James Crook caf4eadb97 Help button for many warning messages; Restored warning icon.
The error icon was gone because we are now using the ErrorDialog, which didn't have it.  So added back explicitly.  I decided to go with wxART_WARNING rather than wxART_ERROR because nearly all of these present as warnings.
2020-09-14 17:43:28 +01:00

946 lines
26 KiB

Audacity: A Digital Audio Editor
Paul Licameli -- split from SampleBlock.cpp and SampleBlock.h
#include <float.h>
#include <sqlite3.h>
#include "DBConnection.h"
#include "ProjectFileIO.h"
#include "SampleFormat.h"
#include "xml/XMLTagHandler.h"
#include "SampleBlock.h" // to inherit
class SqliteSampleBlockFactory;
///\brief Implementation of @ref SampleBlock using Sqlite database
class SqliteSampleBlock final : public SampleBlock
explicit SqliteSampleBlock(
const std::shared_ptr<SqliteSampleBlockFactory> &pFactory);
~SqliteSampleBlock() override;
void CloseLock() override;
void SetSamples(samplePtr src, size_t numsamples, sampleFormat srcformat);
//! Numbers of bytes needed for 256 and for 64k summaries
using Sizes = std::pair< size_t, size_t >;
void Commit(Sizes sizes);
void Delete();
SampleBlockID GetBlockID() const override;
size_t DoGetSamples(samplePtr dest,
sampleFormat destformat,
size_t sampleoffset,
size_t numsamples) override;
sampleFormat GetSampleFormat() const;
size_t GetSampleCount() const override;
bool GetSummary256(float *dest, size_t frameoffset, size_t numframes) override;
bool GetSummary64k(float *dest, size_t frameoffset, size_t numframes) override;
double GetSumMin() const;
double GetSumMax() const;
double GetSumRms() const;
/// Gets extreme values for the specified region
MinMaxRMS DoGetMinMaxRMS(size_t start, size_t len) override;
/// Gets extreme values for the entire block
MinMaxRMS DoGetMinMaxRMS() const override;
size_t GetSpaceUsage() const override;
void SaveXML(XMLWriter &xmlFile) override;
bool IsSilent() const { return mBlockID <= 0; }
void Load(SampleBlockID sbid);
bool GetSummary(float *dest,
size_t frameoffset,
size_t numframes,
DBConnection::StatementID id,
const char *sql);
size_t GetBlob(void *dest,
sampleFormat destformat,
sqlite3_stmt *stmt,
sampleFormat srcformat,
size_t srcoffset,
size_t srcbytes);
enum {
fields = 3, /* min, max, rms */
bytesPerFrame = fields * sizeof(float),
Sizes SetSizes( size_t numsamples, sampleFormat srcformat );
void CalcSummary(Sizes sizes);
//! This must never be called for silent blocks
DBConnection *Conn() const;
sqlite3 *DB() const
return Conn()->DB();
friend SqliteSampleBlockFactory;
const std::shared_ptr<SqliteSampleBlockFactory> mpFactory;
bool mValid{ false };
bool mLocked = false;
SampleBlockID mBlockID{ 0 };
ArrayOf<char> mSamples;
size_t mSampleBytes;
size_t mSampleCount;
sampleFormat mSampleFormat;
ArrayOf<char> mSummary256;
ArrayOf<char> mSummary64k;
double mSumMin;
double mSumMax;
double mSumRms;
#if defined(WORDS_BIGENDIAN)
#error All sample block data is little endian...big endian not yet supported
// Silent blocks use nonpositive id values to encode a length
// and don't occupy any rows in the database; share blocks for repeatedly
// used length values
static std::map< SampleBlockID, std::shared_ptr<SqliteSampleBlock> >
///\brief Implementation of @ref SampleBlockFactory using Sqlite database
class SqliteSampleBlockFactory final
: public SampleBlockFactory
, public std::enable_shared_from_this<SqliteSampleBlockFactory>
explicit SqliteSampleBlockFactory( AudacityProject &project );
~SqliteSampleBlockFactory() override;
SampleBlockIDs GetActiveBlockIDs() override;
SampleBlockPtr DoCreate(samplePtr src,
