
972 lines
27 KiB

Audacity: A Digital Audio Editor
Dominic Mazzoni
James Crook
\class MacroCommands
\brief Maintains the list of commands for batch/macro
processing. See also MacrosWindow and ApplyMacroDialog.
#define wxLOG_COMPONENT "MacroCommands"
#include "BatchCommands.h"
#include <wx/defs.h>
#include <wx/datetime.h>
#include <wx/dir.h>
#include <wx/textfile.h>
#include <wx/time.h>
#include "Project.h"
#include "ProjectAudioManager.h"
#include "ProjectHistory.h"
#include "ProjectSettings.h"
#include "ProjectWindow.h"
#include "commands/CommandManager.h"
#include "effects/EffectManager.h"
#include "effects/EffectUI.h"
#include "FileNames.h"
#include "Menus.h"
#include "PluginManager.h"
#include "Prefs.h"
#include "SelectUtilities.h"
#include "Shuttle.h"
#include "Track.h"
#include "UndoManager.h"
#include "AllThemeResources.h"
#include "widgets/AudacityMessageBox.h"
#include "commands/CommandContext.h"
MacroCommands::MacroCommands( AudacityProject &project )
: mProject{ project }
, mExporter{ project }
auto names = GetNames();
auto defaults = GetNamesOfDefaultMacros();
for( size_t i = 0;i<defaults.size();i++){
wxString name = defaults[i];
if ( ! make_iterator_range( names ).contains(name) ) {
static const auto MP3Conversion = XO("MP3 Conversion");
static const auto FadeEnds = XO("Fade Ends");
wxArrayStringEx MacroCommands::GetNamesOfDefaultMacros()
return {
MP3Conversion.Translation() ,
FadeEnds.Translation() ,
void MacroCommands::RestoreMacro(const wxString & name)
// TIDY-ME: Effects change their name with localisation.
// Commands (at least currently) don't. Messy.
if (name == MP3Conversion.Translation() ){
AddToMacro( wxT("Normalize") );
AddToMacro( wxT("ExportMP3") );
} else if (name == FadeEnds.Translation() ){
AddToMacro( wxT("Select"), wxT("Start=\"0\" End=\"1\"") );
AddToMacro( wxT("FadeIn") );
AddToMacro( wxT("Select"), wxT("Start=\"0\" End=\"1\" RelativeTo=\"ProjectEnd\"") );
AddToMacro( wxT("FadeOut") );
AddToMacro( wxT("Select"), wxT("Start=\"0\" End=\"0\"") );
CommandID MacroCommands::GetCommand(int index)
if (index < 0 || index >= (int)mCommandMacro.size()) {
return wxT("");
return mCommandMacro[index];
wxString MacroCommands::GetParams(int index)
if (index < 0 || index >= (int)mParamsMacro.size()) {
return wxT("");
return mParamsMacro[index];
int MacroCommands::GetCount()
return (int)mCommandMacro.size();
wxString MacroCommands::ReadMacro(const wxString & macro, wxWindow *parent)
// Clear any previous macro
// Build the filename
wxFileName name(FileNames::MacroDir(), macro, wxT("txt"));
// But, ask the user for the real name if we're importing
if (parent) {
FilePath fn = FileNames::SelectFile(FileNames::Operation::_None,
XO("Import Macro"),
{ FileNames::TextFiles },
// User canceled...
