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// C++ standard header <memory> with a few extensions
#include <memory>
#ifndef safenew
#define safenew new
// Conditional compilation switch indicating whether to rely on
// std:: containers knowing about rvalue references
#define __AUDACITY_OLD_STD__
#include <math.h>
inline long long int llrint(float __x) { return __builtin_llrintf(__x); }
inline long long int llrint(double __x) { return __builtin_llrintl(__x); }
inline long long int llrint(long double __x) { return __builtin_llrintl(__x); }
#include <cmath>
using std::isnan;
using std::isinf;
// Need this to define move() and forward()
#include <tr1/type_traits>
// To define make_shared
#include <tr1/memory>
namespace std {
using std::tr1::shared_ptr;
using std::tr1::weak_ptr;
using std::tr1::static_pointer_cast;
using std::tr1::remove_reference;
using std::tr1::is_unsigned;
template<typename X> struct default_delete
default_delete() {}
// Allow copy from other deleter classes
template<typename Y>
default_delete(const default_delete<Y>& that)
// Break compilation if Y* does not convert to X*
// I should figure out the right use of enable_if instead
// Note: YPtr avoids bogus compiler warning for C99 compound literals
using YPtr = Y*;
static_assert((static_cast<X*>(YPtr{}), true),
"Pointer types not convertible");
inline void operator() (void *p) const
delete static_cast<X*>(p);
// Specialization for arrays
template<typename X> struct default_delete<X[]>
// Do not allow copy from other deleter classes
inline void operator() (void *p) const
delete[] static_cast<X*>(p);
struct nullptr_t
void* __lx;
struct __nat {int __for_bool_;};
nullptr_t() : __lx(0) {}
nullptr_t(int __nat::*) : __lx(0) {}
operator int __nat::*() const {return 0;}
template <class _Tp>
operator _Tp* () const {return 0;}
template <class _Tp, class _Up>
operator _Tp _Up::* () const {return 0;}
friend bool operator==(nullptr_t, nullptr_t) {return true;}
friend bool operator!=(nullptr_t, nullptr_t) {return false;}
friend bool operator<(nullptr_t, nullptr_t) {return false;}
friend bool operator<=(nullptr_t, nullptr_t) {return true;}
friend bool operator>(nullptr_t, nullptr_t) {return false;}
friend bool operator>=(nullptr_t, nullptr_t) {return true;}
inline nullptr_t __get_nullptr_t() {return nullptr_t(0);}
#define nullptr std::__get_nullptr_t()
// "Cast" anything as an rvalue reference.
template<typename T> inline typename remove_reference<T>::type&& move(T&& t)
{ return static_cast<typename std::remove_reference<T>::type&&>(t); }
template<typename T, typename D = default_delete<T>> class unique_ptr
: private D // use empty base optimization
// Default constructor
unique_ptr() {}
// Implicit constrution from nullptr
unique_ptr(nullptr_t) {}
// Explicit constructor from pointer and optional deleter
explicit unique_ptr(T *p_)
: p{ p_ } {}
explicit unique_ptr(T *p_, const D &d)
: D(d), p{ p_ } {}
// Template constructors for upcasting
template<typename U>
explicit unique_ptr(U* p_)
: p{ p_ } {}
template<typename U>
explicit unique_ptr(U* p_, const D& d)
: D(d), p{ p_ } {}
// Copy is disallowed
unique_ptr(const unique_ptr &) PROHIBITED;
unique_ptr& operator= (const unique_ptr &) PROHIBITED;
// But move is allowed!