size_t numsamples,
sampleFormat srcformat) override;
SampleBlockPtr DoCreateSilent(
size_t numsamples,
sampleFormat srcformat) override;
SampleBlockPtr DoCreateFromXML(
sampleFormat srcformat,
const wxChar **attrs) override;
BlockDeletionCallback SetBlockDeletionCallback(
BlockDeletionCallback callback ) override;
friend SqliteSampleBlock;
const std::shared_ptr<ConnectionPtr> mppConnection;
// Track all blocks that this factory has created, but don't control
// their lifetimes (so use weak_ptr)
// (Must also use weak pointers because the blocks have shared pointers
// to the factory and we can't have a leaky cycle of shared pointers)
using AllBlocksMap =
std::map< SampleBlockID, std::weak_ptr< SqliteSampleBlock > >;
AllBlocksMap mAllBlocks;
BlockDeletionCallback mCallback;
SqliteSampleBlockFactory::SqliteSampleBlockFactory( AudacityProject &project )
: mppConnection{ ConnectionPtr::Get(project).shared_from_this() }
SqliteSampleBlockFactory::~SqliteSampleBlockFactory() = default;
SampleBlockPtr SqliteSampleBlockFactory::DoCreate(
samplePtr src, size_t numsamples, sampleFormat srcformat )
auto sb = std::make_shared<SqliteSampleBlock>(shared_from_this());
sb->SetSamples(src, numsamples, srcformat);
// block id has now been assigned
mAllBlocks[ sb->GetBlockID() ] = sb;
return sb;
auto SqliteSampleBlockFactory::GetActiveBlockIDs() -> SampleBlockIDs
SampleBlockIDs result;
for (auto end = mAllBlocks.end(), it = mAllBlocks.begin(); it != end;) {
if (it->second.expired())
// Tighten up the map
it = mAllBlocks.erase(it);
else {
result.insert( it->first );
return result;
SampleBlockPtr SqliteSampleBlockFactory::DoCreateSilent(
size_t numsamples, sampleFormat )
auto id = -static_cast< SampleBlockID >(numsamples);
auto &result = sSilentBlocks[ id ];
if ( !result ) {
result = std::make_shared<SqliteSampleBlock>(nullptr);
result->mBlockID = id;
// Ignore the supplied sample format
result->SetSizes(numsamples, floatSample);
result->mValid = true;
return result;
SampleBlockPtr SqliteSampleBlockFactory::DoCreateFromXML(
sampleFormat srcformat, const wxChar **attrs )
std::shared_ptr<SampleBlock> sb;
int found = 0;
// loop through attrs, which is a null-terminated list of attribute-value pairs
const wxChar *attr = *attrs++;
const wxChar *value = *attrs++;
if (!value)
const wxString strValue = value; // promote string, we need this for all
double dblValue;
long long nValue;
if (wxStrcmp(attr, wxT("blockid")) == 0 &&
XMLValueChecker::IsGoodInt(strValue) && strValue.ToLongLong(&nValue))
if (nValue <= 0) {
sb = DoCreateSilent( -nValue, floatSample );
else {
// First see if this block id was previously loaded
auto &wb = mAllBlocks[ nValue ];
auto pb = wb.lock();
if (pb)
// Reuse the block
sb = pb;
else {
// First sight of this id
auto ssb =
wb = ssb;
sb = ssb;
ssb->mSampleFormat = srcformat;
// This may throw database errors
// It initializes the rest of the fields
ssb->Load((SampleBlockID) nValue);
// Were all attributes found?
if (found != 1)
return nullptr;
return sb;
auto SqliteSampleBlockFactory::SetBlockDeletionCallback(
BlockDeletionCallback callback ) -> BlockDeletionCallback
auto result = mCallback;
mCallback = std::move( callback );
return result;
const std::shared_ptr<SqliteSampleBlockFactory> &pFactory)
: mpFactory(pFactory)
mSampleFormat = floatSample;
mSampleBytes = 0;
mSampleCount = 0;
mSumMin = 0.0;
mSumMax = 0.0;
mSumRms = 0.0;
auto &callback = mpFactory->mCallback;
if (callback)
GuardedCall( [&]{ callback( *this ); } );
if (IsSilent()) {
// The block object was constructed but failed to Load() or Commit().
