2019-06-03 01:43:26 -04:00

165 lines
5.3 KiB

\class MissingAliasFileDialog
\brief Special case of ErrorDialog for reporting missing alias files.
#include "MissingAliasFileDialog.h"
#include <mutex>
#include <wx/frame.h>
#include "BlockFile.h"
#include "DirManager.h"
#include "Project.h"
#include "widgets/ErrorDialog.h"
namespace {
using wxDialogRef = wxWeakRef< wxDialog >;
std::vector< wxDialogRef > sDialogs;
// special case for alias missing dialog because we keep track of if it exists.
class MissingAliasFileDialog final : public ErrorDialog
MissingAliasFileDialog(wxWindow *parent,
const wxString & dlogTitle,
const wxString & message,
const wxString & helpURL,
const bool Close = true, const bool modal = true);
virtual ~MissingAliasFileDialog();
MissingAliasFileDialog::MissingAliasFileDialog(wxWindow *parent,
const wxString & dlogTitle,
const wxString & message,
const wxString & helpURL,
const bool Close, const bool modal)
: ErrorDialog( parent,
dlogTitle, message, helpURL, Close, modal )
sDialogs.push_back( this );
auto begin = sDialogs.begin(), end = sDialogs.end(),
newEnd = std::remove_if( begin, end,
[&]( const wxDialogRef &ref ){
return ref == this; } );
sDialogs.erase( newEnd, end );
namespace MissingAliasFilesDialog {
bool m_missingAliasFilesWarningShouldShow{ true };
std::weak_ptr< AudacityProject > m_LastMissingBlockFileProject;
wxString m_LastMissingBlockFilePath;
std::mutex m_LastMissingBlockFileLock;
using Lock = std::unique_lock< std::mutex >;
void Show(AudacityProject *project,
const wxString &dlogTitle,
const wxString &message,
const wxString &helpPage,
const bool Close)
auto parent = FindProjectFrame( project );
wxASSERT(parent); // to justify safenew
ErrorDialog *dlog = safenew MissingAliasFileDialog(parent, dlogTitle, message, helpPage, Close, false);
// Don't center because in many cases (effect, export, etc) there will be a progress bar in the center that blocks this.
// instead put it just above or on the top of the project.
wxPoint point;
point.x = 0;
point.y = parent ? parent->GetPosition().y - 200 : 100;
if (point.y < 100)
point.y = 100;
// This needs to be modeless because user may need to
// stop playback AND read dialog's instructions.
// ANSWER-ME: Vigilant Sentry flags this method as not deleting dlog, so a mem leak.
// PRL: answer is that the parent window guarantees destruction of the dialog
// but in practice Destroy() in OnOK does that
wxDialog *Find( const AudacityProject &project )
auto &window = GetProjectFrame( project );
auto begin = sDialogs.begin(), end = sDialogs.end(),
iter = std::find_if( begin, end,
[&]( const wxDialogRef &ref ){
return ref && ref->GetParent() == &window; } );
if (iter != end)
return *iter;
return nullptr;
void Mark(const AliasBlockFile *b)
Lock lock{ m_LastMissingBlockFileLock };
if (b) {
for ( auto pProject : AllProjects{} ) {
// search each project for the blockfile
if (DirManager::Get( *pProject ).ContainsBlockFile(b)) {
m_LastMissingBlockFileProject = pProject;
m_LastMissingBlockFileProject = {};
if (b)
m_LastMissingBlockFilePath = b->GetAliasedFileName().GetFullPath();
m_LastMissingBlockFilePath = wxString{};
std::pair< wxString, std::shared_ptr<AudacityProject> > Marked()
Lock lock{ m_LastMissingBlockFileLock };
return { m_LastMissingBlockFilePath, m_LastMissingBlockFileProject.lock() };
bool ShouldShow()
Lock lock{ m_LastMissingBlockFileLock };
auto ptr = m_LastMissingBlockFileProject.lock();
return ptr && m_missingAliasFilesWarningShouldShow;
void SetShouldShow(bool b)
// Note that this is can be called by both the main thread and other threads.
// I don't believe we need a mutex because we are checking zero vs non-zero,
// and the setting from other threads will always be non-zero (true), and the
// setting from the main thread is always false.
m_missingAliasFilesWarningShouldShow = b;
// reset the warnings as they were probably marked by a previous run
if (m_missingAliasFilesWarningShouldShow) {
Mark( nullptr );
// Arrange callback from low levels of block file I/O to detect missing files
static struct InstallHook{ InstallHook() {
auto hook = [](const AliasBlockFile *pAliasFile){
if (!MissingAliasFilesDialog::ShouldShow())
BlockFile::SetMissingAliasFileFound( hook );
} } installHook;