
695 lines
22 KiB

Audacity: A Digital Audio Editor
Dominic Mazzoni
In Audacity, the main window you work in is called a project.
Projects can contain an arbitrary number of tracks of many
different types, but if a project contains just one or two
tracks then it can be saved in standard formats like WAV or AIFF.
This window is the one that contains the menu bar (except on
the Mac).
#include "Audacity.h"
#include "Experimental.h"
#include "DirManager.h"
#include "ViewInfo.h"
#include "TrackPanelListener.h"
#include "AudioIOListener.h"
#include "commands/CommandManager.h"
#include "effects/EffectManager.h"
#include "xml/XMLTagHandler.h"
#include "toolbars/SelectionBarListener.h"
#include "toolbars/SpectralSelectionBarListener.h"
#include <wx/defs.h>
#include <wx/event.h>
#include <wx/log.h>
#include <wx/dragimag.h>
#include <wx/generic/dragimgg.h>
#include <wx/frame.h>
#include <wx/intl.h>
#include <wx/dcclient.h>
const int AudacityProjectTimerID = 5200;
class wxWindow;
class wxDialog;
class wxBoxSizer;
class wxScrollEvent;
class wxScrollBar;
class wxPanel;
class AudacityProject;
class AutoSaveFile;
class Importer;
class ODLock;
class RecordingRecoveryHandler;
class TrackList;
class Tags;
class EffectPlugs;
class TrackPanel;
class FreqWindow;
class ContrastDialog;
class Meter;
// toolbar classes
class ControlToolBar;
class DeviceToolBar;
class EditToolBar;
class MeterToolBar;
class MixerToolBar;
class SelectionBar;
class SpectralSelectionBar;
class Toolbar;
class ToolManager;
class ToolsToolBar;
class TranscriptionToolBar;
// windows and frames
class AdornedRulerPanel;
class HistoryWindow;
class LyricsWindow;
class MixerBoard;
class MixerBoardFrame;
struct AudioIOStartStreamOptions;
struct UndoState;
class WaveTrackArray;
class Regions;
class LWSlider;
class UndoManager;
enum class UndoPush;
AudacityProject *CreateNewAudacityProject();
AUDACITY_DLL_API AudacityProject *GetActiveProject();
void RedrawAllProjects();
void RefreshCursorForAllProjects();
AUDACITY_DLL_API void CloseAllProjects();
void GetDefaultWindowRect(wxRect *defRect);
void GetNextWindowPlacement(wxRect *nextRect, bool *pMaximized, bool *pIconized);
bool IsWindowAccessible(wxRect *requestedRect);
WX_DEFINE_ARRAY(AudacityProject *, AProjectArray);
extern AProjectArray gAudacityProjects;
WX_DEFINE_ARRAY(wxMenu *, MenuArray);
enum PlayMode {
enum StatusBarField {
stateStatusBarField = 1,
mainStatusBarField = 2,
rateStatusBarField = 3
/// Custom events
// XML handler for <import> tag
class ImportXMLTagHandler : public XMLTagHandler
ImportXMLTagHandler(AudacityProject* pProject) { mProject = pProject; }
virtual bool HandleXMLTag(const wxChar *tag, const wxChar **attrs);
virtual XMLTagHandler *HandleXMLChild(const wxChar * WXUNUSED(tag)) { return NULL; }
// Don't want a WriteXML method because ImportXMLTagHandler is not a WaveTrack.
// <import> tags are instead written by AudacityProject::WriteXML.
// virtual void WriteXML(XMLWriter &xmlFile) { wxASSERT(false); }
AudacityProject* mProject;
class AUDACITY_DLL_API AudacityProject: public wxFrame,
public TrackPanelListener,
public SelectionBarListener,
public SpectralSelectionBarListener,
public XMLTagHandler,
public AudioIOListener
AudacityProject(wxWindow * parent, wxWindowID id,
const wxPoint & pos, const wxSize & size);
virtual ~AudacityProject();
AudioIOStartStreamOptions GetDefaultPlayOptions();
TrackList *GetTracks() { return mTracks; }
UndoManager *GetUndoManager() { return mUndoManager.get(); }
sampleFormat GetDefaultFormat() { return mDefaultFormat; }
double GetRate() const { return mRate; }
bool ZoomInAvailable() const { return mViewInfo.ZoomInAvailable(); }
bool ZoomOutAvailable() const { return mViewInfo.ZoomOutAvailable(); }
double GetSel0() { return mViewInfo.selectedRegion.t0(); }
double GetSel1() { return mViewInfo.selectedRegion.t1(); }
const ZoomInfo &GetZoomInfo() const { return mViewInfo; }
Track *GetFirstVisible();
void UpdateFirstVisible();
void GetPlayRegion(double* playRegionStart, double *playRegionEnd);
bool IsPlayRegionLocked() { return mLockPlayRegion; }
void SetSel0(double); //Added by STM
void SetSel1(double); //Added by STM
bool Clipboard() { return (msClipT1 - msClipT0) > 0.0; }
wxString GetName();
DirManager *GetDirManager();
TrackFactory *GetTrackFactory();
AdornedRulerPanel *GetRulerPanel();
const Tags *GetTags();
int GetAudioIOToken() const;
bool IsAudioActive() const;
void SetAudioIOToken(int token);
bool IsActive();
// File I/O
/** @brief Show an open dialogue for opening audio files, and possibly other
* sorts of files.
