James Crook 9985b8a9b8 Fix Big Time TimerToolBar, Stage III
Fixed issue where format selector could disappear.
Fixed upgrade from 2.3.3.
Remembers time format.
2020-02-14 12:02:21 +00:00

1534 lines
41 KiB

Audacity: A Digital Audio Editor
Dominic Mazzoni
Shane T. Mueller
Leland Lucius
See ToolManager.h for details.
\file ToolManager.cpp
Implements ToolManager
\class ToolManager
\brief Manages the ToolDocks and handles the dragging, floating, and
docking of ToolBars.
#include "../Audacity.h"
#include "ToolManager.h"
#include "../Experimental.h"
// For compilers that support precompilation, includes "wx/wx.h".
#include <wx/wxprec.h>
#ifndef WX_PRECOMP
#include <wx/app.h>
#include <wx/dcclient.h>
#include <wx/defs.h>
#include <wx/event.h>
#include <wx/frame.h>
#include <wx/gdicmn.h>
#include <wx/intl.h>
#include <wx/region.h>
#include <wx/settings.h>
#include <wx/sizer.h>
#include <wx/sysopt.h>
#include <wx/timer.h>
#include <wx/utils.h>
#include <wx/window.h>
#endif /* */
#include <wx/minifram.h>
#include <wx/popupwin.h>
#include "../AColor.h"
#include "../AllThemeResources.h"
#include "../ImageManipulation.h"
#include "../Prefs.h"
#include "../Project.h"
#include "../widgets/AButton.h"
#include "../widgets/ASlider.h"
#include "../widgets/MeterPanelBase.h"
#include "../widgets/Grabber.h"
/// Methods for ToolFrame
#define sizerW 11
// Constructor
( AudacityProject *parent, ToolManager *manager, ToolBar *bar, wxPoint pos )
: wxFrame( FindProjectFrame( parent ),
#if !defined(__WXMAC__) // bug1358
, mParent{ parent }
int width = bar->GetSize().x;
int border;
// OSX doesn't need a border, but Windows and Linux do
border = 1;
#if defined(__WXMAC__)
border = 0;
// WXMAC doesn't support wxFRAME_FLOAT_ON_PARENT, so we do
// LL: I've commented this out because if you have, for instance, the meter
// toolbar undocked and large and then you open a dialog like an effect,
// the dialog may appear behind the dialog and you can't move either one.
// However, I'm leaving it here because I don't remember why I'd included
// it in the first place.
// SetWindowClass((WindowRef)d.MacGetWindowRef(), kFloatingWindowClass);
// Save parameters
mManager = manager;
mBar = bar;
// Transfer the bar to the ferry
// We use a sizer to maintain proper spacing
auto s = std::make_unique<wxBoxSizer>(wxHORIZONTAL);
// Add the bar to the sizer
s->Add(bar, 1, wxEXPAND | wxALL, border);
// Add space for the resize grabber
if (bar->IsResizable())
s->Add(sizerW, 1);
width += sizerW;
SetSize(width + 2 * ToolBarFloatMargin,
bar->GetDockedSize().y + 2 * ToolBarFloatMargin);
// Attach the sizer and resize the window to fit
// Inform toolbar of change
bar->SetDocked( NULL, true );
// Make sure resizable floaters don't get any smaller than initial size
if( bar->IsResizable() )
// Calc the minimum size of the frame
mMinSize = bar->GetMinSize() + ( GetSize() - bar->GetSize() );
void ToolFrame::OnGrabber( GrabberEvent & event )
// Pass it on to the manager since it isn't in the handling hierarchy
mManager->ProcessEvent( event );
// The current size determines the min size for resizing...
// the 'lock in' is at that aspect ratio.
void ToolFrame::LockInMinSize(ToolBar * pBar)
mBar = pBar;
wxSize sz = mBar->GetSize();
SetClientSize( sz );
int yDesiredMin = 26;
int y = sz.GetHeight();
if (y > yDesiredMin) {
sz.SetWidth((sz.GetWidth() * yDesiredMin) / y);
sz.SetHeight( yDesiredMin );
mMinSize = sz -wxSize( 10, 0);
void ToolFrame::OnToolBarUpdate( wxCommandEvent & event )
// Resize floater window to exactly contain toolbar
// use actual size rather than minimum size.