if (fn.empty()) {
return wxEmptyString;
wxFileName check(fn);
if (check.FileExists())
int id = AudacityMessageBox(
XO("Macro %s already exists. Would you like to replace it?").Format(check.GetName()),
XO("Import Macro"),
if (id == wxNO) {
return wxEmptyString;
// Set the file name
wxTextFile tf(name.GetFullPath());
// Open and check
if (!tf.IsOpened()) {
// wxTextFile will display any errors
return wxEmptyString;
// Load commands from the file
int lines = tf.GetLineCount();
if (lines > 0) {
for (int i = 0; i < lines; i++) {
// Find the command name terminator...ignore line if not found
int splitAt = tf[i].Find(wxT(':'));
if (splitAt < 0) {
// Parse and clean
wxString cmd = tf[i].Left(splitAt).Strip(wxString::both);
wxString parm = tf[i].Mid(splitAt + 1).Strip(wxString::trailing);
// Add to lists
// Done with the file
// Write to macro directory if importing
if (parent) {
return WriteMacro(name.GetName());
return name.GetName();
wxString MacroCommands::WriteMacro(const wxString & macro, wxWindow *parent)
// Build the default filename
wxFileName name(FileNames::MacroDir(), macro, wxT("txt"));
// But, ask the user for the real name if we're exporting
if (parent) {
FilePath fn = FileNames::SelectFile(FileNames::Operation::_None,
XO("Export Macro"),
{ FileNames::TextFiles },
// User canceled...
if (fn.empty()) {
return wxEmptyString;
// Set the file name
wxTextFile tf(name.GetFullPath());
// Create the file (Create() doesn't leave the file open)
if (!tf.Exists()) {
// Open it
if (!tf.IsOpened()) {
// wxTextFile will display any errors
return wxEmptyString;
// Start with a clean slate
// Copy over the commands
int lines = mCommandMacro.size();
for (int i = 0; i < lines; i++) {
// using GET to serialize macro definition to a text file
tf.AddLine(mCommandMacro[i].GET() + wxT(":") + mParamsMacro[ i ]);
// Write the macro
// Done with the file
return name.GetName();
bool MacroCommands::AddMacro(const wxString & macro)
// Build the filename
wxFileName name(FileNames::MacroDir(), macro, wxT("txt"));
// Set the file name
wxTextFile tf(name.GetFullPath());
// Create it..Create will display errors
return tf.Create();
bool MacroCommands::DeleteMacro(const wxString & macro)
// Build the filename
wxFileName name(FileNames::MacroDir(), macro, wxT("txt"));
// Delete it...wxRemoveFile will display errors
auto result = wxRemoveFile(name.GetFullPath());
// Delete any legacy chain that it shadowed
auto oldPath = wxFileName{ FileNames::LegacyChainDir(), macro, wxT("txt") };
wxRemoveFile(oldPath.GetFullPath()); // Don't care about this return value
return result;
bool MacroCommands::RenameMacro(const wxString & oldmacro, const wxString & newmacro)
// Build the filenames
wxFileName oname(FileNames::MacroDir(), oldmacro, wxT("txt"));
wxFileName nname(FileNames::MacroDir(), newmacro, wxT("txt"));
// Rename it...wxRenameFile will display errors
return wxRenameFile(oname.GetFullPath(), nname.GetFullPath());
// Gets all commands that are valid for this mode.
MacroCommandsCatalog::MacroCommandsCatalog( const AudacityProject *project )
if (!project)
Entries commands;
PluginManager & pm = PluginManager::Get();
EffectManager & em = EffectManager::Get();
const PluginDescriptor *plug = pm.GetFirstPlugin(PluginTypeEffect|PluginTypeAudacityCommand);
while (plug)
auto command = em.GetCommandIdentifier(plug->GetID());
if (!command.empty())
commands.push_back( {
{ command, plug->GetSymbol().Msgid() },
plug->GetPluginType() == PluginTypeEffect ?
XO("Effect") : XO("Menu Command (With Parameters)")
} );
plug = pm.GetNextPlugin(PluginTypeEffect|PluginTypeAudacityCommand);
auto &manager = CommandManager::Get( *project );
TranslatableStrings mLabels;
CommandIDs mNames;
std::vector<bool> vExcludeFromMacros;
manager.GetAllCommandLabels(mLabels, vExcludeFromMacros, true);
manager.GetAllCommandNames(mNames, true);
const bool english = wxGetLocale()->GetCanonicalName().StartsWith(wxT("en"));
for(size_t i=0; i<mNames.size(); i++) {
if( !vExcludeFromMacros[i] ){
auto label = mLabels[i];
bool suffix;
if (!english)
suffix = false;
else {
// We'll disambiguate if the squashed name is short and shorter than the internal name.
