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Audacity: A Digital Audio Editor
Dominic Mazzoni
Use the PortAudio library to play and record sound
#include "portaudio.h"
#include "Audacity.h"
#include "Experimental.h"
#ifdef USE_MIDI
#include "portmidi.h"
#include "porttime.h"
#include "allegro.h"
#endif // USE_MIDI
#include "portmixer.h"
#include <wx/event.h>
#include <wx/string.h>
#include <wx/thread.h>
#include "SampleFormat.h"
class AudioIO;
class RingBuffer;
class Mixer;
class Resample;
class TimeTrack;
class AudioThread;
class Meter;
class SelectedRegion;
class TimeTrack;
class wxDialog;
class AudacityProject;
class WaveTrackArray;
extern AUDACITY_DLL_API AudioIO *gAudioIO;
void InitAudioIO();
void DeinitAudioIO();
wxString DeviceName(const PaDeviceInfo* info);
wxString HostName(const PaDeviceInfo* info);
bool ValidateDeviceNames();
class AudioIOListener;
#define BAD_STREAM_TIME -1000000000.0
// To avoid growing the argument list of StartStream, add fields here
struct AudioIOStartStreamOptions
: timeTrack(NULL)
, listener(NULL)
, playLooped(false)
, cutPreviewGapStart(0.0)
, cutPreviewGapLen(0.0)
, pStartTime(NULL)
, scrubDelay(0.0)
, maxScrubSpeed(1.0)
, minScrubStutter(0.0)
, scrubStartClockTimeMillis(-1)
, maxScrubTime(0.0)
TimeTrack *timeTrack;
AudioIOListener* listener;
bool playLooped;
double cutPreviewGapStart;
double cutPreviewGapLen;
double * pStartTime;
// Positive value indicates that scrubbing will happen
// (do not specify a time track, looping, or recording, which
// are all incompatible with scrubbing):
double scrubDelay;
// We need a limiting value for the speed of the first scrub
// interval:
double maxScrubSpeed;
// When maximum speed scrubbing skips to follow the mouse,
// this is the minimum amount of playback at the maximum speed:
double minScrubStutter;
// Scrubbing needs the time of start of the mouse movement that began
// the scrub:
wxLongLong scrubStartClockTimeMillis;
// usually from TrackList::GetEndTime()
double maxScrubTime;
AudioIOListener* GetListener() { return mListener; }
void SetListener(AudioIOListener* listener);
/** \brief Start up Portaudio for capture and recording as needed for
* input monitoring and software playthrough only
* This uses the Default project sample format, current sample rate, and
* selected number of input channels to open the recording device and start
* reading input data. If software playthrough is enabled, it also opens
* the output device in stereo to play the data through */
void StartMonitoring(double sampleRate);
/** \brief Start recording or playing back audio
* Allocates buffers for recording and playback, gets the Audio thread to
* fill them, and sets the stream rolling.
* If successful, returns a token identifying this particular stream
* instance. For use with IsStreamActive() below */
int StartStream(WaveTrackArray playbackTracks, WaveTrackArray captureTracks,
NoteTrackArray midiTracks,
double sampleRate, double t0, double t1,
const AudioIOStartStreamOptions &options =
/** \brief Stop recording, playback or input monitoring.
* Does quite a bit of housekeeping, including switching off monitoring,
* flushing recording buffers out to wave tracks, and applies latency
* correction to recorded tracks if necessary */
void StopStream();
/** \brief Move the playback / recording position of the current stream
* by the specified amount from where it is now */
void SeekStream(double seconds) { mSeek = seconds; }
bool IsScrubbing() { return IsBusy() && mScrubQueue != 0; }
static double GetMaxScrubSpeed() { return 32.0; } // Is five octaves enough for your amusement?
static double GetMinScrubSpeed() { return 0.01; }
/** \brief enqueue a NEW end time, using the last end as the new start,
* to be played over the same duration, as between this and the last
* enqueuing (or the starting of the stream). Except, we do not exceed maximum
* scrub speed, so may need to adjust either the start or the end.
* If maySkip is true, then when mouse movement exceeds maximum scrub speed,
* adjust the beginning of the scrub interval rather than the end, so that
* the scrub skips or "stutters" to stay near the cursor.
* But if the "stutter" is too short for the minimum, then there is no effect
* on the work queue.
