, strValue.c_str());
return false;
if (!wxStrcmp(attr, wxT("start")))
wb.start = nValue;
// Vaughan, 2011-10-10: I don't think we ever write a "len" attribute for "waveblock" tag,
// so I think this is actually legacy code, or something intended, but not completed.
// Anyway, might as well leave this code in, especially now that it has the check
// against mMaxSamples.
if (!wxStrcmp(attr, wxT("len")))
// mMaxSamples should already have been set by calls to the "sequence" clause below.
// The check intended here was already done in DirManager::HandleXMLTag(), where
// it let the block be built, then checked against mMaxSamples, and deleted the block
// if the size of the block is bigger than mMaxSamples.
if (nValue > mMaxSamples)
mErrorOpening = true;
return false;
} // while
mDirManager->SetLoadingTarget(&mBlock, mBlock.size() - 1);
return true;
/* handle sequence tag and its attributes */
if (!wxStrcmp(tag, wxT("sequence"))) {
while(*attrs) {
const wxChar *attr = *attrs++;
const wxChar *value = *attrs++;
if (!value)
long long nValue = 0;
const wxString strValue = value; // promote string, we need this for all
if (!wxStrcmp(attr, wxT("maxsamples")))
// This attribute is a sample count, so can be 64bit
if (!XMLValueChecker::IsGoodInt64(strValue) || !strValue.ToLongLong(&nValue) || (nValue < 0))
mErrorOpening = true;
return false;
// Dominic, 12/10/2006:
// Let's check that maxsamples is >= 1024 and <= 64 * 1024 * 1024
// - that's a pretty wide range of reasonable values.
if ((nValue < 1024) || (nValue > 64 * 1024 * 1024))
mErrorOpening = true;
return false;
// nValue is now safe for size_t
mMaxSamples = nValue;
// PRL: Is the following really okay? DirManager might be shared across projects!
// PRL: Yes, because it only affects DirManager's behavior in opening the project.
else if (!wxStrcmp(attr, wxT("sampleformat")))
// This attribute is a sample format, normal int
long fValue;
if (!XMLValueChecker::IsGoodInt(strValue) || !strValue.ToLong(&fValue) || (fValue < 0) || !XMLValueChecker::IsValidSampleFormat(fValue))
mErrorOpening = true;
return false;
mSampleFormat = (sampleFormat)fValue;
else if (!wxStrcmp(attr, wxT("numsamples")))
// This attribute is a sample count, so can be 64bit
if (!XMLValueChecker::IsGoodInt64(strValue) || !strValue.ToLongLong(&nValue) || (nValue < 0))
mErrorOpening = true;
return false;
mNumSamples = nValue;
} // while
//// Both mMaxSamples and mSampleFormat should have been set.
//// Check that mMaxSamples is right for mSampleFormat, using the calculations from the constructor.
//if ((mMinSamples != sMaxDiskBlockSize / SAMPLE_SIZE(mSampleFormat) / 2) ||
// (mMaxSamples != mMinSamples * 2))
// mErrorOpening = true;
// return false;
return true;
return false;
void Sequence::HandleXMLEndTag(const wxChar *tag)
if (wxStrcmp(tag, wxT("sequence")) != 0)
// Make sure that the sequence is valid.
// First, replace missing blockfiles with SilentBlockFiles
for (unsigned b = 0, nn = mBlock.size(); b < nn; b++) {
SeqBlock &block = mBlock[b];
if (!block.f) {
sampleCount len;
if (b < nn - 1)
len = mBlock[b+1].start - block.start;
len = mNumSamples - block.start;
if (len > mMaxSamples)
// This could be why the blockfile failed, so limit
// the silent replacement to mMaxSamples.
wxT(" Sequence has missing block file with length %s > mMaxSamples %s.\n Setting length to mMaxSamples. This will likely cause some block files to be considered orphans."),
// PRL: Why bother with Internat when the above is just wxT?
