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Audacity: A Digital Audio Editor
Dominic Mazzoni
and lots of other contributors
Implements TrackPanel and TrackInfo.
\file TrackPanel.cpp
Implements TrackPanel and TrackInfo.
\class TrackPanel
The TrackPanel class coordinates updates and operations on the
main part of the screen which contains multiple tracks.
It uses many other classes, but in particular it uses the
TrackInfo class to draw the controls area on the left of a track,
and the TrackArtist class to draw the actual waveforms.
Note that in some of the older code here, e.g., GetLabelWidth(),
"Label" means the TrackInfo plus the vertical ruler.
Confusing relative to LabelTrack labels.
The TrackPanel manages multiple tracks and their TrackInfos.
Note that with stereo tracks there will be one TrackInfo
being used by two wavetracks.
\namespace TrackInfo
Functions for drawing the track control panel, which is shown to the side
of a track
It has the menus, pan and gain controls displayed in it.
So "Info" is somewhat a misnomer. Should possibly be "TrackControls".
It maintains global slider widget instances that are reparented and
repositioned as needed for drawing and interaction with the user,
interoperating with the custom panel subdivision implemented in CellularPanel
and avoiding wxWidgets sizers
If we'd instead coded it as a wxWindow, we would have an instance
of this class for each track displayed.
\class TrackPanel::AudacityTimer
\brief Timer class dedicated to informing the TrackPanel that it
is time to refresh some aspect of the screen.
#include "Audacity.h" // for USE_* macros
#include "TrackPanel.h"
#include <wx/setup.h> // for wxUSE_* macros
#include "Experimental.h"
#include "AdornedRulerPanel.h"
#include "KeyboardCapture.h"
#include "Project.h"
#include "TrackPanelMouseEvent.h"
#include "TrackPanelResizeHandle.h"
#include "AColor.h"
#include "AllThemeResources.h"
#include "AudioIO.h"
#include "float_cast.h"
#include "Prefs.h"
#include "RefreshCode.h"
#include "TrackArtist.h"
#include "TrackPanelAx.h"
#include "ViewInfo.h"
#include "WaveTrack.h"
#include "NoteTrack.h"
#include "ondemand/ODManager.h"
#include "ondemand/ODTask.h"
#include "toolbars/ControlToolBar.h"
#include "toolbars/ToolsToolBar.h"
#include "tracks/ui/TrackControls.h" // for inheritance relation
#include "tracks/ui/TrackVRulerControls.h" // for inheritance relation
//This loads the appropriate set of cursors, depending on platform.
#include "../images/Cursors.h"
#include "widgets/ASlider.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <wx/dcclient.h>
\class TrackPanel
This is a diagram of TrackPanel's division of one (non-stereo) track rectangle.
Total height equals Track::GetHeight()'s value. Total width is the wxWindow's
width. Each charater that is not . represents one pixel.
Inset space of this track, and top inset of the next track, are used to draw the
focus highlight.
Top inset of the right channel of a stereo track, and bottom shadow line of the
left channel, are used for the channel separator.
"Margin" is a term used for inset plus border (top and left) or inset plus
shadow plus border (right and bottom).
GetVRulerOffset() counts columns from the left edge up to and including
controls, and is a constant.
GetVRulerWidth() is variable -- all tracks have the same ruler width at any
time, but that width may be adjusted when tracks change their vertical scales.
GetLabelWidth() counts columns up to and including the VRuler.
GetLeftOffset() is yet one more -- it counts the "one pixel" column.
Cell for label has a rectangle that OMITS left, top, and bottom
Cell for vruler has a rectangle right of the label,
up to and including the One Pixel column, and OMITS top and bottom margins
Cell() for track returns a rectangle with x == GetLeftOffset(), and OMITS
right, top, and bottom margins
+--------------- ... ------ ... --------------------- ... ... -------------+
| Top Inset |
| |
| +------------ ... ------ ... --------------------- ... ... ----------+ |
| L|+-Border---- ... ------ ... --------------------- ... ... -Border-+ |R |
| e||+---------- ... -++--- ... -+++----------------- ... ... -------+| |i |
| f|B| || ||| |BS|g |
| t|o| Controls || V |O| The good stuff |oh|h |
| |r| || R |n| |ra|t |
| I|d| || u |e| |dd| |
| n|e| || l | | |eo|I |
| s|r| || e |P| |rw|n |
| e||| || r |i| ||||s |
| t||| || |x| ||||e |
| ||| || |e| ||||t |
| ||| || |l| |||| |
| ||| || ||| |||| |
. ... .. ... .... .
. ... .. ... .... .
. ... .. ... .... .
| ||| || ||| |||| |
| ||+---------- -++-- ... -+++----------------- ... ... -------+||| |
| |+-Border---- ... ----- ... --------------------- ... ... -Border-+|| |
| | Shadow---- ... ----- ... --------------------- ... ... --Shadow-+| |
// Is the distance between A and B less than D?
template < class A, class B, class DIST > bool within(A a, B b, DIST d)
return (a > b - d) && (a < b + d);
BEGIN_EVENT_TABLE(TrackPanel, CellularPanel)
EVT_TIMER(wxID_ANY, TrackPanel::OnTimer)
/// Makes a cursor from an XPM, uses CursorId as a fallback.
/// TODO: Move this function to some other source file for reuse elsewhere.
std::unique_ptr<wxCursor> MakeCursor( int WXUNUSED(CursorId), const char * const pXpm[36], int HotX, int HotY )
const int HotAdjust =0;
const int HotAdjust =8;
wxImage Image = wxImage(wxBitmap(pXpm).ConvertToImage());
Image.SetMask();// Enable mask.
Image.SetOption( wxIMAGE_OPTION_CUR_HOTSPOT_X, HotX-HotAdjust );
Image.SetOption( wxIMAGE_OPTION_CUR_HOTSPOT_Y, HotY-HotAdjust );
return std::make_unique<wxCursor>( Image );
// Don't warn us about using 'this' in the base member initializer list.
#ifndef __WXGTK__ //Get rid if this pragma for gtk
#pragma warning( disable: 4355 )
TrackPanel::TrackPanel(wxWindow * parent, wxWindowID id,
const wxPoint & pos,
const wxSize & size,
const std::shared_ptr<TrackList> &tracks,
ViewInfo * viewInfo,
TrackPanelListener * listener,
AdornedRulerPanel * ruler)
: CellularPanel(parent, id, pos, size, viewInfo,
#ifndef __WXGTK__ //Get rid if this pragma for gtk
#pragma warning( default: 4355 )
TrackInfo::ReCreateSliders( this );
TrackInfo::UpdatePrefs( this );
SetLabel(_("Track Panel"));
SetName(_("Track Panel"));
auto pAx = std::make_unique <TrackPanelAx>( this );
// wxWidgets owns the accessible object
SetAccessible(mAx = pAx.release());
// wxWidgets does not own the object, but we need to retain it
mAx = std::move(pAx);
mRedrawAfterStop = false;
mTrackArtist = std::make_unique<TrackArtist>( this );
mTimeCount = 0;
mTimer.parent = this;
// Timer is started after the window is visible
GetProject()->Bind(wxEVT_IDLE, &TrackPanel::OnIdle, this);
// Register for tracklist updates
// This can happen if a label is being edited and the user presses
// ALT+F4 or Command+Q
if (HasCapture())
LWSlider *TrackPanel::GainSlider( const WaveTrack *wt )
auto pControls = wt->GetTrackControl();
auto rect = FindRect( *pControls );
wxRect sliderRect;
TrackInfo::GetGainRect( rect.GetTopLeft(), sliderRect );
return TrackInfo::GainSlider(sliderRect, wt, false, this);
LWSlider *TrackPanel::PanSlider( const WaveTrack *wt )
auto pControls = wt->GetTrackControl();
auto rect = FindRect( *pControls );
wxRect sliderRect;
TrackInfo::GetPanRect( rect.GetTopLeft(), sliderRect );
return TrackInfo::PanSlider(sliderRect, wt, false, this);
LWSlider *TrackPanel::VelocitySlider( const NoteTrack *nt )
auto pControls = nt->GetTrackControl();
auto rect = FindRect( *pControls );
wxRect sliderRect;
TrackInfo::GetVelocityRect( rect.GetTopLeft(), sliderRect );
return TrackInfo::VelocitySlider(sliderRect, nt, false, this);
wxString TrackPanel::gSoloPref;
void TrackPanel::UpdatePrefs()
gPrefs->Read(wxT("/GUI/Solo"), &gSoloPref, wxT("Simple"));
// All vertical rulers must be recalculated since the minimum and maximum
// frequences may have been changed.
TrackInfo::UpdatePrefs( this );
void TrackPanel::ApplyUpdatedTheme()
TrackInfo::ReCreateSliders( this );
wxSize TrackPanel::GetTracksUsableArea() const
auto size = GetSize();
return {
std::max( 0, size.GetWidth() - ( GetLeftOffset() + kRightMargin ) ),
void TrackPanel::GetTracksUsableArea(int *width, int *height) const
auto size = GetTracksUsableArea();
if (width)
*width = size.GetWidth();
if (height)
*height = size.GetHeight();
/// Gets the pointer to the AudacityProject that
/// goes with this track panel.
AudacityProject * TrackPanel::GetProject() const
//JKC casting away constness here.
//Do it in two stages in case 'this' is not a wxWindow.