* The file type filter will automatically contain:
* - "All files" with any extension or none,
* - "All supported files" based on the file formats supported in this
* build of Audacity,
* - All of the individual formats specified by the importer plug-ins which
* are built into this build of Audacity, each with the relevant file
* extensions for that format.
* The dialogue will start in the DefaultOpenPath directory read from the
* preferences, failing that the working directory. The file format filter
* will be set to the DefaultOpenType from the preferences, failing that
* the first format specified in the dialogue. These two parameters will
* be saved to the preferences once the user has chosen a file to open.
* @param extraformat Specify the name of an additional format to allow
* opening in this dialogue. This string is free-form, but should be short
* enough to fit in the file dialogue filter drop-down. It should be
* translated.
* @param extrafilter Specify the file extension(s) for the additional format
* specified by extraformat. The patterns must include the wildcard (e.g.
* "*.aup" not "aup" or ".aup"), separate multiple patters with a semicolon,
* e.g. "*.aup;*.AUP" because patterns are case-sensitive. Do not add a
* trailing semicolon to the string. This string should not be translated
* @return Array of file paths which the user selected to open (multiple
* selections allowed).
static wxArrayString ShowOpenDialog(const wxString &extraformat = wxEmptyString,
const wxString &extrafilter = wxEmptyString);
static bool IsAlreadyOpen(const wxString & projPathName);
static void OpenFiles(AudacityProject *proj);
void OpenFile(const wxString &fileName, bool addtohistory = true);
bool WarnOfLegacyFile( );
// If pNewTrackList is passed in non-NULL, it gets filled with the pointers to NEW tracks.
bool Import(const wxString &fileName, WaveTrackArray *pTrackArray = NULL);
void AddImportedTracks(const wxString &fileName,
Track **newTracks, int numTracks);
void LockAllBlocks();
void UnlockAllBlocks();
bool Save(bool overwrite = true, bool fromSaveAs = false, bool bWantSaveCompressed = false);
bool SaveAs(bool bWantSaveCompressed = false);
bool SaveAs(const wxString & newFileName, bool bWantSaveCompressed = false, bool addToHistory = true);
bool SaveCompressedWaveTracks(const wxString & strProjectPathName); // full path for aup except extension
void Clear();
wxString GetFileName() { return mFileName; }
bool GetDirty() { return mDirty; }
void SetProjectTitle();
TrackPanel * GetTrackPanel(){return mTrackPanel;}
bool GetIsEmpty();
bool GetTracksFitVerticallyZoomed() { return mTracksFitVerticallyZoomed; } //lda
void SetTracksFitVerticallyZoomed(bool flag) { mTracksFitVerticallyZoomed = flag; } //lda
bool GetShowId3Dialog() { return mShowId3Dialog; } //lda
void SetShowId3Dialog(bool flag) { mShowId3Dialog = flag; } //lda
bool GetNormalizeOnLoad() { return mNormalizeOnLoad; } //lda
void SetNormalizeOnLoad(bool flag) { mNormalizeOnLoad = flag; } //lda
/** \brief Sets the wxDialog that is being displayed
* Used by the custom dialog warning constructor and destructor
void SetMissingAliasFileDialog(wxDialog *dialog);
/** \brief returns a pointer to the wxDialog if it is displayed, NULL otherwise.