if (mBar)
mBar->GetParent()->SetClientSize( mBar->GetSize() );// ->GetMinSize() );
// Allow it to propagate to our parent
void ToolFrame::OnPaint( wxPaintEvent & WXUNUSED(event) )
wxPaintDC dc( this );
wxSize sz = GetSize();
wxRect r;
dc.SetPen( theTheme.Colour( clrTrackPanelText) );
#if !defined(__WXMAC__)
wxBrush clearer( theTheme.Colour( clrMedium ));
dc.SetBackground( clearer );
dc.SetBrush( *wxTRANSPARENT_BRUSH );
dc.DrawRectangle( 0, 0, sz.GetWidth(), sz.GetHeight() );
if( mBar && mBar->IsResizable() )
r.x = sz.x - sizerW - 2,
r.y = sz.y - sizerW - 2;
r.width = sizerW + 2;
r.height = sizerW + 2;
AColor::Line(dc, r.GetLeft(), r.GetBottom(), r.GetRight(), r.GetTop() );
AColor::Line(dc, r.GetLeft() + 3, r.GetBottom(), r.GetRight(), r.GetTop() + 3 );
AColor::Line(dc, r.GetLeft() + 6, r.GetBottom(), r.GetRight(), r.GetTop() + 6 );
AColor::Line(dc, r.GetLeft() + 9, r.GetBottom(), r.GetRight(), r.GetTop() + 9 );
void ToolFrame::OnMotion( wxMouseEvent & event )
// Don't do anything if we're docked or not resizeable
if( !mBar || mBar->IsDocked() || !mBar->IsResizable() )
// Retrieve the mouse position
wxPoint pos = ClientToScreen( event.GetPosition() );
if( HasCapture() && event.Dragging() )
wxRect rect = GetRect();
rect.SetBottomRight( pos );
if( rect.width < mMinSize.x )
rect.width = mMinSize.x;
if( rect.height < mMinSize.y )
rect.height = mMinSize.y;
Resize( rect.GetSize() );
else if( HasCapture() && event.LeftUp() )
else if( !HasCapture() )
wxRect rect = GetRect();
wxRect r;
r.x = rect.GetRight() - sizerW - 2,
r.y = rect.GetBottom() - sizerW - 2;
r.width = sizerW + 2;
r.height = sizerW + 2;
// Is left click within resize grabber?
if( r.Contains( pos ) && !event.Leaving() )
mOrigSize = GetSize();
if( event.LeftDown() )
SetCursor( wxCURSOR_ARROW );
void ToolFrame::OnCaptureLost( wxMouseCaptureLostEvent & WXUNUSED(event) )
if( HasCapture() )
void ToolFrame::OnClose( wxCloseEvent & event )
void ToolFrame::OnKeyDown( wxKeyEvent &event )
if( HasCapture() && event.GetKeyCode() == WXK_ESCAPE ) {
Resize( mOrigSize );
void ToolFrame::Resize( const wxSize &size )
SetMinSize( size );
SetSize( size );
Refresh( false );
IMPLEMENT_CLASS( ToolFrame, wxFrame );
BEGIN_EVENT_TABLE( ToolFrame, wxFrame )
EVT_GRABBER( wxID_ANY, ToolFrame::OnGrabber )
EVT_PAINT( ToolFrame::OnPaint )
EVT_MOUSE_EVENTS( ToolFrame::OnMotion )
EVT_MOUSE_CAPTURE_LOST( ToolFrame::OnCaptureLost )
EVT_CLOSE( ToolFrame::OnClose )
EVT_KEY_DOWN( ToolFrame::OnKeyDown )
IMPLEMENT_CLASS( ToolManager, wxEvtHandler );
/// Methods for ToolManager
BEGIN_EVENT_TABLE( ToolManager, wxEvtHandler )
EVT_GRABBER( wxID_ANY, ToolManager::OnGrabber )
EVT_TIMER( wxID_ANY, ToolManager::OnTimer )
static ToolManager::GetTopPanelHook &getTopPanelHook()
static ToolManager::GetTopPanelHook theHook;
return theHook;
auto ToolManager::SetGetTopPanelHook( const GetTopPanelHook &hook )
-> GetTopPanelHook
auto &theHook = getTopPanelHook();
auto result = theHook;
theHook = hook;
return result;
static const AudacityProject::AttachedObjects::RegisteredFactory key{
[]( AudacityProject &parent ){
auto &window = GetProjectFrame( parent );
return std::make_shared< ToolManager >(
&parent, getTopPanelHook()( window ) ); }
ToolManager &ToolManager::Get( AudacityProject &project )
return project.AttachedObjects::Get< ToolManager >( key );
const ToolManager &ToolManager::Get( const AudacityProject &project )
return Get( const_cast< AudacityProject & >( project ) );
// Constructor
ToolManager::ToolManager( AudacityProject *parent, wxWindow *topDockParent )
: wxEvtHandler()
if ( !topDockParent )
auto &window = GetProjectFrame( *parent );
wxPoint pt[ 3 ];
#if defined(__WXMAC__)
// Save original transition
mTransition = wxSystemOptions::GetOptionInt( wxMAC_WINDOW_PLAIN_TRANSITION );
// Initialize everything
mParent = parent;
mLastPos.x = mBarPos.x = -1;
mLastPos.y = mBarPos.y = -1;
mDragWindow = NULL;
mDragDock = NULL;
