2020-05-25 05:40:46 -04:00

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Audacity: A Digital Audio Editor
James Crook
Audacity is free software.
This file is licensed under the wxWidgets license, see License.txt
#include "Audacity.h"
#include "audacity/Types.h"
#include <vector>
#include <wx/slider.h> // to inherit
#include "MemoryX.h"
#include <wx/listbase.h> // for wxLIST_FORMAT_LEFT
#include "WrappedType.h"
class ChoiceSetting;
class wxArrayStringEx;
const int nMaxNestedSizers = 20;
enum teShuttleMode
// Next two are only ever seen in constructor.
// After that they revert to one of the modes above.
// They are used to achieve 'two step' operation,
// where we transfer between two shuttles in one go.
class wxListCtrl;
class wxCheckBox;
class wxChoice;
class wxComboBox;
class wxScrolledWindow;
class wxStaticText;
class wxTreeCtrl;
class wxTextCtrl;
class wxSlider;
class wxNotebook;
class wxSimplebook;
typedef wxWindow wxNotebookPage; // so far, any window can be a page
class wxButton;
class wxBitmapButton;
class wxRadioButton;
class wxBitmap;
class wxPanel;
class wxSizer;
class wxSizerItem;
class wxStaticBox;
class wxSpinCtrl;
class wxListBox;
class wxGrid;
class Shuttle;
class WrappedType;
#ifdef __WXMAC__
#include <wx/statbox.h> // to inherit
class wxStaticBoxWrapper
: public wxStaticBox // inherit to get access to m_container
template< typename... Args >
wxStaticBoxWrapper( Args &&...args )
: wxStaticBox( std::forward<Args>(args)... )
/// Fix a defect in TAB key navigation to sliders, known to happen in wxWidgets
/// 3.1.1 and maybe in earlier versions
class wxSliderWrapper : public wxSlider
using wxSlider::wxSlider;
void SetFocus() override;
using wxStaticBoxWrapper = wxStaticBox;
using wxSliderWrapper = wxSlider;
template< typename T > class SettingSpec {
SettingSpec( const RegistryPath &path, const T &defaultValue = {} )
: mPath{ path }, mDefaultValue{ defaultValue }
const RegistryPath &GetPath() const { return mPath; }
const T &GetDefault() const { return mDefaultValue; }
RegistryPath mPath;
T mDefaultValue;
namespace DialogDefinition {
struct Item {
Item() = default;
// Factory is a class that returns a value of some subclass of wxValidator
// We must wrap it in another lambda to allow the return type of f to
// vary, and avoid the "slicing" problem.
// (That is, std::function<wxValidator()> would not work.)
template<typename Factory>
Item&& Validator( const Factory &f ) &&
mValidatorSetter = [f](wxWindow *p){ p->SetValidator(f()); };
return std::move(*this);
// This allows further abbreviation of the previous:
template<typename V, typename... Args>
Item&& Validator( Args&&... args ) &&
{ return std::move(*this).Validator( [args...]{ return V( args... ); } ); }
Item&& ToolTip( const TranslatableString &tip ) &&
mToolTip = tip;
return std::move( *this );
// Menu codes in the translation will be stripped
Item&& Name( const TranslatableString &name ) &&
mName = name;
return std::move( *this );
// Append a space, then the translation of the given string, to control name
// (not the title or label: this affects the screen reader behavior)
Item&& NameSuffix( const TranslatableString &suffix ) &&
mNameSuffix = suffix;
return std::move( *this );
Item&& Style( long style ) &&
miStyle = style;
return std::move( *this );
// Only the last item specified as focused (if more than one) will be
Item&& Focus( bool focused = true ) &&
mFocused = focused;
return std::move( *this );
Item&& Disable( bool disabled = true ) &&
mDisabled = disabled;
return std::move( *this );
// Dispatch events from the control to the dialog
// The template type deduction ensures consistency between the argument type
// and the event type. It does not (yet) ensure correctness of the type of
// the handler object.
