Paul Licameli 5e7d41ec07 Each .cpp/.mm file includes corresponding header before any other...
... except Audacity.h

This forces us to make each header contain all forward declarations or nested
headers that it requires, rather than depend on context.
2019-03-17 22:54:52 -04:00

620 lines
17 KiB
Executable File

Audacity: A Digital Audio Editor
Dominic Mazzoni
James Crook
\file ModuleManager.cpp
\brief Based on LoadLadspa, this code loads pluggable Audacity
extension modules. It also has the code to (a) invoke a script
server and (b) invoke a function returning a replacement window,
i.e. an alternative to the usual interface, for Audacity.
#include "Audacity.h"
#include "ModuleManager.h"
#include "Experimental.h"
#include <wx/dynlib.h>
#include <wx/list.h>
#include <wx/log.h>
#include <wx/string.h>
#include <wx/filename.h>
#include "AudacityApp.h"
#include "FileNames.h"
#include "Internat.h"
#include "PluginManager.h"
#include "commands/ScriptCommandRelay.h"
#include <NonGuiThread.h> // header from libwidgetextra
#include "audacity/PluginInterface.h"
#include "Prefs.h"
#include "./prefs/ModulePrefs.h"
#include "widgets/MultiDialog.h"
#include "widgets/ErrorDialog.h"
#define initFnName "ExtensionModuleInit"
#define versionFnName "GetVersionString"
#define scriptFnName "RegScriptServerFunc"
#define mainPanelFnName "MainPanelFunc"
typedef wxWindow * pwxWindow;
typedef int (*tModuleInit)(int);
//typedef wxString (*tVersionFn)();
typedef wxChar * (*tVersionFn)();
typedef pwxWindow (*tPanelFn)(int);
// This variable will hold the address of a subroutine in
// a DLL that can hijack the normal panel.
static tPanelFn pPanelHijack=NULL;
// Next two commented out lines are handy when investigating
// strange DLL behaviour. Instead of dynamic linking,
// link the library which has the replacement panel statically.
// Give the address of the routine here.
// This is a great help in identifying missing
// symbols which otherwise cause a dll to unload after loading
// without an explanation as to why!
//extern wxWindow * MainPanelFunc( int i );
//tPanelFn pPanelHijack=&MainPanelFunc;
/// IF pPanelHijack has been found in a module DLL
/// THEN when this function is called we'll go and
/// create that window instead of the normal one.
wxWindow * MakeHijackPanel()
if( pPanelHijack == NULL )
return NULL;
return pPanelHijack(0);
// This variable will hold the address of a subroutine in a DLL that
// starts a thread and reads script commands.
static tpRegScriptServerFunc scriptFn;
Module::Module(const FilePath & name)
mName = name;
mLib = std::make_unique<wxDynamicLibrary>();
mDispatch = NULL;
bool Module::Load()
if (mLib->IsLoaded()) {
if (mDispatch) {
return true;
return false;
if (!mLib->Load(mName, wxDL_LAZY)) {
return false;
// Check version string matches. (For now, they must match exactly)
tVersionFn versionFn = (tVersionFn)(mLib->GetSymbol(wxT(versionFnName)));
if (versionFn == NULL){
wxString ShortName = wxFileName( mName ).GetName();
AudacityMessageBox(wxString::Format(_("The module %s does not provide a version string.\nIt will not be loaded."), ShortName), _("Module Unsuitable"));
wxLogMessage(wxString::Format(_("The module %s does not provide a version string. It will not be loaded."), mName));
return false;
wxString moduleVersion = versionFn();
if( moduleVersion != AUDACITY_VERSION_STRING) {
wxString ShortName = wxFileName( mName ).GetName();
AudacityMessageBox(wxString::Format(_("The module %s is matched with Audacity version %s.\n\nIt will not be loaded."), ShortName, moduleVersion), _("Module Unsuitable"));
wxLogMessage(wxString::Format(_("The module %s is matched with Audacity version %s. It will not be loaded."), mName, moduleVersion));
return false;
mDispatch = (fnModuleDispatch) mLib->GetSymbol(wxT(ModuleDispatchName));
if (!mDispatch) {
// Module does not provide a dispatch function...
// That can be OK, as long as we never try to call it.
return true;
// However if we do have it and it does not work,
// then the module is bad.
bool res = ((mDispatch(ModuleInitialize))!=0);
if (res) {
return true;
mDispatch = NULL;
return false;
void Module::Unload()
if (mLib->IsLoaded()) {
int Module::Dispatch(ModuleDispatchTypes type)
if (mLib->IsLoaded())
if( mDispatch != NULL )
return mDispatch(type);
return 0;
void * Module::GetSymbol(const wxString &name)
return mLib->GetSymbol(name);
// ============================================================================
// ModuleManager
// ============================================================================
// The one and only ModuleManager
std::unique_ptr<ModuleManager> ModuleManager::mInstance{};
// Provide builtin modules a means to identify themselves
using BuiltinModuleList = std::vector<ModuleMain>;
namespace {
BuiltinModuleList &builtinModuleList()
static BuiltinModuleList theList;
return theList;
void RegisterBuiltinModule(ModuleMain moduleMain)
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Creation/Destruction
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// static
void ModuleManager::Initialize(CommandHandler &cmdHandler)
const auto &audacityPathList = wxGetApp().audacityPathList;
FilePaths pathList;
FilePaths files;
wxString pathVar;
size_t i;
// Code from LoadLadspa that might be useful in load modules.
