2019-03-29 15:56:54 -04:00

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Audacity: A Digital Audio Editor
Dominic Mazzoni
\class SelectedRegion
\brief Defines a selected portion of a project
This includes starting and ending times, and other optional information
such as a frequency range, but not the set of selected tracks.
Maintains the invariants that ending time is not less than starting time
and that starting and ending frequencies, when both defined, are also
correctly ordered.
#include "Audacity.h"
#include "Experimental.h"
#include <wx/defs.h>
#include <wx/chartype.h> // for wxChar, a typedef
#include <math.h>
class XMLWriter;
class AUDACITY_DLL_API SelectedRegion {
// Maintains the invariant: t1() >= t0()
static const int UndefinedFrequency = -1;
: mT0(0.0)
, mT1(0.0)
, mF0(UndefinedFrequency)
, mF1(UndefinedFrequency)
SelectedRegion(double t0, double t1)
: mT0(t0)
, mT1(t1)
, mF0(UndefinedFrequency)
, mF1(UndefinedFrequency)
{ ensureOrdering(); }
// LLL: 2014/10/6
// Removed "explicit" until we drop OSX PPC support and upgrade to a newer
// compiler.
// explicit
SelectedRegion(const SelectedRegion &x)
: mT0(x.mT0)
, mT1(x.mT1)
, mF0(x.mF0)
, mF1(x.mF1)
SelectedRegion& operator=(const SelectedRegion& x)
if (this != &x) {
mT0 = x.mT0;
mT1 = x.mT1;
mF0 = x.mF0;
mF1 = x.mF1;
return *this;
// Accessors
double t0() const { return mT0; }
double t1() const { return mT1; }
double duration() const { return mT1 - mT0; }
bool isPoint() const { return mT1 <= mT0; }
double f0() const { return mF0; }
double f1() const { return mF1; }
double fc() const {
if (mF0 == UndefinedFrequency ||
mF1 == UndefinedFrequency)
return UndefinedFrequency;
return sqrt(mF0 * mF1);
// Mutators
// PRL: to do: more integrity checks
// Returns true iff the bounds got swapped
bool setT0(double t, bool maySwap = true) {
mT0 = t;
if (maySwap)
return ensureOrdering();
else {
if (mT1 < mT0)
mT1 = mT0;
return false;
// Returns true iff the bounds got swapped
bool setT1(double t, bool maySwap = true) {
mT1 = t;
if (maySwap)
return ensureOrdering();
else {
if (mT1 < mT0)
mT0 = mT1;
return false;
// Returns true iff the bounds got swapped
bool setTimes(double t0, double t1) {
mT0 = t0;
mT1 = t1;
return ensureOrdering();
// Returns true iff the bounds got swapped
bool moveT0(double delta, bool maySwap = true) {
return setT0(mT0 + delta, maySwap);
// Returns true iff the bounds got swapped
bool moveT1(double delta, bool maySwap = true) {
return setT1(mT1 + delta, maySwap);
void move(double delta) {
mT0 += delta;
mT1 += delta;
void collapseToT0() { mT1 = mT0; }
void collapseToT1() { mT0 = mT1; }
// Returns true iff the bounds got swapped
bool setF0(double f, bool maySwap = true) {
if (f < 0)
f = UndefinedFrequency;
mF0 = f;
if (maySwap)
return ensureFrequencyOrdering();
else {
if (mF1 >= 0 && mF1 < mF0)
mF1 = mF0;
return false;
// Returns true iff the bounds got swapped
bool setF1(double f, bool maySwap = true) {
if (f < 0)
f = UndefinedFrequency;
mF1 = f;
if (maySwap)
return ensureFrequencyOrdering();
else {
if (mF0 >= 0 && mF1 < mF0)
mF0 = mF1;
return false;
// Returns true iff the bounds got swapped
bool setFrequencies(double f0, double f1)
mF0 = f0;
mF1 = f1;
return ensureFrequencyOrdering();
// Serialization: historically, selections were written to file
// in two places (project, and each label) but only as attributes
// in the tags, and different names were used in the two places.
// For compatibility, continue that, but possibly add attributes
// as SelectedRegion is extended. Therefore, this is not an
// XMLTagHandler.
static const wxChar *sDefaultT0Name;
static const wxChar *sDefaultT1Name;
// Serialize, not with tags of its own, but as attributes within a tag.
// Don't add more legacy arguments as the structure grows.
void WriteXMLAttributes
(XMLWriter &xmlFile,
const wxChar *legacyT0Name = sDefaultT0Name,
const wxChar *legacyT1Name = sDefaultT1Name) const;
// Return true iff the attribute is recognized.
// Don't add more legacy arguments as the structure grows.
bool HandleXMLAttribute
(const wxChar *attr, const wxChar *value,
const wxChar *legacyT0Name = sDefaultT0Name,
const wxChar *legacyT1Name = sDefaultT1Name);
bool ensureOrdering()
if (mT1 < mT0) {
const double t = mT1;
mT1 = mT0;
mT0 = t;
return true;
return false;
bool ensureFrequencyOrdering()
if (mF1 < 0)
mF1 = UndefinedFrequency;
if (mF0 < 0)
mF0 = UndefinedFrequency;
if (mF0 != UndefinedFrequency &&
mF1 != UndefinedFrequency &&
mF1 < mF0) {
const double t = mF1;
mF1 = mF0;
mF0 = t;
return true;
return false;
friend inline bool operator ==
(const SelectedRegion &lhs, const SelectedRegion &rhs)
lhs.mT0 == rhs.mT0
&& lhs.mT1 == rhs.mT1
&& lhs.mF0 == rhs.mF0
&& lhs.mF1 == rhs.mF1
double mT0;
double mT1;
double mF0; // low frequency
double mF1; // high frequency
inline bool operator != (const SelectedRegion &lhs, const SelectedRegion &rhs)
return !(lhs == rhs);