template< typename Tag, typename Argument, typename Handler >
auto ConnectRoot(
wxEventTypeTag<Tag> eventType,
void (Handler::*func)(Argument&)
) &&
-> typename std::enable_if<
std::is_base_of<Argument, Tag>::value,
(void(wxEvtHandler::*)(wxEvent&)) (
static_cast<void(wxEvtHandler::*)(Argument&)>( func )
return std::move( *this );
Item&& MinSize() && // set best size as min size
mUseBestSize = true;
return std::move ( *this );
Item&& MinSize( wxSize sz ) &&
mMinSize = sz; mHasMinSize = true;
return std::move ( *this );
Item&& Position( int flags ) &&
mWindowPositionFlags = flags;
return std::move( *this );
Item&& Size( wxSize size ) &&
mWindowSize = size;
return std::move( *this );
std::function< void(wxWindow*) > mValidatorSetter;
TranslatableString mToolTip;
TranslatableString mName;
TranslatableString mNameSuffix;
std::vector<std::pair<wxEventType, wxObjectEventFunction>> mRootConnections;
long miStyle{};
// Applies to windows, not to subsizers
int mWindowPositionFlags{ 0 };
wxSize mWindowSize{};
wxSize mMinSize{ -1, -1 };
bool mHasMinSize{ false };
bool mUseBestSize{ false };
bool mFocused { false };
bool mDisabled { false };
class AUDACITY_DLL_API ShuttleGuiBase /* not final */
wxWindow * pParent,
teShuttleMode ShuttleMode,
bool vertical, // Choose layout direction of topmost level sizer
wxSize minSize
virtual ~ShuttleGuiBase();
void Init( bool vertical, wxSize minSize );
void ResetId();
//-- Add functions. These only add a widget or 2.
void HandleOptionality(const TranslatableString &Prompt);
void AddPrompt(const TranslatableString &Prompt, int wrapWidth = 0);
void AddUnits(const TranslatableString &Prompt, int wrapWidth = 0);
void AddTitle(const TranslatableString &Prompt, int wrapWidth = 0);
wxWindow * AddWindow(wxWindow * pWindow);
wxSlider * AddSlider(
const TranslatableString &Prompt, int pos, int Max, int Min = 0);
wxSlider * AddVSlider(const TranslatableString &Prompt, int pos, int Max);
wxSpinCtrl * AddSpinCtrl(const TranslatableString &Prompt,
int Value, int Max, int Min);
wxTreeCtrl * AddTree();
// Pass the same initValue to the sequence of calls to AddRadioButton and
// AddRadioButtonToGroup.
// The radio button is filled if selector == initValue
// Spoken name of the button defaults to the same as the prompt
// (after stripping menu codes):
wxRadioButton * AddRadioButton(
const TranslatableString & Prompt, int selector = 0, int initValue = 0 );
wxRadioButton * AddRadioButtonToGroup(
const TranslatableString & Prompt, int selector = 1, int initValue = 0 );
// Only the last button specified as default (if more than one) will be
// Always ORs the flags with wxALL (which affects borders):
wxButton * AddButton(
const TranslatableString & Text, int PositionFlags = wxALIGN_CENTRE,
bool setDefault = false );
// Only the last button specified as default (if more than one) will be
// Always ORs the flags with wxALL (which affects borders):
wxBitmapButton * AddBitmapButton(
const wxBitmap &Bitmap, int PositionFlags = wxALIGN_CENTRE,
bool setDefault = false );
// When PositionFlags is 0, applies wxALL (which affects borders),
// and either wxALIGN_CENTER (if bCenter) or else wxEXPAND
wxStaticText * AddVariableText(
const TranslatableString &Str, bool bCenter = false,
int PositionFlags = 0, int wrapWidth = 0);
wxTextCtrl * AddTextBox(
const TranslatableString &Caption,
const wxString &Value, const int nChars);
wxTextCtrl * AddNumericTextBox(