// Otherwise not.
// This means we won't have repetitive items like "Cut (Cut)"
// But we will show important disambiguation like "All (SelectAll)" and "By Date (SortByDate)"
// Disambiguation is no longer essential as the details box will show it.
// PRL: I think this reasoning applies only when locale is English.
// For other locales, show the (CamelCaseCodeName) always. Or, never?
wxString squashed = label.Translation();
squashed.Replace( " ", "" );
// uh oh, using GET for dubious comparison of (lengths of)
// user-visible name and internal CommandID!
// and doing this only for English locale!
suffix = squashed.length() < wxMin( 18, mNames[i].GET().length());
if( suffix )
// uh oh, using GET to expose CommandID to the user, as a
// disambiguating suffix on a name, but this is only ever done if
// the locale is English!
// PRL: In case this logic does get fixed for other locales,
// localize even this punctuation format. I'm told Chinese actually
// prefers slightly different parenthesis characters
label.Join( XO("(%s)").Format( mNames[i].GET() ), wxT(" ") );
// Bug 2294. The Close command pulls the rug out from under
// batch processing, because it destroys the project.
// So it is UNSAFE for scripting, and therefore excluded from
// the catalog.
if (mNames[i] == "Close")
mNames[i], // Internal name.
label // User readable name
XO("Menu Command (No Parameters)")
// Sort commands by their user-visible names.
// PRL: What exactly should happen if first members of pairs are not unique?
// I'm not sure, but at least I can sort stably for a better defined result.
auto less =
[](const Entry &a, const Entry &b)
{ return <; };
std::stable_sort(commands.begin(), commands.end(), less);
// Now uniquify by friendly name
auto equal =
[](const Entry &a, const Entry &b)
{ return ==; };
commands.begin(), commands.end(), std::back_inserter(mCommands), equal);
// binary search
auto MacroCommandsCatalog::ByFriendlyName( const TranslatableString &friendlyName ) const
-> Entries::const_iterator
const auto less = [](const Entry &entryA, const Entry &entryB)
{ return <; };
auto range = std::equal_range(
begin(), end(), Entry{ { {}, friendlyName }, {} }, less
if (range.first != range.second) {
wxASSERT_MSG( range.first + 1 == range.second,
"Non-unique user-visible command name" );
return range.first;
return end();
// linear search
auto MacroCommandsCatalog::ByCommandId( const CommandID &commandId ) const
-> Entries::const_iterator
// Maybe this too should have a uniqueness check?
return std::find_if( begin(), end(),
[&](const Entry &entry)
{ return == commandId; });
wxString MacroCommands::GetCurrentParamsFor(const CommandID & command)
const PluginID & ID =
if (ID.empty())
return wxEmptyString; // effect not found.
return EffectManager::Get().GetEffectParameters(ID);
wxString MacroCommands::PromptForParamsFor(
const CommandID & command, const wxString & params, wxWindow &parent)
const PluginID & ID =
if (ID.empty())
return wxEmptyString; // effect not found
wxString res = params;
auto cleanup = EffectManager::Get().SetBatchProcessing(ID);
if (EffectManager::Get().SetEffectParameters(ID, params))
if (EffectManager::Get().PromptUser(ID, EffectUI::DialogFactory, parent))
res = EffectManager::Get().GetEffectParameters(ID);
return res;
wxString MacroCommands::PromptForPresetFor(const CommandID & command, const wxString & params, wxWindow *parent)
const PluginID & ID =
if (ID.empty())
return wxEmptyString; // effect not found.
wxString preset = EffectManager::Get().GetPreset(ID, params, parent);
// Preset will be empty if the user cancelled the dialog, so return the original
// parameter value.
if (preset.empty())
return params;
return preset;
/// DoAudacityCommand() takes a PluginID and executes the associated command.