mDragBar = NULL;
// Create the down arrow
pt[ 0 ].x = 0;
pt[ 0 ].y = 0;
pt[ 1 ].x = 9;
pt[ 1 ].y = 9;
pt[ 2 ].x = 18;
pt[ 2 ].y = 0;
// Create the shaped region
mDown = std::make_unique<wxRegion>( 3, &pt[0] );
// Create the down arrow
pt[ 0 ].x = 9;
pt[ 0 ].y = 0;
pt[ 1 ].x = 0;
pt[ 1 ].y = 9;
pt[ 2 ].x = 9;
pt[ 2 ].y = 18;
// Create the shaped region
mLeft = std::make_unique<wxRegion>( 3, &pt[0] );
// Create the indicator frame
// parent is null but FramePtr ensures destruction
mIndicator = FramePtr{ safenew wxFrame( NULL,
wxSize( 32, 32 ),
// Hook the creation event...only needed on GTK, but doesn't hurt for all
mIndicator->Bind( wxEVT_CREATE,
this );
// Hook the paint event...needed for all
mIndicator->Bind( wxEVT_PAINT,
this );
// It's a little shy
// Hook the parents mouse events...using the parent helps greatly
// under GTK
window.Bind( wxEVT_LEFT_UP,
this );
window.Bind( wxEVT_MOTION,
this );
this );
// Create the top and bottom docks
mTopDock = safenew ToolDock( this, topDockParent, TopDockID );
mBotDock = safenew ToolDock( this, &window, BotDockID );
// Create all of the toolbars
// All have the project as parent window
size_t ii = 0;
for (const auto &factory : RegisteredToolbarFactory::GetFactories()) {
if (factory) {
mBars[ii] = factory( *parent );
wxASSERT( false );
// We own the timer
mTimer.SetOwner( this );
// Process the toolbar config settings
// Destructor
void ToolManager::Destroy()
if ( mTopDock || mBotDock ) { // destroy at most once
// Save the toolbar states
// This function causes the toolbars to be destroyed, so
// clear the configuration of the ToolDocks which refer to
// these toolbars. This change was needed to stop Audacity
// crashing when running with Jaws on Windows 10 1703.
mTopDock = mBotDock = nullptr; // indicate that it has been destroyed
for ( size_t ii = 0; ii < ToolBarCount; ++ii )
// This table describes the default configuration of the toolbars as
// a "tree" and must be kept in pre-order traversal.
// In fact this tree is more of a broom -- nothing properly branches except
// at the root.
// "Root" corresponds to left edge of the main window, and successive siblings
// go from top to bottom. But in practice layout may wrap this abstract
// configuration if the window size is narrow.
static struct DefaultConfigEntry {
int barID;
int rightOf; // parent
int below; // preceding sibling
} DefaultConfigTable [] = {
// Top dock row, may wrap
{ TransportBarID, NoBarID, NoBarID },
{ ToolsBarID, TransportBarID, NoBarID },
{ RecordMeterBarID, ToolsBarID, NoBarID },
{ PlayMeterBarID, RecordMeterBarID, NoBarID },
{ MixerBarID, PlayMeterBarID, NoBarID },
{ EditBarID, MixerBarID, NoBarID },
// DA: Transcription Toolbar not docked, by default.
{ TranscriptionBarID, NoBarID, NoBarID },
{ TranscriptionBarID, EditBarID, NoBarID },
// start another top dock row
{ ScrubbingBarID, NoBarID, TransportBarID },
{ DeviceBarID, ScrubbingBarID, TransportBarID },
// Hidden by default in top dock
{ MeterBarID, NoBarID, NoBarID },
// Bottom dock
{ SelectionBarID, NoBarID, NoBarID },
{ TimeBarID, SelectionBarID, NoBarID },
// Hidden by default in bottom dock
{ SpectralSelectionBarID, NoBarID, NoBarID },
void ToolManager::Reset()
// Disconnect all docked bars
for ( const auto &entry : DefaultConfigTable )
int ndx = entry.barID;
ToolBar *bar = mBars[ ndx ].get();
ToolBarConfiguration::Position position {
(entry.rightOf == NoBarID) ? nullptr : mBars[ entry.rightOf ].get(),
(entry.below == NoBarID) ? nullptr : mBars[ entry.below ].get()
bar->SetSize( 20,20 );
wxWindow *floater;
ToolDock *dock;
bool expose = true;
// Disconnect the bar
if( bar->IsDocked() )
bar->GetDock()->Undock( bar );
floater = NULL;
floater = bar->GetParent();
// Decide which dock.
if (ndx == SelectionBarID
|| ndx == SpectralSelectionBarID
|| ndx == TimeBarID
dock = mBotDock;
dock = mTopDock;
// PRL: Destroy the tool frame before recreating buttons.