const TranslatableString &Caption,
const wxString &Value, const int nChars);
wxTextCtrl * AddTextWindow(const wxString &Value);
wxListBox * AddListBox(const wxArrayStringEx &choices);
struct ListControlColumn{
const TranslatableString &h,
int f = wxLIST_FORMAT_LEFT, int w = wxLIST_AUTOSIZE)
: heading(h), format(f), width(w)
TranslatableString heading;
int format;
int width;
wxListCtrl * AddListControl(
std::initializer_list<const ListControlColumn> columns = {},
long listControlStyles = 0
wxListCtrl * AddListControlReportMode(
std::initializer_list<const ListControlColumn> columns = {},
long listControlStyles = 0
wxGrid * AddGrid();
wxCheckBox * AddCheckBox( const TranslatableString &Prompt, bool Selected);
wxCheckBox * AddCheckBoxOnRight( const TranslatableString &Prompt, bool Selected);
// These deleted overloads are meant to break compilation of old calls that
// passed literal "true" and "false" strings
wxCheckBox * AddCheckBox( const TranslatableString &Prompt, const wxChar *) = delete;
wxCheckBox * AddCheckBox( const TranslatableString &Prompt, const char *) = delete;
wxCheckBox * AddCheckBoxOnRight( const TranslatableString &Prompt, const wxChar *) = delete;
wxCheckBox * AddCheckBoxOnRight( const TranslatableString &Prompt, const char *) = delete;
wxComboBox * AddCombo( const TranslatableString &Prompt,
const wxString &Selected, const wxArrayStringEx & choices );
wxChoice * AddChoice( const TranslatableString &Prompt,
const TranslatableStrings &choices, int Selected = -1 );
wxChoice * AddChoice( const TranslatableString &Prompt,
const TranslatableStrings &choices, const TranslatableString &selected );
void AddIcon( wxBitmap * pBmp);
void AddFixedText(
const TranslatableString & Str, bool bCenter = false, int wrapWidth = 0 );
void AddConstTextBox(
const TranslatableString &Caption, const TranslatableString & Value );
//-- Start and end functions. These are used for sizer, or other window containers
// and create the appropriate widget.
void StartHorizontalLay(int PositionFlags=wxALIGN_CENTRE, int iProp=1);
void EndHorizontalLay();
void StartVerticalLay(int iProp=1);
void StartVerticalLay(int PositionFlags, int iProp);
void EndVerticalLay();
wxScrolledWindow * StartScroller(int iStyle=0);
void EndScroller();
wxPanel * StartPanel(int iStyle=0);
void EndPanel();
void StartMultiColumn(int nCols, int PositionFlags=wxALIGN_LEFT);
void EndMultiColumn();
void StartTwoColumn() {StartMultiColumn(2);};
void EndTwoColumn() {EndMultiColumn();};
void StartThreeColumn(){StartMultiColumn(3);};
void EndThreeColumn(){EndMultiColumn();};
wxStaticBox * StartStatic( const TranslatableString & Str, int iProp=0 );
void EndStatic();
wxNotebook * StartNotebook();
void EndNotebook();
wxSimplebook * StartSimplebook();
void EndSimplebook();
// Use within any kind of book control:
// IDs of notebook pages cannot be chosen by the caller
wxNotebookPage * StartNotebookPage( const TranslatableString & Name );
void EndNotebookPage();
wxPanel * StartInvisiblePanel();
void EndInvisiblePanel();
// SettingName is a key in Preferences.
void StartRadioButtonGroup( const ChoiceSetting &Setting );
void EndRadioButtonGroup();
bool DoStep( int iStep );
int TranslateToIndex( const wxString &Value, const wxArrayStringEx &Choices );
wxString TranslateFromIndex( const int nIn, const wxArrayStringEx &Choices );
//-- Tie functions both add controls and also read/write to them.
