2018-01-16 17:51:03 -05:00

237 lines
7.9 KiB

Audacity: A Digital Audio Editor
Dominic Mazzoni
#ifndef _DIRMANAGER_
#define _DIRMANAGER_
#include "MemoryX.h"
#include <wx/list.h>
#include <wx/string.h>
#include <wx/filename.h>
#include <wx/hashmap.h>
#include <wx/utils.h>
#include "audacity/Types.h"
#include "xml/XMLTagHandler.h"
#include "wxFileNameWrapper.h"
#ifndef __AUDACITY_OLD_STD__
#include <unordered_map>
class wxHashTable;
class BlockArray;
class BlockFile;
#define FSCKstatus_CLOSE_REQ 0x1
#define FSCKstatus_CHANGED 0x2
#define FSCKstatus_SAVE_AUP 0x4 // used in combination with FSCKstatus_CHANGED
using DirHash = std::unordered_map<int, int>;
class BlockFile;
using BlockFilePtr = std::shared_ptr<BlockFile>;
using BlockHash = std::unordered_map< wxString, std::weak_ptr<BlockFile> >;
wxMemorySize GetFreeMemory();
enum {
kCleanTopDirToo = 1, // The top directory can be excluded from clean.
kCleanDirsOnlyIfEmpty = 2, // Otherwise non empty dirs may be removed.
kCleanFiles = 4, // Remove files
kCleanDirs = 8 // Remove dirs.
class PROFILE_DLL_API DirManager final : public XMLTagHandler {
// MM: Construct DirManager
virtual ~DirManager();
static void SetTempDir(const wxString &_temp) { globaltemp = _temp; }
// Returns true on success.
// If SetProject is told NOT to create the directory
// but it doesn't already exist, SetProject fails and returns false.
bool SetProject(wxString& newProjPath, wxString& newProjName, const bool bCreate);
wxString GetProjectDataDir();
wxString GetProjectName();
wxLongLong GetFreeDiskSpace();
NewSimpleBlockFile(samplePtr sampleData,
size_t sampleLen,
sampleFormat format,
bool allowDeferredWrite = false);
NewAliasBlockFile( const wxString &aliasedFile, sampleCount aliasStart,
size_t aliasLen, int aliasChannel);
NewODAliasBlockFile( const wxString &aliasedFile, sampleCount aliasStart,
size_t aliasLen, int aliasChannel);
NewODDecodeBlockFile( const wxString &aliasedFile, sampleCount aliasStart,
size_t aliasLen, int aliasChannel, int decodeType);
/// Returns true if the blockfile pointed to by b is contained by the DirManager
bool ContainsBlockFile(const BlockFile *b) const;
/// Check for existing using filename using complete filename
bool ContainsBlockFile(const wxString &filepath) const;
// Adds one to the reference count of the block file,
// UNLESS it is "locked", then it makes a NEW copy of
// the BlockFile.
// May throw an exception in case of disk space exhaustion, otherwise
// returns non-null.
BlockFilePtr CopyBlockFile(const BlockFilePtr &b);
BlockFile *LoadBlockFile(const wxChar **attrs, sampleFormat format);
void SaveBlockFile(BlockFile *f, int depth, FILE *fp);
BlockFile *LoadBlockFile(wxTextFile * in, sampleFormat format);
void SaveBlockFile(BlockFile * f, wxTextFile * out);
std::pair<bool, wxString> CopyToNewProjectDirectory(BlockFile *f);
bool EnsureSafeFilename(const wxFileName &fName);
void SetLoadingTarget(BlockArray *pArray, unsigned idx)
mLoadingTarget = pArray;
mLoadingTargetIdx = idx;
void SetLoadingFormat(sampleFormat format) { mLoadingFormat = format; }
void SetLoadingBlockLength(size_t len) { mLoadingBlockLen = len; }
// Note: following affects only the loading of block files when opening a project
void SetLoadingMaxSamples(size_t max) { mMaxSamples = max; }
bool HandleXMLTag(const wxChar *tag, const wxChar **attrs) override;
XMLTagHandler *HandleXMLChild(const wxChar * WXUNUSED(tag)) override
{ return NULL; }
bool AssignFile(wxFileNameWrapper &filename, const wxString &value, bool check);
// Clean the temp dir. Note that now where we have auto recovery the temp
// dir is not cleaned at start up anymore. But it is cleaned when the
// program is exited normally.
