Paul Licameli 4ff0a9d74e Can build for windows without precompiled headers...
... Requires some more wx header inclusions, a renaming of CopyFile (to avoid
colliding with a certain macro changing it to CopyFileW), and an explicit
deletion of a copy constructor and assignment (to avoid generation of
std::vector members for an incomplete type)
2020-05-27 17:36:25 -04:00

741 lines
22 KiB

Audacity: A Digital Audio Editor
James Crook
\class FileNames
\brief Provides Static functions to yield filenames.
This class helps us with setting a base path, and makes it easier
for us to keep track of the different kinds of files we read and write
JKC: In time I plan to add all file names and file extensions
used throughout Audacity into this one place.
#include "Audacity.h"
#include "FileNames.h"
#include "Experimental.h"
#include "MemoryX.h"
#include <wx/app.h>
#include <wx/defs.h>
#include <wx/filename.h>
#include <wx/intl.h>
#include <wx/stdpaths.h>
#include "Prefs.h"
#include "Internat.h"
#include "PlatformCompatibility.h"
#include "wxFileNameWrapper.h"
#include "widgets/AudacityMessageBox.h"
#include "widgets/FileDialog/FileDialog.h"
#if defined(__WXMAC__) || defined(__WXGTK__)
#include <dlfcn.h>
#if defined(__WXMSW__)
#include <windows.h>
static wxString gDataDir;
const FileNames::FileType
FileNames::AllFiles{ XO("All files"), { wxT("") } }
/* i18n-hint an Audacity project is the state of the program, stored as
files that can be reopened to resume the session later */
, FileNames::AudacityProjects{ XO("Audacity projects"), { wxT("aup") }, true }
, FileNames::DynamicLibraries{
#if defined(__WXMSW__)
XO("Dynamically Linked Libraries"), { wxT("dll") }, true
#elif defined(__WXMAC__)
XO("Dynamic Libraries"), { wxT("dylib") }, true
XO("Dynamically Linked Libraries"), { wxT("so*") }, true
, FileNames::TextFiles{ XO("Text files"), { wxT("txt") }, true }
, FileNames::XMLFiles{ XO("XML files"), { wxT("xml"), wxT("XML") }, true }
wxString FileNames::FormatWildcard( const FileTypes &fileTypes )
// |-separated list of:
// [ Description,
// ( if appendExtensions, then ' (', globs, ')' ),
// '|',
// globs ]
// where globs is a ;-separated list of filename patterns, which are
// '*' for an empty extension, else '*.' then the extension
// Only the part before | is displayed in the choice drop-down of file
// dialogs
// Exceptional case: if there is only one type and its description is empty,
// then just give the globs with no |
// Another exception: an empty description, when there is more than one
// type, is replaced with a default
// Another exception: if an extension contains a dot, it is interpreted as
// not really an extension, but a literal filename
const wxString dot{ '.' };
const auto makeGlobs = [&dot]( const FileExtensions &extensions ){
wxString globs;
for ( const auto &extension: extensions ) {
if ( !globs.empty() )
globs += ';';
if ( extension.Contains( dot ) )
globs += extension;
else {
globs += '*';
if ( !extension.empty() ) {
globs += '.';
globs += extension;
return globs;
const auto defaultDescription = []( const FileExtensions &extensions ){
// Assume extensions is not empty
wxString exts = extensions[0];
for (size_t ii = 1, size = extensions.size(); ii < size; ++ii ) {
exts += XO(", ").Translation();
exts += extensions[ii];
/* i18n-hint a type or types such as "txt" or "txt, xml" will be
substituted for %s */
return XO("%s files").Format( exts );
if ( fileTypes.size() == 1 && fileTypes[0].description.empty() ) {
return makeGlobs( fileTypes[0].extensions );
else {
wxString result;
for ( const auto &fileType : fileTypes ) {
const auto &extensions = fileType.extensions;
if (extensions.empty())
if (!result.empty())
result += '|';
const auto globs = makeGlobs( extensions );
auto mask = fileType.description;
if ( mask.empty() )
mask = defaultDescription( extensions );
if ( fileType.appendExtensions )
mask.Join( XO("(%s)").Format( globs ), " " );
result += mask.Translation();
result += '|';
result += globs;
return result;
bool FileNames::DoCopyFile(