wxTextCtrl * TieTextBox(
const TranslatableString &Caption, wxString & Value, const int nChars=0);
wxTextCtrl * TieTextBox(
const TranslatableString &Prompt, int &Selected, const int nChars=0);
wxTextCtrl * TieTextBox(
const TranslatableString &Prompt, double &Value, const int nChars=0);
wxTextCtrl * TieNumericTextBox( const TranslatableString &Prompt, int &Value, const int nChars=0);
wxTextCtrl * TieNumericTextBox( const TranslatableString &Prompt, double &Value, const int nChars=0);
wxCheckBox * TieCheckBox( const TranslatableString &Prompt, bool & Var );
wxCheckBox * TieCheckBoxOnRight( const TranslatableString & Prompt, bool & Var );
wxChoice * TieChoice(
const TranslatableString &Prompt,
TranslatableString &Selected, const TranslatableStrings &choices );
wxChoice * TieChoice(
const TranslatableString &Prompt, int &Selected, const TranslatableStrings &choices );
wxSlider * TieSlider(
const TranslatableString &Prompt,
int &pos, const int max, const int min = 0);
wxSlider * TieSlider(
const TranslatableString &Prompt,
double &pos, const double max, const double min = 0.0);
wxSlider * TieSlider(
const TranslatableString &Prompt,
float &pos, const float fMin, const float fMax);
wxSlider * TieVSlider(
const TranslatableString &Prompt,
float &pos, const float fMin, const float fMax);
// Must be called between a StartRadioButtonGroup / EndRadioButtonGroup pair,
// and as many times as there are values in the enumeration.
wxRadioButton * TieRadioButton();
wxSpinCtrl * TieSpinCtrl( const TranslatableString &Prompt,
int &Value, const int max, const int min = 0 );
//-- Variants of the standard Tie functions which do two step exchange in one go
// Note that unlike the other Tie functions, ALL the arguments are const.
// That's because the data is being exchanged between the dialog and mpShuttle
// so it doesn't need an argument that is writeable.
virtual wxCheckBox * TieCheckBox(
const TranslatableString &Prompt,
const SettingSpec< bool > &Setting);
virtual wxCheckBox * TieCheckBoxOnRight(
const TranslatableString &Prompt,
const SettingSpec< bool > &Setting);
virtual wxChoice *TieChoice(
const TranslatableString &Prompt,
const ChoiceSetting &choiceSetting );
// This overload presents what is really a numerical setting as a choice among
// commonly used values, but the choice is not necessarily exhaustive.
// This behaves just like the previous for building dialogs, but the
// behavior is different when the call is intercepted for purposes of
// emitting scripting information about Preferences.
virtual wxChoice * TieNumberAsChoice(
const TranslatableString &Prompt,
const SettingSpec< int > &Setting,
const TranslatableStrings & Choices,
const std::vector<int> * pInternalChoices = nullptr,
int iNoMatchSelector = 0 );
virtual wxTextCtrl * TieTextBox(
const TranslatableString &Prompt,
const SettingSpec< wxString > &Setting,
const int nChars);
virtual wxTextCtrl * TieIntegerTextBox(
const TranslatableString & Prompt,
const SettingSpec< int > &Setting,
const int nChars);
virtual wxTextCtrl * TieNumericTextBox(
const TranslatableString & Prompt,
const SettingSpec< double > &Setting,
const int nChars);
virtual wxSlider * TieSlider(
const TranslatableString & Prompt,
const SettingSpec< int > &Setting,
const int max,
const int min = 0);
virtual wxSpinCtrl * TieSpinCtrl(
const TranslatableString &Prompt,
const SettingSpec< int > &Setting,
const int max,
const int min);
//-- End of variants.
void SetBorder( int Border ) {miBorder = Border;};
void SetSizerProportion( int iProp ) {miSizerProp = iProp;};
void SetStretchyCol( int i );
void SetStretchyRow( int i );
//--Some Additions since June 2007 that don't fit in elsewhere...