// Or it's a silent block with no row in the database.
// Just let the stack unwind. Don't violate the assertion in
// Delete(), which may do odd recursive things in debug builds when it
// yields to the UI to put up a dialog, but then dispatches timer
// events that try again to finish recording.
// See ProjectFileIO::Bypass() for a description of mIO.mBypass
if (!mLocked && !Conn()->ShouldBypass())
// In case Delete throws, don't let an exception escape a destructor,
// but we can still enqueue the delayed handler so that an error message
// is presented to the user.
// The failure in this case may be a less harmful waste of space in the
// database, which should not cause aborting of the attempted edit.
GuardedCall( [this]{ Delete(); } );
DBConnection *SqliteSampleBlock::Conn() const
auto &pConnection = mpFactory->mppConnection->mpConnection;
if (!pConnection) {
throw SimpleMessageBoxException
XO("Failed to open the project's database"),
return pConnection.get();
void SqliteSampleBlock::CloseLock()
mLocked = true;
SampleBlockID SqliteSampleBlock::GetBlockID() const
return mBlockID;
sampleFormat SqliteSampleBlock::GetSampleFormat() const
return mSampleFormat;
size_t SqliteSampleBlock::GetSampleCount() const
return mSampleCount;
size_t SqliteSampleBlock::DoGetSamples(samplePtr dest,
sampleFormat destformat,
size_t sampleoffset,
size_t numsamples)
if (IsSilent()) {
ClearSamples(dest, destformat, sampleoffset, numsamples);
return numsamples;
// Prepare and cache statement...automatically finalized at DB close
sqlite3_stmt *stmt = Conn()->Prepare(DBConnection::GetSamples,
"SELECT samples FROM sampleblocks WHERE blockid = ?1;");
return GetBlob(dest,
sampleoffset * SAMPLE_SIZE(mSampleFormat),
numsamples * SAMPLE_SIZE(mSampleFormat)) / SAMPLE_SIZE(mSampleFormat);
void SqliteSampleBlock::SetSamples(samplePtr src,
size_t numsamples,
sampleFormat srcformat)
auto sizes = SetSizes(numsamples, srcformat);
memcpy(mSamples.get(), src, mSampleBytes);
CalcSummary( sizes );
Commit( sizes );
bool SqliteSampleBlock::GetSummary256(float *dest,
size_t frameoffset,
size_t numframes)
return GetSummary(dest, frameoffset, numframes, DBConnection::GetSummary256,
"SELECT summary256 FROM sampleblocks WHERE blockid = ?1;");
bool SqliteSampleBlock::GetSummary64k(float *dest,
size_t frameoffset,
size_t numframes)
return GetSummary(dest, frameoffset, numframes, DBConnection::GetSummary64k,
"SELECT summary64k FROM sampleblocks WHERE blockid = ?1;");
bool SqliteSampleBlock::GetSummary(float *dest,
size_t frameoffset,
size_t numframes,
DBConnection::StatementID id,
const char *sql)
// Non-throwing, it returns true for success
bool silent = IsSilent();
if (!silent) {
// Not a silent block
try {
// Prepare and cache statement...automatically finalized at DB close
auto stmt = Conn()->Prepare(id, sql);
// Note GetBlob returns a size_t, not a bool
frameoffset * fields * SAMPLE_SIZE(floatSample),
numframes * fields * SAMPLE_SIZE(floatSample));
return true;
catch ( const AudacityException & ) {
memset(dest, 0, 3 * numframes * sizeof( float ));
// Return true for success only if we didn't catch
return silent;
double SqliteSampleBlock::GetSumMin() const
return mSumMin;
double SqliteSampleBlock::GetSumMax() const
return mSumMax;
double SqliteSampleBlock::GetSumRms() const
return mSumRms;
/// Retrieves the minimum, maximum, and maximum RMS of the
/// specified sample data in this block.