// This fixes some subtle sizing problems on macOs.
bar->Reparent( dock );
//OK (and good) to DELETE floater, as bar is no longer in it.
if( floater )
// Recreate bar buttons (and resize it)
#if 0
if( bar->IsResizable() )
// Hide some bars.
if( ndx == MeterBarID
|| ndx == SpectralSelectionBarID
|| ndx == ScrubbingBarID
// DA: Hides three more toolbars.
|| ndx == DeviceBarID
|| ndx == TranscriptionBarID
|| ndx == SelectionBarID
expose = false;
// Next condition will alwys (?) be true, as the reset configuration is
// with no floating toolbars.
if( dock != NULL )
// when we dock, we reparent, so bar is no longer a child of floater.
dock->Dock( bar, false, position );
Expose( ndx, expose );
// The (tool)bar has a dragger window round it, the floater.
// in turn floater will have mParent (the entire App) as its
// parent.
// Maybe construct a NEW floater
// this happens if we have just been bounced out of a dock.
if( floater == NULL ) {
floater = safenew ToolFrame( mParent, this, bar, wxPoint(-1,-1) );
bar->Reparent( floater );
// This bar is undocked and invisible.
// We are doing a reset toolbars, so even the invisible undocked bars should
// be moved somewhere sensible. Put bar near center of window.
// If there were multiple hidden toobars the ndx * 10 adjustment means
// they won't overlap too much.
floater->CentreOnParent( );
floater->Move( floater->GetPosition() + wxSize( ndx * 10 - 200, ndx * 10 ));
bar->SetDocked( NULL, false );
Expose( ndx, false );
// TODO:??
// If audio was playing, we stopped the VU meters,
// It would be nice to show them again, but hardly essential as
// they will show up again on the next play.
// SetVUMeters(AudacityProject *p);
void ToolManager::RegenerateTooltips()
for (const auto &bar : mBars) {
if (bar)
int ToolManager::FilterEvent(wxEvent &event)
// Snoop the global event stream for changes of focused window. Remember
// the last one of our own that is not a grabber.
if (event.GetEventType() == wxEVT_KILL_FOCUS) {
auto &focusEvent = static_cast<wxFocusEvent&>(event);
auto window = focusEvent.GetWindow();
auto top = wxGetTopLevelParent(window);
if(auto toolFrame = dynamic_cast<ToolFrame*>(top))
top = toolFrame->GetParent();
// window is that which will GET the focus
if ( window &&
!dynamic_cast<Grabber*>( window ) &&
!dynamic_cast<ToolFrame*>( window ) &&
top == FindProjectFrame( mParent ) )
// Note this is a dangle-proof wxWindowRef:
mLastFocus = window;
return Event_Skip;
// Read the toolbar states
void ToolManager::ReadConfig()
wxString oldpath = gPrefs->GetPath();
std::vector<int> unordered[ DockCount ];
std::vector<ToolBar*> dockedAndHidden;
bool show[ ToolBarCount ];
int width[ ToolBarCount ];
int height[ ToolBarCount ];
int x, y;
int dock, ndx;
bool someFound { false };
#if defined(__WXMAC__)
// Disable window animation
wxSystemOptions::SetOption( wxMAC_WINDOW_PLAIN_TRANSITION, 1 );
// Change to the bar root
gPrefs->SetPath( wxT("/GUI/ToolBars") );
ToolBarConfiguration::Legacy topLegacy, botLegacy;
int vMajor, vMinor, vMicro;
gPrefs->GetVersionKeysInit(vMajor, vMinor, vMicro);
bool useLegacyDock = false;
// note that vMajor, vMinor, and vMicro will all be zero if either it's a new audacity.cfg file
// or the version is less than 1.3.13 (when there were no version keys according to the comments in
// InitPreferences()). So for new audacity.cfg
// file useLegacyDock will be true, but this doesn't matter as there are no Dock or DockV2 keys in the file yet.