//when the compiler will flag the error.
wxWindow const * const pConstWind = this;
wxWindow * pWind=(wxWindow*)pConstWind;
pWind = pWind->GetParent(); //Page
wxASSERT( pWind );
pWind = pWind->GetParent(); //Notebook
wxASSERT( pWind );
pWind = pWind->GetParent(); //MainPanel
wxASSERT( pWind );
pWind = pWind->GetParent(); //Project
wxASSERT( pWind );
return (AudacityProject*)pWind;
void TrackPanel::OnIdle(wxIdleEvent& event)
// The window must be ready when the timer fires (#1401)
if (IsShownOnScreen())
mTimer.Start(kTimerInterval, FALSE);
// Timer is started, we don't need the event anymore
GetProject()->Unbind(wxEVT_IDLE, &TrackPanel::OnIdle, this);
// Get another idle event, wx only guarantees we get one
// event after "some other normal events occur"
/// AS: This gets called on our wx timer events.
void TrackPanel::OnTimer(wxTimerEvent& )
#ifdef __WXMAC__
// Unfortunate part of fix for bug 1431
// Without this, the toolbars hide only every other time that you press
// the yellow title bar button. For some reason, not every press sends
// us a deactivate event for the application.
auto project = GetProject();
if (project->IsIconized())
AudacityProject *const p = GetProject();
// Check whether we were playing or recording, but the stream has stopped.
if (p->GetAudioIOToken()>0 && !IsAudioActive())
//the stream may have been started up after this one finished (by some other project)
//in that case reset the buttons don't stop the stream
// Next, check to see if we were playing or recording
// audio, but now Audio I/O is completely finished.
if (p->GetAudioIOToken()>0 &&
mRedrawAfterStop = false;
//ANSWER-ME: Was DisplaySelection added to solve a repaint problem?
if (mLastDrawnSelectedRegion != mViewInfo->selectedRegion) {
// Notify listeners for timer ticks
wxCommandEvent e(EVT_TRACK_PANEL_TIMER);
if(IsAudioActive() && gAudioIO->GetNumCaptureChannels()) {
// Periodically update the display while recording
if (!mRedrawAfterStop) {
mRedrawAfterStop = true;
mListener->TP_ScrollUpDown( 99999999 );
Refresh( false );
else {
if ((mTimeCount % 5) == 0) {
// Must tell OnPaint() to recreate the backing bitmap
// since we've not done a full refresh.
mRefreshBacking = true;
Refresh( false );
if(mTimeCount > 1000)
mTimeCount = 0;
///Handles the redrawing necessary for tasks as they partially update in the
///background, or finish.
void TrackPanel::OnODTask(wxCommandEvent & WXUNUSED(event))
//todo: add track data to the event - check to see if the project contains it before redrawing.
double TrackPanel::GetScreenEndTime() const
int width;
GetTracksUsableArea(&width, NULL);
return mViewInfo->PositionToTime(width, 0, true);
/// AS: OnPaint( ) is called during the normal course of
/// completing a repaint operation.
void TrackPanel::OnPaint(wxPaintEvent & /* event */)
mLastDrawnSelectedRegion = mViewInfo->selectedRegion;
wxStopWatch sw;
wxPaintDC dc(this);
// Retrieve the damage rectangle
wxRect box = GetUpdateRegion().GetBox();
// Recreate the backing bitmap if we have a full refresh
// (See TrackPanel::Refresh())
if (mRefreshBacking || (box == GetRect()))
// Reset (should a mutex be used???)
mRefreshBacking = false;
// Redraw the backing bitmap
// Copy it to the display
// Copy full, possibly clipped, damage rectangle
RepairBitmap(dc, box.x, box.y, box.width, box.height);
// Done with the clipped DC
// Drawing now goes directly to the client area.
// DrawOverlays() may need to draw outside the clipped region.
// (Used to make a NEW, separate wxClientDC, but that risks flashing
// problems on Mac.)
DrawOverlays(true, &dc);
wxLogDebug(wxT("Total: %ld milliseconds"), sw.Time());
wxPrintf(wxT("Total: %ld milliseconds\n"), sw.Time());
void TrackPanel::MakeParentModifyState(bool bWantsAutoSave)
void TrackPanel::MakeParentRedrawScrollbars()
namespace {
std::shared_ptr<Track> FindTrack(TrackPanelCell *pCell )
if (pCell)
return static_cast<CommonTrackPanelCell*>( pCell )->FindTrack();
return {};
void TrackPanel::ProcessUIHandleResult
(TrackPanelCell *pClickedCell, TrackPanelCell *pLatestCell,
UIHandle::Result refreshResult)
const auto panel = this;
auto pLatestTrack = FindTrack( pLatestCell ).get();
// This precaution checks that the track is not only nonnull, but also
// really owned by the track list
auto pClickedTrack = GetTracks()->Lock(
std::weak_ptr<Track>{ FindTrack( pClickedCell ) }
// TODO: make a finer distinction between refreshing the track control area,
// and the waveform area. As it is, redraw both whenever you must redraw either.
// Copy data from the underlying tracks to the pending tracks that are
// really displayed
TrackList::Get( *panel->GetProject() ).UpdatePendingTracks();
using namespace RefreshCode;
if (refreshResult & DestroyedCell) {
// Beware stale pointer!
if (pLatestTrack == pClickedTrack)
pLatestTrack = NULL;
pClickedTrack = NULL;
if (pClickedTrack && (refreshResult & RefreshCode::UpdateVRuler))
if (refreshResult & RefreshCode::DrawOverlays) {
// Refresh all if told to do so, or if told to refresh a track that
// is not known.
const bool refreshAll =
( (refreshResult & RefreshAll)
|| ((refreshResult & RefreshCell) && !pClickedTrack)
|| ((refreshResult & RefreshLatestCell) && !pLatestTrack));
if (refreshAll)
else {
if (refreshResult & RefreshCell)
if (refreshResult & RefreshLatestCell)
if (refreshResult & FixScrollbars)
if (refreshResult & Resize)
// This flag is superfluous if you do full refresh,
// because TrackPanel::Refresh() does this too
if (refreshResult & UpdateSelection) {
// Formerly in TrackPanel::UpdateSelectionDisplay():
// Make sure the ruler follows suit.
// mRuler->DrawSelection();
// ... but that too is superfluous it does nothing but refresh
// the ruler, while DisplaySelection calls TP_DisplaySelection which
// also always refreshes the ruler.
if ((refreshResult & RefreshCode::EnsureVisible) && pClickedTrack)
void TrackPanel::HandlePageUpKey()
mListener->TP_ScrollWindow(2 * mViewInfo->h - GetScreenEndTime());
void TrackPanel::HandlePageDownKey()
bool TrackPanel::IsAudioActive()
AudacityProject *p = GetProject();
return p->IsAudioActive();
void TrackPanel::UpdateStatusMessage( const wxString &st )
auto status = st;
if (HasEscape())
/* i18n-hint Esc is a key on the keyboard */
status += wxT(" "), status += _("(Esc to cancel)");
void TrackPanel::UpdateSelectionDisplay()
// Full refresh since the label area may need to indicate
// newly selected tracks.
// Make sure the ruler follows suit.
// As well as the SelectionBar.
void TrackPanel::UpdateAccessibility()
if (mAx)
// Counts tracks, counting stereo tracks as one track.
size_t TrackPanel::GetTrackCount() const
return GetTracks()->Leaders().size();
// Counts selected tracks, counting stereo tracks as one track.
size_t TrackPanel::GetSelectedTrackCount() const
return GetTracks()->SelectedLeaders().size();
void TrackPanel::MessageForScreenReader(const wxString& message)
if (mAx)
void TrackPanel::UpdateViewIfNoTracks()
if (mTracks->empty())
// BG: There are no more tracks on screen
//BG: Set zoom to normal
//STM: Set selection to 0,0
//PRL: and default the rest of the selection information
mViewInfo->selectedRegion = SelectedRegion();
// PRL: Following causes the time ruler to align 0 with left edge.
// Bug 972
mViewInfo->h = 0;
mListener->TP_DisplayStatusMessage(wxT("")); //STM: Clear message if all tracks are removed
void TrackPanel::OnPlayback(wxEvent &e)
// Starting or stopping of play or record affects some cursors.
// Start or stop is in progress now, not completed; so delay the cursor
// change until next idle time.
CallAfter( [this] { HandleCursorForPresentMouseState(); } );
// The tracks positions within the list have changed, so update the vertical
// ruler size for the track that triggered the event.
void TrackPanel::OnTrackListResizing(TrackListEvent & e)
auto t = e.mpTrack.lock();
// A deleted track can trigger the event. In which case do nothing here.
// A deleted track can have a valid pointer but no owner, bug 2060
if( t && t->HasOwner() )
// Tracks have been removed from the list.
void TrackPanel::OnTrackListDeletion(wxEvent & e)
// copy shared_ptr for safety, as in HandleClick
auto handle = Target();
if (handle) {
// If the focused track disappeared but there are still other tracks,
// this reassigns focus.
struct TrackInfo::TCPLine {
using DrawFunction = void (*)(
TrackPanelDrawingContext &context,
const wxRect &rect,
const Track *maybeNULL
unsigned items; // a bitwise OR of values of the enum above
int height;
int extraSpace;
DrawFunction drawFunction;
namespace {
#define RANGE(array) (array), (array) + sizeof(array)/sizeof(*(array))
using TCPLines = std::vector< TrackInfo::TCPLine >;
enum : unsigned {
// The sequence is not significant, just keep bits distinct
kItemBarButtons = 1 << 0,
kItemStatusInfo1 = 1 << 1,
kItemMute = 1 << 2,
kItemSolo = 1 << 3,
kItemGain = 1 << 4,
kItemPan = 1 << 5,
kItemVelocity = 1 << 6,
kItemMidiControlsRect = 1 << 7,
kItemMinimize = 1 << 8,
kItemSyncLock = 1 << 9,
kItemStatusInfo2 = 1 << 10,
kHighestBottomItem = kItemMinimize,
#define TITLE_ITEMS \
{ kItemBarButtons, kTrackInfoBtnSize, 4, \
&TrackInfo::CloseTitleDrawFunction },
// DA: Has Mute and Solo on separate lines.