/// @param start The offset in this block where the region should begin
/// @param len The number of samples to include in the region
MinMaxRMS SqliteSampleBlock::DoGetMinMaxRMS(size_t start, size_t len)
if (IsSilent())
return {};
float min = FLT_MAX;
float max = -FLT_MAX;
float sumsq = 0;
if (!mValid)
if (start < mSampleCount)
len = std::min(len, mSampleCount - start);
// TODO: actually use summaries
SampleBuffer blockData(len, floatSample);
float *samples = (float *) blockData.ptr();
size_t copied = DoGetSamples((samplePtr) samples, floatSample, start, len);
for (size_t i = 0; i < copied; ++i, ++samples)
float sample = *samples;
if (sample > max)
max = sample;
if (sample < min)
min = sample;
sumsq += (sample * sample);
return { min, max, (float) sqrt(sumsq / len) };
/// Retrieves the minimum, maximum, and maximum RMS of this entire
/// block. This is faster than the other GetMinMax function since
/// these values are already computed.
MinMaxRMS SqliteSampleBlock::DoGetMinMaxRMS() const
return { (float) mSumMin, (float) mSumMax, (float) mSumRms };
size_t SqliteSampleBlock::GetSpaceUsage() const
if (IsSilent())
return 0;
return ProjectFileIO::GetDiskUsage(Conn(), mBlockID);
size_t SqliteSampleBlock::GetBlob(void *dest,
sampleFormat destformat,
sqlite3_stmt *stmt,
sampleFormat srcformat,
size_t srcoffset,
size_t srcbytes)
auto db = DB();
if (!mValid)
int rc;
size_t minbytes = 0;
// Bind statement parameters
// Might return SQLITE_MISUSE which means it's our mistake that we violated
// preconditions; should return SQL_OK which is 0
if (sqlite3_bind_int64(stmt, 1, mBlockID))
wxASSERT_MSG(false, wxT("Binding failed...bug!!!"));
// Execute the statement
rc = sqlite3_step(stmt);
if (rc != SQLITE_ROW)
wxLogDebug(wxT("SqliteSampleBlock::GetBlob - SQLITE error %s"), sqlite3_errmsg(db));
// Clear statement bindings and rewind statement
// Just showing the user a simple message, not the library error too
// which isn't internationalized
Conn()->ThrowException( false );
// Retrieve returned data
samplePtr src = (samplePtr) sqlite3_column_blob(stmt, 0);
size_t blobbytes = (size_t) sqlite3_column_bytes(stmt, 0);
srcoffset = std::min(srcoffset, blobbytes);
minbytes = std::min(srcbytes, blobbytes - srcoffset);
if (srcoffset != 0)
srcoffset += 0;
CopySamples(src + srcoffset,
(samplePtr) dest,
minbytes / SAMPLE_SIZE(srcformat));
dest = ((samplePtr) dest) + minbytes;
if (srcbytes - minbytes)
memset(dest, 0, srcbytes - minbytes);
// Clear statement bindings and rewind statement
return srcbytes;
void SqliteSampleBlock::Load(SampleBlockID sbid)
auto db = DB();
int rc;
wxASSERT(sbid > 0);
mValid = false;
mSampleCount = 0;
mSampleBytes = 0;
mSumMin = FLT_MAX;
mSumMax = -FLT_MAX;
mSumMin = 0.0;
// Prepare and cache statement...automatically finalized at DB close
sqlite3_stmt *stmt = Conn()->Prepare(DBConnection::LoadSampleBlock,
"SELECT sampleformat, summin, summax, sumrms,"
" length(samples)"
" FROM sampleblocks WHERE blockid = ?1;");
// Bind statement parameters
// Might return SQLITE_MISUSE which means it's our mistake that we violated
// preconditions; should return SQL_OK which is 0
if (sqlite3_bind_int64(stmt, 1, sbid))
wxASSERT_MSG(false, wxT("Binding failed...bug!!!"));
// Execute the statement
rc = sqlite3_step(stmt);
if (rc != SQLITE_ROW)
wxLogDebug(wxT("SqliteSampleBlock::Load - SQLITE error %s"), sqlite3_errmsg(db));
// Clear statement bindings and rewind statement