* Return true if some work was really enqueued.
bool EnqueueScrubByPosition(double endTime, double maxSpeed, bool maySkip);
/** \brief enqueue a NEW positive or negative scrubbing speed,
* using the last end as the NEW start,
* to be played over the same duration, as between this and the last
* enqueueing (or the starting of the stream). Except, we do not exceed maximum
* scrub speed, so may need to adjust either the start or the end.
* If maySkip is true, then when mouse movement exceeds maximum scrub speed,
* adjust the beginning of the scrub interval rather than the end, so that
* the scrub skips or "stutters" to stay near the cursor.
* But if the "stutter" is too short for the minimum, then there is no effect
* on the work queue.
* Return true if some work was really enqueued.
bool EnqueueScrubBySignedSpeed(double speed, double maxSpeed, bool maySkip);
/** \brief Returns true if audio i/o is busy starting, stopping, playing,
* or recording.
* When this is false, it's safe to start playing or recording */
bool IsBusy();
/** \brief Returns true if the audio i/o is running at all, but not during
* cleanup
* Doesn't return true if the device has been closed but some disk i/o or
* cleanup is still going on. If you want to know if it's safe to start a
* NEW stream, use IsBusy() */
bool IsStreamActive();
bool IsStreamActive(int token);
wxLongLong GetLastPlaybackTime() const { return mLastPlaybackTimeMillis; }
/** \brief Compute the current PortMidi timestamp time.
* This is used by PortMidi to synchronize midi time to audio samples
PmTimestamp MidiTime();
// Note: audio code solves the problem of soloing/muting tracks by scanning
// all playback tracks on every call to the audio buffer fill routine.
// We do the same for Midi, but it seems wasteful for at least two
// threads to be frequently polling to update status. This could be
// eliminated (also with a reduction in code I think) by updating mHasSolo
// each time a solo button is activated or deactivated. For now, I'm
// going to do this polling in the FillMidiBuffer routine to localize
// changes for midi to the midi code, but I'm declaring the variable
// here so possibly in the future, Audio code can use it too. -RBD
bool mHasSolo; // is any playback solo button pressed?
bool SetHasSolo(bool hasSolo);
bool GetHasSolo() { return mHasSolo; }
void SetMidiPlaySpeed(double s) { mMidiPlaySpeed = s * 0.01; }
/** \brief Returns true if the stream is active, or even if audio I/O is
* busy cleaning up its data or writing to disk.
* This is used by TrackPanel to determine when a track has been completely
* recorded, and it's safe to flush to disk. */
bool IsAudioTokenActive(int token);
/** \brief Returns true if we're monitoring input (but not recording or
* playing actual audio) */
bool IsMonitoring();
/** \brief Pause and un-pause playback and recording */
void SetPaused(bool state);
/** \brief Find out if playback / recording is currently paused */
bool IsPaused();
/* Mixer services are always available. If no stream is running, these
* methods use whatever device is specified by the preferences. If a
* stream *is* running, naturally they manipulate the mixer associated
* with that stream. If no mixer is available, output is emulated and
* input is stuck at 1.0f (a gain is applied to output samples).
void SetMixer(int inputSource);
void SetMixer(int inputSource, float inputVolume,
float playbackVolume);
void GetMixer(int *inputSource, float *inputVolume,
float *playbackVolume);
/** @brief Find out if the input hardware level control is available
* Checks the mInputMixerWorks variable, which is set up in
* AudioIO::HandleDeviceChange(). External people care, because we want to
* disable the UI if it doesn't work.
bool InputMixerWorks();
/** @brief Find out if the output level control is being emulated via software attenuation
* Checks the mEmulateMixerOutputVol variable, which is set up in
* AudioIO::HandleDeviceChange(). External classes care, because we want to
* modify the UI if it doesn't work.
bool OutputMixerEmulated();
/** \brief Get the list of inputs to the current mixer device
* Returns an array of strings giving the names of the inputs to the
* soundcard mixer (driven by PortMixer) */
wxArrayString GetInputSourceNames();
/** \brief update state after changing what audio devices are selected
* Called when the devices stored in the preferences are changed to update
* the audio mixer capabilities
* \todo: Make this do a sample rate query and store the result in the
* AudioIO object to avoid doing it later? Would simplify the
* GetSupported*Rate functions considerably */
void HandleDeviceChange();
/** \brief Get a list of sample rates the output (playback) device
* supports.