#define MUTE_SOLO_ITEMS(extra) \
{ kItemMute, kTrackInfoBtnSize + 1, 1, \
&TrackInfo::WideMuteDrawFunction }, \
{ kItemSolo, kTrackInfoBtnSize + 1, extra, \
&TrackInfo::WideSoloDrawFunction },
// DA: Does not have status information for a track.
#define TITLE_ITEMS \
{ kItemBarButtons, kTrackInfoBtnSize, 0, \
&TrackInfo::CloseTitleDrawFunction },
#define MUTE_SOLO_ITEMS(extra) \
{ kItemMute | kItemSolo, kTrackInfoBtnSize + 1, extra, \
&TrackInfo::MuteAndSoloDrawFunction },
#define STATUS_ITEMS \
{ kItemStatusInfo1, 12, 0, \
&TrackInfo::Status1DrawFunction }, \
{ kItemStatusInfo2, 12, 0, \
&TrackInfo::Status2DrawFunction },
#define COMMON_ITEMS \
const TrackInfo::TCPLine defaultCommonTrackTCPLines[] = {
TCPLines commonTrackTCPLines{ RANGE(defaultCommonTrackTCPLines) };
const TrackInfo::TCPLine defaultWaveTrackTCPLines[] = {
{ kItemGain, kTrackInfoSliderHeight, kTrackInfoSliderExtra,
&TrackInfo::GainSliderDrawFunction },
{ kItemPan, kTrackInfoSliderHeight, kTrackInfoSliderExtra,
&TrackInfo::PanSliderDrawFunction },
TCPLines waveTrackTCPLines{ RANGE(defaultWaveTrackTCPLines) };
const TrackInfo::TCPLine defaultNoteTrackTCPLines[] = {
{ kItemMidiControlsRect, kMidiCellHeight * 4, 0,
&TrackInfo::MidiControlsDrawFunction },
{ kItemVelocity, kTrackInfoSliderHeight, kTrackInfoSliderExtra,
&TrackInfo::VelocitySliderDrawFunction },
TCPLines noteTrackTCPLines{ RANGE(defaultNoteTrackTCPLines) };
int totalTCPLines( const TCPLines &lines, bool omitLastExtra )
int total = 0;
int lastExtra = 0;
for ( const auto line : lines ) {
lastExtra = line.extraSpace;
total += line.height + lastExtra;
if (omitLastExtra)
total -= lastExtra;
return total;
const TCPLines &getTCPLines( const Track &track )
auto lines = track.TypeSwitch< TCPLines * >(
#ifdef USE_MIDI
[](const NoteTrack*){
return &noteTrackTCPLines;
[](const WaveTrack*){
return &waveTrackTCPLines;
[](const Track*){
return &commonTrackTCPLines;
if (lines)
return *lines;
return commonTrackTCPLines;
// return y value and height
std::pair< int, int > CalcItemY( const TCPLines &lines, unsigned iItem )
int y = 0;
auto pLines = lines.begin();
while ( pLines != lines.end() &&
0 == (pLines->items & iItem) ) {
y += pLines->height + pLines->extraSpace;
int height = 0;
if ( pLines != lines.end() )
height = pLines->height;
return { y, height };
// Items for the bottom of the panel, listed bottom-upwards
// As also with the top items, the extra space is below the item
const TrackInfo::TCPLine defaultCommonTrackTCPBottomLines[] = {
// The '0' avoids impinging on bottom line of TCP
// Use -1 if you do want to do so.
{ kItemSyncLock | kItemMinimize, kTrackInfoBtnSize, 0,
&TrackInfo::MinimizeSyncLockDrawFunction },
TCPLines commonTrackTCPBottomLines{ RANGE(defaultCommonTrackTCPBottomLines) };
// return y value and height
std::pair< int, int > CalcBottomItemY
( const TCPLines &lines, unsigned iItem, int height )
int y = height;
auto pLines = lines.begin();
while ( pLines != lines.end() &&
0 == (pLines->items & iItem) ) {
y -= pLines->height + pLines->extraSpace;
if (pLines != lines.end())
y -= (pLines->height + pLines->extraSpace );
return { y, pLines->height };
unsigned TrackInfo::MinimumTrackHeight()
unsigned height = 0;
if (!commonTrackTCPLines.empty())
height += commonTrackTCPLines.front().height;
if (!commonTrackTCPBottomLines.empty())
height += commonTrackTCPBottomLines.front().height;
// + 1 prevents the top item from disappearing for want of enough space,
// according to the rules in HideTopItem.
return height + kTopMargin + kBottomMargin + 1;
bool TrackInfo::HideTopItem( const wxRect &rect, const wxRect &subRect,
int allowance ) {
auto limit = CalcBottomItemY
( commonTrackTCPBottomLines, kHighestBottomItem, rect.height).first;
// Return true if the rectangle is even touching the limit
// without an overlap. That was the behavior as of 2.1.3.
return subRect.y + subRect.height - allowance >= rect.y + limit;
void TrackPanel::OnKeyDown(wxKeyEvent & event)
switch (event.GetKeyCode())
// Allow PageUp and PageDown keys to
//scroll the Track Panel left and right
// fall through to base class handler
void TrackPanel::OnMouseEvent(wxMouseEvent & event)
if (event.LeftDown()) {
// wxTimers seem to be a little unreliable, so this
// "primes" it to make sure it keeps going for a while...
// When this timer fires, we call TrackPanel::OnTimer and
// possibly update the screen for offscreen scrolling.
mTimer.Start(kTimerInterval, FALSE);
if (event.ButtonUp()) {
//EnsureVisible should be called after processing the up-click.
this->CallAfter( [this, event]{
const auto foundCell = FindCell(event.m_x, event.m_y);
const auto t = FindTrack( foundCell.pCell.get() );
if ( t )
} );
// Must also fall through to base class handler
double TrackPanel::GetMostRecentXPos()
return mViewInfo->PositionToTime(MostRecentXCoord(), GetLabelWidth());
void TrackPanel::RefreshTrack(Track *trk, bool refreshbacking)
if (!trk)
trk = *GetTracks()->FindLeader(trk);
auto height =
TrackList::Channels(trk).sum( &Track::GetHeight )
- kTopInset - kShadowThickness;
// subtract insets and shadows from the rectangle, but not border
// This matters because some separators do paint over the border
wxRect rect(kLeftInset,
-mViewInfo->vpos + trk->GetY() + kTopInset,
GetRect().GetWidth() - kLeftInset - kRightInset - kShadowThickness,
if( refreshbacking )
mRefreshBacking = true;
Refresh( false, &rect );
/// This method overrides Refresh() of wxWindow so that the
/// boolean play indictaor can be set to false, so that an old play indicator that is
/// no longer there won't get XORed (to erase it), thus redrawing it on the
/// TrackPanel
void TrackPanel::Refresh(bool eraseBackground /* = TRUE */,
const wxRect *rect /* = NULL */)
// Tell OnPaint() to refresh the backing bitmap.
// Originally I had the check within the OnPaint() routine and it
// was working fine. That was until I found that, even though a full
// refresh was requested, Windows only set the onscreen portion of a
// window as damaged.
// So, if any part of the trackpanel was off the screen, full refreshes
// didn't work and the display got corrupted.
if( !rect || ( *rect == GetRect() ) )
mRefreshBacking = true;
wxWindow::Refresh(eraseBackground, rect);
#include "TrackPanelDrawingContext.h"
/// Draw the actual track areas. We only draw the borders
/// and the little buttons and menues and whatnot here, the
/// actual contents of each track are drawn by the TrackArtist.
void TrackPanel::DrawTracks(wxDC * dc)
wxRegion region = GetUpdateRegion();
const wxRect clip = GetRect();
mTrackArtist->pSelectedRegion = &mViewInfo->selectedRegion;
mTrackArtist->pZoomInfo = mViewInfo;
TrackPanelDrawingContext context {
*dc, Target(), mLastMouseState, mTrackArtist.get()
// Draw margins on two or three sides.
ClearLeftAndRightMargins(context, clip);
if ( GetTracks()->Any() )
// This margin may may scrolled up out of view
ClearTopMargin( context, clip );
// Don't draw a bottom margin here.
ToolsToolBar *pTtb = GetProject()->GetToolsToolBar();
bool bMultiToolDown = pTtb->IsDown(multiTool);
bool envelopeFlag = pTtb->IsDown(envelopeTool) || bMultiToolDown;
bool bigPointsFlag = pTtb->IsDown(drawTool) || bMultiToolDown;
bool sliderFlag = bMultiToolDown;
const bool hasSolo = GetTracks()->Any< PlayableTrack >()
.any_of( []( const PlayableTrack *pt ) {
pt = static_cast< const PlayableTrack * >(
pt->SubstitutePendingChangedTrack().get() );
return (pt && pt->GetSolo());
} );
mTrackArtist->leftOffset = GetLeftOffset();
mTrackArtist->drawEnvelope = envelopeFlag;
mTrackArtist->bigPoints = bigPointsFlag;
mTrackArtist->drawSliders = sliderFlag;
mTrackArtist->hasSolo = hasSolo;
TrackArt::DrawTracks( context, GetTracks(), region, clip );
// Draw the rest, including the click-to-deselect blank area below all
// tracks
DrawEverythingElse(context, region, clip);
TrackArt::DrawTrackNames( context, GetTracks(), region, clip );
/// Draws 'Everything else'. In particular it draws:
/// - Drop shadow for tracks and vertical rulers.