/// At the moment flags are used only to indicate whether to prompt for
/// parameters
bool MacroCommands::DoAudacityCommand(
const PluginID & ID, const CommandContext & context, unsigned flags )
auto &project = context.project;
auto &window = ProjectWindow::Get( project );
const PluginDescriptor *plug = PluginManager::Get().GetPlugin(ID);
if (!plug)
return false;
if (flags & EffectManager::kConfigured)
ProjectAudioManager::Get( project ).Stop();
// SelectAllIfNone();
EffectManager & em = EffectManager::Get();
bool success = em.DoAudacityCommand(ID,
(flags & EffectManager::kConfigured) == 0);
if (!success)
return false;
if (em.GetSkipStateFlag())
flags = flags | OnEffectFlags::kSkipState;
if (!(flags & OnEffectFlags::kSkipState))
wxString shortDesc = em.GetCommandName(ID);
wxString longDesc = em.GetCommandDescription(ID);
PushState(longDesc, shortDesc);
return true;
bool MacroCommands::ApplyEffectCommand(
const PluginID & ID, const TranslatableString &friendlyCommand,
const CommandID & command, const wxString & params,
const CommandContext & Context)
static_cast<void>(command);//compiler food.
//Possibly end processing here, if in batch-debug
if( ReportAndSkip(friendlyCommand, params))
return true;
const PluginDescriptor *plug = PluginManager::Get().GetPlugin(ID);
if (!plug)
return false;
AudacityProject *project = &mProject;
// IF nothing selected, THEN select everything depending
// on preferences setting.
// (most effects require that you have something selected).
if( plug->GetPluginType() != PluginTypeAudacityCommand )
if( !SelectUtilities::SelectAllIfNoneAndAllowed( *project ) )
// i18n-hint: %s will be replaced by the name of an action, such as "Remove Tracks".
XO("\"%s\" requires one or more tracks to be selected.").Format(friendlyCommand));
return false;
bool res = false;
auto cleanup = EffectManager::Get().SetBatchProcessing(ID);
// transfer the parameters to the effect...
if (EffectManager::Get().SetEffectParameters(ID, params))
if( plug->GetPluginType() == PluginTypeAudacityCommand )
// and apply the effect...
res = DoAudacityCommand(ID,
EffectManager::kConfigured |
EffectManager::kSkipState |
// and apply the effect...
res = EffectUI::DoEffect(ID,
EffectManager::kConfigured |
EffectManager::kSkipState |
return res;
bool MacroCommands::HandleTextualCommand( CommandManager &commandManager,
const CommandID & Str,
const CommandContext & context, CommandFlag flags, bool alwaysEnabled)
switch ( commandManager.HandleTextualCommand(
Str, context, flags, alwaysEnabled) ) {
case CommandManager::CommandSuccess:
return true;
case CommandManager::CommandFailure:
return false;
case CommandManager::CommandNotFound:
// Not one of the singleton commands.
// We could/should try all the list-style commands.
// instead we only try the effects.
PluginManager & pm = PluginManager::Get();
EffectManager & em = EffectManager::Get();
const PluginDescriptor *plug = pm.GetFirstPlugin(PluginTypeEffect);
while (plug)
if (em.GetCommandIdentifier(plug->GetID()) == Str)
return EffectUI::DoEffect(
plug->GetID(), context,
plug = pm.GetNextPlugin(PluginTypeEffect);
return false;
bool MacroCommands::ApplyCommand( const TranslatableString &friendlyCommand,
const CommandID & command, const wxString & params,
CommandContext const * pContext)
// Test for an effect.
const PluginID & ID =
EffectManager::Get().GetEffectByIdentifier( command );
if (!ID.empty())
if( pContext )
return ApplyEffectCommand(
ID, friendlyCommand, command, params, *pContext);
const CommandContext context( mProject );
return ApplyEffectCommand(
ID, friendlyCommand, command, params, context);
AudacityProject *project = &mProject;
auto &manager = CommandManager::Get( *project );
if( pContext ){
if( HandleTextualCommand(
manager, command, *pContext, AlwaysEnabledFlag, true ) )
return true;
pContext->Status( wxString::Format(
_("Your batch command of %s was not recognized."), friendlyCommand.Translation() ));
return false;
const CommandContext context( mProject );
if( HandleTextualCommand(
manager, command, context, AlwaysEnabledFlag, true ) )
return true;
XO("Your batch command of %s was not recognized.")