unique_ptr(unique_ptr &&that)
: D(move(that.get_deleter())), p{ that.release() } { }
unique_ptr& operator= (unique_ptr &&that)
if (this != &that) {
((D&)*this) = move(that.get_deleter());
p = that.release();
return *this;
// Assign null
unique_ptr& operator= (nullptr_t)
p = nullptr;
return *this;
// Template versions of move for upcasting
template<typename U, typename E>
unique_ptr(unique_ptr<U, E> &&that)
: D(move(that.get_deleter())), p{ that.release() } { }
template<typename U, typename E>
unique_ptr& operator= (unique_ptr<U, E> &&that)
// Skip the self-assignment test -- self-assignment should go to the non-template overload
p = that.release();
get_deleter() = move(that.get_deleter());
return *this;
D& get_deleter() { return *this; }
const D& get_deleter() const { return *this; }
~unique_ptr() { get_deleter()(p); }
T* operator -> () const { return p; }
T& operator * () const { return *p; }
T* get() const { return p; }
// So you can say if(p)
explicit operator bool() const { return p != nullptr; }
// Give up ownership, don't destroy
T* release() { T* result = p; p = nullptr; return result; }
void reset(T* __p = nullptr)
T* old__p = p;
p = __p;
if (old__p != nullptr)
void swap(unique_ptr& that)
std::swap(p, that.p);
std::swap(get_deleter(), that.get_deleter());
T *p{};
// Now specialize the class for array types
template<typename T, typename D> class unique_ptr<T[], D>
: private D // use empty base optimization
// Default constructor
unique_ptr() {}
// Implicit constrution from nullptr
unique_ptr(nullptr_t) {}
// Explicit constructor from pointer
explicit unique_ptr(T *p_)
: p{ p_ } {}
explicit unique_ptr(T *p_, const D &d)
: D( d ), p{ p_ } {}
// NO template constructor for upcasting!
// Copy is disallowed
unique_ptr(const unique_ptr &) PROHIBITED;
unique_ptr& operator= (const unique_ptr &)PROHIBITED;
// But move is allowed!
unique_ptr(unique_ptr &&that)
: D( move(that.get_deleter()) ), p{ that.release() } { }
unique_ptr& operator= (unique_ptr &&that)
if (this != &that) {
p = that.release();
((D&)*this) = move(that.get_deleter());
return *this;
// Assign null
unique_ptr& operator= (nullptr_t)
p = nullptr;
return *this;
D& get_deleter() { return *this; }
const D& get_deleter() const { return *this; }
// NO template versions of move for upcasting!
~unique_ptr() { get_deleter()(p); }
// No operator ->, but [] instead
T& operator [] (size_t n) const { return p[n]; }
T& operator * () const { return *p; }
T* get() const { return p; }
// So you can say if(p)
explicit operator bool() const { return p != nullptr; }
// Give up ownership, don't destroy
T* release() { T* result = p; p = nullptr; return result; }
void reset(T* __p = nullptr)
T* old__p = p;
p = __p;
if (old__p != nullptr)
void swap(unique_ptr& that)
std::swap(p, that.p);
std::swap(get_deleter(), that.get_deleter());
T *p{};
// Equality operators for unique_ptr, don't need the specializations for array case
template<typename U, typename E>
inline bool operator== (nullptr_t, const unique_ptr<U, E>& ptr)
return ptr.get() == nullptr;
template<typename U, typename E>
inline bool operator== (const unique_ptr<U, E>& ptr, nullptr_t)
return ptr.get() == nullptr;
template<typename U, typename E, typename V, typename F>
inline bool operator == (const unique_ptr<U, E> &ptr1,
const unique_ptr<V, F> &ptr2)
return ptr1.get() == ptr2.get();
template<typename U, typename E> inline bool operator != (nullptr_t, const unique_ptr<U, E> &ptr) { return !(ptr == nullptr); }
template<typename U, typename E> inline bool operator != (const unique_ptr<U, E> &ptr, nullptr_t) { return !(ptr == nullptr); }
template<typename U, typename E, typename V, typename F> inline bool operator != (const unique_ptr<U, E>& ptr1, const unique_ptr<V, F> &ptr2)
{ return !(ptr1 == ptr2); }
// Forward -- pass along rvalue references as rvalue references, anything else as it is
// (Because the appropriate overload is taken, and "reference collapse" applies to the return type)
template<typename T> inline T&& forward(typename remove_reference<T>::type& t)
{ return static_cast<T&&>(t); }
template<typename T> inline T&& forward(typename remove_reference<T>::type&& t)
{ return static_cast<T&&>(t); }
// We need make_shared for ourselves, because the library doesn't use variadics
template<typename X, typename... Args> inline shared_ptr<X> make_shared(Args&&... args)
return shared_ptr<X>{ safenew X(forward<Args>(args)...) };
// From LLVM c++11 and modified
#include <cstddef>
template<class _Ep>
class initializer_list
const _Ep* __begin_;
size_t __size_;
initializer_list(const _Ep* __b, size_t __s)
: __begin_(__b),
typedef _Ep value_type;
typedef const _Ep& reference;
typedef const _Ep& const_reference;
typedef size_t size_type;
typedef const _Ep* iterator;
typedef const _Ep* const_iterator;
initializer_list() : __begin_(nullptr), __size_(0) {}
size_t size() const {return __size_;}
const _Ep* begin() const {return __begin_;}
const _Ep* end() const {return __begin_ + __size_;}
template<class _Ep>
const _Ep*
begin(initializer_list<_Ep> __il)
return __il.begin();
template<class _Ep>
const _Ep*
end(initializer_list<_Ep> __il)
return __il.end();
#if !(_MSC_VER >= 1800 || __cplusplus >= 201402L)
/* replicate the very useful C++14 make_unique for those build environments
that don't implement it yet.