/// - Zooming Indicators.
/// - Fills in space below the tracks.
void TrackPanel::DrawEverythingElse(TrackPanelDrawingContext &context,
const wxRegion &region,
const wxRect & clip)
// We draw everything else
auto dc = &context.dc;
// Fix the horizontal extent, will vary the vertical:
wxRect trackRect{
kLeftMargin, 0, clip.width - (kLeftMargin + kRightMargin), 0
wxRect focusRect{};
// The loop below now groups each track with the margin BELOW it, to
// correspond better with the subdivision of panel area used in hit testing.
for ( auto leaderTrack : GetTracks()->Leaders< const Track >()
// Predicate is true iff any channel in the group is wholly or partly
// visible:
+ IsVisibleTrack{ GetProject() } ) {
const auto channels = TrackList::Channels(leaderTrack);
bool focused = false;
wxRect teamRect = trackRect;
teamRect.height = 0;
bool first = true;
for (auto channel : channels) {
focused = focused || mAx->IsFocused(channel);
channel = channel->SubstitutePendingChangedTrack().get();
if (first)
first = false,
teamRect.y = channel->GetY() - mViewInfo->vpos + kTopMargin;
teamRect.height += channel->GetHeight();
if (focused) {
focusRect = teamRect;
focusRect.height -= kSeparatorThickness;
DrawOutside(context, leaderTrack, teamRect);
// Believe it or not, we can speed up redrawing if we don't
// redraw the vertical ruler when only the waveform data has
// changed. An example is during recording.
// wxRect rbox = region.GetBox();
// wxPrintf(wxT("Update Region: %d %d %d %d\n"),
// rbox.x, rbox.y, rbox.width, rbox.height);
for (auto channel : channels) {
bool bSelected = channel->GetSelected();
channel = channel->SubstitutePendingChangedTrack().get();
trackRect.y = channel->GetY() - mViewInfo->vpos + kTopMargin;
trackRect.height = channel->GetHeight();
if (region.Contains(
0, trackRect.y, GetLeftOffset(), trackRect.height)) {
wxRect rect{
GetVRulerWidth() + 1,
trackRect.height - kSeparatorThickness
TrackArt::DrawVRuler(context, channel, rect, bSelected);
auto target = Target();
if (target)
target->DrawExtras(UIHandle::Cells, dc, region, clip);
// Paint over the part below the tracks
trackRect.y += trackRect.height;
if (trackRect.y < clip.GetBottom()) {
AColor::TrackPanelBackground(dc, false);
clip.height - trackRect.y);
// Sometimes highlight is not drawn on backing bitmap. I thought
// it was because FindFocus did not return "this" on Mac, but
// when I removed that test, yielding this condition:
// if (GetFocusedTrack() != NULL) {
// the highlight was reportedly drawn even when something else
// was the focus and no highlight should be drawn. -RBD
if (GetFocusedTrack() != NULL &&
wxWindow::FindFocus() == this ) {
HighlightFocusedTrack(dc, focusRect);
if (target)
target->DrawExtras(UIHandle::Panel, dc, region, clip);
// Make this #include go away!
#include "tracks/ui/TrackControls.h"
void TrackInfo::DrawItems
( TrackPanelDrawingContext &context,
const wxRect &rect, const Track &track )
const auto topLines = getTCPLines( track );
const auto bottomLines = commonTrackTCPBottomLines;
( context, rect, &track, topLines, bottomLines );
void TrackInfo::DrawItems
( TrackPanelDrawingContext &context,
const wxRect &rect, const Track *pTrack,
const std::vector<TCPLine> &topLines, const std::vector<TCPLine> &bottomLines )
auto dc = &context.dc;
int yy = 0;
for ( const auto &line : topLines ) {
wxRect itemRect{
rect.x, rect.y + yy,
rect.width, line.height
if ( !TrackInfo::HideTopItem( rect, itemRect ) &&
line.drawFunction )
line.drawFunction( context, itemRect, pTrack );
yy += line.height + line.extraSpace;
int yy = rect.height;
for ( const auto &line : bottomLines ) {
yy -= line.height + line.extraSpace;
if ( line.drawFunction ) {
wxRect itemRect{
rect.x, rect.y + yy,
rect.width, line.height
line.drawFunction( context, itemRect, pTrack );
#include "tracks/ui/TrackButtonHandles.h"
void TrackInfo::CloseTitleDrawFunction
( TrackPanelDrawingContext &context,
const wxRect &rect, const Track *pTrack )
auto dc = &context.dc;
bool selected = pTrack ? pTrack->GetSelected() : true;
wxRect bev = rect;
GetCloseBoxHorizontalBounds( rect, bev );
auto target = dynamic_cast<CloseButtonHandle*>( );
bool hit = target && target->GetTrack().get() == pTrack;
bool captured = hit && target->IsClicked();
bool down = captured && bev.Contains( context.lastState.GetPosition());
AColor::Bevel2(*dc, !down, bev, selected, hit );
wxPen pen( theTheme.Colour( clrTrackPanelText ));
dc->SetPen( pen );
bev.Inflate( -1, -1 );
// Draw the "X"
const int s = 6;
int ls = bev.x + ((bev.width - s) / 2);
int ts = bev.y + ((bev.height - s) / 2);
int rs = ls + s;
int bs = ts + s;
AColor::Line(*dc, ls, ts, rs, bs);
AColor::Line(*dc, ls + 1, ts, rs + 1, bs);
AColor::Line(*dc, rs, ts, ls, bs);
AColor::Line(*dc, rs + 1, ts, ls + 1, bs);
// bev.Inflate(-1, -1);
wxRect bev = rect;
GetTitleBarHorizontalBounds( rect, bev );
auto target = dynamic_cast<MenuButtonHandle*>( );
bool hit = target && target->GetTrack().get() == pTrack;
bool captured = hit && target->IsClicked();
bool down = captured && bev.Contains( context.lastState.GetPosition());
wxString titleStr =
pTrack ? pTrack->GetName() : _("Name");
//bev.Inflate(-1, -1);
AColor::Bevel2(*dc, !down, bev, selected, hit);
// Draw title text
// Bug 1660 The 'k' of 'Audio Track' was being truncated.
// Constant of 32 found by counting pixels on a windows machine.
// I believe it's the size of the X close button + the size of the
// drop down arrow.
int allowableWidth = rect.width - 32;
wxCoord textWidth, textHeight;
dc->GetTextExtent(titleStr, &textWidth, &textHeight);
while (textWidth > allowableWidth) {
titleStr = titleStr.Left(titleStr.length() - 1);
dc->GetTextExtent(titleStr, &textWidth, &textHeight);
// Pop-up triangle
wxColour c = theTheme.Colour( clrTrackPanelText );
wxColour c = *wxBLACK;
// wxGTK leaves little scraps (antialiasing?) of the
// characters if they are repeatedly drawn. This
// happens when holding down mouse button and moving
// in and out of the title bar. So clear it first.
// AColor::MediumTrackInfo(dc, t->GetSelected());
// dc->DrawRectangle(bev);
dc->SetTextForeground( c );
dc->SetTextBackground( wxTRANSPARENT );
dc->DrawText(titleStr, bev.x + 2, bev.y + (bev.height - textHeight) / 2);
int s = 10; // Width of dropdown arrow...height is half of width
bev.GetRight() - s - 3, // 3 to offset from right border
bev.y + ((bev.height - (s / 2)) / 2),
void TrackInfo::MinimizeSyncLockDrawFunction
( TrackPanelDrawingContext &context,
const wxRect &rect, const Track *pTrack )
auto dc = &context.dc;
bool selected = pTrack ? pTrack->GetSelected() : true;
bool syncLockSelected = pTrack ? pTrack->IsSyncLockSelected() : true;
bool minimized = pTrack ? pTrack->GetMinimized() : false;
wxRect bev = rect;
GetMinimizeHorizontalBounds(rect, bev);
auto target = dynamic_cast<MinimizeButtonHandle*>( );
bool hit = target && target->GetTrack().get() == pTrack;
bool captured = hit && target->IsClicked();
bool down = captured && bev.Contains( context.lastState.GetPosition());
// Clear background to get rid of previous arrow
//AColor::MediumTrackInfo(dc, t->GetSelected());
AColor::Bevel2(*dc, !down, bev, selected, hit);
wxColour c = theTheme.Colour(clrTrackPanelText);
AColor::Dark(dc, selected);
bev.x - 5 + bev.width / 2,
bev.y - 2 + bev.height / 2,
wxRect bev = rect;
GetSelectButtonHorizontalBounds(rect, bev);
auto target = dynamic_cast<SelectButtonHandle*>( );
bool hit = target && target->GetTrack().get() == pTrack;
bool captured = hit && target->IsClicked();
bool down = captured && bev.Contains( context.lastState.GetPosition());
AColor::Bevel2(*dc, !down, bev, selected, hit);
wxColour c = theTheme.Colour(clrTrackPanelText);
AColor::Dark(dc, selected);
wxString str = _("Select");
wxCoord textWidth;
wxCoord textHeight;
dc->GetTextExtent(str, &textWidth, &textHeight);
dc->SetTextForeground( c );
dc->SetTextBackground( wxTRANSPARENT );
dc->DrawText(str, bev.x + 2 + (bev.width-textWidth)/2, bev.y + (bev.height - textHeight) / 2);
// Draw the sync-lock indicator if this track is in a sync-lock selected group.
if (syncLockSelected)
wxRect syncLockIconRect = rect;
GetSyncLockHorizontalBounds( rect, syncLockIconRect );
wxBitmap syncLockBitmap(theTheme.Image(bmpSyncLockIcon));
// Icon is 12x12 and syncLockIconRect is 16x16.