pathVar = wxGetenv(wxT("AUDACITY_MODULES_PATH"));
if (!pathVar.empty())
wxGetApp().AddMultiPathsToPathList(pathVar, pathList);
for (i = 0; i < audacityPathList.size(); i++) {
wxString prefix = audacityPathList[i] + wxFILE_SEP_PATH;
wxGetApp().AddUniquePathToPathList(prefix + wxT("modules"),
#if defined(__WXMSW__)
wxGetApp().FindFilesInPathList(wxT("*.dll"), pathList, files);
wxGetApp().FindFilesInPathList(wxT("*.so"), pathList, files);
wxString saveOldCWD = ::wxGetCwd();
for (i = 0; i < files.size(); i++) {
// As a courtesy to some modules that might be bridges to
// open other modules, we set the current working
// directory to be the module's directory.
auto prefix = ::wxPathOnly(files[i]);
int iModuleStatus = ModulePrefs::GetModuleStatus( files[i] );
if( iModuleStatus == kModuleDisabled )
if( iModuleStatus == kModuleFailed )
// New module? You have to go and explicitly enable it.
if( iModuleStatus == kModuleNew ){
// To ensure it is noted in config file and so
// appears on modules page.
ModulePrefs::SetModuleStatus( files[i], kModuleNew);
if( iModuleStatus == kModuleAsk )
// JKC: I don't like prompting for the plug-ins individually
// I think it would be better to show the module prefs page,
// and let the user decide for each one.
wxString ShortName = wxFileName( files[i] ).GetName();
wxString msg;
msg.Printf(_("Module \"%s\" found."), ShortName);
msg += _("\n\nOnly use modules from trusted sources");
const wxChar *buttons[] = {_("Yes"), _("No"), NULL}; // could add a button here for 'yes and remember that', and put it into the cfg file. Needs more thought.
int action;
action = ShowMultiDialog(msg, _("Audacity Module Loader"), buttons, _("Try and load this module?"), false);
// If we're not prompting always, accept the answer permanantly
if( iModuleStatus == kModuleNew ){
iModuleStatus = (action==1)?kModuleDisabled : kModuleEnabled;
ModulePrefs::SetModuleStatus( files[i], iModuleStatus );
if(action == 1){ // "No"
// Before attempting to load, we set the state to bad.
// That way, if we crash, we won't try again.
ModulePrefs::SetModuleStatus( files[i], kModuleFailed );
auto umodule = std::make_unique<Module>(files[i]);
if (umodule->Load()) // it will get rejected if there are version problems
auto module = umodule.get();
// We've loaded and initialised OK.
// So look for special case functions:
wxLogNull logNo; // Don't show wxWidgets errors if we can't do these. (Was: Fix bug 544.)
// (a) for scripting.
if( scriptFn == NULL )
scriptFn = (tpRegScriptServerFunc)(module->GetSymbol(wxT(scriptFnName)));
// (b) for hijacking the entire Audacity panel.
if( pPanelHijack==NULL )
pPanelHijack = (tPanelFn)(module->GetSymbol(wxT(mainPanelFnName)));
// Loaded successfully, restore the status.
ModulePrefs::SetModuleStatus( files[i], iModuleStatus);
// After loading all the modules, we may have a registered scripting function.
// static
int ModuleManager::Dispatch(ModuleDispatchTypes type)
for (const auto &module: mModules) {
return 0;
// ============================================================================
// Return reference to singleton
// ( active threading during construction or after destruction)
// ============================================================================
ModuleManager & ModuleManager::Get()
if (!mInstance)
mInstance.reset(safenew ModuleManager);
return *mInstance;
bool ModuleManager::DiscoverProviders()
FilePaths provList;
FilePaths pathList;
// Code from LoadLadspa that might be useful in load modules.
wxString pathVar = wxString::FromUTF8(getenv("AUDACITY_MODULES_PATH"));
if (!pathVar.empty())
wxGetApp().AddMultiPathsToPathList(pathVar, pathList);
wxGetApp().AddUniquePathToPathList(FileNames::ModulesDir(), pathList);
#if defined(__WXMSW__)
wxGetApp().FindFilesInPathList(wxT("*.dll"), pathList, provList);
#elif defined(__WXMAC__)
wxGetApp().FindFilesInPathList(wxT("*.dylib"), pathList, provList);
wxGetApp().FindFilesInPathList(wxT("*.so"), pathList, provList);
PluginManager & pm = PluginManager::Get();
for (int i = 0, cnt = provList.size(); i < cnt; i++)
ModuleInterface *module = LoadModule(provList[i]);
if (module)
// Register the provider
// Now, allow the module to auto-register children
return true;
void ModuleManager::InitializeBuiltins()
PluginManager & pm = PluginManager::Get();
for (auto moduleMain : builtinModuleList())
ModuleInterfaceHandle module {
moduleMain(this, NULL), ModuleInterfaceDeleter{}
if (module->Initialize())
// Register the provider
ModuleInterface *pInterface = module.get();
const PluginID & id = pm.RegisterPlugin(pInterface);
// Need to remember it
mDynModules[id] = std::move(module);
// Allow the module to auto-register children
// Don't leak! Destructor of module does that.