wxWindow * GetParent()
// This assertion justifies the use of safenew in many places where GetParent()
// is used to construct a window
wxASSERT(mpParent != NULL);
return mpParent;
ShuttleGuiBase & Prop( int iProp );
void UseUpId();
wxSizer * GetSizer() {return mpSizer;}
static void ApplyItem( int step, const DialogDefinition::Item &item,
wxWindow *pWind, wxWindow *pDlg );
void SetProportions( int Default );
void PushSizer();
void PopSizer();
void UpdateSizersCore( bool bPrepend, int Flags, bool prompt = false );
void UpdateSizers();
void UpdateSizersC();
void UpdateSizersAtStart();
long GetStyle( long Style );
void DoInsertListColumns(
wxListCtrl *pListCtrl,
long listControlStyles,
std::initializer_list<const ListControlColumn> columns );
wxWindow *const mpDlg;
wxSizer * pSizerStack[ nMaxNestedSizers ];
std::unique_ptr<Shuttle> mpShuttle; /*! Controls source/destination of shuttled data. You can
leave this NULL if you are shuttling to variables */
int miNoMatchSelector; //! Used in choices to determine which item to use on no match.
teShuttleMode mShuttleMode;
int miSizerProp;
int mSizerDepth;
int miBorder;
int miProp;
// See UseUpId() for explanation of these three.
int miId;
int miIdNext;
int miIdSetByUser;
// Proportion set by user rather than default.
int miPropSetByUser;
bool * mpbOptionalFlag;
std::unique_ptr<wxSizer> mpSubSizer;
wxSizer * mpSizer;
wxWindow * mpParent;
wxWindow * mpWind;
void DoDataShuttle( const wxString &Name, WrappedType & WrappedRef );
wxCheckBox * DoTieCheckBoxOnRight( const TranslatableString & Prompt, WrappedType & WrappedRef );
wxTextCtrl * DoTieTextBox(
const TranslatableString &Prompt,
WrappedType & WrappedRef, const int nChars);
wxTextCtrl * DoTieNumericTextBox(
const TranslatableString &Prompt, WrappedType & WrappedRef, const int nChars);
wxCheckBox * DoTieCheckBox( const TranslatableString &Prompt, WrappedType & WrappedRef );
wxSlider * DoTieSlider(
const TranslatableString &Prompt,
WrappedType & WrappedRef, const int max, const int min = 0 );
wxSpinCtrl * DoTieSpinCtrl( const TranslatableString &Prompt,
WrappedType & WrappedRef, const int max, const int min = 0 );
std::vector<EnumValueSymbol> mRadioSymbols;
wxString mRadioSettingName; /// The setting controlled by a group.
Optional<WrappedType> mRadioValue; /// The wrapped value associated with the active radio button.
int mRadioCount; /// The index of this radio item. -1 for none.
wxString mRadioValueString; /// Unwrapped string value.
wxRadioButton * DoAddRadioButton(
const TranslatableString &Prompt, int style, int selector, int initValue);
DialogDefinition::Item mItem;
// A rarely used helper function that sets a pointer
// ONLY if the value it is to be set to is non NULL.
extern void SetIfCreated( wxChoice *&Var, wxChoice * Val );
extern void SetIfCreated( wxTextCtrl *&Var, wxTextCtrl * Val );
extern void SetIfCreated( wxStaticText *&Var, wxStaticText * Val );
class GuiWaveTrack;
class AttachableScrollBar;
class ViewInfo;
#include <wx/defs.h> // to get wxSB_HORIZONTAL
// CreateStdButtonSizer defs...should probably move to widgets subdir
eOkButton = 0x0001,
eCancelButton = 0x0002,
eYesButton = 0x0004,
eNoButton = 0x0008,
eHelpButton = 0x0010,
ePreviewButton = 0x0020,
eDebugButton = 0x0040,
eSettingsButton= 0x0080,
ePreviewDryButton = 0x0100,
eApplyButton = 0x0200,
eCloseButton = 0x0400,
// ePreviewID = wxID_LOWEST - 1,
// But there is a wxID_PREVIEW
ePreviewID = wxID_PREVIEW,
eDebugID = wxID_LOWEST - 2,
eSettingsID = wxID_LOWEST - 3,
ePreviewDryID = wxID_LOWEST - 4,
eCloseID = wxID_CANCEL
AUDACITY_DLL_API std::unique_ptr<wxSizer> CreateStdButtonSizer( wxWindow *parent,
long buttons = eOkButton | eCancelButton,
wxWindow *extra = NULL );
// ShuttleGui extends ShuttleGuiBase with Audacity specific extensions.