typical useage:
auto p = std::make_unique<Myclass>(ctorArg1, ctorArg2, ... ctorArgN);
auto q = std::make_unique<Myclass[]>(count);
The first hides naked NEW and DELETE from the source code.
The second hides NEW[] and DELETE[]. Both of course ensure destruction if
you don't use something like std::move(p) or q.release(). Both expressions require
that you identify the type only once, which is brief and less error prone.
(Whereas this omission of [] might invite a runtime error:
std::unique_ptr<Myclass> q { safenew Myclass[count] }; )
Some C++11 tricks needed here are (1) variadic argument lists and
(2) making the compile-time dispatch work correctly. You can't have
a partially specialized template function, but you get the effect of that
by other metaprogramming means.
namespace std {
// For overloading resolution
template <typename X> struct __make_unique_result {
using scalar_case = unique_ptr<X>;
// Partial specialization of the struct for array case
template <typename X> struct __make_unique_result<X[]> {
using array_case = unique_ptr<X[]>;
using element = X;
// Now the scalar version of unique_ptr
template<typename X, typename... Args> inline
typename __make_unique_result<X>::scalar_case
make_unique(Args&&... args)
return typename __make_unique_result<X>::scalar_case
{ safenew X(forward<Args>(args)...) };
// Now the array version of unique_ptr
// The compile-time dispatch trick is that the non-existence
// of the scalar_case type makes the above overload
// unavailable when the template parameter is explicit
template<typename X> inline
typename __make_unique_result<X>::array_case
make_unique(size_t count)
return typename __make_unique_result<X>::array_case
{ safenew typename __make_unique_result<X>::element[count] };
* ArrayOf<X>
* Not to be confused with std::array (which takes a fixed size) or std::vector
* This maintains a pointer allocated by NEW X[]. It's cheap: only one pointer,
* with no size and capacity information for resizing as for vector, and if X is
* a built-in numeric or pointer type, by default there is no zero filling at
* allocation time.
template<typename X>
class ArrayOf : public std::unique_ptr<X[]>
ArrayOf() {}
template<typename Integral>
explicit ArrayOf(Integral count, bool initialize = false)
static_assert(std::is_unsigned<Integral>::value, "Unsigned arguments only");
reinit(count, initialize);
ArrayOf(const ArrayOf&) PROHIBITED;
ArrayOf(ArrayOf&& that)
: std::unique_ptr < X[] >
(std::move((std::unique_ptr < X[] >&)(that)))
ArrayOf& operator= (ArrayOf &&that)
return *this;
ArrayOf& operator= (std::unique_ptr<X[]> &&that)
return *this;
template< typename Integral >
void reinit(Integral count,
bool initialize = false)
static_assert(std::is_unsigned<Integral>::value, "Unsigned arguments only");
if (initialize)
// Initialize elements (usually, to zero for a numerical type)
std::unique_ptr<X[]>::reset(safenew X[count]{});
// Avoid the slight initialization overhead
std::unique_ptr<X[]>::reset(safenew X[count]);
* ArraysOf<X>
* This simplifies arrays of arrays, each array separately allocated with NEW[]
* But it might be better to use std::Array<ArrayOf<X>, N> for some small constant N
* Or use just one array when sub-arrays have a common size and are not large.