Internat::ToString(len.as_double(), 0).c_str(),
Internat::ToString((double)mMaxSamples, 0).c_str());
len = mMaxSamples;
// len is at most mMaxSamples:
block.f = make_blockfile<SilentBlockFile>( len.as_size_t() );
wxT("Gap detected in project file. Replacing missing block file with silence."));
mErrorOpening = true;
// Next, make sure that start times and lengths are consistent
sampleCount numSamples = 0;
for (unsigned b = 0, nn = mBlock.size(); b < nn; b++) {
SeqBlock &block = mBlock[b];
if (block.start != numSamples) {
wxString sFileAndExtension = block.f->GetFileName().name.GetFullName();
if (sFileAndExtension.IsEmpty())
sFileAndExtension = wxT("(replaced with silence)");
sFileAndExtension = wxT("\"") + sFileAndExtension + wxT("\"");
wxT("Gap detected in project file.\n")
wxT(" Start (%s) for block file %s is not one sample past end of previous block (%s).\n")
wxT(" Moving start so blocks are contiguous."),
// PRL: Why bother with Internat when the above is just wxT?
Internat::ToString(block.start.as_double(), 0).c_str(),
Internat::ToString(numSamples.as_double(), 0).c_str());
block.start = numSamples;
mErrorOpening = true;
numSamples += block.f->GetLength();
if (mNumSamples != numSamples) {
wxT("Gap detected in project file. Correcting sequence sample count from %s to %s."),
// PRL: Why bother with Internat when the above is just wxT?
Internat::ToString(mNumSamples.as_double(), 0).c_str(),
Internat::ToString(numSamples.as_double(), 0).c_str());
mNumSamples = numSamples;
mErrorOpening = true;
XMLTagHandler *Sequence::HandleXMLChild(const wxChar *tag)
if (!wxStrcmp(tag, wxT("waveblock")))
return this;
else {
return mDirManager.get();
// Throws exceptions rather than reporting errors.
void Sequence::WriteXML(XMLWriter &xmlFile) const
unsigned int b;
xmlFile.WriteAttr(wxT("maxsamples"), mMaxSamples);
xmlFile.WriteAttr(wxT("sampleformat"), mSampleFormat);
xmlFile.WriteAttr(wxT("numsamples"), mNumSamples.as_long_long() );
for (b = 0; b < mBlock.size(); b++) {
const SeqBlock &bb = mBlock[b];
// See
// Also, don't check against mMaxSamples for AliasBlockFiles, because if you convert sample format,
// mMaxSample gets changed to match the format, but the number of samples in the aliased file
// has not changed (because sample format conversion was not actually done in the aliased file).
if (!bb.f->IsAlias() && (bb.f->GetLength() > mMaxSamples))
wxString sMsg =
_("Sequence has block file exceeding maximum %s samples per block.\nTruncating to this maximum length."),
Internat::ToString(((wxLongLong)mMaxSamples).ToDouble(), 0).c_str());
wxMessageBox(sMsg, _("Warning - Truncating Overlong Block File"), wxICON_EXCLAMATION | wxOK);
xmlFile.WriteAttr(wxT("start"), bb.start.as_long_long() );
int Sequence::FindBlock(sampleCount pos) const
wxASSERT(pos >= 0 && pos < mNumSamples);
if (pos == 0)
return 0;
int numBlocks = mBlock.size();
size_t lo = 0, hi = numBlocks, guess;
sampleCount loSamples = 0, hiSamples = mNumSamples;
while (true) {
//this is not a binary search, but a
//dictionary search where we guess something smarter than the binary division
//of the unsearched area, since samples are usually proportional to block file number.
