
379 lines
14 KiB

Audacity: A Digital Audio Editor
James Crook
Audacity is free software.
This file is licensed under the wxWidgets license, see License.txt
#include "Audacity.h"
#include <wx/grid.h>
#include <wx/string.h>
#include "WrappedType.h"
const int nMaxNestedSizers = 20;
enum teShuttleMode
// Next two are only ever seen in constructor.
// After that they revert to one of the modes above.
// They are used to achieve 'two step' operation,
// where we transfer between two shuttles in one go.
class wxArrayInt;
class wxListCtrl;
class wxCheckBox;
class wxChoice;
class wxComboBox;
class wxScrolledWindow;
class wxStaticText;
class wxTreeCtrl;
class wxTextCtrl;
class wxSlider;
class wxTreeListCtrl;
class wxNotebook;
typedef wxWindow wxNotebookPage; // so far, any window can be a page
class wxButton;
class wxBitmapButton;
class wxRadioButton;
class wxBitmap;
class wxPanel;
class wxSizer;
class wxStaticBox;
class wxMenuBar;
class wxMenu;
class wxSpinCtrl;
class wxListBox;
class wxGrid;
class Shuttle;
class WrappedType;
class AUDACITY_DLL_API ShuttleGuiBase
ShuttleGuiBase(wxWindow * pParent,teShuttleMode ShuttleMode);
void Init();
//-- Add functions. These only add a widget or 2.
void AddPrompt(const wxString &Prompt);
void AddUnits(const wxString &Prompt);
void AddTitle(const wxString &Prompt);
wxWindow * AddWindow(wxWindow * pWindow, int Flags = wxALIGN_CENTRE | wxALL );
wxSlider * AddSlider(const wxString &Prompt, int pos, int Max, int Min = 0);
wxSlider * AddVSlider(const wxString &Prompt, int pos, int Max);
wxSpinCtrl * AddSpinCtrl(const wxString &Prompt, int Value, int Max, int Min);
wxTreeCtrl * AddTree();
wxRadioButton * AddRadioButton( const wxString & Prompt );
wxRadioButton * AddRadioButtonToGroup( const wxString & Prompt);
wxButton * AddButton( const wxString & Text, int PositionFlags = wxALIGN_CENTRE );
wxBitmapButton * AddBitmapButton(const wxBitmap &Bitmap, int PositionFlags = wxALIGN_CENTRE);
wxStaticText * AddVariableText(const wxString &Str, bool bCenter = false, int PositionFlags = 0);
wxTextCtrl * AddTextBox(const wxString &Caption, const wxString &Value, const int nChars);
wxTextCtrl * AddNumericTextBox(const wxString &Caption, const wxString &Value, const int nChars);
wxTextCtrl * AddTextWindow(const wxString &Value);
wxListBox * AddListBox(const wxArrayString * pChoices, long style = 0);
wxListCtrl * AddListControl();
wxListCtrl * AddListControlReportMode();
wxGrid * AddGrid();
wxCheckBox * AddCheckBox( const wxString &Prompt, const wxString &Selected);
wxCheckBox * AddCheckBoxOnRight( const wxString &Prompt, const wxString &Selected);
wxComboBox * AddCombo( const wxString &Prompt, const wxString &Selected,const wxArrayString * pChoices, long style = 0 );
wxChoice * AddChoice( const wxString &Prompt, const wxString &Selected, const wxArrayString * pChoices );
wxMenuBar * AddMenuBar( );
wxMenu * AddMenu( const wxString & Title );
void AddIcon( wxBitmap * pBmp);
void AddIconButton( const wxString & Command, const wxString & Params,wxBitmap * pBmp );
void AddFixedText( const wxString & Str, bool bCenter = false );
void AddConstTextBox( const wxString &Caption, const wxString & Value );
//-- Start and end functions. These are used for sizer, or other window containers
// and create the appropriate widget.
void StartHorizontalLay(int PositionFlags=wxALIGN_CENTRE, int iProp=1);
void EndHorizontalLay();
void StartVerticalLay(int iProp=1);
void EndVerticalLay();
wxScrolledWindow * StartScroller(int iStyle=0);
void EndScroller();
wxPanel * StartPanel(int iStyle=0);
void EndPanel();
void StartMultiColumn(int nCols, int PositionFlags=wxALIGN_LEFT);
void EndMultiColumn();
void StartTwoColumn() {StartMultiColumn(2);};
void EndTwoColumn() {EndMultiColumn();};
void StartThreeColumn(){StartMultiColumn(3);};
void EndThreeColumn(){EndMultiColumn();};
wxStaticBox * StartStatic( const wxString & Str, int iProp=0 );
void EndStatic();
wxNotebook * StartNotebook();
void EndNotebook();
wxNotebookPage * StartNotebookPage( const wxString Name );
void StartNotebookPage( const wxString Name, wxNotebookPage * pPage );
void EndNotebookPage();
wxPanel * StartInvisiblePanel();
void EndInvisiblePanel();
void StartRadioButtonGroup( const wxString & SettingName );
void EndRadioButtonGroup();
void StartRadioButtonGroup( const wxString & SettingName, const int iDefaultValue );
void StartRadioButtonGroup( const wxString & SettingName, const wxString &DefaultValue );
void DoDataShuttle( const wxString &Name, WrappedType & WrappedRef );
bool DoStep( int iStep );
int TranslateToIndex( const wxString &Value, const wxArrayString &Choices );
wxString TranslateFromIndex( const int nIn, const wxArrayString &Choices );
int TranslateToIndex( const int Value, const wxArrayInt &Choices );
int TranslateFromIndex( const int nIn, const wxArrayInt &Choices );
//-- Tie functions both add controls and also read/write to them.