const FilePath& file1, const FilePath& file2, bool overwrite)
#ifdef __WXMSW__
// workaround not needed
return wxCopyFile(file1, file2, overwrite);
// PRL: Compensate for buggy wxCopyFile that returns false success,
// which was a cause of case 4 in comment 10 of
// Destination file was created, but was empty
// Bug was introduced after wxWidgets 2.8.12 at commit
// 0597e7f977c87d107e24bf3e95ebfa3d60efc249 of wxWidgets repo
bool existed = wxFileExists(file2);
bool result = wxCopyFile(file1, file2, overwrite) &&
wxFile{ file1 }.Length() == wxFile{ file2 }.Length();
if (!result && !existed)
return result;
bool FileNames::HardLinkFile( const FilePath& file1, const FilePath& file2 )
#ifdef __WXMSW__
// Fix forced ASCII conversions and wrong argument order - MJB - 29/01/2019
//return ::CreateHardLinkA( file1.c_str(), file2.c_str(), NULL );
return ( 0 != ::CreateHardLink( file2, file1, NULL ) );
return 0 == ::link( file1.c_str(), file2.c_str() );
wxString FileNames::MkDir(const wxString &Str)
// Behaviour of wxFileName::DirExists() and wxFileName::MkDir() has
// changed between wx2.6 and wx2.8, so we use static functions instead.
if (!wxFileName::DirExists(Str))
wxFileName::Mkdir(Str, 511, wxPATH_MKDIR_FULL);
return Str;
/// Returns the directory used for temp files.
/// \todo put a counter in here to see if it gets used a lot.
/// if it does, then maybe we should cache the path name
/// each time.
wxString FileNames::TempDir()
return FileNames::MkDir(gPrefs->Read(wxT("/Directories/TempDir"), wxT("")));
// originally an ExportMultipleDialog method. Append suffix if newName appears in otherNames.
void FileNames::MakeNameUnique(FilePaths &otherNames,
wxFileName &newName)
if (otherNames.Index(newName.GetFullName(), false) >= 0) {
int i=2;
wxString orig = newName.GetName();
do {
newName.SetName(wxString::Format(wxT("%s-%d"), orig, i));
} while (otherNames.Index(newName.GetFullName(), false) >= 0);
// Audacity user data directories
FilePath FileNames::AutoSaveDir()
wxFileName autoSaveDir(FileNames::DataDir(), wxT("AutoSave"));
return FileNames::MkDir(autoSaveDir.GetFullPath());
// The APP name has upercase first letter (so that Quit Audacity is correctly
// capitalised on Mac, but we want lower case APP name in paths.
// This function does that substitution, IF the last component of
// the path is 'Audacity'.
wxString FileNames::LowerCaseAppNameInPath( const wxString & dirIn){
wxString dir = dirIn;
// BUG 1577 Capitalisation of Audacity in path...
if( dir.EndsWith( "Audacity" ) )
int nChars = dir.length() - wxString( "Audacity" ).length();
dir = dir.Left( nChars ) + "audacity";
return dir;
FilePath FileNames::DataDir()
// LLL: Wouldn't you know that as of WX 2.6.2, there is a conflict
// between wxStandardPaths and wxConfig under Linux. The latter
// creates a normal file as "$HOME/.audacity", while the former
// expects the ".audacity" portion to be a directory.
if (gDataDir.empty())
// If there is a directory "Portable Settings" relative to the
// executable's EXE file, the prefs are stored in there, otherwise
// the prefs are stored in the user data dir provided by the OS.
wxFileName exePath(PlatformCompatibility::GetExecutablePath());
#if defined(__WXMAC__)
// Path ends for example in ""
// just remove the MacOSX part.
wxFileName portablePrefsPath(exePath.GetPath(), wxT("Portable Settings"));
if (::wxDirExists(portablePrefsPath.GetFullPath()))
// Use "Portable Settings" folder
gDataDir = portablePrefsPath.GetFullPath();
} else
// Use OS-provided user data dir folder
wxString dataDir( LowerCaseAppNameInPath( wxStandardPaths::Get().GetUserDataDir() ));
#if defined( __WXGTK__ )
dataDir = dataDir + wxT("-data");
gDataDir = FileNames::MkDir(dataDir);
return gDataDir;
FilePath FileNames::ResourcesDir(){
wxString resourcesDir( LowerCaseAppNameInPath( wxStandardPaths::Get().GetResourcesDir() ));
return resourcesDir;
FilePath FileNames::HtmlHelpDir()
#if defined(__WXMAC__)
wxFileName exePath(PlatformCompatibility::GetExecutablePath());
// Path ends for example in ""
// just remove the MacOSX part.