const double frac = (pos - loSamples).as_double() /
(hiSamples - loSamples).as_double();
guess = std::min(hi - 1, lo + size_t(frac * (hi - lo)));
const SeqBlock &block = mBlock[guess];
wxASSERT(block.f->GetLength() > 0);
wxASSERT(lo <= guess && guess < hi && lo < hi);
if (pos < block.start) {
wxASSERT(lo != guess);
hi = guess;
hiSamples = block.start;
else {
const sampleCount nextStart = block.start + block.f->GetLength();
if (pos < nextStart)
else {
wxASSERT(guess < hi - 1);
lo = guess + 1;
loSamples = nextStart;
const int rval = guess;
wxASSERT(rval >= 0 && rval < numBlocks &&
pos >= mBlock[rval].start &&
pos < mBlock[rval].start + mBlock[rval].f->GetLength());
return rval;
bool Sequence::Read(samplePtr buffer, sampleFormat format,
const SeqBlock &b, size_t blockRelativeStart, size_t len)
const auto &f = b.f;
wxASSERT(blockRelativeStart + len <= f->GetLength());
auto result = f->ReadData(buffer, format, blockRelativeStart, len);
if (result != len)
wxLogWarning(wxT("Expected to read %ld samples, got %d samples."),
len, result);
ClearSamples(buffer, format, result, len-result);
return true;
bool Sequence::CopyWrite(SampleBuffer &scratch,
samplePtr buffer, SeqBlock &b,
size_t blockRelativeStart, size_t len)
// We don't ever write to an existing block; to support Undo,
// we copy the old block entirely into memory, dereference it,
// make the change, and then write the NEW block to disk.
const auto length = b.f->GetLength();
wxASSERT(length <= mMaxSamples);
wxASSERT(blockRelativeStart + len <= length);
auto sampleSize = SAMPLE_SIZE(mSampleFormat);
Read(scratch.ptr(), mSampleFormat, b, 0, length);
memcpy(scratch.ptr() +
blockRelativeStart * sampleSize, buffer, len*sampleSize);
b.f = mDirManager->NewSimpleBlockFile(scratch.ptr(), length, mSampleFormat);
return true;
bool Sequence::Get(samplePtr buffer, sampleFormat format,
sampleCount start, size_t len) const
if (start == mNumSamples) {
return len == 0;
if (start < 0 || start > mNumSamples ||
start + len > mNumSamples)
return false;
int b = FindBlock(start);
return Get(b, buffer, format, start, len);
bool Sequence::Get(int b, samplePtr buffer, sampleFormat format,
sampleCount start, size_t len) const
while (len) {
const SeqBlock &block = mBlock[b];
// start is in block
const auto bstart = (start - block.start).as_size_t();
// bstart is not more than block length
const auto blen = std::min(len, block.f->GetLength() - bstart);
Read(buffer, format, block, bstart, blen);
len -= blen;
buffer += (blen * SAMPLE_SIZE(format));
start += blen;
return true;
// Pass NULL to set silence
bool Sequence::Set(samplePtr buffer, sampleFormat format,
sampleCount start, sampleCount len)
if (start < 0 || start >= mNumSamples ||
start+len > mNumSamples)
return false;
SampleBuffer scratch(mMaxSamples, mSampleFormat);
SampleBuffer temp;
if (buffer && format != mSampleFormat) {
const auto size = limitSampleBufferSize( mMaxSamples, len );
temp.Allocate(size, mSampleFormat);
int b = FindBlock(start);
while (len != 0) {
SeqBlock &block = mBlock[b];
// start is within block
const auto bstart = ( start - block.start ).as_size_t();
const auto fileLength = block.f->GetLength();
const auto blen = limitSampleBufferSize( fileLength - bstart, len );
if (buffer) {
if (format == mSampleFormat)
CopyWrite(scratch, buffer, block, bstart, blen);
else {
// To do: remove the extra movement. Can we copy-samples within CopyWrite?