if (vMajor <= 1 ||
(vMajor == 2 && (vMinor <= 1 || (vMinor == 2 && vMicro <= 1)))) // version <= 2.2.1
useLegacyDock = true;
// Load and apply settings for each bar
for( ndx = 0; ndx < ToolBarCount; ndx++ )
ToolBar *bar = mBars[ ndx ].get();
//wxPoint Center = mParent->GetPosition() + (mParent->GetSize() * 0.33);
//wxPoint Center(
// wxSystemSettings::GetMetric( wxSYS_SCREEN_X ) /2 ,
// wxSystemSettings::GetMetric( wxSYS_SCREEN_Y ) /2 );
// Change to the bar subkey
gPrefs->SetPath( bar->GetSection() );
bool bShownByDefault = true;
int defaultDock = TopDockID;
if( ndx == SelectionBarID )
defaultDock = BotDockID;
if( ndx == MeterBarID )
bShownByDefault = false;
if( ndx == ScrubbingBarID )
bShownByDefault = false;
if( ndx == TimeBarID )
defaultDock = BotDockID;
if( ndx == SpectralSelectionBarID ){
defaultDock = BotDockID;
bShownByDefault = false; // Only show if asked for.
// Read in all the settings
if (useLegacyDock)
gPrefs->Read( wxT("Dock"), &dock, -1); // legacy version of DockV2
gPrefs->Read( wxT("DockV2"), &dock, -1);
const bool found = (dock != -1);
if (found)
someFound = true;
if (!found)
dock = defaultDock;
ToolDock *d;
ToolBarConfiguration::Legacy *pLegacy;
case TopDockID: d = mTopDock; pLegacy = &topLegacy; break;
case BotDockID: d = mBotDock; pLegacy = &botLegacy; break;
default: d = nullptr; pLegacy = nullptr; break;
bool ordered = ToolBarConfiguration::Read(
d ? &d->GetConfiguration() : nullptr,
bar, show[ ndx ], bShownByDefault)
&& found;
gPrefs->Read( wxT("X"), &x, -1 );
gPrefs->Read( wxT("Y"), &y, -1 );
gPrefs->Read( wxT("W"), &width[ ndx ], -1 );
gPrefs->Read( wxT("H"), &height[ ndx ], -1 );
bar->SetVisible( show[ ndx ] );
// Docked or floating?
if( dock )
// Default to top dock if the ID isn't valid
if( dock < NoDockID || dock > DockCount ) {
dock = TopDockID;
// Create the bar with the correct parent
if( dock == TopDockID )
bar->Create( mTopDock );
bar->Create( mBotDock );
// Set the width and height
if( width[ ndx ] != -1 && height[ ndx ] != -1 )
wxSize sz( width[ ndx ], height[ ndx ] );
bar->SetSize( sz );
// Set the width
if( width[ ndx ] >= bar->GetSize().x )
wxSize sz( width[ ndx ], bar->GetSize().y );
bar->SetSize( sz );
// note that this section is here because if you had been using sync-lock and now you aren't,
// the space for the extra button is stored in audacity.cfg, and so you get an extra space
// in the EditToolbar.
// It is needed so that the meterToolbar size gets preserved.
// Longer-term we should find a better fix for this.
wxString thisBar = bar->GetSection();
if( thisBar != wxT("Edit"))
// Set the width
if( width[ ndx ] >= bar->GetSize().x )
wxSize sz( width[ ndx ], bar->GetSize().y );
bar->SetSize( sz );
// make a note of docked and hidden toolbars
if (!show[ndx])
if (!ordered)
// These must go at the end
unordered[ dock - 1 ].push_back( ndx );
// Create the bar (with the top dock being temporary parent)
bar->Create( mTopDock );
// Construct a NEW floater
ToolFrame *f = safenew ToolFrame( mParent, this, bar, wxPoint( x, y ) );
// Set the width and height
if( width[ ndx ] != -1 && height[ ndx ] != -1 )
wxSize sz( width[ ndx ], height[ ndx ] );
f->SetSizeHints( sz );
f->SetSize( sz );
if( (x!=-1) && (y!=-1) )
// Required on Linux Xfce
wxSize msz(width[ndx],height[ndx]-1);
// Inform toolbar of change
bar->SetDocked( NULL, false );
// Show or hide it
Expose( ndx, show[ ndx ] );
// Change back to the bar root
//gPrefs->SetPath( wxT("..") ); <-- Causes a warning...
