
157 lines
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# Allow user to globally set the library preference
cmd_option( ${_OPT}lib_preference
"Library preference [system (if available), local]"
STRINGS "system" "local"
# Add individual library targets
# Parms:
# dir directory name within the cmake-proxies directory.
# (Doesn't HAVE to match the same directory in lib-src,
# but it usually does.)
# name suffix for the cmake user options
# symbol suffix for the "USE_<symbol>" variable that the Audacity
# target uses to include/exclude functionality.
# required Determines if the library is required or not. If it is,
# the user is not given the option of enabling/disabling it.
# check Determines if local/system checks should be performed here
# or in the subdirectory config.
# packages A list of packages required for this target in pkg-config
# format.
function( addlib dir name symbol required check )
# Extract the list of packages from the function args
list( SUBLIST ARGV 5 -1 packages )
# Define target's name and it's source directory
set( TARGET ${dir} )
set( TARGET_ROOT ${libsrc}/${dir} )
# Define the option name
set( use ${_OPT}use_${name} )
# If we're not checking for system or local here, then let the
# target config handle the rest.
if( NOT check )
add_subdirectory( ${dir} EXCLUDE_FROM_ALL )
# If the target isn't required, allow the user to select which one
# to use or disable it entirely
set( desc "local" )
if( packages )
set( sysopt "system" )
string( PREPEND desc "system (if available), " )
set( default "${${_OPT}lib_preference}" )
set( default "local" )
if( NOT required )
set( reqopt "off" )
string( APPEND desc ", off" )
cmd_option( ${use}
"Use ${name} library [${desc}]"
STRINGS ${sysopt} "local" ${reqopt}
# Bail if the target will not be used
if( ${use} STREQUAL "off" )
message( STATUS "========== ${name} disabled ==========" )
set( USE_${symbol} OFF CACHE INTERNAL "" FORCE )
# Let the Audacity target know that this library will be used
set( USE_${symbol} ON CACHE INTERNAL "" FORCE )
message( STATUS "========== Configuring ${name} ==========" )
# Check for the system package(s) if the user prefers it
if( ${use} STREQUAL "system" )
# Look them up
pkg_check_modules( PKG_${TARGET} ${packages} )
message( STATUS "Using '${name}' system library" )
# Create the target interface library
# Retrieve the package information
get_package_interface( PKG_${TARGET} )
# And add it to our target
target_include_directories( ${TARGET} INTERFACE ${INCLUDES} )
target_link_libraries( ${TARGET} INTERFACE ${LIBRARIES} )
set( ${use} "local" )
set_property( CACHE ${use} PROPERTY VALUE "local" )
# User wants the local package or the system one wasn't found
if( ${use} STREQUAL "local" )
message( STATUS "Using '${name}' local library" )
# Pull in the target config
add_subdirectory( ${dir} EXCLUDE_FROM_ALL )
# Get the list of targets defined by that config
get_property( targets DIRECTORY "${dir}" PROPERTY BUILDSYSTEM_TARGETS )
# Set the folder (for the IDEs) for each one
foreach( target ${targets} )
# Skip interface libraries since they don't have any source to
# present in the IDEs
get_target_property( type "${target}" TYPE )
set_target_properties( ${target} PROPERTIES FOLDER "lib-src" )
# Required libraries
# directory option symbol req chk version
addlib( wxWidgets wxwidgets WX YES NO "" ) # must be first
addlib( expat expat EXPAT YES YES "expat >= 2.1.0" )
addlib( lame lame LAME YES YES "lame >= 3.100" )
addlib( libsndfile sndfile SNDFILE YES YES "sndfile >= 1.0.28" )
addlib( libsoxr soxr SOXR YES YES "soxr >= 0.1.1" )
addlib( portaudio-v19 portaudio PORTAUDIO YES YES "" )
addlib( sqlite sqlite SQLITE YES YES "sqlite3 >= 3.32.0" )
# Optional libraries
# directory option symbol req chk version
addlib( ffmpeg ffmpeg FFMPEG NO NO "libavcodec >= 51.53" "libavformat >= 52.12" "libavutil >= 52.66" )
addlib( libid3tag id3tag LIBID3TAG NO YES "id3tag >= 0.15.1b" )
addlib( libmad mad LIBMAD NO YES "mad >= 0.15.1b" )
addlib( libnyquist nyquist NYQUIST NO YES "" )
addlib( libvamp vamp VAMP NO YES "vamp >= 2.5" "vamp-hostsdk >= 2.5" )
addlib( libogg ogg LIBOGG NO YES "ogg >= 1.3.1" )
addlib( libvorbis vorbis LIBVORBIS NO YES "vorbis >= 1.3.3" "vorbisenc >= 1.3.3" "vorbisfile >= 1.3.3" )
addlib( libflac flac LIBFLAC NO YES "flac >= 1.3.1" "flac++ >= 1.3.1" )
addlib( lv2 lv2 LV2 NO YES "lilv-0 >= 0.24.6" "lv2 >= 1.16.0" "serd-0 >= 0.30.2" "sord-0 >= 0.16.4" "sratom-0 >= 0.6.4" "suil-0 >= 0.10.6" )
addlib( portmidi midi MIDI NO YES "portmidi >= 0.1" )
addlib( portmixer portmixer PORTMIXER NO YES "" )
addlib( portsmf portsmf PORTSMF NO YES "portSMF >= 0.1" )
addlib( libsbsms sbsms SBSMS NO YES "sbsms >= 2.2.0" )
addlib( soundtouch soundtouch SOUNDTOUCH NO YES "soundtouch >= 1.7.1" )
addlib( twolame twolame LIBTWOLAME NO YES "twolame >= 0.3.13" )