CopySamples(buffer, format, temp.ptr(), mSampleFormat, blen);
CopyWrite(scratch, temp.ptr(), block, bstart, blen);
buffer += (blen * SAMPLE_SIZE(format));
else {
// If it's a full block of silence
if (start == block.start &&
blen == fileLength) {
block.f = make_blockfile<SilentBlockFile>(blen);
else {
// Odd partial blocks of silence at start or end.
temp.Allocate(blen, format);
ClearSamples(temp.ptr(), format, 0, blen);
// Otherwise write silence just to the portion of the block
CopyWrite(scratch, temp.ptr(), block, bstart, blen);
len -= blen;
start += blen;
return ConsistencyCheck(wxT("Set"));
namespace {
struct MinMaxSumsq
MinMaxSumsq(const float *pv, int count, int divisor)
min = FLT_MAX, max = -FLT_MAX, sumsq = 0.0f;
while (count--) {
float v;
switch (divisor) {
case 1:
// array holds samples
v = *pv++;
if (v < min)
min = v;
if (v > max)
max = v;
sumsq += v * v;
case 256:
case 65536:
// array holds triples of min, max, and rms values
v = *pv++;
if (v < min)
min = v;
v = *pv++;
if (v > max)
max = v;
v = *pv++;
sumsq += v * v;
float min;
float max;
float sumsq;
bool Sequence::GetWaveDisplay(float *min, float *max, float *rms, int* bl,
size_t len, const sampleCount *where)
wxASSERT(len > 0);
const auto s0 = std::max(sampleCount(0), where[0]);
if (s0 >= mNumSamples)
// None of the samples asked for are in range. Abandon.
return false;
// In case where[len - 1] == where[len], raise the limit by one,
// so we load at least one pixel for column len - 1
// ... unless the mNumSamples ceiling applies, and then there are other defenses
const auto s1 =
std::min(mNumSamples, std::max(1 + where[len - 1], where[len]));
float *temp = new float[mMaxSamples];
decltype(len) pixel = 0;
auto srcX = s0;
decltype(srcX) nextSrcX = 0;
int lastRmsDenom = 0;
int lastDivisor = 0;
auto whereNow = std::min(s1 - 1, where[0]);
decltype(whereNow) whereNext = 0;
// Loop over block files, opening and reading and closing each
// not more than once
unsigned nBlocks = mBlock.size();
const unsigned int block0 = FindBlock(s0);
for (unsigned int b = block0; b < nBlocks; ++b) {
if (b > block0)
srcX = nextSrcX;
if (srcX >= s1)
// Find the range of sample values for this block that
// are in the display.
SeqBlock &seqBlock = mBlock[b];
const auto start = seqBlock.start;
nextSrcX = std::min(s1, start + seqBlock.f->GetLength());
// The column for pixel p covers samples from
// where[p] up to but excluding where[p + 1].
// Find the range of pixels covered by the current block file
// (Their starting samples covered by it, to be exact)
decltype(len) nextPixel;
if (nextSrcX >= s1)
// last pass
nextPixel = len;
else {
nextPixel = pixel;
// Taking min with s1 - 1, here and elsewhere, is another defense
// to be sure the last pixel column gets at least one sample
while (nextPixel < len &&
(whereNext = std::min(s1 - 1, where[nextPixel])) < nextSrcX)
if (nextPixel == pixel)
// The entire block's samples fall within one pixel column.
// Either it's a rare odd block at the end, or else,
// we must be really zoomed out!
// Omit the entire block's contents from min/max/rms
// calculation, which is not correct, but correctness might not
// be worth the compute time if this happens every pixel
// column. -- PRL
if (nextPixel == len)
whereNext = s1;
// Decide the summary level
const double samplesPerPixel =
(whereNext - whereNow).as_double() / (nextPixel - pixel);
const int divisor =
(samplesPerPixel >= 65536) ? 65536
: (samplesPerPixel >= 256) ? 256
: 1;
int blockStatus = b;
// How many samples or triples are needed?
const size_t startPosition =
// srcX and start are in the same block
std::max(sampleCount(0), (srcX - start) / divisor).as_size_t();
const size_t inclusiveEndPosition =
// nextSrcX - 1 and start are in the same block
std::min((sampleCount(mMaxSamples) / divisor) - 1,
(nextSrcX - 1 - start) / divisor).as_size_t();
const auto num = 1 + inclusiveEndPosition - startPosition;
if (num <= 0) {
// What? There was a zero length block file?