syncLockIconRect.x + 3,
syncLockIconRect.y + 2,
#include "tracks/playabletrack/notetrack/ui/NoteTrackButtonHandle.h"
void TrackInfo::MidiControlsDrawFunction
( TrackPanelDrawingContext &context,
const wxRect &rect, const Track *pTrack )
auto target = dynamic_cast<NoteTrackButtonHandle*>( );
bool hit = target && target->GetTrack().get() == pTrack;
auto channel = hit ? target->GetChannel() : -1;
auto &dc = context.dc;
wxRect midiRect = rect;
GetMidiControlsHorizontalBounds(rect, midiRect);
( static_cast<const NoteTrack *>(pTrack), dc, midiRect, channel );
template<typename TrackClass>
void TrackInfo::SliderDrawFunction
( LWSlider *(*Selector)
(const wxRect &sliderRect, const TrackClass *t, bool captured, wxWindow*),
wxDC *dc, const wxRect &rect, const Track *pTrack,
bool captured, bool highlight )
wxRect sliderRect = rect;
TrackInfo::GetSliderHorizontalBounds( rect.GetTopLeft(), sliderRect );
auto wt = static_cast<const TrackClass*>( pTrack );
Selector( sliderRect, wt, captured, nullptr )->OnPaint(*dc, highlight);
#include "tracks/playabletrack/wavetrack/ui/WaveTrackSliderHandles.h"
void TrackInfo::PanSliderDrawFunction
( TrackPanelDrawingContext &context,
const wxRect &rect, const Track *pTrack )
auto target = dynamic_cast<PanSliderHandle*>( );
auto dc = &context.dc;
bool hit = target && target->GetTrack().get() == pTrack;
bool captured = hit && target->IsClicked();
( &TrackInfo::PanSlider, dc, rect, pTrack, captured, hit);
void TrackInfo::GainSliderDrawFunction
( TrackPanelDrawingContext &context,
const wxRect &rect, const Track *pTrack )
auto target = dynamic_cast<GainSliderHandle*>( );
auto dc = &context.dc;
bool hit = target && target->GetTrack().get() == pTrack;
if( hit )
bool captured = hit && target->IsClicked();
( &TrackInfo::GainSlider, dc, rect, pTrack, captured, hit);
#include "tracks/playabletrack/notetrack/ui/NoteTrackSliderHandles.h"
void TrackInfo::VelocitySliderDrawFunction
( TrackPanelDrawingContext &context,
const wxRect &rect, const Track *pTrack )
auto dc = &context.dc;
auto target = dynamic_cast<VelocitySliderHandle*>( );
bool hit = target && target->GetTrack().get() == pTrack;
bool captured = hit && target->IsClicked();
( &TrackInfo::VelocitySlider, dc, rect, pTrack, captured, hit);
void TrackInfo::MuteOrSoloDrawFunction
( wxDC *dc, const wxRect &bev, const Track *pTrack, bool down,
bool WXUNUSED(captured),
bool solo, bool hit )
//bev.Inflate(-1, -1);
bool selected = pTrack ? pTrack->GetSelected() : true;
auto pt = dynamic_cast<const PlayableTrack *>(pTrack);
bool value = pt ? (solo ? pt->GetSolo() : pt->GetMute()) : false;
#if 0
AColor::MediumTrackInfo( dc, t->GetSelected());
if( solo )
if( pt && pt->GetSolo() )
AColor::Solo(dc, pt->GetSolo(), t->GetSelected());
if( pt && pt->GetMute() )
AColor::Mute(dc, pt->GetMute(), t->GetSelected(), pt->GetSolo());
//(solo) ? AColor::Solo(dc, t->GetSolo(), t->GetSelected()) :
// AColor::Mute(dc, t->GetMute(), t->GetSelected(), t->GetSolo());
dc->SetPen( *wxTRANSPARENT_PEN );//No border!
wxCoord textWidth, textHeight;
wxString str = (solo) ?
/* i18n-hint: This is on a button that will silence all the other tracks.*/
_("Solo") :
/* i18n-hint: This is on a button that will silence this track.*/
value == down,
selected, hit
dc->GetTextExtent(str, &textWidth, &textHeight);
dc->DrawText(str, bev.x + (bev.width - textWidth) / 2, bev.y + (bev.height - textHeight) / 2);
#include "tracks/playabletrack/ui/PlayableTrackButtonHandles.h"
void TrackInfo::WideMuteDrawFunction
( TrackPanelDrawingContext &context,
const wxRect &rect, const Track *pTrack )
auto dc = &context.dc;
wxRect bev = rect;
GetWideMuteSoloHorizontalBounds( rect, bev );
auto target = dynamic_cast<MuteButtonHandle*>( );
bool hit = target && target->GetTrack().get() == pTrack;
bool captured = hit && target->IsClicked();
bool down = captured && bev.Contains( context.lastState.GetPosition());
MuteOrSoloDrawFunction( dc, bev, pTrack, down, captured, false, hit );
void TrackInfo::WideSoloDrawFunction
( TrackPanelDrawingContext &context,
const wxRect &rect, const Track *pTrack )
auto dc = &context.dc;
wxRect bev = rect;
GetWideMuteSoloHorizontalBounds( rect, bev );
auto target = dynamic_cast<SoloButtonHandle*>( );
bool hit = target && target->GetTrack().get() == pTrack;
bool captured = hit && target->IsClicked();
bool down = captured && bev.Contains( context.lastState.GetPosition());
MuteOrSoloDrawFunction( dc, bev, pTrack, down, captured, true, hit );
void TrackInfo::MuteAndSoloDrawFunction
( TrackPanelDrawingContext &context,
const wxRect &rect, const Track *pTrack )
auto dc = &context.dc;
bool bHasSoloButton = TrackPanel::HasSoloButton();
wxRect bev = rect;
if ( bHasSoloButton )
GetNarrowMuteHorizontalBounds( rect, bev );
GetWideMuteSoloHorizontalBounds( rect, bev );
auto target = dynamic_cast<MuteButtonHandle*>( );
bool hit = target && target->GetTrack().get() == pTrack;
bool captured = hit && target->IsClicked();
bool down = captured && bev.Contains( context.lastState.GetPosition());
MuteOrSoloDrawFunction( dc, bev, pTrack, down, captured, false, hit );
if( !bHasSoloButton )
GetNarrowSoloHorizontalBounds( rect, bev );
auto target = dynamic_cast<SoloButtonHandle*>( );
bool hit = target && target->GetTrack().get() == pTrack;
bool captured = hit && target->IsClicked();
bool down = captured && bev.Contains( context.lastState.GetPosition());
MuteOrSoloDrawFunction( dc, bev, pTrack, down, captured, true, hit );
void TrackInfo::StatusDrawFunction
( const wxString &string, wxDC *dc, const wxRect &rect )
static const int offset = 3;
dc->DrawText(string, rect.x + offset, rect.y);
void TrackInfo::Status1DrawFunction
( TrackPanelDrawingContext &context,
const wxRect &rect, const Track *pTrack )
auto dc = &context.dc;
auto wt = static_cast<const WaveTrack*>(pTrack);
/// Returns the string to be displayed in the track label
/// indicating whether the track is mono, left, right, or
/// stereo and what sample rate it's using.
auto rate = wt ? wt->GetRate() : 44100.0;
wxString s;
if (!pTrack || TrackList::Channels(pTrack).size() > 1)
// TODO: more-than-two-channels-message
// more appropriate strings
s = _("Stereo, %dHz");
else {
if (wt->GetChannel() == Track::MonoChannel)
s = _("Mono, %dHz");
else if (wt->GetChannel() == Track::LeftChannel)
s = _("Left, %dHz");
else if (wt->GetChannel() == Track::RightChannel)
s = _("Right, %dHz");
s = wxString::Format( s, (int) (rate + 0.5) );
StatusDrawFunction( s, dc, rect );
void TrackInfo::Status2DrawFunction
( TrackPanelDrawingContext &context,
const wxRect &rect, const Track *pTrack )
auto dc = &context.dc;
auto wt = static_cast<const WaveTrack*>(pTrack);
auto format = wt ? wt->GetSampleFormat() : floatSample;
auto s = GetSampleFormatStr(format);
StatusDrawFunction( s, dc, rect );
void TrackPanel::DrawOutside
(TrackPanelDrawingContext &context,
const Track * t, const wxRect & rec)
// Given rectangle excludes left and right margins, and encompasses a
// channel group of tracks, plus the resizer area below
auto dc = &context.dc;
// Start with whole track rect
wxRect rect = rec;
ClearSeparator(context, rect);
// Now exclude the resizer below
rect.height -= kSeparatorThickness;
int labelw = GetLabelWidth();
int vrul = GetVRulerOffset();
TrackInfo::DrawBackground( dc, rect, t->GetSelected(), vrul );
// Vaughan, 2010-08-24: No longer doing this.
// Draw sync-lock tiles in ruler area.