* If no information about available sample rates can be fetched,
* an empty list is returned.
* You can explicitely give the index of the device. If you don't
* give it, the currently selected device from the preferences will be used.
* You may also specify a rate for which to check in addition to the
* standard rates.
static wxArrayLong GetSupportedPlaybackRates(int DevIndex = -1,
double rate = 0.0);
/** \brief Get a list of sample rates the input (recording) device
* supports.
* If no information about available sample rates can be fetched,
* an empty list is returned.
* You can explicitely give the index of the device. If you don't
* give it, the currently selected device from the preferences will be used.
* You may also specify a rate for which to check in addition to the
* standard rates.
static wxArrayLong GetSupportedCaptureRates(int devIndex = -1,
double rate = 0.0);
/** \brief Get a list of sample rates the current input/output device
* combination supports.
* Since there is no concept (yet) for different input/output
* sample rates, this currently returns only sample rates that are
* supported on both the output and input device. If no information
* about available sample rates can be fetched, it returns a default
* list.
* You can explicitely give the indexes of the playDevice/recDevice.
* If you don't give them, the selected devices from the preferences
* will be used.
* You may also specify a rate for which to check in addition to the
* standard rates.
static wxArrayLong GetSupportedSampleRates(int playDevice = -1,
int recDevice = -1,
double rate = 0.0);
/** \brief Get a supported sample rate which can be used a an optimal
* default.
* Currently, this uses the first supported rate in the list
* [44100, 48000, highest sample rate]. Used in Project as a default value
* for project rates if one cannot be retrieved from the preferences.
* So all in all not that useful or important really
static int GetOptimalSupportedSampleRate();
/** \brief During playback, the (unwarped) track time most recently played
* When playing looped, this will start from t0 again,
* too. So the returned time should be always between
* t0 and t1
double GetStreamTime();
sampleFormat GetCaptureFormat() { return mCaptureFormat; }
int GetNumCaptureChannels() { return mNumCaptureChannels; }
/** \brief Array of common audio sample rates
* These are the rates we will always support, regardless of hardware support
* for them (by resampling in audacity if needed) */
static const int StandardRates[];
/** \brief How many standard sample rates there are */
static const int NumStandardRates;
/** \brief Get diagnostic information on all the available audio I/O devices
wxString GetDeviceInfo();
/** \brief Ensure selected device names are valid
static bool ValidateDeviceNames(const wxString &play, const wxString &rec);
/** \brief Function to automatically set an acceptable volume
void AILAInitialize();
void AILADisable();
bool AILAIsActive();
void AILAProcess(double maxPeak);
void AILASetStartTime();
double AILAGetLastDecisionTime();
bool IsAvailable(AudacityProject *projecT);
void SetCaptureMeter(AudacityProject *project, Meter *meter);
void SetPlaybackMeter(AudacityProject *project, Meter *meter);
/** \brief Set the current VU meters - this should be done once after
* each call to StartStream currently */
void SetMeters();
/** \brief Return a valid sample rate that is supported by the current I/O
* device(s).
* The return from this function is used to determine the sample rate that
* audacity actually runs the audio I/O stream at. if there is no suitable
* rate available from the hardware, it returns 0.
* The sampleRate argument gives the desired sample rate (the rate of the
* audio to be handeled, i.e. the currently Project Rate).
* capturing is true if the stream is capturing one or more audio channels,
* and playing is true if one or more channels are being played. */
double GetBestRate(bool capturing, bool playing, double sampleRate);
/** \brief Opens the portaudio stream(s) used to do playback or recording
* (or both) through.
* The sampleRate passed is the Project Rate of the active project. It may
* or may not be actually supported by playback or recording hardware
* currently in use (for many reasons). The number of Capture and Playback
* channels requested includes an allocation for doing software playthrough
* if necessary. The captureFormat is used for recording only, the playback
* being floating point always. Returns true if the stream opened sucessfully
* and false if it did not. */
bool StartPortAudioStream(double sampleRate,
unsigned int numPlaybackChannels,
unsigned int numCaptureChannels,
sampleFormat captureFormat);
void FillBuffers();
void PrepareMidiIterator(bool send = true, double offset = 0);
bool StartPortMidiStream();
void OutputEvent();
void FillMidiBuffers();
void GetNextEvent();
void AudacityMidiCallback();
double AudioTime() { return mT0 + mNumFrames / mRate; }
double PauseTime();
// double getCurrentTrackTime();
// long CalculateMidiTimeStamp(double time);
void AllNotesOff();
/** \brief Get the number of audio samples free in all of the playback
* buffers.