// Do some defense against this case anyway
while (pixel < nextPixel) {
min[pixel] = max[pixel] = rms[pixel] = 0;
bl[pixel] = blockStatus;//MC
// Read from the block file or its summary
switch (divisor) {
case 1:
// Read samples
Read((samplePtr)temp, floatSample, seqBlock, startPosition, num);
case 256:
// Read triples
//check to see if summary data has been computed
if (seqBlock.f->IsSummaryAvailable())
seqBlock.f->Read256(temp, startPosition, num);
//otherwise, mark the display as not yet computed
blockStatus = -1 - b;
case 65536:
// Read triples
//check to see if summary data has been computed
if (seqBlock.f->IsSummaryAvailable())
seqBlock.f->Read64K(temp, startPosition, num);
//otherwise, mark the display as not yet computed
blockStatus = -1 - b;
auto filePosition = startPosition;
// The previous pixel column might straddle blocks.
// If so, impute some of the data to it.
if (b > block0 && pixel > 0) {
// whereNow and start are in the same block
auto midPosition = ((whereNow - start) / divisor).as_size_t();
int diff(midPosition - filePosition);
if (diff > 0) {
MinMaxSumsq values(temp, diff, divisor);
const int lastPixel = pixel - 1;
float &lastMin = min[lastPixel];
lastMin = std::min(lastMin, values.min);
float &lastMax = max[lastPixel];
lastMax = std::max(lastMax, values.max);
float &lastRms = rms[lastPixel];
int lastNumSamples = lastRmsDenom * lastDivisor;
lastRms = sqrt(
(lastRms * lastRms * lastNumSamples + values.sumsq * divisor) /
(lastNumSamples + diff * divisor)
filePosition = midPosition;
// Loop over file positions
int rmsDenom = 0;
for (; filePosition <= inclusiveEndPosition;) {
// Find range of pixel columns for this file position
// (normally just one, but maybe more when zoomed very close)
// and the range of positions for those columns
// (normally one or more, for that one column)
auto pixelX = pixel + 1;
decltype(filePosition) positionX = 0;
while (pixelX < nextPixel &&
filePosition ==
(positionX = (
// s1 - 1 or where[pixelX] and start are in the same block
(std::min(s1 - 1, where[pixelX]) - start) / divisor).as_size_t() )
if (pixelX >= nextPixel)
positionX = 1 + inclusiveEndPosition;
// Find results to assign
rmsDenom = (positionX - filePosition);
wxASSERT(rmsDenom > 0);
const float *const pv =
temp + (filePosition - startPosition) * (divisor == 1 ? 1 : 3);
MinMaxSumsq values(pv, rmsDenom, divisor);
// Assign results
std::fill(&min[pixel], &min[pixelX], values.min);
std::fill(&max[pixel], &max[pixelX], values.max);
std::fill(&bl[pixel], &bl[pixelX], blockStatus);
std::fill(&rms[pixel], &rms[pixelX], (float)sqrt(values.sumsq / rmsDenom));
pixel = pixelX;
filePosition = positionX;
wxASSERT(pixel == nextPixel);
whereNow = whereNext;
pixel = nextPixel;
lastDivisor = divisor;
lastRmsDenom = rmsDenom;
} // for each block file
wxASSERT(pixel == len);
delete[] temp;
return true;
size_t Sequence::GetIdealAppendLen() const
int numBlocks = mBlock.size();
const auto max = GetMaxBlockSize();
if (numBlocks == 0)