wxDialog *GetMissingAliasFileDialog();
#include "Menus.h"
CommandManager *GetCommandManager() { return &mCommandManager; }
// Keyboard capture
static bool HasKeyboardCapture(const wxWindow *handler);
static wxWindow *GetKeyboardCaptureHandler();
static void CaptureKeyboard(wxWindow *handler);
static void ReleaseKeyboard(wxWindow *handler);
void RebuildMenuBar();
void RebuildOtherMenus();
void MayStartMonitoring();
// Message Handlers
void OnMenu(wxCommandEvent & event);
void OnUpdateUI(wxUpdateUIEvent & event);
void OnActivate(wxActivateEvent & event);
void OnMouseEvent(wxMouseEvent & event);
void OnIconize(wxIconizeEvent &event);
void OnSize(wxSizeEvent & event);
void OnShow(wxShowEvent & event);
void OnMove(wxMoveEvent & event);
void OnScroll(wxScrollEvent & event);
void OnCloseWindow(wxCloseEvent & event);
void OnTimer(wxTimerEvent & event);
void OnToolBarUpdate(wxCommandEvent & event);
void OnOpenAudioFile(wxCommandEvent & event);
void OnODTaskUpdate(wxCommandEvent & event);
void OnODTaskComplete(wxCommandEvent & event);
void OnTrackListUpdated(wxCommandEvent & event);
void HandleResize();
void UpdateLayout();
double GetScreenEndTime() const;
void ZoomInByFactor( double ZoomFactor );
void ZoomOutByFactor( double ZoomFactor );
// Other commands
static TrackList *GetClipboardTracks();
static void DeleteClipboard();
static void DeleteAllProjectsDeleteLock();
// checkActive is a temporary hack that should be removed as soon as we
// get multiple effect preview working
void UpdateMenus(bool checkActive = true);
void UpdatePrefs();
void UpdatePrefsVariables();
void RedrawProject(const bool bForceWaveTracks = false);
void RefreshCursor();
void SelectNone();
void SelectAllIfNone();
void Zoom(double level);
void ZoomBy(double multiplier);
void Rewind(bool shift);
void SkipEnd(bool shift);
typedef bool (WaveTrack::* EditFunction)(double, double);
typedef bool (WaveTrack::* EditDestFunction)(double, double, Track**);
void EditByLabel(EditFunction action, bool bSyncLockedTracks);
void EditClipboardByLabel(EditDestFunction action );
bool IsSyncLocked();
void SetSyncLock(bool flag);
void DoTrackMute(Track *pTrack, bool exclusive);
void DoTrackSolo(Track *pTrack, bool exclusive);
void SetTrackGain(Track * track, LWSlider * slider);
void SetTrackPan(Track * track, LWSlider * slider);
void RemoveTrack(Track * toRemove);
// "exclusive" mute means mute the chosen track and unmute all others.
void HandleTrackMute(Track *t, const bool exclusive);
// Type of solo (standard or simple) follows the set preference, unless
// alternate == true, which causes the opposite behavior.
void HandleTrackSolo(Track *t, const bool alternate);
// Snap To
void SetSnapTo(int snap);
int GetSnapTo() const;
// Selection Format
void SetSelectionFormat(const wxString & format);
const wxString & GetSelectionFormat() const;
// Spectral Selection Formats
void SetFrequencySelectionFormatName(const wxString & format);
const wxString & GetFrequencySelectionFormatName() const;
void SetBandwidthSelectionFormatName(const wxString & format);
const wxString & GetBandwidthSelectionFormatName() const;
// Scrollbars
void OnScrollLeft();
void OnScrollRight();
void OnScrollLeftButton(wxScrollEvent & event);
void OnScrollRightButton(wxScrollEvent & event);
void FinishAutoScroll();
void FixScrollbars();
void SafeDisplayStatusMessage(const wxChar *msg);
double ScrollingLowerBoundTime() const;
// How many pixels are covered by the period from lowermost scrollable time, to the given time:
// PRL: Bug1197: we seem to need to compute all in double, to avoid differing results on Mac
double PixelWidthBeforeTime(double scrollto) const;
void SetHorizontalThumb(double scrollto);
// TrackPanel access
virtual wxSize GetTPTracksUsableArea();
virtual void RefreshTPTrack(Track* pTrk, bool refreshbacking = true);
// TrackPanel callback methods, overrides of TrackPanelListener
virtual void TP_DisplaySelection();
virtual void TP_DisplayStatusMessage(const wxString &msg) override;
virtual ToolsToolBar * TP_GetToolsToolBar();
virtual void TP_PushState(const wxString &longDesc, const wxString &shortDesc,
UndoPush flags) override;
virtual void TP_ModifyState(bool bWantsAutoSave); // if true, writes auto-save file. Should set only if you really want the state change restored after
// a crash, as it can take many seconds for large (eg. 10 track-hours) projects
virtual void TP_RedrawScrollbars();
virtual void TP_ScrollLeft();
virtual void TP_ScrollRight();
virtual void TP_ScrollWindow(double scrollto);
virtual void TP_ScrollUpDown(int delta);
virtual void TP_HandleResize();
// ToolBar
// In the GUI, ControlToolBar appears as the "Transport Toolbar". "Control Toolbar" is historic.