template<typename X>
class ArraysOf : public ArrayOf<ArrayOf<X>>
ArraysOf() {}
template<typename Integral>
explicit ArraysOf(Integral N)
: ArrayOf<ArrayOf<X>>( N )
template<typename Integral1, typename Integral2 >
ArraysOf(Integral1 N, Integral2 M, bool initialize = false)
: ArrayOf<ArrayOf<X>>( N )
static_assert(std::is_unsigned<Integral1>::value, "Unsigned arguments only");
static_assert(std::is_unsigned<Integral2>::value, "Unsigned arguments only");
for (size_t ii = 0; ii < N; ++ii)
(*this)[ii] = ArrayOf<X>{ M, initialize };
ArraysOf(const ArraysOf&) PROHIBITED;
ArraysOf& operator= (ArraysOf&& that)
return *this;
using ArrayOf<ArrayOf<X>>::reinit;
template<typename Integral1, typename Integral2 >
void reinit(Integral1 countN, Integral2 countM, bool initialize = false)
static_assert(std::is_unsigned<Integral1>::value, "Unsigned arguments only");
static_assert(std::is_unsigned<Integral2>::value, "Unsigned arguments only");
reinit(countN, false);
for (size_t ii = 0; ii < countN; ++ii)
(*this)[ii].reinit(countM, initialize);
* template class Maybe<X>
* Can be used for monomorphic objects that are stack-allocable, but only conditionally constructed.
* You might also use it as a member.
* Initialize with create(), then use like a smart pointer,
* with *, ->, get(), reset(), or in if()
// Placement-NEW is used below, and that does not cooperate with the DEBUG_NEW for Visual Studio
#ifdef _DEBUG
#ifdef _MSC_VER
#undef new
template<typename X>
class Maybe {
// Construct as NULL
Maybe() {}
// Supply the copy and move, so you might use this as a class member too
Maybe(const Maybe &that)
if (that.get())
Maybe& operator= (const Maybe &that)
if (this != &that) {
if (that.get())
return *this;
Maybe(Maybe &&that)
if (that.get())
Maybe& operator= (Maybe &&that)
if (this != &that) {
if (that.get())
return *this;
// Make an object in the buffer, passing constructor arguments,
// but destroying any previous object first
// Note that if constructor throws, we remain in a consistent
// NULL state -- giving exception safety but only weakly
// (previous value was lost if present)
template<typename... Args>
void create(Args&&... args)
// Lose any old value
// Create NEW value
pp = safenew(address()) X(std::forward<Args>(args)...);
// Destroy any object that was built in it
// Pointer-like operators
// Dereference, with the usual bad consequences if NULL
X &operator* () const
return *pp;
X *operator-> () const
return pp;
X* get() const
return pp;
void reset()
if (pp)
pp->~X(), pp = nullptr;
// So you can say if(ptr)
explicit operator bool() const
return pp != nullptr;
X* address()
return reinterpret_cast<X*>(&storage);
// Data
#if 0
typename ::std::aligned_storage<
// , alignof(X) // Not here yet in all compilers
>::type storage{};
union {
double d;
char storage[sizeof(X)];
X* pp{ nullptr };
// Restore definition of debug new
#ifdef _DEBUG
#ifdef _MSC_VER
#undef THIS_FILE
static char*THIS_FILE = __FILE__;
#define new new(_NORMAL_BLOCK, THIS_FILE, __LINE__)
// Frequently, we need to use a vector or list of unique_ptr if we can, but default
// to shared_ptr if we can't (because containers know how to copy elements only,
// not move them).