return max;
const auto lastBlockLen = mBlock.back().f->GetLength();
if (lastBlockLen == max)
return max;
return max - lastBlockLen;
bool Sequence::Append(samplePtr buffer, sampleFormat format,
size_t len, XMLWriter* blockFileLog /*=NULL*/)
// Quick check to make sure that it doesn't overflow
if (Overflows(mNumSamples.as_double() + ((double)len)))
return false;
// If the last block is not full, we need to add samples to it
int numBlocks = mBlock.size();
SeqBlock *pLastBlock;
decltype(pLastBlock->f->GetLength()) length;
SampleBuffer buffer2(mMaxSamples, mSampleFormat);
if (numBlocks > 0 &&
(length =
(pLastBlock = &mBlock.back())->f->GetLength()) < mMinSamples) {
SeqBlock &lastBlock = *pLastBlock;
const auto addLen = std::min(mMaxSamples - length, len);
Read(buffer2.ptr(), mSampleFormat, lastBlock, 0, length);
buffer2.ptr() + length * SAMPLE_SIZE(mSampleFormat),
const int newLastBlockLen = length + addLen;
SeqBlock newLastBlock(
mDirManager->NewSimpleBlockFile(buffer2.ptr(), newLastBlockLen, mSampleFormat,
blockFileLog != NULL),
// FIXME: TRAP_ERR This could throw an exception that should(?) be converted to return false.
if (blockFileLog)
static_cast< SimpleBlockFile * >( &*newLastBlock.f )
->SaveXML( *blockFileLog );
lastBlock = newLastBlock;
len -= addLen;
mNumSamples += addLen;
buffer += addLen * SAMPLE_SIZE(format);
// Append the rest as NEW blocks
while (len) {
const auto idealSamples = GetIdealBlockSize();
const auto l = std::min(idealSamples, len);
BlockFilePtr pFile;
if (format == mSampleFormat) {
pFile = mDirManager->NewSimpleBlockFile(buffer, l, mSampleFormat,
blockFileLog != NULL);
else {
CopySamples(buffer, format, buffer2.ptr(), mSampleFormat, l);
pFile = mDirManager->NewSimpleBlockFile(buffer2.ptr(), l, mSampleFormat,
blockFileLog != NULL);
// FIXME: TRAP_ERR This could throw an exception that should(?) be converted to return false.
if (blockFileLog)
static_cast< SimpleBlockFile * >( &*pFile )->SaveXML( *blockFileLog );
mBlock.push_back(SeqBlock(pFile, mNumSamples));
buffer += l * SAMPLE_SIZE(format);
mNumSamples += l;
len -= l;
// JKC: During generate we use Append again and again.
// If generating a long sequence this test would give O(n^2)
// performance - not good!
return true;
void Sequence::Blockify(BlockArray &list, sampleCount start, samplePtr buffer, size_t len)
if (len <= 0)
auto num = (len + (mMaxSamples - 1)) / mMaxSamples;
list.reserve(list.size() + num);
for (decltype(num) i = 0; i < num; i++) {
SeqBlock b;
const auto offset = i * len / num;
b.start = start + offset;
int newLen = ((i + 1) * len / num) - offset;
samplePtr bufStart = buffer + (offset * SAMPLE_SIZE(mSampleFormat));
b.f = mDirManager->NewSimpleBlockFile(bufStart, newLen, mSampleFormat);
bool Sequence::Delete(sampleCount start, sampleCount len)
if (len == 0)
return true;
if (len < 0 || start < 0 || start >= mNumSamples)
return false;
//TODO: add a ref-deref mechanism to SeqBlock/BlockArray so we don't have to make this a critical section.