ControlToolBar *GetControlToolBar();
DeviceToolBar *GetDeviceToolBar();
EditToolBar *GetEditToolBar();
MixerToolBar *GetMixerToolBar();
SelectionBar *GetSelectionBar();
SpectralSelectionBar *GetSpectralSelectionBar();
ToolsToolBar *GetToolsToolBar();
TranscriptionToolBar *GetTranscriptionToolBar();
Meter *GetPlaybackMeter();
void SetPlaybackMeter(Meter *playback);
Meter *GetCaptureMeter();
void SetCaptureMeter(Meter *capture);
LyricsWindow* GetLyricsWindow() { return mLyricsWindow; }
MixerBoard* GetMixerBoard() { return mMixerBoard; }
wxStatusBar* GetStatusBar() { return mStatusBar; }
bool SnapSelection();
// SelectionBarListener callback methods
virtual double AS_GetRate();
virtual void AS_SetRate(double rate);
virtual int AS_GetSnapTo();
virtual void AS_SetSnapTo(int snap);
virtual const wxString & AS_GetSelectionFormat();
virtual void AS_SetSelectionFormat(const wxString & format);
virtual void AS_ModifySelection(double &start, double &end, bool done);
// SpectralSelectionBarListener callback methods
virtual double SSBL_GetRate() const;
virtual const wxString & SSBL_GetFrequencySelectionFormatName();
virtual void SSBL_SetFrequencySelectionFormatName(const wxString & formatName);
virtual const wxString & SSBL_GetBandwidthSelectionFormatName();
virtual void SSBL_SetBandwidthSelectionFormatName(const wxString & formatName);
virtual void SSBL_ModifySpectralSelection(double &bottom, double &top, bool done);
void SetStateTo(unsigned int n);
// XMLTagHandler callback methods
virtual bool HandleXMLTag(const wxChar *tag, const wxChar **attrs);
virtual XMLTagHandler *HandleXMLChild(const wxChar *tag);
virtual void WriteXML(XMLWriter &xmlFile);
void WriteXMLHeader(XMLWriter &xmlFile);
PlayMode mLastPlayMode;
ViewInfo mViewInfo;
// Audio IO callback methods
virtual void OnAudioIORate(int rate);
virtual void OnAudioIOStartRecording();
virtual void OnAudioIOStopRecording();
virtual void OnAudioIONewBlockFiles(const AutoSaveFile & blockFileLog);
// Command Handling
bool TryToMakeActionAllowed( wxUint32 & flags, wxUint32 flagsRqd, wxUint32 mask );
///Prevents DELETE from external thread - for e.g. use of GetActiveProject
static void AllProjectsDeleteLock();
static void AllProjectsDeleteUnlock();
void PushState(const wxString &desc, const wxString &shortDesc); // use UndoPush::AUTOSAVE
void PushState(const wxString &desc, const wxString &shortDesc, UndoPush flags);
void RollbackState();
void OnCapture(wxCommandEvent & evt);
void ClearClipboard();
void InitialState();
void ModifyState(bool bWantsAutoSave); // if true, writes auto-save file. Should set only if you really want the state change restored after
// a crash, as it can take many seconds for large (eg. 10 track-hours) projects
void PopState(const UndoState &state);
void UpdateLyrics();
void UpdateMixerBoard();
void GetRegionsByLabel( Regions &regions );
void AutoSave();
void DeleteCurrentAutoSaveFile();
bool IsSoloSimple() { return mSoloPref == wxT("Simple"); }
bool IsSoloNone() { return mSoloPref == wxT("None"); }
// The project's name and file info
wxString mFileName;
DirManager *mDirManager; // MM: DirManager now created dynamically
double mRate;
sampleFormat mDefaultFormat;
// Recent files
wxMenu *mRecentFilesMenu;
// Tags (artist name, song properties, MP3 ID3 info, etc.)