template<typename T> using movable_ptr = std::shared_ptr<T>;
template<typename T, typename Deleter> using movable_ptr_with_deleter_base = std::shared_ptr<T>;
template<typename T> using movable_ptr = std::unique_ptr<T>;
template<typename T, typename Deleter> using movable_ptr_with_deleter_base = std::unique_ptr<T, Deleter>;
template<typename T, typename... Args>
inline movable_ptr<T> make_movable(Args&&... args)
return std::
template<typename T, typename Deleter> class movable_ptr_with_deleter
: public movable_ptr_with_deleter_base < T, Deleter >
// Do not expose a constructor that takes only a pointer without deleter
// That is important when implemented with shared_ptr
movable_ptr_with_deleter() {};
movable_ptr_with_deleter(T* p, const Deleter &d)
: movable_ptr_with_deleter_base<T, Deleter>( p, d ) {}
// copy
movable_ptr_with_deleter(const movable_ptr_with_deleter &that)
: movable_ptr_with_deleter_base < T, Deleter > ( that )
movable_ptr_with_deleter &operator= (const movable_ptr_with_deleter& that)
if (this != &that) {
((movable_ptr_with_deleter_base<T, Deleter>&)(*this)) =
return *this;
// move
movable_ptr_with_deleter(movable_ptr_with_deleter &&that)
: movable_ptr_with_deleter_base < T, Deleter > ( std::move(that) )
movable_ptr_with_deleter &operator= (movable_ptr_with_deleter&& that)
if (this != &that) {
((movable_ptr_with_deleter_base<T, Deleter>&)(*this)) =
return *this;
template<typename T, typename Deleter, typename... Args>
inline movable_ptr_with_deleter<T, Deleter>
make_movable_with_deleter(const Deleter &d, Args&&... args)
return movable_ptr_with_deleter<T, Deleter>(safenew T(std::forward<Args>(args)...), d);
* A deleter class to supply the second template parameter of unique_ptr for
* classes like wxWindow that should be sent a message called Destroy rather
* than be deleted directly
template <typename T>
struct Destroyer {
void operator () (T *p) const { if (p) p->Destroy(); }
* a convenience for using Destroyer
template <typename T>
using Destroy_ptr = std::unique_ptr<T, Destroyer<T>>;
* "finally" as in The C++ Programming Language, 4th ed., p. 358
* Useful for defining ad-hoc RAII actions.
* typical usage:
* auto cleanup = finally([&]{ ... code; ... });
// Construct this from any copyable function object, such as a lambda
template <typename F>
struct Final_action {
Final_action(F f) : clean( f ) {}
~Final_action() { clean(); }
F clean;
// Function template with type deduction lets you construct Final_action
// without typing any angle brackets
template <typename F>
Final_action<F> finally (F f)
return Final_action<F>(f);
* Set a variable temporarily in a scope
template< typename T >
struct RestoreValue {
T oldValue;
void operator () ( T *p ) const { if (p) *p = oldValue; }
template< typename T >
class ValueRestorer : public std::unique_ptr< T, RestoreValue<T> >
using std::unique_ptr< T, RestoreValue<T> >::reset; // make private
// But release() remains public and can be useful to commit a changed value
explicit ValueRestorer( T &var )
: std::unique_ptr< T, RestoreValue<T> >( &var, { var } )
explicit ValueRestorer( T &var, const T& newValue )
: std::unique_ptr< T, RestoreValue<T> >( &var, { var } )
{ var = newValue; }
ValueRestorer(ValueRestorer &&that)
: std::unique_ptr < T, RestoreValue<T> > ( std::move(that) ) {};
ValueRestorer & operator= (ValueRestorer &&that)
if (this != &that)
std::unique_ptr < T, RestoreValue<T> >::operator=(std::move(that));
return *this;
// inline functions provide convenient parameter type deduction
template< typename T >
ValueRestorer< T > valueRestorer( T& var )
{ return ValueRestorer< T >{ var }; }
template< typename T >
ValueRestorer< T > valueRestorer( T& var, const T& newValue )
{ return ValueRestorer< T >{ var, newValue }; }
* A convenience for use with range-for
template <typename Iterator>
struct IteratorRange : public std::pair<Iterator, Iterator> {
IteratorRange (Iterator &&a, Iterator &&b)
: std::pair<Iterator, Iterator> ( std::move(a), std::move(b) ) {}
Iterator begin() const { return this->first; }
Iterator end() const { return this->second; }
#endif // __AUDACITY_MEMORY_X_H__