* Returns the smallest of the buffer free space values in the event that
* they are different. */
int GetCommonlyAvailPlayback();
/** \brief Get the number of audio samples ready in all of the recording
* buffers.
* Returns the smallest of the number of samples available for storage in
* the recording buffers (i.e. the number of samples that can be read from
* all record buffers without underflow). */
int GetCommonlyAvailCapture();
/** \brief get the index of the supplied (named) recording device, or the
* device selected in the preferences if none given.
* Pure utility function, but it comes round a number of times in the code
* and would be neater done once. If the device isn't found, return the
* default device index.
static int getRecordDevIndex(const wxString &devName = wxEmptyString);
/** \brief get the index of the device selected in the preferences.
* If the device isn't found, returns -1
static int getRecordSourceIndex(PxMixer *portMixer);
/** \brief get the index of the supplied (named) playback device, or the
* device selected in the preferences if none given.
* Pure utility function, but it comes round a number of times in the code
* and would be neater done once. If the device isn't found, return the
* default device index.
static int getPlayDevIndex(const wxString &devName = wxEmptyString);
/** \brief Array of audio sample rates to try to use
* These are the rates we will check if a device supports, and is as long
* as I can think of (to try and work out what the card can do) */
static const int RatesToTry[];
/** \brief How many sample rates to try */
static const int NumRatesToTry;
bool ReversedTime() const
return mT1 < mT0;
double LimitStreamTime(double absoluteTime) const;
double NormalizeStreamTime(double absoluteTime) const;
/** \brief Clean up after StartStream if it fails.
* If bOnlyBuffers is specified, it only cleans up the buffers. */
void StartStreamCleanup(bool bOnlyBuffers = false);
PmStream *mMidiStream;
PmError mLastPmError;
long mMidiLatency; // latency value for PortMidi
long mSynthLatency; // latency of MIDI synthesizer
double mMidiPlaySpeed; // a copy of TranscriptionToolBar::mPlaySpeed
// These fields are used to synchronize MIDI with audio
volatile double mAudioCallbackOutputTime; // PortAudio's outTime
volatile long mNumFrames; // includes pauses
volatile long mNumPauseFrames; // how many frames of zeros inserted?
volatile long mPauseTime; // pause in ms if no audio playback
volatile double mMidiLoopOffset; // total of backward jumps
volatile long mAudioFramesPerBuffer;
volatile bool mMidiPaused; // used by Midi process to record
// that pause has begun. Pause time is accumulated in mPauseTime.
// This variable is shared so that it can be cleared when playback
// begins.
Alg_seq_ptr mSeq;
Alg_iterator_ptr mIterator;
Alg_event_ptr mNextEvent; // the next event to play (or null)
double mNextEventTime; // the time of the next event
// (note that this could be a note's time+duration)
NoteTrack *mNextEventTrack; // track of next event
bool mMidiOutputComplete; // true when output reaches mT1
bool mNextIsNoteOn; // is the next event a note-off?