.Format( friendlyCommand ) );
return false;
bool MacroCommands::ApplyCommandInBatchMode(
const TranslatableString &friendlyCommand,
const CommandID & command, const wxString &params,
CommandContext const * pContext)
AudacityProject *project = &mProject;
auto &settings = ProjectSettings::Get( *project );
// Recalc flags and enable items that may have become enabled.
// enter batch mode...
bool prevShowMode = settings.GetShowId3Dialog();
auto cleanup = finally( [&] {
// exit batch mode...
} );
return ApplyCommand( friendlyCommand, command, params, pContext );
static int MacroReentryCount = 0;
// ApplyMacro returns true on success, false otherwise.
// Any error reporting to the user in setting up the macro
// has already been done.
bool MacroCommands::ApplyMacro(
const MacroCommandsCatalog &catalog, const wxString & filename)
// Check for reentrant ApplyMacro commands.
// We'll allow 1 level of reentry, but not more.
// And we treat ignoring deeper levels as a success.
if (MacroReentryCount > 1) {
return true;
// Restore the reentry counter (to zero) when we exit.
auto cleanup1 = valueRestorer(MacroReentryCount);
AudacityProject *proj = &mProject;
bool res = false;
// Only perform this group on initial entry. They should not be done
// while recursing.
if (MacroReentryCount == 1) {
mFileName = filename;
TranslatableString longDesc, shortDesc;
wxString name = gPrefs->Read(wxT("/Batch/ActiveMacro"), wxEmptyString);
if (name.empty()) {
/* i18n-hint: active verb in past tense */
longDesc = XO("Applied Macro");
shortDesc = XO("Apply Macro");
else {
/* i18n-hint: active verb in past tense */
longDesc = XO("Applied Macro '%s'").Format(name);
shortDesc = XO("Apply '%s'").Format(name);
// Save the project state before making any changes. It will be rolled
// back if an error occurs.
// It also causes any calls to ModifyState (such as by simple
// view-changing commands) to append changes to this state, not to the
// previous state in history. See Bug 2076
if (proj) {
ProjectHistory::Get(*proj).PushState(longDesc, shortDesc);
// Upon exit of the top level apply, roll back the state if an error occurs.
auto cleanup2 = finally([&, macroReentryCount = MacroReentryCount] {
if (macroReentryCount == 1 && !res && proj) {
// Be sure that exceptions do not escape this destructor
// Macro failed or was cancelled; revert to the previous state
auto &history = ProjectHistory::Get(*proj);
// The added undo state is now vacuous. Remove it (Bug 2759)
auto &undoManager = UndoManager::Get(*proj);
[&]( const UndoStackElem &elem ){
history.PopState( elem.state ); } );
mAbort = false;
// Is tracing enabled?
bool trace;
gPrefs->Read(wxT("/EnableMacroTracing"), &trace, false);
// If so, then block most other messages while running the macro
wxLogLevel prevLevel = wxLog::GetComponentLevel("");
if (trace) {
wxLog::SetComponentLevel("", wxLOG_FatalError);
wxLog::SetComponentLevel(wxLOG_COMPONENT, wxLOG_Info);
size_t i = 0;
for (; i < mCommandMacro.size(); i++) {
const auto &command = mCommandMacro[i];
auto iter = catalog.ByCommandId(command);
const auto friendly = (iter == catalog.end())
// uh oh, using GET to expose an internal name to the user!