//if (t->IsSyncLockSelected()) {
// wxRect tileFill = rect;
// tileFill.x = GetVRulerOffset();
// tileFill.width = GetVRulerWidth();
// TrackArt::DrawSyncLockTiles(dc, tileFill);
DrawBordersAroundTrack( dc, rect );
auto channels = TrackList::Channels(t);
// omit last (perhaps, only) channel
for (auto channel : channels) {
// draw the sash below this channel
channel = channel->SubstitutePendingChangedTrack().get();
auto yy =
channel->GetY() - mViewInfo->vpos + channel->GetHeight()
- kBottomMargin;
wxRect sashRect{
vrul, yy, rect.GetRight() - vrul, kSeparatorThickness
DrawSash( dc, sashRect, labelw, t->GetSelected() );
DrawShadow( dc, rect );
// Draw things within the track control panel
rect.width = kTrackInfoWidth;
TrackInfo::DrawItems( context, rect, *t );
//mTrackInfo.DrawBordersWithin( dc, rect, *t );
void TrackPanel::ClearTopMargin
(TrackPanelDrawingContext &context, const wxRect &clip)
auto dc = &context.dc;
// Area above the first track if there is one
AColor::TrackPanelBackground(dc, false);
wxRect side{
clip.x + kLeftMargin,
clip.width - ( kLeftMargin + kRightMargin ),
if (side.Intersects(clip))
// Paint the inset areas of the whole panel, left and right, in a background
// color
void TrackPanel::ClearLeftAndRightMargins
(TrackPanelDrawingContext &context, const wxRect & clip)
auto dc = &context.dc;
// Fill in area outside of tracks
AColor::TrackPanelBackground(dc, false);
wxRect side;
// Area between panel border and left track border
side = clip;
side.width = kLeftMargin;
// Area between panel border and right track border
side = clip;
side.x += side.width - kRightMargin;
side.width = kRightMargin;
// Given rectangle should be the whole track rectangle
// Paint the separator area below in a background color
void TrackPanel::ClearSeparator
(TrackPanelDrawingContext &context, const wxRect & rect)
auto dc = &context.dc;
// Fill in area outside of the track
AColor::TrackPanelBackground(dc, false);
// Area below the track, where the resizer will be
auto height = kSeparatorThickness;
wxRect side{
rect.y + rect.height - height,
void TrackPanel::DrawSash(
wxDC * dc, const wxRect & rect, int labelw, bool bSelected )
// Area between channels of a group
// Paint the channel separator over (what would be) the lower border of this
// channel, down to and including the upper border of the next channel
ADCChanger cleanup{ dc };
// Paint the left part of the background
AColor::MediumTrackInfo(dc, bSelected);
dc->DrawRectangle( rect.GetX(), rect.GetY(), labelw, rect.GetHeight() );
// Stroke the left border
const auto left = rect.GetLeft();
AColor::Line( *dc, left, rect.GetTop(), left, rect.GetBottom() );
AColor::TrackPanelBackground(dc, false);
wxRect rec{ rect };
rec.width -= labelw - rec.x;
rec.x = labelw;
dc->DrawRectangle( wxRect( rec ).Inflate( 0, -kBorderThickness ) );
// These lines stroke over what is otherwise "border" of each channel
const auto left = rec.GetLeft();
const auto right = rec.GetRight();
const auto top = rec.GetTop();
const auto bottom = rec.GetBottom();
AColor::Line( *dc, left, top, right, top );
AColor::Line( *dc, left, bottom, right, bottom );
void TrackPanel::SetBackgroundCell
(const std::shared_ptr< TrackPanelCell > &pCell)
mpBackground = pCell;
std::shared_ptr< TrackPanelCell > TrackPanel::GetBackgroundCell()
return mpBackground;
/// Draw a three-level highlight gradient around the focused track.
void TrackPanel::HighlightFocusedTrack(wxDC * dc, const wxRect & rect)
wxRect theRect = rect;
theRect.Inflate( kBorderThickness );
theRect.width += kShadowThickness;
theRect.height += kShadowThickness;
AColor::TrackFocusPen(dc, 0);
AColor::TrackFocusPen(dc, 1);
AColor::TrackFocusPen(dc, 2);
void TrackPanel::UpdateVRulers()
for (auto t : GetTracks()->Any< const WaveTrack >())
void TrackPanel::UpdateVRuler(Track *t)
if (t)
void TrackPanel::UpdateTrackVRuler(const Track *t)
if (!t)
wxRect rect(GetVRulerOffset(),
for (auto channel : TrackList::Channels(t)) {
rect.height = channel->GetHeight() - (kTopMargin + kBottomMargin);
mTrackArtist->UpdateVRuler(channel, rect);
void TrackPanel::UpdateVRulerSize()
auto trackRange = GetTracks()->Any();
if (trackRange) {
wxSize s { 0, 0 };
for (auto t : trackRange)
if (vrulerSize != s) {
vrulerSize = s;
mRuler->SetLeftOffset(GetLeftOffset()); // bevel on AdornedRuler
// Make sure selection edge is in view
void TrackPanel::ScrollIntoView(double pos)
int w;
GetTracksUsableArea( &w, NULL );
int pixel = mViewInfo->TimeToPosition(pos);
if (pixel < 0 || pixel >= w)
(mViewInfo->OffsetTimeByPixels(pos, -(w / 2)));
void TrackPanel::ScrollIntoView(int x)
ScrollIntoView(mViewInfo->PositionToTime(x, GetLeftOffset()));
void TrackPanel::OnTrackMenu(Track *t)
CellularPanel::DoContextMenu( t );
Track * TrackPanel::GetFirstSelectedTrack()
auto t = *GetTracks()->Selected().begin();
if (t)
return t;
//if nothing is selected, return the first track
return *GetTracks()->Any().begin();
void TrackPanel::EnsureVisible(Track * t)
int trackTop = 0;
int trackHeight =0;
for (auto it : GetTracks()->Leaders()) {
trackTop += trackHeight;
auto channels = TrackList::Channels(it);
trackHeight = channels.sum( &Track::GetHeight );
//We have found the track we want to ensure is visible.
if (channels.contains(t)) {
//Get the size of the trackpanel.
int width, height;
GetSize(&width, &height);
if (trackTop < mViewInfo->vpos) {
height = mViewInfo->vpos - trackTop + mViewInfo->scrollStep;
height /= mViewInfo->scrollStep;
else if (trackTop + trackHeight > mViewInfo->vpos + height) {
height = (trackTop + trackHeight) - (mViewInfo->vpos + height);
height = (height + mViewInfo->scrollStep + 1) / mViewInfo->scrollStep;
// 0.0 scrolls to top
// 1.0 scrolls to bottom.
void TrackPanel::VerticalScroll( float fracPosition){
int trackTop = 0;
int trackHeight = 0;
auto tracks = GetTracks();
auto GetHeight =
[&]( const Track *t ){ return tracks->GetGroupHeight(t); };
auto range = tracks->Leaders();
if (!range.empty()) {
trackHeight = GetHeight( *range.rbegin() );
trackTop = range.sum( GetHeight );
int delta;
//Get the size of the trackpanel.
int width, height;
GetSize(&width, &height);
delta = (fracPosition * (trackTop + trackHeight - height)) - mViewInfo->vpos + mViewInfo->scrollStep;
//wxLogDebug( "Scroll down by %i pixels", delta );
delta /= mViewInfo->scrollStep;
// Draw a rectangular border
void TrackPanel::DrawBordersAroundTrack( wxDC * dc, const wxRect & rect )
// Border around track and label area
// leaving room for the shadow
dc->DrawRectangle( rect.Inflate( kBorderThickness, kBorderThickness ) );
// Given rectangle is the track rectangle excluding the border
// Stroke lines along bottom and right, which are slightly short at
// bottom-left and top-right
void TrackPanel::DrawShadow( wxDC * dc, const wxRect & rect )
int right = rect.GetRight() + kBorderThickness + kShadowThickness;
int bottom = rect.GetBottom() + kBorderThickness + kShadowThickness;
// shadow color for lines
// bottom
AColor::Line(*dc, rect.x, bottom, right, bottom);
// right
AColor::Line(*dc, right, rect.y, right, bottom);
// background color erases small parts of those lines
AColor::TrackPanelBackground(dc, false);
// bottom-left
AColor::Line(*dc, rect.x, bottom, rect.x + 1, bottom);
// top-right
AColor::Line(*dc, right, rect.y, right, rect.y + 1);
namespace {
The following classes define the subdivision of the area of the TrackPanel
into cells with differing reponses to mouse, keyboard, and scroll wheel
The classes defining the less inclusive areas are earlier, while those
defining ever larger hierarchical groupings of cells are later.
To describe that subdivision again, informally, and top-down:
Firstly subtract margin areas, on the left and right, that do not interact.
Secondly subtract a noninterative margin above the first track, and an area
below all tracks that causes deselection of all tracks if you click it.
(One or both of those areas might be vertically scrolled off-screen, though.)
Divide what remains into areas corresponding to the several tracks.
Thirdly, for each track, subtract an area below, which you can click and drag
to resize the track vertically.
Fourthly, subtract an area at the left, which contains the track controls,
such as the menu and delete and minimize buttons, and others appropriate
to the track subtype.
Fifthly, divide what remains into the vertically stacked channels, if there
are more than one, alternating with separators, which can be clicked to
resize the channel views.