//for mac this puts us within the .app:
return wxFileName( exePath.GetPath()+wxT("/help/manual"), wxEmptyString ).GetFullPath();
//linux goes into /*prefix*/share/audacity/
//windows (probably) goes into the dir containing the .exe
wxString dataDir = FileNames::LowerCaseAppNameInPath( wxStandardPaths::Get().GetDataDir());
return wxFileName( dataDir+wxT("/help/manual"), wxEmptyString ).GetFullPath();
FilePath FileNames::LegacyChainDir()
// Don't force creation of it
return wxFileName{ DataDir(), wxT("Chains") }.GetFullPath();
FilePath FileNames::MacroDir()
return FileNames::MkDir( wxFileName( DataDir(), wxT("Macros") ).GetFullPath() );
FilePath FileNames::NRPDir()
return FileNames::MkDir( wxFileName( DataDir(), wxT("NRP") ).GetFullPath() );
FilePath FileNames::NRPFile()
return wxFileName( NRPDir(), wxT("noisegate.nrp") ).GetFullPath();
FilePath FileNames::PlugInDir()
return FileNames::MkDir( wxFileName( DataDir(), wxT("Plug-Ins") ).GetFullPath() );
FilePath FileNames::PluginRegistry()
return wxFileName( DataDir(), wxT("pluginregistry.cfg") ).GetFullPath();
FilePath FileNames::PluginSettings()
return wxFileName( DataDir(), wxT("pluginsettings.cfg") ).GetFullPath();
FilePath FileNames::BaseDir()
wxFileName baseDir;
#if defined(__WXMAC__)
baseDir = PlatformCompatibility::GetExecutablePath();
// Path ends for example in ""
// just remove the MacOSX part.
#elif defined(__WXMSW__)
// Don't use wxStandardPaths::Get().GetDataDir() since it removes
// the "Debug" directory in debug builds.
baseDir = PlatformCompatibility::GetExecutablePath();
// Linux goes into /*prefix*/share/audacity/
baseDir = FileNames::LowerCaseAppNameInPath(wxStandardPaths::Get().GetDataDir());
return baseDir.GetPath();
FilePath FileNames::ModulesDir()
wxFileName modulesDir(BaseDir(), wxEmptyString);
return modulesDir.GetFullPath();
FilePath FileNames::ThemeDir()
return FileNames::MkDir( wxFileName( DataDir(), wxT("Theme") ).GetFullPath() );
FilePath FileNames::ThemeComponentsDir()
return FileNames::MkDir( wxFileName( ThemeDir(), wxT("Components") ).GetFullPath() );
FilePath FileNames::ThemeCachePng()
return wxFileName( ThemeDir(), wxT("ImageCache.png") ).GetFullPath();
FilePath FileNames::ThemeCacheHtm()
return wxFileName( ThemeDir(), wxT("ImageCache.htm") ).GetFullPath();
FilePath FileNames::ThemeImageDefsAsCee()
return wxFileName( ThemeDir(), wxT("ThemeImageDefsAsCee.h") ).GetFullPath();
FilePath FileNames::ThemeCacheAsCee( )
// DA: Theme sourcery file name.
return wxFileName( ThemeDir(), wxT("ThemeAsCeeCode.h") ).GetFullPath();
return wxFileName( ThemeDir(), wxT("DarkThemeAsCeeCode.h") ).GetFullPath();
FilePath FileNames::ThemeComponent(const wxString &Str)
return wxFileName( ThemeComponentsDir(), Str, wxT("png") ).GetFullPath();
// Returns the full path of program module (.exe, .dll, .so, .dylib) containing address
FilePath FileNames::PathFromAddr(void *addr)
wxFileName name;
#if defined(__WXMAC__) || defined(__WXGTK__)
Dl_info info;
if (dladdr(addr, &info)) {
char realname[PLATFORM_MAX_PATH + 1];
int len;
name = LAT1CTOWX(info.dli_fname);
len = readlink(OSINPUT(name.GetFullPath()), realname, PLATFORM_MAX_PATH);
if (len > 0) {
realname[len] = 0;
#elif defined(__WXMSW__) && defined(_UNICODE)
// The GetModuleHandlEx() function did not appear until Windows XP and
// GetModuleFileName() did appear until Windows 2000, so we have to
// check for them at runtime.