// in default of any better friendly name
Verbatim( command.GET() )
: iter->name.Msgid().Stripped();
wxTimeSpan before;
if (trace) {
before = wxTimeSpan(0, 0, 0, wxGetUTCTimeMillis());
bool success = ApplyCommandInBatchMode(friendly, command, mParamsMacro[i]);
if (trace) {
auto after = wxTimeSpan(0, 0, 0, wxGetUTCTimeMillis());
wxLogMessage(wxT("Macro line #%ld took %s : %s:%s"),
i + 1,
(after - before).Format(wxT("%H:%M:%S.%l")),
if (!success || mAbort)
// Restore message level
if (trace) {
wxLog::SetComponentLevel("", prevLevel);
res = (i == mCommandMacro.size());
if (!res)
return false;
if (MacroReentryCount == 1) {
if (proj)
return true;
// AbortBatch() allows a premature terminatation of a batch.
void MacroCommands::AbortBatch()
mAbort = true;
void MacroCommands::AddToMacro(const CommandID &command, int before)
AddToMacro(command, GetCurrentParamsFor(command), before);
void MacroCommands::AddToMacro(const CommandID &command, const wxString &params, int before)
if (before == -1) {
before = (int)mCommandMacro.size();
mCommandMacro.insert(mCommandMacro.begin() + before, command);
mParamsMacro.insert(mParamsMacro.begin() + before, params);
void MacroCommands::DeleteFromMacro(int index)
if (index < 0 || index >= (int)mCommandMacro.size()) {
mCommandMacro.erase( mCommandMacro.begin() + index );
mParamsMacro.erase( mParamsMacro.begin() + index );
void MacroCommands::ResetMacro()
// ReportAndSkip() is a diagnostic function that avoids actually
// applying the requested effect if in batch-debug mode.
bool MacroCommands::ReportAndSkip(
const TranslatableString & friendlyCommand, const wxString & params)
int bDebug;
gPrefs->Read(wxT("/Batch/Debug"), &bDebug, false);
if( bDebug == 0 )
return false;
//TODO: Add a cancel button to these, and add the logic so that we can abort.
if( !params.empty() )
XO("Apply %s with parameter(s)\n\n%s")
.Format( friendlyCommand, params ),
XO("Test Mode"));
XO("Apply %s").Format( friendlyCommand ),
XO("Test Mode"));
return true;
void MacroCommands::MigrateLegacyChains()
static bool done = false;
if (!done) {
// Check once per session at most
// Copy chain files from the old Chains into the new Macros directory,
// but only if like-named files are not already present in Macros.
// Leave the old copies in place, in case a user wants to go back to
// an old Audacity version. They will have their old chains intact, but
// won't have any edits they made to the copy that now lives in Macros
// which old Audacity will not read.
const auto oldDir = FileNames::LegacyChainDir();
FilePaths files;
wxDir::GetAllFiles(oldDir, &files, wxT("*.txt"), wxDIR_FILES);
// add a dummy path component to be overwritten by SetFullName
wxFileName newDir{ FileNames::MacroDir(), wxT("x") };
for (const auto &file : files) {
auto name = wxFileName{file}.GetFullName();
const auto newPath = newDir.GetFullPath();
if (!wxFileExists(newPath))
FileNames::DoCopyFile(file, newPath);
done = true;
// To do: use std::once
wxArrayString MacroCommands::GetNames()
wxArrayString names;
FilePaths files;
wxDir::GetAllFiles(FileNames::MacroDir(), &files, wxT("*.txt"), wxDIR_FILES);
size_t i;
wxFileName ff;
for (i = 0; i < files.size(); i++) {
ff = (files[i]);
std::sort( names.begin(), names.end() );
return names;
bool MacroCommands::IsFixed(const wxString & name)
auto defaults = GetNamesOfDefaultMacros();
if( make_iterator_range( defaults ).contains( name ) )
return true;
return false;
void MacroCommands::Split(const wxString & str, wxString & command, wxString & param)
int splitAt;
if (str.empty()) {
splitAt = str.Find(wxT(':'));
if (splitAt < 0) {
command = str.Mid(0, splitAt);
param = str.Mid(splitAt + 1);
wxString MacroCommands::Join(const wxString & command, const wxString & param)
return command + wxT(": ") + param;