Lastly, split the area for each channel into a vertical ruler, and an area
that displays the channel's own contents.
struct EmptyCell final : CommonTrackPanelCell {
std::vector< UIHandlePtr > HitTest(
const TrackPanelMouseState &, const AudacityProject *) override
{ return {}; }
virtual std::shared_ptr< Track > DoFindTrack() override { return {}; }
static std::shared_ptr<EmptyCell> Instance()
static auto instance = std::make_shared< EmptyCell >();
return instance;
// A vertical ruler left of a channel
struct VRulerAndChannel final : TrackPanelGroup {
const std::shared_ptr< Track > &pChannel, wxCoord leftOffset )
: mpChannel{ pChannel }, mLeftOffset{ leftOffset } {}
Subdivision Children( const wxRect &rect ) override
return { Axis::X, Refinement{
{ rect.GetLeft(), mpChannel->GetVRulerControl() },
{ mLeftOffset, mpChannel }
} };
std::shared_ptr< Track > mpChannel;
wxCoord mLeftOffset;
// n channels with vertical rulers, alternating with n - 1 resizers
struct ChannelGroup final : TrackPanelGroup {
ChannelGroup( const std::shared_ptr< Track > &pTrack, wxCoord leftOffset )
: mpTrack{ pTrack }, mLeftOffset{ leftOffset } {}
Subdivision Children( const wxRect &rect ) override
Refinement refinement;
const auto channels = TrackList::Channels( mpTrack.get() );
const auto pLast = *channels.rbegin();
wxCoord yy = rect.GetTop();
for ( auto channel : channels ) {
refinement.emplace_back( yy,
std::make_shared< VRulerAndChannel >(
channel->SharedPointer(), mLeftOffset ) );
if ( channel != pLast ) {
const auto substitute =
yy += substitute->GetHeight();
yy - kSeparatorThickness, channel->GetResizer() );
return { Axis::Y, std::move( refinement ) };
std::shared_ptr< Track > mpTrack;
wxCoord mLeftOffset;
// A track control panel, left of n vertical rulers and n channels
// alternating with n - 1 resizers
struct LabeledChannelGroup final : TrackPanelGroup {
const std::shared_ptr< Track > &pTrack, wxCoord leftOffset )
: mpTrack{ pTrack }, mLeftOffset{ leftOffset } {}
Subdivision Children( const wxRect &rect ) override
{ return { Axis::X, Refinement{
{ rect.GetLeft(), mpTrack->GetTrackControl() },
{ rect.GetLeft() + kTrackInfoWidth,
std::make_shared< ChannelGroup >( mpTrack, mLeftOffset ) }
} }; }
std::shared_ptr< Track > mpTrack;
wxCoord mLeftOffset;
// Stacks a label and a single or multi-channel track on a resizer below,
// which is associated with the last channel
struct ResizingChannelGroup final : TrackPanelGroup {
const std::shared_ptr< Track > &pTrack, wxCoord leftOffset )
: mpTrack{ pTrack }, mLeftOffset{ leftOffset } {}
Subdivision Children( const wxRect &rect ) override
{ return { Axis::Y, Refinement{
{ rect.GetTop(),
std::make_shared< LabeledChannelGroup >( mpTrack, mLeftOffset ) },
{ rect.GetTop() + rect.GetHeight() - kSeparatorThickness,
( *TrackList::Channels( mpTrack.get() ).rbegin() )->GetResizer() }
} }; }
std::shared_ptr< Track > mpTrack;
wxCoord mLeftOffset;
// Stacks a dead area at top, the tracks, and the click-to-deselect area below
struct Subgroup final : TrackPanelGroup {
explicit Subgroup( TrackPanel &panel ) : mPanel{ panel } {}
Subdivision Children( const wxRect &rect ) override
wxCoord yy = -mPanel.GetViewInfo()->vpos;
Refinement refinement;
auto &tracks = *mPanel.GetTracks();
if ( tracks.Any() )
refinement.emplace_back( yy, EmptyCell::Instance() ),
yy += kTopMargin;
for ( const auto leader : tracks.Leaders() ) {
wxCoord height = 0;
for ( auto channel : TrackList::Channels( leader ) ) {
auto substitute =
height += substitute->GetHeight();
refinement.emplace_back( yy,
std::make_shared< ResizingChannelGroup >(
leader->SharedPointer(), mPanel.GetLeftOffset() )
yy += height;
refinement.emplace_back( std::max( 0, yy ), mPanel.GetBackgroundCell() );
return { Axis::Y, std::move( refinement ) };
TrackPanel &mPanel;
// Main group shaves off the left and right margins
struct MainGroup final : TrackPanelGroup {
explicit MainGroup( TrackPanel &panel ) : mPanel{ panel } {}
Subdivision Children( const wxRect &rect ) override
{ return { Axis::X, Refinement{
{ 0, EmptyCell::Instance() },
{ kLeftMargin, std::make_shared< Subgroup >( mPanel ) },
{ rect.GetRight() + 1 - kRightMargin, EmptyCell::Instance() }
} }; }
TrackPanel &mPanel;
std::shared_ptr<TrackPanelNode> TrackPanel::Root()
// Root and other subgroup objects are throwaways.
// They might instead be cached to avoid repeated allocation.
// That cache would need invalidation when there is addition, deletion, or
// permutation of tracks, or change of width of the vertical rulers.
return std::make_shared< MainGroup >( *this );
// This finds the rectangle of a given track (including all channels),
// either that of the label 'adornment' or the track itself
// The given track is assumed to be the first channel
wxRect TrackPanel::FindTrackRect( const Track * target )
auto leader = *GetTracks()->FindLeader( target );
if (!leader) {
return { 0, 0, 0, 0 };
return CellularPanel::FindRect( [&] ( TrackPanelNode &node ) {
if (auto pGroup = dynamic_cast<const LabeledChannelGroup*>( &node ))
return pGroup->mpTrack.get() == leader;
return false;
} );
int TrackPanel::GetVRulerWidth() const
return vrulerSize.x;
/// Displays the bounds of the selection in the status bar.
void TrackPanel::DisplaySelection()
if (!mListener)
// DM: Note that the Selection Bar can actually MODIFY the selection
// if snap-to mode is on!!!
TrackPanelCell *TrackPanel::GetFocusedCell()
return mAx->GetFocus().get();
Track *TrackPanel::GetFocusedTrack()
return static_cast<Track*>( GetFocusedCell() );
void TrackPanel::SetFocusedCell()
SetFocusedTrack( GetFocusedTrack() );
void TrackPanel::SetFocusedTrack( Track *t )
// Make sure we always have the first linked track of a stereo track
t = *GetTracks()->FindLeader(t);
auto cell = mAx->SetFocus( Track::SharedPointer( t ) ).get();
if (cell) {
Refresh( false );
TrackInfo code is destined to move out of this file.
namespace {
wxFont gFont;
, gPanCaptured
, gGain
, gPan
, gVelocityCaptured
, gVelocity
void TrackInfo::ReCreateSliders( wxWindow *pParent ){
const wxPoint point{ 0, 0 };
wxRect sliderRect;
GetGainRect(point, sliderRect);
float defPos = 1.0;
/* i18n-hint: Title of the Gain slider, used to adjust the volume */
gGain = std::make_unique<LWSlider>(pParent, _("Gain"),
wxPoint(sliderRect.x, sliderRect.y),
wxSize(sliderRect.width, sliderRect.height),
gGainCaptured = std::make_unique<LWSlider>(pParent, _("Gain"),
wxPoint(sliderRect.x, sliderRect.y),
wxSize(sliderRect.width, sliderRect.height),
GetPanRect(point, sliderRect);
defPos = 0.0;
/* i18n-hint: Title of the Pan slider, used to move the sound left or right */
gPan = std::make_unique<LWSlider>(pParent, _("Pan"),
wxPoint(sliderRect.x, sliderRect.y),
wxSize(sliderRect.width, sliderRect.height),
gPanCaptured = std::make_unique<LWSlider>(pParent, _("Pan"),
wxPoint(sliderRect.x, sliderRect.y),
wxSize(sliderRect.width, sliderRect.height),
GetVelocityRect(point, sliderRect);
/* i18n-hint: Title of the Velocity slider, used to adjust the volume of note tracks */
gVelocity = std::make_unique<LWSlider>(pParent, _("Velocity"),
wxPoint(sliderRect.x, sliderRect.y),
wxSize(sliderRect.width, sliderRect.height),
gVelocityCaptured = std::make_unique<LWSlider>(pParent, _("Velocity"),
wxPoint(sliderRect.x, sliderRect.y),
wxSize(sliderRect.width, sliderRect.height),
void TrackInfo::GetCloseBoxHorizontalBounds( const wxRect & rect, wxRect &dest )
dest.x = rect.x;
dest.width = kTrackInfoBtnSize;
void TrackInfo::GetCloseBoxRect(const wxRect & rect, wxRect & dest)
GetCloseBoxHorizontalBounds( rect, dest );
auto results = CalcItemY( commonTrackTCPLines, kItemBarButtons );
dest.y = rect.y + results.first;
dest.height = results.second;
static const int TitleSoloBorderOverlap = 1;
void TrackInfo::GetTitleBarHorizontalBounds( const wxRect & rect, wxRect &dest )
// to right of CloseBoxRect, plus a little more
wxRect closeRect;
GetCloseBoxHorizontalBounds( rect, closeRect );
dest.x = rect.x + closeRect.width + 1;
dest.width = rect.x + rect.width - dest.x + TitleSoloBorderOverlap;
void TrackInfo::GetTitleBarRect(const wxRect & rect, wxRect & dest)
GetTitleBarHorizontalBounds( rect, dest );
auto results = CalcItemY( commonTrackTCPLines, kItemBarButtons );
dest.y = rect.y + results.first;
dest.height = results.second;
void TrackInfo::GetNarrowMuteHorizontalBounds( const wxRect & rect, wxRect &dest )
dest.x = rect.x;
dest.width = rect.width / 2 + 1;
void TrackInfo::GetNarrowSoloHorizontalBounds( const wxRect & rect, wxRect &dest )
wxRect muteRect;
GetNarrowMuteHorizontalBounds( rect, muteRect );
dest.x = rect.x + muteRect.width;
dest.width = rect.width - muteRect.width + TitleSoloBorderOverlap;
void TrackInfo::GetWideMuteSoloHorizontalBounds( const wxRect & rect, wxRect &dest )
// Larger button, symmetrically placed intended.