typedef BOOL (WINAPI *getmodulehandleex)(DWORD dwFlags, LPCWSTR lpModuleName, HMODULE* phModule);
typedef DWORD (WINAPI *getmodulefilename)(HMODULE hModule, LPWCH lpFilename, DWORD nSize);
getmodulehandleex gmhe =
(getmodulehandleex) GetProcAddress(GetModuleHandle(TEXT("kernel32.dll")),
getmodulefilename gmfn =
(getmodulefilename) GetProcAddress(GetModuleHandle(TEXT("kernel32.dll")),
if (gmhe != NULL && gmfn != NULL) {
HMODULE module;
(LPTSTR) addr,
&module)) {
DWORD nSize;
nSize = gmfn(module, path, MAX_PATH);
if (nSize && nSize < MAX_PATH) {
name = LAT1CTOWX(path);
return name.GetFullPath();
bool FileNames::IsPathAvailable( const FilePath & Path){
if( Path.IsEmpty() )
return false;
#ifndef __WIN32__
return true;
wxFileNameWrapper filePath( Path );
return filePath.DirExists() && !filePath.FileExists();
wxFileNameWrapper FileNames::DefaultToDocumentsFolder(const wxString &preference)
wxFileNameWrapper result;
#ifdef __WIN32__
wxFileName defaultPath( wxStandardPaths::Get().GetDocumentsDir(), "" );
defaultPath.AppendDir( wxTheApp->GetAppName() );
result.SetPath( gPrefs->Read( preference, defaultPath.GetPath( wxPATH_GET_VOLUME ) ) );
// MJB: Bug 1899 & Bug 2007. Only create directory if the result is the default path
bool bIsDefaultPath = result == defaultPath;
if( !bIsDefaultPath )
// IF the prefs directory doesn't exist - (Deleted by our user perhaps?)
// or exists as a file
// THEN fallback to using the default directory.
bIsDefaultPath = !IsPathAvailable( result.GetPath(wxPATH_GET_VOLUME|wxPATH_GET_SEPARATOR ) );
if( bIsDefaultPath )
result.SetPath( defaultPath.GetPath( wxPATH_GET_VOLUME ) );
// Don't write to gPrefs.
// We typically do it later, (if directory actually gets used)
if ( bIsDefaultPath )
// The default path might not exist since it is a sub-directory of 'Documents'
// There is no error if the path could not be created. That's OK.
// The dialog that Audacity offers will allow the user to select a valid directory.
result.Mkdir(0755, wxPATH_MKDIR_FULL);
result.SetPath(gPrefs->Read( preference, result.GetPath() + "/Documents"));
return result;
namespace {
wxString PreferenceKey(FileNames::Operation op)
wxString key;
switch (op) {
case FileNames::Operation::Open:
key = wxT("/DefaultOpenPath"); break;
case FileNames::Operation::Export:
key = wxT("/DefaultExportPath"); break;
case FileNames::Operation::_None:
return key;
wxString FileNames::FindDefaultPath(Operation op)
auto key = PreferenceKey(op);
if (key.empty())
return wxString{};
return DefaultToDocumentsFolder(key).GetPath();
void FileNames::UpdateDefaultPath(Operation op, const FilePath &path)
if (path.empty())
auto key = PreferenceKey(op);
if (!key.empty()) {
gPrefs->Write(key, ::wxPathOnly(path));
FileNames::SelectFile(Operation op,
const TranslatableString& message,
const FilePath& default_path,
const FilePath& default_filename,
const FileExtension& default_extension,
const FileTypes& fileTypes,
int flags,
wxWindow *parent)
return WithDefaultPath(op, default_path, [&](const FilePath &path) {
wxString filter;
if ( !default_extension.empty() )
filter = wxT("*.") + default_extension;
return FileSelector(
message.Translation(), path, default_filename, filter,
FormatWildcard( fileTypes ),
flags, parent, wxDefaultCoord, wxDefaultCoord);
/** \brief Default temp directory */
static FilePath sDefaultTempDir;
const FilePath &FileNames::DefaultTempDir()
return sDefaultTempDir;
void FileNames::SetDefaultTempDir( const FilePath &tempDir )
sDefaultTempDir = tempDir;
// We now disallow temp directory name that puts it where cleaner apps will
// try to clean out the files.
