2019-04-04 10:13:23 -04:00

166 lines
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Audacity: A Digital Audio Editor
Dominic Mazzoni
Vaughan Johnson
#include "Audacity.h"
#include <vector>
#include <wx/textctrl.h> // to inherit
#include "commands/CommandManagerWindowClasses.h"
#include "widgets/wxPanelWrapper.h" // to inherit
class AudacityProject;
class LabelTrack;
/// \brief used in LyricsPanel, a Syllable gives positional information to
/// be used with the bouncing ball effect.
struct Syllable {
Syllable() = default;
Syllable( const Syllable& ) = default;
Syllable& operator= ( const Syllable& ) = default;
//Syllable( Syllable && ) = default;
//Syllable& operator= ( Syllable&& ) = default;
double t;
wxString text;
wxString textWithSpace;
int char0; // index of first char of syllable in LyricsPanel::mText, used only for kHighlightLyrics
int char1; // index of last char of syllable in LyricsPanel::mText, used only for kHighlightLyrics
int width;
int leftX;
int x; // centerX, used only for kBouncingBallLyrics
class LyricsPanel;
// Override wxTextCtrl to handle selection events, which the parent ignores if the control is read-only.
class HighlightTextCtrl final : public wxTextCtrl
HighlightTextCtrl(LyricsPanel* parent,
wxWindowID id,
const wxString& value = {},
const wxPoint& pos = wxDefaultPosition,
const wxSize& size = wxDefaultSize);
virtual ~HighlightTextCtrl() {};
void OnMouseEvent(wxMouseEvent &evt);
LyricsPanel* mLyricsPanel;
\brief LyricsPanel is a panel that paints the bouncing
ball and the lyrics text.
class LyricsPanel final
: public wxPanelWrapper
, public NonKeystrokeInterceptingWindow
enum LyricsStyle {
kBouncingBallLyrics, // Lyrics move from right to left with bouncing ball.
// kGuitarTab, //v <<future>> Guitar Tablature moves from right to left.
kHighlightLyrics, // Lyrics show in scrolling page and syllables highlight successively.
LyricsPanel(wxWindow* parent, wxWindowID id,
AudacityProject *project,
const wxPoint& pos = wxDefaultPosition,
const wxSize& size = wxDefaultSize);
virtual ~LyricsPanel();
int FindSyllable(long startChar); // Find the syllable whose char0 <= startChar <= char1.
int GetCurrentSyllableIndex() { return mCurrentSyllable; };
Syllable* GetSyllable(int nSyl) { return &(mSyllables[nSyl]); };
void SetCurrentSyllableIndex(int nSyl) { mCurrentSyllable = nSyl; };
LyricsStyle GetLyricsStyle() { return mLyricsStyle; };
void SetLyricsStyle(const LyricsStyle newLyricsStyle);
void Update(double t);
void UpdateLyrics(wxEvent &e);
void OnShow(wxShowEvent& e);
void OnStartStop(wxCommandEvent &e);
// Event handlers
void OnKeyEvent(wxKeyEvent & event);
void DoPaint(wxDC &dc);
void OnPaint(wxPaintEvent &evt);
void OnSize(wxSizeEvent &evt);
// Doesn't seem to be a way to capture a selection event in a read-only wxTextCtrl.
// Thus the HighlightTextCtrl class.
// void OnHighlightTextCtrl(wxCommandEvent & event);
void HandlePaint(wxDC &dc);
void HandlePaint_BouncingBall(wxDC &dc);
void HandleLayout();
void Clear();
void AddLabels(const LabelTrack *pLT);
void Finish(double finalT);
void Add(double t, const wxString &syllable, wxString &highlightText);
unsigned int GetDefaultFontSize() const; // Depends on mLyricsStyle. Call only after mLyricsStyle is set.
void SetDrawnFont(wxDC *dc); // for kBouncingBallLyrics
void SetHighlightFont(); // for kHighlightLyrics
void Measure(wxDC *dc);
int FindSyllable(double t);
void GetKaraokePosition(double t, int *outX, double *outY);
int mWidth; // client width
int mHeight; // client height
int mKaraokeHeight; //v mHeight - mBrandingHeight (so just mHeight now that Branding is removed).
unsigned int mKaraokeFontSize;
LyricsStyle mLyricsStyle; // default kHighlightLyrics
HighlightTextCtrl* mHighlightTextCtrl; // only for kHighlightLyrics
double mT;
int mCurrentSyllable;
std::vector<Syllable> mSyllables;
wxString mText;
int mTextHeight; // only for drawn text
bool mMeasurementsDone; // only for drawn text
wxWeakRef<AudacityProject> mProject;
bool mDelayedUpdate{ false };
#endif // __AUDACITY_LYRICS__