//On-demand threads iterate over the mBlocks and the GUI thread deletes them, so for now put a mutex here over
//both functions,
DeleteUpdateMutexLocker locker(*this);
const unsigned int numBlocks = mBlock.size();
const unsigned int b0 = FindBlock(start);
unsigned int b1 = FindBlock(start + len - 1);
auto sampleSize = SAMPLE_SIZE(mSampleFormat);
// Special case: if the samples to DELETE are all within a single
// block and the resulting length is not too small, perform the
// deletion within this block:
SeqBlock *pBlock;
decltype(pBlock->f->GetLength()) length;
// One buffer for reuse in various branches here
SampleBuffer scratch;
// The maximum size that will ever be needed
const auto scratchSize = mMaxSamples + mMinSamples;
if (b0 == b1 && (length = (pBlock = &mBlock[b0])->f->GetLength()) - len >= mMinSamples) {
SeqBlock &b = *pBlock;
// start is within block
auto pos = ( start - b.start ).as_size_t();
wxASSERT(len < length);
// len must be less than length
// because start + len - 1 is also in the block...
auto newLen = ( length - len ).as_size_t();
scratch.Allocate(scratchSize, mSampleFormat);
Read(scratch.ptr(), mSampleFormat, b, 0, pos);
Read(scratch.ptr() + (pos * sampleSize), mSampleFormat,
// ... and therefore pos + len
// is not more than the length of the block
( pos + len ).as_size_t(), newLen - pos);
b = SeqBlock(
mDirManager->NewSimpleBlockFile(scratch.ptr(), newLen, mSampleFormat),
for (unsigned int j = b0 + 1; j < numBlocks; j++)
mBlock[j].start -= len;
mNumSamples -= len;
return ConsistencyCheck(wxT("Delete - branch one"));
// Create a NEW array of blocks
BlockArray newBlock;
newBlock.reserve(numBlocks - (b1 - b0) + 2);
// Copy the blocks before the deletion point over to
// the NEW array
newBlock.insert(newBlock.end(), mBlock.begin(), mBlock.begin() + b0);
unsigned int i;
// First grab the samples in block b0 before the deletion point
// into preBuffer. If this is enough samples for its own block,
// or if this would be the first block in the array, write it out.
// Otherwise combine it with the previous block (splitting them
// 50/50 if necessary).
const SeqBlock &preBlock = mBlock[b0];
// start is within preBlock
auto preBufferLen = ( start - preBlock.start ).as_size_t();
if (preBufferLen) {
if (preBufferLen >= mMinSamples || b0 == 0) {
if (!scratch.ptr())
scratch.Allocate(scratchSize, mSampleFormat);
Read(scratch.ptr(), mSampleFormat, preBlock, 0, preBufferLen);
auto pFile =
mDirManager->NewSimpleBlockFile(scratch.ptr(), preBufferLen, mSampleFormat);
newBlock.push_back(SeqBlock(pFile, preBlock.start));
} else {
const SeqBlock &prepreBlock = mBlock[b0 - 1];
const auto prepreLen = prepreBlock.f->GetLength();
const auto sum = prepreLen + preBufferLen;
if (!scratch.ptr())
scratch.Allocate(scratchSize, mSampleFormat);
Read(scratch.ptr(), mSampleFormat, prepreBlock, 0, prepreLen);
Read(scratch.ptr() + prepreLen*sampleSize, mSampleFormat,
preBlock, 0, preBufferLen);
newBlock.erase(newBlock.end() - 1);
Blockify(newBlock, prepreBlock.start, scratch.ptr(), sum);
else {
// The sample where we begin deletion happens to fall
// right on the beginning of a block.
// Now, symmetrically, grab the samples in block b1 after the
// deletion point into postBuffer. If this is enough samples
// for its own block, or if this would be the last block in
// the array, write it out. Otherwise combine it with the
// subsequent block (splitting them 50/50 if necessary).