// Just showing the user a simple message, not the library error too
// which isn't internationalized
Conn()->ThrowException( false );
// Retrieve returned data
mBlockID = sbid;
mSampleFormat = (sampleFormat) sqlite3_column_int(stmt, 0);
mSumMin = sqlite3_column_double(stmt, 1);
mSumMax = sqlite3_column_double(stmt, 2);
mSumRms = sqlite3_column_double(stmt, 3);
mSampleBytes = sqlite3_column_int(stmt, 4);
mSampleCount = mSampleBytes / SAMPLE_SIZE(mSampleFormat);
// Clear statement bindings and rewind statement
mValid = true;
void SqliteSampleBlock::Commit(Sizes sizes)
const auto mSummary256Bytes = sizes.first;
const auto mSummary64kBytes = sizes.second;
auto db = DB();
int rc;
// Prepare and cache statement...automatically finalized at DB close
sqlite3_stmt *stmt = Conn()->Prepare(DBConnection::InsertSampleBlock,
"INSERT INTO sampleblocks (sampleformat, summin, summax, sumrms,"
" summary256, summary64k, samples)"
" VALUES(?1,?2,?3,?4,?5,?6,?7);");
// Bind statement parameters
// Might return SQLITE_MISUSE which means it's our mistake that we violated
// preconditions; should return SQL_OK which is 0
if (sqlite3_bind_int(stmt, 1, mSampleFormat) ||
sqlite3_bind_double(stmt, 2, mSumMin) ||
sqlite3_bind_double(stmt, 3, mSumMax) ||
sqlite3_bind_double(stmt, 4, mSumRms) ||
sqlite3_bind_blob(stmt, 5, mSummary256.get(), mSummary256Bytes, SQLITE_STATIC) ||
sqlite3_bind_blob(stmt, 6, mSummary64k.get(), mSummary64kBytes, SQLITE_STATIC) ||
sqlite3_bind_blob(stmt, 7, mSamples.get(), mSampleBytes, SQLITE_STATIC))
wxASSERT_MSG(false, wxT("Binding failed...bug!!!"));
// Execute the statement
rc = sqlite3_step(stmt);
if (rc != SQLITE_DONE)
wxLogDebug(wxT("SqliteSampleBlock::Commit - SQLITE error %s"), sqlite3_errmsg(db));
// Clear statement bindings and rewind statement
// Just showing the user a simple message, not the library error too
// which isn't internationalized
Conn()->ThrowException( true );
// Retrieve returned data
mBlockID = sqlite3_last_insert_rowid(db);
// Reset local arrays
// Clear statement bindings and rewind statement
mValid = true;
void SqliteSampleBlock::Delete()
auto db = DB();
int rc;
// Prepare and cache statement...automatically finalized at DB close
sqlite3_stmt *stmt = Conn()->Prepare(DBConnection::DeleteSampleBlock,
"DELETE FROM sampleblocks WHERE blockid = ?1;");
// Bind statement parameters
// Might return SQLITE_MISUSE which means it's our mistake that we violated
// preconditions; should return SQL_OK which is 0
if (sqlite3_bind_int64(stmt, 1, mBlockID))
wxASSERT_MSG(false, wxT("Binding failed...bug!!!"));
// Execute the statement
rc = sqlite3_step(stmt);
if (rc != SQLITE_DONE)
wxLogDebug(wxT("SqliteSampleBlock::Load - SQLITE error %s"), sqlite3_errmsg(db));
// Clear statement bindings and rewind statement
// Just showing the user a simple message, not the library error too
// which isn't internationalized
Conn()->ThrowException( true );
// Clear statement bindings and rewind statement
void SqliteSampleBlock::SaveXML(XMLWriter &xmlFile)
xmlFile.WriteAttr(wxT("blockid"), mBlockID);
auto SqliteSampleBlock::SetSizes(
size_t numsamples, sampleFormat srcformat ) -> Sizes
mSampleFormat = srcformat;
mSampleCount = numsamples;
mSampleBytes = mSampleCount * SAMPLE_SIZE(mSampleFormat);
int frames64k = (mSampleCount + 65535) / 65536;
int frames256 = frames64k * 256;
return { frames256 * bytesPerFrame, frames64k * bytesPerFrame };
/// Calculates summary block data describing this sample data.