// May or may not have gone into a subdirectory,
// so use an absolute path.
gPrefs->SetPath( wxT("/GUI/ToolBars") );
// Add all toolbars to their target dock
for( dock = 0; dock < DockCount; dock++ )
ToolDock *d = ( dock + 1 == TopDockID ? mTopDock : mBotDock );
// Add all unordered toolbars
for( int ord = 0; ord < (int) unordered[ dock ].size(); ord++ )
ToolBar *t = mBars[ unordered[ dock ][ ord ] ].get();
// Dock it
d->Dock( t, false );
// Show or hide the bar
Expose( t->GetId(), show[ t->GetId() ] );
// hidden docked toolbars
for (auto bar : dockedAndHidden) {
bar->SetVisible(false );
bar->GetDock()->Dock(bar, false);
// Restore original config path
gPrefs->SetPath( oldpath );
#if defined(__WXMAC__)
// Reinstate original transition
wxSystemOptions::SetOption( wxMAC_WINDOW_PLAIN_TRANSITION, mTransition );
if (!someFound)
// Save the toolbar states
void ToolManager::WriteConfig()
if( !gPrefs )
wxString oldpath = gPrefs->GetPath();
int ndx;
// Change to the bar root
gPrefs->SetPath( wxT("/GUI/ToolBars") );
// Save state of each bar
for( ndx = 0; ndx < ToolBarCount; ndx++ )
ToolBar *bar = mBars[ ndx ].get();
// Change to the bar subkey
gPrefs->SetPath( bar->GetSection() );
// Search both docks for toolbar order
bool to = mTopDock->GetConfiguration().Contains( bar );
bool bo = mBotDock->GetConfiguration().Contains( bar );
// Save
// Note that DockV2 was introduced in 2.2.2 to fix bug #1554. Dock is retained so that
// the toolbar layout is not changed when opening a version before 2.2.2, and in particular
// its value is compatible with versions 2.1.3 to 2.2.1 which have this bug.
ToolDock* dock = bar->GetDock(); // dock for both shown and hidden toolbars
gPrefs->Write( wxT("DockV2"), static_cast<int>(dock == mTopDock ? TopDockID : dock == mBotDock ? BotDockID : NoDockID ));
gPrefs->Write( wxT("Dock"), static_cast<int>( to ? TopDockID : bo ? BotDockID : NoDockID));
dock = to ? mTopDock : bo ? mBotDock : nullptr; // dock for shown toolbars
(dock ? &dock->GetConfiguration() : nullptr, bar);
wxPoint pos( -1, -1 );
wxSize sz = bar->GetSize();
if( !bar->IsDocked() && bar->IsPositioned() )
pos = bar->GetParent()->GetPosition();
sz = bar->GetParent()->GetSize();
gPrefs->Write( wxT("X"), pos.x );
gPrefs->Write( wxT("Y"), pos.y );
gPrefs->Write( wxT("W"), sz.x );
gPrefs->Write( wxT("H"), sz.y );
// Change back to the bar root
gPrefs->SetPath( wxT("..") );
// Restore original config path
gPrefs->SetPath( oldpath );
// Return a pointer to the specified toolbar
ToolBar *ToolManager::GetToolBar( int type ) const
return mBars[ type ].get();
// Return a pointer to the top dock
ToolDock *ToolManager::GetTopDock()
return mTopDock;
const ToolDock *ToolManager::GetTopDock() const
return mTopDock;
// Return a pointer to the bottom dock
ToolDock *ToolManager::GetBotDock()
return mBotDock;
const ToolDock *ToolManager::GetBotDock() const
return mBotDock;
// Queues an EVT_TOOLBAR_UPDATED command event to notify any
// interest parties of an updated toolbar or dock layout
void ToolManager::Updated()
// Queue an update event
wxCommandEvent e( EVT_TOOLBAR_UPDATED );
GetProjectFrame( *mParent ).GetEventHandler()->AddPendingEvent( e );
// Return docked state of specified toolbar
bool ToolManager::IsDocked( int type )
return mBars[ type ]->IsDocked();
// Returns the visibility of the specified toolbar
bool ToolManager::IsVisible( int type )
ToolBar *t = mBars[ type ].get();
return t && t->IsVisible();
#if 0
// If toolbar is floating
if( !t->IsDocked() )
// Must return state of floater window
return t->GetParent()->IsShown();
// Return state of docked toolbar
return t->IsShown();
// Toggles the visible/hidden state of a toolbar
void ToolManager::ShowHide( int type )
Expose( type, !mBars[ type ]->IsVisible() );
// Set the visible/hidden state of a toolbar
void ToolManager::Expose( int type, bool show )
ToolBar *t = mBars[ type ].get();
// Handle docked and floaters differently
if( t->IsDocked() )
t->GetDock()->Expose( type, show );
t->Expose( show );
// Ask both docks to (re)layout their bars
void ToolManager::LayoutToolBars()
// Update the layout
// Handle toolbar dragging
void ToolManager::OnMouse( wxMouseEvent & event )
// Go ahead and set the event to propagate
// Can't do anything if we're not dragging. This also prevents
// us from intercepting events that don't belong to us from the
// parent since we're Connect()ed to a couple.