// The structure may be shared with undo history entries
// To keep undo working correctly, always replace this with a new duplicate
// BEFORE doing any editing of it!
std::shared_ptr<Tags> mTags;
// List of tracks and display info
TrackList *mTracks;
int mSnapTo;
wxString mSelectionFormat;
wxString mFrequencySelectionFormatName;
wxString mBandwidthSelectionFormatName;
TrackList *mLastSavedTracks;
// Clipboard (static because it is shared by all projects)
static TrackList *msClipboard;
static AudacityProject *msClipProject;
static double msClipT0;
static double msClipT1;
//shared by all projects
static ODLock *msAllProjectDeleteMutex;
// History/Undo manager
std::unique_ptr<UndoManager> mUndoManager;
bool mDirty;
// Commands
CommandManager mCommandManager;
wxUint32 mLastFlags;
// Window elements
wxTimer *mTimer;
long mLastStatusUpdateTime;
wxStatusBar *mStatusBar;
AdornedRulerPanel *mRuler;
TrackPanel *mTrackPanel;
TrackFactory *mTrackFactory;
wxPanel * mMainPanel;
wxScrollBar *mHsbar;
wxScrollBar *mVsbar;
bool mAutoScrolling;
bool mActive;
bool mIconized;
HistoryWindow *mHistoryWindow;
LyricsWindow* mLyricsWindow;
MixerBoard* mMixerBoard;
MixerBoardFrame* mMixerBoardFrame;
FreqWindow *mFreqWindow;
ContrastDialog *mContrastDialog;
// dialog for missing alias warnings
wxDialog *mAliasMissingWarningDialog;
bool mShownOnce;
// Project owned meters
Meter *mPlaybackMeter;
Meter *mCaptureMeter;
ToolManager *mToolManager;
bool mShowSplashScreen;
wxString mHelpPref;
wxString mSoloPref;
bool mbBusyImporting; // used to fix bug 584
void SetNormalizedWindowState(wxRect pSizeAndLocation) { mNormalizedWindowState = pSizeAndLocation; }
wxRect GetNormalizedWindowState() const { return mNormalizedWindowState; }
bool IsTimerRecordCancelled(){return mTimerRecordCanceled;}
void ResetTimerRecordFlag(){mTimerRecordCanceled=false;}
//sort method used by OnSortName and OnSortTime
//currently only supported flags are kAudacitySortByName and kAudacitySortByName
//in the future we might have 0x01 as sort ascending and we can bit or it
#define kAudacitySortByTime (1 << 1)
#define kAudacitySortByName (1 << 2)
void SortTracks(int flags);
int mAudioIOToken;
bool mIsDeleting;
bool mTracksFitVerticallyZoomed; //lda
bool mNormalizeOnLoad; //lda
bool mShowId3Dialog; //lda
bool mEmptyCanBeDirty;
bool mSelectAllOnNone;
bool mIsSyncLocked;
bool mLockPlayRegion;
// See AudacityProject::OnActivate() for an explanation of this.
wxWindow *mLastFocusedWindow;
ImportXMLTagHandler* mImportXMLTagHandler;
// Last auto-save file name and path (empty if none)
wxString mAutoSaveFileName;
// Are we currently auto-saving or not?
bool mAutoSaving;
// Has this project been recovered from an auto-saved version
bool mIsRecovered;
// The auto-save data dir the project has been recovered from
wxString mRecoveryAutoSaveDataDir;
// The handler that handles recovery of <recordingrecovery> tags
RecordingRecoveryHandler* mRecordingRecoveryHandler;
// Dependencies have been imported and a warning should be shown on save
bool mImportedDependencies;
bool mWantSaveCompressed;
wxArrayString mStrOtherNamesArray; // used to make sure compressed file names are unique
// Last effect applied to this project
PluginID mLastEffect;
// The screenshot class needs to access internals
friend class ScreenshotCommand;
wxRect mNormalizedWindowState;
//flag for cancellation of timer record.
bool mTimerRecordCanceled;
// Are we currently closing as the result of a menu command?
bool mMenuClose;
bool mbInitializingScrollbar;
// Flag that we're recoding.
bool mIsCapturing;
// Keyboard capture
wxWindow *mKeyboardCaptureHandler;
double mSeekShort;
double mSeekLong;
wxLongLong mLastSelectionAdjustment;
// See explanation in OnCloseWindow
bool mIsBeingDeleted;
// CommandManager needs to use private methods
friend class CommandManager;