// int mCnt;
// mMidiStreamActive tells when mMidiStream is open for output
bool mMidiStreamActive;
// when true, mSendMidiState means send only updates, not note-on's,
// used to send state changes that precede the selected notes
bool mSendMidiState;
NoteTrackArray mMidiPlaybackTracks;
bool mAILAActive;
bool mAILAClipped;
int mAILATotalAnalysis;
int mAILAAnalysisCounter;
double mAILAMax;
double mAILAGoalPoint;
double mAILAGoalDelta;
double mAILAAnalysisTime;
double mAILALastStartTime;
double mAILAChangeFactor;
double mAILATopLevel;
double mAILAAnalysisEndTime;
double mAILAAbsolutStartTime;
unsigned short mAILALastChangeType; //0 - no change, 1 - increase change, 2 - decrease change
AudioThread *mThread;
AudioThread *mMidiThread;
Resample **mResample;
RingBuffer **mCaptureBuffers;
WaveTrackArray *mCaptureTracks;
RingBuffer **mPlaybackBuffers;
WaveTrackArray *mPlaybackTracks;
Mixer **mPlaybackMixers;
volatile int mStreamToken;
static int mNextStreamToken;
double mFactor;
double mRate;
double mT0; // playback starts at offset of mT0
double mT1; // and ends at offset of mT1
double mTime; // current time position during playback
double mWarpedTime; // current time after warping, starting at zero (unlike mTime)
double mWarpedLength; // total length after warping
double mSeek;
double mPlaybackRingBufferSecs;
double mCaptureRingBufferSecs;
long mPlaybackSamplesToCopy;
double mMinCaptureSecsToCopy;
bool mPaused;
PaStream *mPortStreamV19;
bool mSoftwarePlaythrough;
bool mPauseRec;
float mSilenceLevel;
unsigned int mNumCaptureChannels;
unsigned int mNumPlaybackChannels;
sampleFormat mCaptureFormat;
int mLostSamples;
volatile bool mAudioThreadShouldCallFillBuffersOnce;
volatile bool mAudioThreadFillBuffersLoopRunning;
volatile bool mAudioThreadFillBuffersLoopActive;
wxLongLong mLastPlaybackTimeMillis;
volatile bool mMidiThreadFillBuffersLoopRunning;
volatile bool mMidiThreadFillBuffersLoopActive;
volatile double mLastRecordingOffset;
PaError mLastPaError;
AudacityProject *mOwningProject;
Meter *mInputMeter;
Meter *mOutputMeter;
bool mUpdateMeters;
volatile bool mUpdatingMeters;
PxMixer *mPortMixer;
float mPreviousHWPlaythrough;
#endif /* USE_PORTMIXER */
bool mEmulateMixerOutputVol;
/** @brief Can we control the hardware input level?
* This flag is set to true if using portmixer to control the
* input volume seems to be working (and so we offer the user the control),
* and to false (locking the control out) otherwise. This avoids stupid
* scaled clipping problems when trying to do software emulated input volume
* control */
bool mInputMixerWorks;
float mMixerOutputVol;
enum {
} mPlayMode;
double mCutPreviewGapStart;
double mCutPreviewGapLen;
GrowableSampleBuffer mSilentBuf;
AudioIOListener* mListener;
friend class AudioThread;
friend class MidiThread;
friend void InitAudioIO();
friend void DeinitAudioIO();
TimeTrack *mTimeTrack;
// For cacheing supported sample rates
static int mCachedPlaybackIndex;
static wxArrayLong mCachedPlaybackRates;
static int mCachedCaptureIndex;
static wxArrayLong mCachedCaptureRates;
static wxArrayLong mCachedSampleRates;
static double mCachedBestRateIn;
static double mCachedBestRateOut;
/** brief The function which is called from PortAudio's callback thread
* context to collect and deliver audio for / from the sound device.
* This covers recording, playback, and doing both simultaneously. It is
* also invoked to do monitoring and software playthrough. Note that dealing
* with the two buffers needs some care to ensure that the right things
* happen for all possible cases.
* @param inputBuffer Buffer of length framesPerBuffer containing samples
* from the sound card, or null if not capturing audio. Note that the data
* type will depend on the format of audio data that was chosen when the
* stream was created (so could be floats or various integers)
* @param outputBuffer Uninitialised buffer of length framesPerBuffer which
* will be sent to the sound card after the callback, or null if not playing
* audio back.
* @param framesPerBuffer The length of the playback and recording buffers
* @param PaStreamCallbackTimeInfo Pointer to PortAudio time information
* structure, which tells us how long we have been playing / recording
* @param statusFlags PortAudio stream status flags
* @param userData pointer to user-defined data structure. Provided for
* flexibility by PortAudio, but not used by Audacity - the data is stored in
* the AudioIO class instead.
friend int audacityAudioCallback(
const void *inputBuffer, void *outputBuffer,
unsigned long framesPerBuffer,
const PaStreamCallbackTimeInfo *timeInfo,
PaStreamCallbackFlags statusFlags, void *userData );
// Serialize main thread and PortAudio thread's attempts to pause and change
// the state used by the third, Audio thread.
wxMutex mSuspendAudioThread;
struct ScrubQueue;
ScrubQueue *mScrubQueue;
bool mSilentScrub;
long mScrubDuration;