static void CleanTempDir();
static void CleanDir(
const wxString &path,
const wxString &dirSpec,
const wxString &fileSpec,
const wxString &msg,
int flags = 0);
// Check the project for errors and possibly prompt user
// bForceError: Always show log error alert even if no errors are found here.
// Important when you know that there are already errors in the log.
// bAutoRecoverMode: Do not show any option dialogs for how to deal with errors found here.
// Too complicated during auto-recover. Just correct problems the "safest" way.
int ProjectFSCK(const bool bForceError, const bool bAutoRecoverMode);
void FindMissingAliasedFiles(
BlockHash& missingAliasedFileAUFHash, // output: (.auf) AliasBlockFiles whose aliased files are missing
BlockHash& missingAliasedFilePathHash); // output: full paths of missing aliased files
void FindMissingAUFs(
BlockHash& missingAUFHash); // output: missing (.auf) AliasBlockFiles
void FindMissingAUs(
BlockHash& missingAUHash); // missing data (.au) blockfiles
// Find .au and .auf files that are not in the project.
void FindOrphanBlockFiles(
const wxArrayString& filePathArray, // input: all files in project directory
wxArrayString& orphanFilePathArray); // output: orphan files
// Remove all orphaned blockfiles without user interaction. This is
// generally safe, because orphaned blockfiles are not referenced by the
// project and thus worthless anyway.
void RemoveOrphanBlockfiles();
// Get directory where data files are in. Note that projects are normally
// not interested in this information, but it is important for the
// auto-save functionality
wxString GetDataFilesDir() const;
// This should only be used by the auto save functionality
void SetLocalTempDir(const wxString &path);
// Do not DELETE any temporary files on exit. This is only called if
// auto recovery is cancelled and should be retried later
static void SetDontDeleteTempFiles() { dontDeleteTempFiles = true; }
// Write all write-cached block files to disc, if any
void WriteCacheToDisk();
// (Try to) fill cache of blockfiles, if caching is enabled (otherwise do
// nothing)
// A no-fail operation that does not throw
void FillBlockfilesCache();
wxFileNameWrapper MakeBlockFileName();
wxFileNameWrapper MakeBlockFilePath(const wxString &value);
BlockHash mBlockFileHash; // repository for blockfiles
// Hashes for management of the sub-directory tree of _data
struct BalanceInfo
DirHash dirTopPool; // available toplevel dirs
DirHash dirTopFull; // full toplevel dirs
DirHash dirMidPool; // available two-level dirs
DirHash dirMidFull; // full two-level dirs
} mBalanceInfo;
// Accessor for the balance info, may need to do a delayed update for
// deletion in case other threads DELETE block files
BalanceInfo &GetBalanceInfo();
void BalanceInfoDel(const wxString&);
void BalanceInfoAdd(const wxString&);
void BalanceFileAdd(int);
int BalanceMidAdd(int, int);
wxString projName;
wxString projPath;
wxString projFull;
wxString lastProject;
wxArrayString aliasList;
BlockArray *mLoadingTarget;
unsigned mLoadingTargetIdx;
sampleFormat mLoadingFormat;
size_t mLoadingBlockLen;
size_t mMaxSamples; // max samples per block
unsigned long mLastBlockFileDestructionCount { 0 };
static wxString globaltemp;
wxString mytemp;
static int numDirManagers;
static bool dontDeleteTempFiles;