// The ones taking a 'WrappedType' are type-generic and are used by the type specific ones.
wxTextCtrl * TieTextBox( const wxString &Prompt, WrappedType & WrappedRef, const int nChars);
wxTextCtrl * TieTextBox( const wxString &Caption, wxString & Value, const int nChars=0);
wxTextCtrl * TieTextBox( const wxString &Prompt, int &Selected, const int nChars=0);
wxTextCtrl * TieTextBox( const wxString &Prompt, double &Value, const int nChars=0);
wxTextCtrl * TieNumericTextBox( const wxString &Prompt, WrappedType & WrappedRef, const int nChars);
wxTextCtrl * TieNumericTextBox( const wxString &Caption, wxString & Value, const int nChars=0);
wxTextCtrl * TieNumericTextBox( const wxString &Prompt, int &Selected, const int nChars=0);
wxTextCtrl * TieNumericTextBox( const wxString &Prompt, double &Value, const int nChars=0);
wxCheckBox * TieCheckBox( const wxString &Prompt, WrappedType & WrappedRef );
wxCheckBox * TieCheckBox( const wxString &Prompt, const wxString &Selected );
wxCheckBox * TieCheckBox( const wxString &Prompt, bool & Var );
wxCheckBox * TieCheckBoxOnRight( const wxString & Prompt, WrappedType & WrappedRef );
wxCheckBox * TieCheckBoxOnRight( const wxString & Prompt, bool & Var );
wxChoice * TieChoice( const wxString &Prompt, WrappedType & WrappedRef, const wxArrayString * pChoices );
wxChoice * TieChoice( const wxString &Prompt, wxString &Selected, const wxArrayString * pChoices );
wxChoice * TieChoice( const wxString &Prompt, int &Selected, const wxArrayString * pChoices );
wxSlider * TieSlider( const wxString &Prompt, WrappedType & WrappedRef, const int max, const int min = 0 );
wxSlider * TieSlider( const wxString &Prompt, int &pos, const int max, const int min = 0);
wxSlider * TieSlider( const wxString &Prompt, float &pos, const float fMin, const float fMax);
wxSlider * TieVSlider( const wxString &Prompt, float &pos, const float fMin, const float fMax);
wxRadioButton * TieRadioButton( const wxString & Prompt, WrappedType &WrappedRef);
wxRadioButton * TieRadioButton( const wxString &Prompt, const int iValue);
wxRadioButton * TieRadioButton( const wxString &Prompt, const wxString &Value);
wxSpinCtrl * TieSpinCtrl( const wxString &Prompt, WrappedType & WrappedRef, const int max, const int min = 0 );
wxSpinCtrl * TieSpinCtrl( const wxString &Prompt, int &Value, const int max, const int min = 0 );
//-- Variants of the standard Tie functions which do two step exchange in one go
// Note that unlike the other Tie functions, ALL the arguments are const.
// That's because the data is being exchanged between the dialog and mpShuttle
// so it doesn't need an argument that is writeable.
wxCheckBox * TieCheckBox(
const wxString &Prompt,
const wxString &SettingName,
const bool bDefault);
wxCheckBox * TieCheckBoxOnRight(
const wxString &Prompt,
const wxString &SettingName,
const bool bDefault);
wxChoice * TieChoice(
const wxString &Prompt,
const wxString &SettingName,
const wxString &Default,
const wxArrayString &Choices,
const wxArrayString & TranslatedChoices );
wxChoice * TieChoice(
const wxString &Prompt,
const wxString &SettingName,
const int Default,
const wxArrayString & Choices,
const wxArrayInt & TranslatedChoices);
wxTextCtrl * TieTextBox(
const wxString &Prompt,
const wxString &SettingName,
const wxString &Default,
const int nChars);
wxTextCtrl * TieTextBox(
const wxString & Prompt,
const wxString & SettingName,
const double & Default,
const int nChars);
wxTextCtrl * TieNumericTextBox(
const wxString &Prompt,
const wxString &SettingName,
const wxString &Default,
const int nChars);
wxTextCtrl * TieNumericTextBox(
const wxString & Prompt,
const wxString & SettingName,
const double & Default,
const int nChars);
wxSlider * TieSlider(
const wxString & Prompt,
const wxString & SettingName,
const int iDefault,
const int max,
const int min = 0);
wxSpinCtrl * TieSpinCtrl(
const wxString &Prompt,
const wxString &SettingName,
const int Value,
const int max,
const int min);
//-- End of variants.