if( !mClicked )
#if defined(__WXMAC__)
// Disable window animation
wxSystemOptions::SetOption( wxMAC_WINDOW_PLAIN_TRANSITION, 1 );
// Retrieve the event position
wxPoint pos =
( (wxWindow *)event.GetEventObject() )->ClientToScreen( event.GetPosition() ) - mDragOffset;
if( !event.LeftIsDown() )
// Button was released...finish the drag
// Transition the bar to a dock
if (!mDidDrag) {
if (mPrevDock)
else if( mDragDock && !event.ShiftDown() )
// Trip over...everyone ashore that's going ashore...
mDragDock->Dock( mDragBar, true, mDragBefore );
// Done with the floater
mDragWindow = nullptr;
// Calling SetDocked() to force the grabber button to popup
mDragBar->SetDocked( NULL, false );
else if( event.Dragging() && pos != mLastPos )
if (!mDidDrag) {
// Must set the bar afloat if it's currently docked
mDidDrag = true;
wxPoint mp = event.GetPosition();
mp = GetProjectFrame( *mParent ).ClientToScreen(mp);
if (!mDragWindow) {
// We no longer have control
if (mPrevDock)
mPrevDock->GetConfiguration().Remove( mDragBar );
// Make toolbar follow the mouse
mDragWindow->Move( pos );
// Remember to prevent excessive movement
mLastPos = pos;
// Calc the top dock hittest rectangle
wxRect tr = mTopDock->GetRect();
tr.SetBottom( tr.GetBottom() + 10 );
tr.SetPosition( mTopDock->GetParent()->ClientToScreen( tr.GetPosition() ) );
// Calc the bottom dock hittest rectangle
wxRect br = mBotDock->GetRect();
br.SetTop( br.GetTop() - 10 );
br.SetBottom( br.GetBottom() + 20 );
br.SetPosition( mBotDock->GetParent()->ClientToScreen( br.GetPosition() ) );
// Add half the bar height. We could use the actual bar height, but that would be confusing as a
// bar removed at a place might not dock back there if just let go.
// Also add 5 pixels in horizontal direction, so that a click without a move (or a very small move)
// lands back where we started.
pos += wxPoint( 5, 20 );
// To find which dock, rather than test against pos, test against the whole dragger rect.
// This means it is enough to overlap the dock to dock with it.
wxRect barRect = mDragWindow->GetRect();
ToolDock *dock = NULL;
if( tr.Intersects( barRect ) )
dock = mTopDock;
else if( br.Intersects( barRect ) )
dock = mBotDock;
// Looks like we have a winner...
if( dock )
wxPoint p;
wxRect r;
// Calculate where the bar would be placed
mDragBefore = dock->PositionBar( mDragBar, pos, r );
// If different than the last time, the indicator must be moved
if( r != mBarPos )
wxRect dr = dock->GetRect();
// Hide the indicator before changing the shape
// Decide which direction the arrow should point
if( r.GetTop() >= dr.GetHeight() )
const auto &box = mDown->GetBox();
p.x = dr.GetLeft() + ( dr.GetWidth() / 2 )
- (box.GetWidth() / 2);
p.y = dr.GetBottom() - box.GetHeight();
mCurrent = mDown.get();
p.x = dr.GetLeft() + r.GetLeft();
p.y = dr.GetTop() + r.GetTop() +
( ( r.GetHeight() - mLeft->GetBox().GetHeight() ) / 2 );
mCurrent = mLeft.get();
// Change the shape while hidden and then show it if okay
mIndicator->SetShape( *mCurrent );
if( !event.ShiftDown() )
// Move it into position
// LL: Do this after the Show() since KDE doesn't move the window
// if it's not shown. (Do it outside if the previous IF as well)
mIndicator->Move( dock->GetParent()->ClientToScreen( p ) );
// Remember for next go round
mBarPos = r;
// Hide the indicator if it's still shown
if( mBarPos.x != -1 )
// Hide any
mBarPos.x = -1;
mBarPos.y = -1;
// Remember to which dock the drag bar belongs.
mDragDock = dock;
#if defined(__WXMAC__)
// Reinstate original transition
wxSystemOptions::SetOption( wxMAC_WINDOW_PLAIN_TRANSITION, mTransition );
// Deal with NEW capture lost event
void ToolManager::OnCaptureLost( wxMouseCaptureLostEvent & event )
// Can't do anything if we're not dragging. This also prevents
// us from intercepting events that don't belong to us from the
// parent since we're Connect()ed to a couple.