class AUDACITY_DLL_API ShuttleGui /* not final */ : public ShuttleGuiBase
wxWindow * pParent, teShuttleMode ShuttleMode,
bool vertical = true, // Choose layout direction of topmost level sizer
wxSize minSize = { 250, 100 }
ShuttleGui & Optional( bool & bVar );
ShuttleGui & Id(int id );
// Only the last item specified as focused (if more than one) will be
ShuttleGui & Focus( bool focused = true )
std::move( mItem ).Focus( focused );
return *this;
ShuttleGui &Disable( bool disabled = true )
std::move( mItem ).Disable( disabled );
return *this;
ShuttleGui & ToolTip( const TranslatableString &tip )
std::move( mItem ).ToolTip( tip );
return *this;
// Menu codes in the translation will be stripped
ShuttleGui & Name( const TranslatableString &name )
std::move( mItem ).Name( name );
return *this;
// Append a space, then the translation of the given string, to control name
// (not the title or label: this affects the screen reader behavior)
ShuttleGui & NameSuffix( const TranslatableString &suffix )
std::move( mItem ).NameSuffix( suffix );
return *this;
template<typename Factory>
ShuttleGui& Validator( const Factory &f )
if ( GetMode() == eIsCreating )
std::move( mItem ).Validator( f );
return *this;
// This allows further abbreviation of the previous:
template<typename V, typename...Args>
ShuttleGui& Validator( Args&& ...args )
if ( GetMode() == eIsCreating )
std::move( mItem ).Validator<V>( std::forward<Args>(args)... );
return *this;
// Dispatch events from the control to the dialog
// The template type deduction ensures consistency between the argument type
// and the event type. It does not (yet) ensure correctness of the type of
// the handler object.
template< typename Tag, typename Argument, typename Handler >
auto ConnectRoot(
wxEventTypeTag<Tag> eventType,
void (Handler::*func)(Argument&)
-> typename std::enable_if<
std::is_base_of<Argument, Tag>::value,
std::move( mItem ).ConnectRoot( eventType, func );
return *this;
ShuttleGui & Position( int flags )
std::move( mItem ).Position( flags );
return *this;
ShuttleGui & Size( wxSize size )
std::move( mItem ).Size( size );
return *this;
// Prop() sets the proportion value, defined as in wxSizer::Add().
ShuttleGui & Prop( int iProp ){ ShuttleGuiBase::Prop(iProp); return *this;}; // Has to be here too, to return a ShuttleGui and not a ShuttleGuiBase.
ShuttleGui & Style( long iStyle )
std::move( mItem ).Style( iStyle );
return *this;
ShuttleGui &MinSize() // set best size as min size
{ std::move( mItem ).MinSize(); return *this; }
ShuttleGui &MinSize( wxSize sz )
{ std::move( mItem ).MinSize( sz ); return *this; }
// The first of these buttons, if any, that is included will be default:
// Apply, Yes, OK
void AddStandardButtons(
long buttons = eOkButton | eCancelButton, wxWindow *extra = NULL );
wxSizerItem * AddSpace( int width, int height, int prop = 0 );
wxSizerItem * AddSpace( int size ) { return AddSpace( size, size ); };
// Calculate width of a choice control adequate for the items, maybe after
// the dialog is created but the items change.
static void SetMinSize( wxWindow *window, const TranslatableStrings & items );
static void SetMinSize( wxWindow *window, const wxArrayStringEx & items );
// static void SetMinSize( wxWindow *window, const std::vector<int> & items );
teShuttleMode GetMode() { return mShuttleMode; };