bool FileNames::IsTempDirectoryNameOK( const FilePath & Name )
if( Name.empty() )
return false;
wxFileName tmpFile;
// use Long Path to expand out any abbreviated long substrings.
wxString BadPath = tmpFile.GetLongPath();
#ifdef __WXMAC__
// This test is to fix bug 1220 on a 1.x to 2.x to 2.1.3 upgrade.
// It is less permissive than we could be as it stops a path
// with this string ANYWHERE within it rather than excluding just
// the paths that the earlier Audacities used to create.
if( Name.Contains( "/tmp/") )
return false;
BadPath = BadPath.BeforeLast( '/' ) + "/";
wxFileName cmpFile( Name );
wxString NameCanonical = cmpFile.GetLongPath( ) + "/";
BadPath = BadPath.BeforeLast( '\\' ) + "\\";
wxFileName cmpFile( Name );
wxString NameCanonical = cmpFile.GetLongPath( ) + "\\";
return !(NameCanonical.StartsWith( BadPath ));
bool FileNames::IsMidi(const FilePath &fName)
const auto extension = fName.AfterLast(wxT('.'));
extension.IsSameAs(wxT("gro"), false) ||
extension.IsSameAs(wxT("midi"), false) ||
extension.IsSameAs(wxT("mid"), false);
static FilePaths sAudacityPathList;
const FilePaths &FileNames::AudacityPathList()
return sAudacityPathList;
void FileNames::SetAudacityPathList( FilePaths list )
sAudacityPathList = std::move( list );
// static
void FileNames::AddUniquePathToPathList(const FilePath &pathArg,
FilePaths &pathList)
wxFileNameWrapper pathNorm { pathArg };
const wxString newpath{ pathNorm.GetFullPath() };
for(const auto &path : pathList) {
if (pathNorm == wxFileNameWrapper{ path })
// static
void FileNames::AddMultiPathsToPathList(const wxString &multiPathStringArg,
FilePaths &pathList)
wxString multiPathString(multiPathStringArg);
while (!multiPathString.empty()) {
wxString onePath = multiPathString.BeforeFirst(wxPATH_SEP[0]);
multiPathString = multiPathString.AfterFirst(wxPATH_SEP[0]);
AddUniquePathToPathList(onePath, pathList);
#include <wx/log.h>
// static
void FileNames::FindFilesInPathList(const wxString & pattern,
const FilePaths & pathList,
FilePaths & results,
int flags)
wxLogNull nolog;
if (pattern.empty()) {
wxFileNameWrapper ff;
for(size_t i = 0; i < pathList.size(); i++) {
ff = pathList[i] + wxFILE_SEP_PATH + pattern;
wxDir::GetAllFiles(ff.GetPath(), &results, ff.GetFullName(), flags);
#if defined(__WXMSW__)
static wxCharBuffer mFilename;
// On Windows, wxString::mb_str() can return a NULL pointer if the
// conversion to multi-byte fails. So, based on direction intent,
// returns a pointer to an empty string or prompts for a NEW name.
char *FileNames::VerifyFilename(const wxString &s, bool input)
static wxCharBuffer buf;
wxString name = s;
if (input) {
if ((char *) (const char *)name.mb_str() == NULL) {
name = wxEmptyString;
else {
wxFileName ff(name);
FileExtension ext;
while ((char *) (const char *)name.mb_str() == NULL) {
"The specified filename could not be converted due to Unicode character use."));
ext = ff.GetExt();
name = FileNames::SelectFile(FileNames::Operation::_None,
XO("Specify New Filename:"),
{ ext.empty()
? FileNames::AllFiles
: FileType{ {}, { ext } }
mFilename = name.mb_str();
return (char *) (const char *) mFilename;