ModuleInterface *ModuleManager::LoadModule(const PluginPath & path)
auto lib = std::make_unique<wxDynamicLibrary>();
if (lib->Load(path, wxDL_NOW))
bool success = false;
ModuleMain audacityMain = (ModuleMain) lib->GetSymbol(wxSTRINGIZE_T(MODULE_ENTRY),
if (success && audacityMain)
ModuleInterfaceHandle handle {
audacityMain(this, &path), ModuleInterfaceDeleter{}
if (handle)
if (handle->Initialize())
auto module = handle.get();
mDynModules[PluginManager::GetID(module)] = std::move(handle);
mLibs[module] = std::move(lib);
return module;
return NULL;
void ModuleInterfaceDeleter::operator() (ModuleInterface *pInterface) const
if (pInterface)
auto &libs = ModuleManager::Get().mLibs;
auto iter = libs.find(pInterface);
if (iter != libs.end())
libs.erase(iter); // This causes unloading in ~wxDynamicLibrary
std::unique_ptr < ModuleInterface > { pInterface }; // DELETE it
void ModuleManager::RegisterModule(ModuleInterface *inModule)
std::unique_ptr<ModuleInterface> module{ inModule };
PluginID id = PluginManager::GetID(module.get());
if (mDynModules.find(id) != mDynModules.end())
// TODO: Should we complain about a duplicate registeration????
// PRL: Don't leak resources!
mDynModules[id] = ModuleInterfaceHandle {
module.release(), ModuleInterfaceDeleter{}
void ModuleManager::FindAllPlugins(PluginIDs & providers, PluginPaths & paths)
PluginManager & pm = PluginManager::Get();
wxArrayString modIDs;
PluginPaths modPaths;
const PluginDescriptor *plug = pm.GetFirstPlugin(PluginTypeModule);
while (plug)
plug = pm.GetNextPlugin(PluginTypeModule);
for (size_t i = 0, cntIds = modIDs.size(); i < cntIds; i++)
PluginID providerID = modIDs[i];
ModuleInterface *module =
static_cast<ModuleInterface *>(CreateProviderInstance(providerID, modPaths[i]));
if (!module)
auto newpaths = module->FindPluginPaths(pm);
for (size_t j = 0, cntPaths = newpaths.size(); j < cntPaths; j++)
PluginPaths ModuleManager::FindPluginsForProvider(const PluginID & providerID,
const PluginPath & path)
// Instantiate if it hasn't already been done
if (mDynModules.find(providerID) == mDynModules.end())
// If it couldn't be created, just give up and return an empty list
if (!CreateProviderInstance(providerID, path))
return {};
return mDynModules[providerID]->FindPluginPaths(PluginManager::Get());
bool ModuleManager::RegisterEffectPlugin(const PluginID & providerID, const PluginPath & path, wxString &errMsg)
if (mDynModules.find(providerID) == mDynModules.end())
return false;
auto nFound = mDynModules[providerID]->DiscoverPluginsAtPath(path, errMsg, PluginManagerInterface::DefaultRegistrationCallback);
return nFound > 0;
ComponentInterface *ModuleManager::CreateProviderInstance(const PluginID & providerID,
const PluginPath & path)
if (path.empty() && mDynModules.find(providerID) != mDynModules.end())
return mDynModules[providerID].get();
return LoadModule(path);
ComponentInterface *ModuleManager::CreateInstance(const PluginID & providerID,
const PluginPath & path)
if (mDynModules.find(providerID) == mDynModules.end())
return NULL;
return mDynModules[providerID]->CreateInstance(path);
void ModuleManager::DeleteInstance(const PluginID & providerID,
ComponentInterface *instance)
if (mDynModules.find(providerID) == mDynModules.end())
bool ModuleManager::IsProviderValid(const PluginID & WXUNUSED(providerID),
const PluginPath & path)
// Builtin modules do not have a path
if (path.empty())
return true;
wxFileName lib(path);
if (lib.FileExists() || lib.DirExists())
return true;
return false;
bool ModuleManager::IsPluginValid(const PluginID & providerID,
const PluginPath & path,
bool bFast)
if (mDynModules.find(providerID) == mDynModules.end())
return false;
return mDynModules[providerID]->IsPluginValid(path, bFast);