const SeqBlock &postBlock = mBlock[b1];
// start + len - 1 lies within postBlock
const auto postBufferLen = (
(postBlock.start + postBlock.f->GetLength()) - (start + len)
if (postBufferLen) {
if (postBufferLen >= mMinSamples || b1 == numBlocks - 1) {
if (!scratch.ptr())
// Last use of scratch, can ask for smaller
scratch.Allocate(postBufferLen, mSampleFormat);
// start + len - 1 lies within postBlock
auto pos = (start + len - postBlock.start).as_size_t();
Read(scratch.ptr(), mSampleFormat, postBlock, pos, postBufferLen);
auto file =
mDirManager->NewSimpleBlockFile(scratch.ptr(), postBufferLen, mSampleFormat);
newBlock.push_back(SeqBlock(file, start));
} else {
SeqBlock &postpostBlock = mBlock[b1 + 1];
const auto postpostLen = postpostBlock.f->GetLength();
const auto sum = postpostLen + postBufferLen;
if (!scratch.ptr())
// Last use of scratch, can ask for smaller
scratch.Allocate(sum, mSampleFormat);
// start + len - 1 lies within postBlock
auto pos = (start + len - postBlock.start).as_size_t();
Read(scratch.ptr(), mSampleFormat, postBlock, pos, postBufferLen);
Read(scratch.ptr() + (postBufferLen * sampleSize), mSampleFormat,
postpostBlock, 0, postpostLen);
Blockify(newBlock, start, scratch.ptr(), sum);
else {
// The sample where we begin deletion happens to fall
// right on the end of a block.
// Copy the remaining blocks over from the old array
for (i = b1 + 1; i < numBlocks; i++)
// Substitute our NEW array for the old one
// Update total number of samples and do a consistency check.
mNumSamples -= len;
return ConsistencyCheck(wxT("Delete - branch two"));
bool Sequence::ConsistencyCheck(const wxChar *whereStr) const
unsigned int i;
sampleCount pos = 0;
unsigned int numBlocks = mBlock.size();
bool bError = false;
for (i = 0; !bError && i < numBlocks; i++) {
const SeqBlock &seqBlock = mBlock[i];
if (pos != seqBlock.start)
bError = true;
if (seqBlock.f)
pos += seqBlock.f->GetLength();
bError = true;
if (pos != mNumSamples)
bError = true;
if (bError)
wxLogError(wxT("*** Consistency check failed after %s. ***"), whereStr);
wxString str;
wxLogError(wxT("%s"), str.c_str());
wxLogError(wxT("*** Please report this error to ***\n\n")
wxT("Recommended course of action:\n")
wxT("Undo the failed operation(s), then export or save your work and quit."));
return !bError;
void Sequence::DebugPrintf(wxString *dest) const
unsigned int i;
decltype(mNumSamples) pos = 0;
for (i = 0; i < mBlock.size(); i++) {
const SeqBlock &seqBlock = mBlock[i];
*dest += wxString::Format
(wxT(" Block %3u: start %8lld, len %8lld, refs %ld, "),
seqBlock.f ? (long long) seqBlock.f->GetLength() : 0,
seqBlock.f ? seqBlock.f.use_count() : 0);
if (seqBlock.f)
*dest += seqBlock.f->GetFileName().name.GetFullName();
*dest += wxT("<missing block file>");
if ((pos != seqBlock.start) || !seqBlock.f)
*dest += wxT(" ERROR\n");
*dest += wxT("\n");
if (seqBlock.f)
pos += seqBlock.f->GetLength();
if (pos != mNumSamples)
*dest += wxString::Format
(wxT("ERROR mNumSamples = %lld\n"), mNumSamples.as_long_long());
// static
void Sequence::SetMaxDiskBlockSize(size_t bytes)
sMaxDiskBlockSize = bytes;
size_t Sequence::GetMaxDiskBlockSize()
return sMaxDiskBlockSize;
void Sequence::AppendBlockFile(const BlockFilePtr &blockFile)
// We assume blockFile has the correct ref count already
mBlock.push_back(SeqBlock(blockFile, mNumSamples));
mNumSamples += blockFile->GetLength();
// PRL: I hoisted the intended consistency check out of the inner loop
// See RecordingRecoveryHandler::HandleXMLEndTag