Paul Licameli bb26b2f2c4 Require a ProjectWindow as ancestor of effect dialog...
... by passing parent as reference, not pointer, and testing in the dialog
factory function.

This is important so that we know the lifetime of an effect dialog, even when
it is non-modal, is bounded by the lifetime of the associated project.
2020-01-06 11:30:47 -05:00

160 lines
4.7 KiB

Audacity: A Digital Audio Editor
Audacity(R) is copyright (c) 1999-2008 Audacity Team.
License: GPL v2. See License.txt.
#include "../Experimental.h"
#include <memory>
#include <vector>
#include <unordered_map>
#include "audacity/EffectInterface.h"
#include "audacity/Types.h"
class AudacityCommand;
class AudacityProject;
class CommandContext;
class CommandMessageTarget;
class ComponentInterfaceSymbol;
class Effect;
class TrackFactory;
class TrackList;
class SelectedRegion;
class wxString;
typedef wxString PluginID;
using EffectMap = std::unordered_map<wxString, Effect *>;
using AudacityCommandMap = std::unordered_map<wxString, AudacityCommand *>;
using EffectOwnerMap = std::unordered_map< wxString, std::shared_ptr<Effect> >;
class EffectRack;
class AudacityCommand;
class NotifyingSelectedRegion;
class AUDACITY_DLL_API EffectManager
enum : unsigned {
// No flags specified
kNone = 0x00,
// Flag used to disable prompting for configuration parameteres.
kConfigured = 0x01,
// Flag used to disable saving the state after processing.
kSkipState = 0x02,
// Flag used to disable "Repeat Last Effect"
kDontRepeatLast = 0x04,
/** Get the singleton instance of the EffectManager. Probably not safe
for multi-thread use. */
static EffectManager & Get();
// public methods
// Used by the outside program to register the list of effects and retrieve
// them by index number, usually when the user selects one from a menu.
virtual ~EffectManager();
/** (Un)Register an effect so it can be executed. */
// Here solely for the purpose of Nyquist Workbench until
// a better solution is devised.
const PluginID & RegisterEffect(Effect *f);
void UnregisterEffect(const PluginID & ID);
TranslatableString GetEffectFamilyName(const PluginID & ID);
TranslatableString GetVendorName(const PluginID & ID);
/** Run a command given the plugin ID */
// Returns true on success.
bool DoAudacityCommand(const PluginID & ID,
const CommandContext &,
wxWindow *parent,
bool shouldPrompt = true );
// Renamed from 'Effect' to 'Command' prior to moving out of this class.
ComponentInterfaceSymbol GetCommandSymbol(const PluginID & ID);
TranslatableString GetCommandName(const PluginID & ID);
CommandID GetCommandIdentifier(const PluginID & ID);
TranslatableString GetCommandDescription(const PluginID & ID);
wxString GetCommandUrl(const PluginID & ID);
wxString GetCommandTip(const PluginID & ID);
// flags control which commands are included.
void GetCommandDefinition(const PluginID & ID, const CommandContext & context, int flags);
bool IsHidden(const PluginID & ID);
/** Support for batch commands */
bool SupportsAutomation(const PluginID & ID);
wxString GetEffectParameters(const PluginID & ID);
bool SetEffectParameters(const PluginID & ID, const wxString & params);
bool PromptUser( const PluginID & ID,
const EffectClientInterface::EffectDialogFactory &factory,
wxWindow &parent );
bool HasPresets(const PluginID & ID);
wxString GetPreset(const PluginID & ID, const wxString & params, wxWindow * parent);
wxString GetDefaultPreset(const PluginID & ID);
void SetBatchProcessing(const PluginID & ID, bool start);
struct UnsetBatchProcessing {
PluginID mID;
void operator () (EffectManager *p) const
{ if(p) p->SetBatchProcessing(mID, false); }
using BatchProcessingScope =
std::unique_ptr< EffectManager, UnsetBatchProcessing >;
// RAII for the function above
BatchProcessingScope SetBatchProcessing(const PluginID &ID)
SetBatchProcessing(ID, true); return BatchProcessingScope{ this, {ID} };
/** Allow effects to disable saving the state at run time */
void SetSkipStateFlag(bool flag);
bool GetSkipStateFlag();
const PluginID & GetEffectByIdentifier(const CommandID & strTarget);
/** Return an effect by its ID. */
Effect *GetEffect(const PluginID & ID);
AudacityCommand *GetAudacityCommand(const PluginID & ID);
EffectMap mEffects;
AudacityCommandMap mCommands;
EffectOwnerMap mHostEffects;
int mNumEffects;
// Set true if we want to skip pushing state
// after processing at effect run time.
bool mSkipStateFlag;
friend class EffectRack;