if( !mDragWindow )
// Simulate button up
wxMouseEvent e(wxEVT_LEFT_UP);
// Watch for shift key changes
void ToolManager::OnTimer( wxTimerEvent & event )
// Go ahead and set the event to propagate
// Can't do anything if we're not dragging. This also prevents
// us from intercepting events that don't belong to us from the
// parent since we're Connect()ed to a couple.
if( !mDragWindow )
bool state = wxGetKeyState( WXK_SHIFT );
if( mLastState != state )
mLastState = state;
#if defined(__WXMAC__)
// Disable window animation
wxSystemOptions::SetOption( wxMAC_WINDOW_PLAIN_TRANSITION, 1 );
mIndicator->Show( !state );
#if defined(__WXMAC__)
// Disable window animation
wxSystemOptions::SetOption( wxMAC_WINDOW_PLAIN_TRANSITION, mTransition );
// Handle Indicator paint events
// Really only needed for the Mac since SetBackgroundColour()
// doesn't seem to work with shaped frames.
void ToolManager::OnIndicatorPaint( wxPaintEvent & event )
// TODO: Better to use a bitmap than a triangular region.
wxWindow *w = (wxWindow *)event.GetEventObject();
wxPaintDC dc( w );
// TODO: Better (faster) to use the existing spare brush.
wxBrush brush( theTheme.Colour( clrTrackPanelText ) );
dc.SetBackground( brush );
// Handle Indicator creation event
// Without this, the initial Indicator window will be a solid blue square
// until the next time it changes.
void ToolManager::OnIndicatorCreate( wxWindowCreateEvent & event )
#if defined(__WXGTK__)
mIndicator->SetShape( *mCurrent );
void ToolManager::UndockBar( wxPoint mp )
#if defined(__WXMAC__)
// Disable window animation
wxSystemOptions::SetOption( wxMAC_WINDOW_PLAIN_TRANSITION, 1 );
// Adjust the starting position
mp -= mDragOffset;
// Inform toolbar of change
mDragBar->SetDocked( NULL, true );
// Construct a NEW floater
mDragWindow = safenew ToolFrame( mParent, this, mDragBar, mp );
// Make sure the ferry is visible
// Notify parent of change
#if defined(__WXMAC__)
// Reinstate original transition
wxSystemOptions::SetOption( wxMAC_WINDOW_PLAIN_TRANSITION, mTransition );
// Transition a toolbar from float to dragging
void ToolManager::OnGrabber( GrabberEvent & event )
// No need to propagate any further
event.Skip( false );
return HandleEscapeKey();
// Remember which bar we're dragging
mDragBar = mBars[ event.GetId() ].get();
// Remember state, in case of ESCape key later
if (mDragBar->IsDocked()) {
mPrevDock = dynamic_cast<ToolDock*>(mDragBar->GetParent());
mPrevSlot = mPrevDock->GetConfiguration().Find(mDragBar);
mPrevPosition = mDragBar->GetParent()->GetPosition();
// Calculate the drag offset
wxPoint mp = event.GetPosition();
mDragOffset = mp -
mDragBar->GetParent()->ClientToScreen( mDragBar->GetPosition() ) +
wxPoint( 1, 1 );
mClicked = true;
if( mPrevDock )
mDragWindow = nullptr;
mDragWindow = (ToolFrame *) mDragBar->GetParent();
// We want all mouse events from this point on
auto &window = GetProjectFrame( *mParent );
if( !window.HasCapture() )
// Start monitoring shift key changes
mLastState = wxGetKeyState( WXK_SHIFT );
mTimer.Start( 100 );
void ToolManager::HandleEscapeKey()
if (mDragBar) {
if(mPrevDock) {
// Sheriff John Stone,
// Why don't you leave me alone?
// Well, I feel so break up
// I want to go home.
mPrevDock->Dock( mDragBar, true, mPrevSlot );
// Done with the floater
mDragWindow = nullptr;
else {
// Floater remains, and returns to where it begain
auto parent = mDragBar->GetParent();
mDragBar->SetDocked(NULL, false);
void ToolManager::DoneDragging()
// Done dragging
// Release capture
auto &window = GetProjectFrame( *mParent );
if( window.HasCapture() )
// Hide the indicator
mDragWindow = NULL;
mDragDock = NULL;
mDragBar = NULL;
mPrevDock = NULL;
mPrevSlot = { ToolBarConfiguration::UnspecifiedPosition };
mLastPos.x = mBarPos.x = -1;
mLastPos.y = mBarPos.y = -1;
mDidDrag = false;
mClicked = false;
bool ToolManager::RestoreFocus()
if (mLastFocus) {
auto temp1 = AButton::TemporarilyAllowFocus();
auto temp2 = ASlider::TemporarilyAllowFocus();
auto temp3 = MeterPanelBase::TemporarilyAllowFocus();
return true;
return false;