/// This method also has the side effect of setting the mSumMin,
/// mSumMax, and mSumRms members of this class.
void SqliteSampleBlock::CalcSummary(Sizes sizes)
const auto mSummary256Bytes = sizes.first;
const auto mSummary64kBytes = sizes.second;
Floats samplebuffer;
float *samples;
if (mSampleFormat == floatSample)
samples = (float *) mSamples.get();
samplebuffer.reinit((unsigned) mSampleCount);
(samplePtr) samplebuffer.get(),
samples = samplebuffer.get();
float *summary256 = (float *) mSummary256.get();
float *summary64k = (float *) mSummary64k.get();
float min;
float max;
float sumsq;
double totalSquares = 0.0;
double fraction = 0.0;
// Recalc 256 summaries
int sumLen = (mSampleCount + 255) / 256;
int summaries = 256;
for (int i = 0; i < sumLen; ++i)
min = samples[i * 256];
max = samples[i * 256];
sumsq = min * min;
int jcount = 256;
if (jcount > mSampleCount - i * 256)
jcount = mSampleCount - i * 256;
fraction = 1.0 - (jcount / 256.0);
for (int j = 1; j < jcount; ++j)
float f1 = samples[i * 256 + j];
sumsq += f1 * f1;
if (f1 < min)
min = f1;
else if (f1 > max)
max = f1;
totalSquares += sumsq;
summary256[i * fields] = min;
summary256[i * fields + 1] = max;
// The rms is correct, but this may be for less than 256 samples in last loop.
summary256[i * fields + 2] = (float) sqrt(sumsq / jcount);
for (int i = sumLen, frames256 = mSummary256Bytes / bytesPerFrame;
i < frames256; ++i)
// filling in the remaining bits with non-harming/contributing values
// rms values are not "non-harming", so keep count of them:
summary256[i * fields] = FLT_MAX; // min
summary256[i * fields + 1] = -FLT_MAX; // max
summary256[i * fields + 2] = 0.0f; // rms
// Calculate now while we can do it accurately
mSumRms = sqrt(totalSquares / mSampleCount);
// Recalc 64K summaries
sumLen = (mSampleCount + 65535) / 65536;
for (int i = 0; i < sumLen; ++i)
min = summary256[3 * i * 256];
max = summary256[3 * i * 256 + 1];
sumsq = summary256[3 * i * 256 + 2];
sumsq *= sumsq;
for (int j = 1; j < 256; ++j)
// we can overflow the useful summary256 values here, but have put
// non-harmful values in them
if (summary256[3 * (i * 256 + j)] < min)
min = summary256[3 * (i * 256 + j)];
if (summary256[3 * (i * 256 + j) + 1] > max)
max = summary256[3 * (i * 256 + j) + 1];
float r1 = summary256[3 * (i * 256 + j) + 2];
sumsq += r1 * r1;
double denom = (i < sumLen - 1) ? 256.0 : summaries - fraction;
float rms = (float) sqrt(sumsq / denom);
summary64k[i * fields] = min;
summary64k[i * fields + 1] = max;
summary64k[i * fields + 2] = rms;
for (int i = sumLen, frames64k = mSummary64kBytes / bytesPerFrame;
i < frames64k; ++i)
wxASSERT_MSG(false, wxT("Out of data for mSummaryInfo")); // Do we ever get here?
summary64k[i * fields] = 0.0f; // probably should be FLT_MAX, need a test case
summary64k[i * fields + 1] = 0.0f; // probably should be -FLT_MAX, need a test case
summary64k[i * fields + 2] = 0.0f; // just padding
// Recalc block-level summary (mRMS already calculated)
min = summary64k[0];
max = summary64k[1];
for (int i = 1; i < sumLen; ++i)
if (summary64k[i * fields] < min)
min = summary64k[i * fields];
if (summary64k[i * fields + 1] > max)
max = summary64k[i * fields + 1];
mSumMin = min;
mSumMax = max;
// Inject our database implementation at startup
static struct Injector
// Do this some time before the first project is created
(void) SampleBlockFactory::RegisterFactoryFactory(
[]( AudacityProject &project )
return std::make_shared<SqliteSampleBlockFactory>( project );
} injector;