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Audacity - A Digital Audio Editor
Copyright 1999-2009 Audacity Team
File License: wxWidgets
Dan Horgan
\file Command.h
\brief Contains declaration of Command base class.
\class CommandExecutionContext
\brief Represents a context to which a command may be applied.
\class Command
\brief Base class which encapsulates a process.
That process may depend on certain parameters (determined by the command's
signature) and may produce output on various channels. Any process which is to
be controlled by a script should be separated out into its own Command class.
(And that class should be registered with the CommandDirectory).
#ifndef __COMMAND__
#define __COMMAND__
#include <wx/app.h>
#include "../Project.h"
#include "CommandMisc.h"
#include "CommandSignature.h"
class AudacityApp;
class CommandOutputTarget;
class CommandExecutionContext
CommandExecutionContext(AudacityApp *WXUNUSED(app), AudacityProject *WXUNUSED(proj))
AudacityApp *GetApp() const
return (AudacityApp *) wxTheApp;
AudacityProject *GetProject() const
// TODO: Presumably, this would be different if running in a command context.
// So, if this command system is ever actually enabled, then this will need to
// be reviewed.
return GetActiveProject();
// Interface
class Command /* not final */
virtual void Progress(double completed) = 0;
virtual void Status(const wxString &message) = 0;
virtual void Error(const wxString &message) = 0;
virtual ~Command() { }
virtual wxString GetName() = 0;
virtual CommandSignature &GetSignature() = 0;
virtual bool SetParameter(const wxString &paramName, const wxVariant &paramValue);
virtual bool Apply(CommandExecutionContext context) = 0;
// Command which wraps another command
class DecoratedCommand /* not final */ : public Command
Command *mCommand;
void Progress(double completed) override;
void Status(const wxString &message) override;
void Error(const wxString &message) override;
DecoratedCommand(Command *cmd)
: mCommand(cmd)
wxASSERT(cmd != NULL);
virtual ~DecoratedCommand();
wxString GetName() override;
CommandSignature &GetSignature() override;
bool SetParameter(const wxString &paramName, const wxVariant &paramValue) override;
// Decorator command that performs the given command and then outputs a status
// message according to the result
class ApplyAndSendResponse final : public DecoratedCommand
ApplyAndSendResponse(Command *cmd)
: DecoratedCommand(cmd)
{ }
bool Apply(CommandExecutionContext context) override;
class CommandImplementation /* not final */ : public Command
CommandType &mType;
ParamValueMap mParams;
/// Using the command signature, looks up a possible parameter value and
/// checks whether it passes the validator.
bool Valid(const wxString &paramName, const wxVariant &paramValue);
CommandOutputTarget *mOutput;
// Convenience methods for allowing subclasses to access parameters
void TypeCheck(const wxString &typeName,
const wxString &paramName,
const wxVariant &param);
void CheckParam(const wxString &paramName);
bool GetBool(const wxString &paramName);
long GetLong(const wxString &paramName);
double GetDouble(const wxString &paramName);
wxString GetString(const wxString &paramName);
// Convenience methods for passing messages to the output target
void Progress(double completed);
void Status(const wxString &status) override;
void Error(const wxString &message) override;
/// Constructor should not be called directly; only by a factory which
/// ensures name and params are set appropriately for the command.
CommandImplementation(CommandType &type,
CommandOutputTarget *output);
virtual ~CommandImplementation();
/// An instance method for getting the command name (for consistency)
wxString GetName();
/// Get the signature of the command
CommandSignature &GetSignature();
/// Attempt to one of the command's parameters to a particular value.
/// (Note: wxVariant is reference counted)
bool SetParameter(const wxString &paramName, const wxVariant &paramValue);
// Subclasses should override the following:
// =========================================
/// Actually carry out the command. Return true if successful and false
/// otherwise.
bool Apply(CommandExecutionContext context) override;
#endif /* End of include guard: __COMMAND__ */