void EnableCtrl( bool bEnable );
void SetSizeHints( int minX, int minY );
void SetBorder( int Border ) {miBorder = Border;};
void SetStyle( int Style ) {miStyle = Style;};
void SetNoMatchSelector( int iSelector ) {miNoMatchSelector = iSelector;};
void SetSizerProportion( int iProp ) {miSizerProp = iProp;};
void SetStretchyCol( int i );
void SetStretchyRow( int i );
//--Some Additions since June 2007 that don't fit in elsewhere...
wxWindow * GetParent() {return mpParent;};
ShuttleGuiBase & Prop( int iProp );
int GetId() {return miIdNext;};
void UseUpId();
void SetProportions( int Default );
void PushSizer();
void PopSizer();
void UpdateSizersCore( bool bPrepend, int Flags );
void UpdateSizers();
void UpdateSizersC();
void UpdateSizersAtStart();
long Style( long Style );
wxWindow * mpLastWind;
wxWindow * mpDlg;
wxSizer * pSizerStack[ nMaxNestedSizers ];
wxString mBoxName;
Shuttle * mpShuttle; /*! Controls source/destination of shuttled data. You can
leave this NULL if you are shuttling to variables */
int miNoMatchSelector; //! Used in choices to determine which item to use on no match.
teShuttleMode mShuttleMode;
// These five are needed to handle radio button groups.
wxString mSettingName; /// The setting controlled by a group.
int mRadioCount; /// The index of this radio item. -1 for none.
WrappedType mRadioValue; /// The wrapped value associated with the active radio button.
wxString mRadioValueString; /// Unwrapped string value.
int mRadioValueInt; /// Unwrapped integer value.
int miSizerProp;
int mSizerDepth;
int miBorder;
long miStyle;
int miProp;
// See UseUpId() for explanation of these three.
int miId;
int miIdNext;
int miIdSetByUser;
// Proportion set by user rather than default.
int miPropSetByUser;
wxSizer * mpSubSizer;
wxSizer * mpSizer;
wxWindow * mpParent;
wxWindow * mpWind;
wxMenuBar * mpMenuBar;
wxMenu * mpMenu;
// A rarely used helper function that sets a pointer
// ONLY if the value it is to be set to is non NULL.
extern void SetIfCreated( wxChoice *&Var, wxChoice * Val );
extern void SetIfCreated( wxTextCtrl *&Var, wxTextCtrl * Val );
extern void SetIfCreated( wxStaticText *&Var, wxStaticText * Val );
class GuiWaveTrack;
class AdornedRulerPanel;
class RulerPanel;
class AttachableScrollBar;
struct ViewInfo;
#include <wx/scrolbar.h> // to get wxSB_HORIZONTAL
// CreateStdButtonSizer defs...should probably move to widgets subdir
eOkButton = 0x0001,
eCancelButton = 0x0002,
eYesButton = 0x0004,
eNoButton = 0x0008,
eHelpButton = 0x0010,
ePreviewButton = 0x0020,
eDebugButton = 0x0040,
eDefaultsButton= 0x0080,
ePreviewDryButton = 0x0100
ePreviewID = wxID_LOWEST - 1,
eDebugID = wxID_LOWEST - 2,
eDefaultsID = wxID_LOWEST - 3,
ePreviewDryID = wxID_LOWEST - 4
AUDACITY_DLL_API wxSizer *CreateStdButtonSizer( wxWindow *parent,
long buttons = eOkButton | eCancelButton,
wxButton *extra = NULL );
// ShuttleGui extends ShuttleGuiBase with Audacity specific extensions.
class AUDACITY_DLL_API ShuttleGui : public ShuttleGuiBase
ShuttleGui(wxWindow * pParent,teShuttleMode ShuttleMode);
ShuttleGui & Id(int id );
// Prop() sets the proportion value, defined as in wxSizer::Add().
ShuttleGui & Prop( int iProp ){ ShuttleGuiBase::Prop(iProp); return *this;}; // Has to be here too, to return a ShuttleGui and not a ShuttleGuiBase.
GuiWaveTrack * AddGuiWaveTrack( const wxString & Name);
AdornedRulerPanel * AddAdornedRuler( ViewInfo *pViewInfo );
RulerPanel * AddRulerVertical( float low, float hi, const wxString & Units );
AttachableScrollBar * AddAttachableScrollBar( long style = wxSB_HORIZONTAL );
void AddStandardButtons( long buttons = eOkButton | eCancelButton, wxButton *extra = NULL );
void AddSpace( int width, int height );
void AddSpace( int size ) { AddSpace( size, size ); };
int GetBorder() { return miBorder; };
void SetSizeHints( int minX = -1, int minY = -1 );
void SetSizeHints( const wxArrayString & items );
void SetSizeHints( const wxArrayInt & items );
static void SetSizeHints( wxWindow *window, const wxArrayString & items );
static void SetSizeHints( wxWindow *window, const wxArrayInt & items );