// On windows this gives 15 pixels each side.
dest.width = rect.width - 2 * kTrackInfoBtnSize + 6;
dest.x = rect.x + kTrackInfoBtnSize -3;
void TrackInfo::GetMuteSoloRect
(const wxRect & rect, wxRect & dest, bool solo, bool bHasSoloButton,
const Track *pTrack)
auto resultsM = CalcItemY( getTCPLines( *pTrack ), kItemMute );
auto resultsS = CalcItemY( getTCPLines( *pTrack ), kItemSolo );
dest.height = resultsS.second;
int yMute = resultsM.first;
int ySolo = resultsS.first;
bool bSameRow = ( yMute == ySolo );
bool bNarrow = bSameRow && bHasSoloButton;
if( bNarrow )
if( solo )
GetNarrowSoloHorizontalBounds( rect, dest );
GetNarrowMuteHorizontalBounds( rect, dest );
GetWideMuteSoloHorizontalBounds( rect, dest );
if( bSameRow || !solo )
dest.y = rect.y + yMute;
dest.y = rect.y + ySolo;
void TrackInfo::GetSliderHorizontalBounds( const wxPoint &topleft, wxRect &dest )
dest.x = topleft.x + 6;
dest.width = kTrackInfoSliderWidth;
void TrackInfo::GetGainRect(const wxPoint &topleft, wxRect & dest)
GetSliderHorizontalBounds( topleft, dest );
auto results = CalcItemY( waveTrackTCPLines, kItemGain );
dest.y = topleft.y + results.first;
dest.height = results.second;
void TrackInfo::GetPanRect(const wxPoint &topleft, wxRect & dest)
GetGainRect( topleft, dest );
auto results = CalcItemY( waveTrackTCPLines, kItemPan );
dest.y = topleft.y + results.first;
void TrackInfo::GetVelocityRect(const wxPoint &topleft, wxRect & dest)
GetSliderHorizontalBounds( topleft, dest );
auto results = CalcItemY( noteTrackTCPLines, kItemVelocity );
dest.y = topleft.y + results.first;
dest.height = results.second;
void TrackInfo::GetMinimizeHorizontalBounds( const wxRect &rect, wxRect &dest )
const int space = 0;// was 3.
dest.x = rect.x + space;
wxRect syncLockRect;
GetSyncLockHorizontalBounds( rect, syncLockRect );
// Width is rect.width less space on left for track select
// and on right for sync-lock icon.
dest.width = kTrackInfoBtnSize;
// rect.width - (space + syncLockRect.width);
void TrackInfo::GetMinimizeRect(const wxRect & rect, wxRect &dest)
GetMinimizeHorizontalBounds( rect, dest );
auto results = CalcBottomItemY
( commonTrackTCPBottomLines, kItemMinimize, rect.height);
dest.y = rect.y + results.first;
dest.height = results.second;
void TrackInfo::GetSelectButtonHorizontalBounds( const wxRect &rect, wxRect &dest )
const int space = 0;// was 3.
dest.x = rect.x + space;
wxRect syncLockRect;
GetSyncLockHorizontalBounds( rect, syncLockRect );
wxRect minimizeRect;
GetMinimizeHorizontalBounds( rect, minimizeRect );
dest.x = dest.x + space + minimizeRect.width;
// Width is rect.width less space on left for track select
// and on right for sync-lock icon.
dest.width = rect.width - (space + syncLockRect.width) - (space + minimizeRect.width);
void TrackInfo::GetSelectButtonRect(const wxRect & rect, wxRect &dest)
GetSelectButtonHorizontalBounds( rect, dest );
auto results = CalcBottomItemY
( commonTrackTCPBottomLines, kItemMinimize, rect.height);
dest.y = rect.y + results.first;
dest.height = results.second;
void TrackInfo::GetSyncLockHorizontalBounds( const wxRect &rect, wxRect &dest )
dest.width = kTrackInfoBtnSize;
dest.x = rect.x + rect.width - dest.width;
void TrackInfo::GetSyncLockIconRect(const wxRect & rect, wxRect &dest)
GetSyncLockHorizontalBounds( rect, dest );
auto results = CalcBottomItemY
( commonTrackTCPBottomLines, kItemSyncLock, rect.height);
dest.y = rect.y + results.first;
dest.height = results.second;
#ifdef USE_MIDI
void TrackInfo::GetMidiControlsHorizontalBounds
( const wxRect &rect, wxRect &dest )
dest.x = rect.x + 1; // To center slightly
// PRL: TODO: kMidiCellWidth is defined in terms of the other constant
// kTrackInfoWidth but I am trying to avoid use of that constant.
// Can cell width be computed from dest.width instead?
dest.width = kMidiCellWidth * 4;
void TrackInfo::GetMidiControlsRect(const wxRect & rect, wxRect & dest)
GetMidiControlsHorizontalBounds( rect, dest );
auto results = CalcItemY( noteTrackTCPLines, kItemMidiControlsRect );
dest.y = rect.y + results.first;
dest.height = results.second;
/// \todo Probably should move to 'Utils.cpp'.
void TrackInfo::SetTrackInfoFont(wxDC * dc)
#if 0
void TrackInfo::DrawBordersWithin
( wxDC* dc, const wxRect & rect, const Track &track ) const
AColor::Dark(dc, false); // same color as border of toolbars (ToolBar::OnPaint())
// below close box and title bar
wxRect buttonRect;
GetTitleBarRect( rect, buttonRect );
(*dc, rect.x, buttonRect.y + buttonRect.height,
rect.width - 1, buttonRect.y + buttonRect.height);
// between close box and title bar
(*dc, buttonRect.x, buttonRect.y,
buttonRect.x, buttonRect.y + buttonRect.height - 1);
GetMuteSoloRect( rect, buttonRect, false, true, &track );
bool bHasMuteSolo = dynamic_cast<const PlayableTrack*>( &track ) != NULL;
if( bHasMuteSolo && !TrackInfo::HideTopItem( rect, buttonRect ) )
// above mute/solo
(*dc, rect.x, buttonRect.y,
rect.width - 1, buttonRect.y);
// between mute/solo
// Draw this little line; if there is no solo, wide mute button will
// overpaint it later:
(*dc, buttonRect.x + buttonRect.width, buttonRect.y,
buttonRect.x + buttonRect.width, buttonRect.y + buttonRect.height - 1);
// below mute/solo
(*dc, rect.x, buttonRect.y + buttonRect.height,
rect.width - 1, buttonRect.y + buttonRect.height);
// left of and above minimize button
wxRect minimizeRect;
this->GetMinimizeRect(rect, minimizeRect);
(*dc, minimizeRect.x - 1, minimizeRect.y,
minimizeRect.x - 1, minimizeRect.y + minimizeRect.height - 1);
(*dc, minimizeRect.x, minimizeRect.y - 1,
minimizeRect.x + minimizeRect.width - 1, minimizeRect.y - 1);
//#define USE_BEVELS
// Paint the whole given rectangle some fill color
void TrackInfo::DrawBackground(
wxDC * dc, const wxRect & rect, bool bSelected, const int vrul)
// fill in label
wxRect fill = rect;
fill.width = vrul - kLeftMargin;
AColor::MediumTrackInfo(dc, bSelected);
// This branch is not now used
// PRL: todo: banish magic numbers.
// PRL: vrul was the x coordinate of left edge of the vertical ruler.
// PRL: bHasMuteSolo was true iff the track was WaveTrack.
if( bHasMuteSolo )
int ylast = rect.height-20;
int ybutton = wxMin(32,ylast-17);
int ybuttonEnd = 67;
fill=wxRect( rect.x+1, rect.y+17, vrul-6, ybutton);
AColor::BevelTrackInfo( *dc, true, fill );
if( ybuttonEnd < ylast ){
fill=wxRect( rect.x+1, rect.y+ybuttonEnd, fill.width, ylast - ybuttonEnd);
AColor::BevelTrackInfo( *dc, true, fill );
fill=wxRect( rect.x+1, rect.y+17, vrul-6, rect.height-37);
AColor::BevelTrackInfo( *dc, true, fill );
namespace {
unsigned DefaultTrackHeight( const TCPLines &topLines )
int needed =
kTopMargin + kBottomMargin +
totalTCPLines( topLines, true ) +
totalTCPLines( commonTrackTCPBottomLines, false ) + 1;
return (unsigned) std::max( needed, (int) Track::DefaultHeight );
unsigned TrackInfo::DefaultNoteTrackHeight()
return DefaultTrackHeight( noteTrackTCPLines );
unsigned TrackInfo::DefaultWaveTrackHeight()
return DefaultTrackHeight( waveTrackTCPLines );
LWSlider * TrackInfo::GainSlider
(const wxRect &sliderRect, const WaveTrack *t, bool captured, wxWindow *pParent)
wxPoint pos = sliderRect.GetPosition();
float gain = t ? t->GetGain() : 1.0;
auto slider = (captured ? gGainCaptured : gGain).get();
slider->SetParent( pParent ? pParent : ::GetActiveProject() );
return slider;
LWSlider * TrackInfo::PanSlider
(const wxRect &sliderRect, const WaveTrack *t, bool captured, wxWindow *pParent)
wxPoint pos = sliderRect.GetPosition();
float pan = t ? t->GetPan() : 0.0;
auto slider = (captured ? gPanCaptured : gPan).get();
slider->SetParent( pParent ? pParent : ::GetActiveProject() );
return slider;
LWSlider * TrackInfo::VelocitySlider
(const wxRect &sliderRect, const NoteTrack *t, bool captured, wxWindow *pParent)
wxPoint pos = sliderRect.GetPosition();
float velocity = t ? t->GetVelocity() : 0.0;
auto slider = (captured ? gVelocityCaptured : gVelocity).get();
slider->SetParent( pParent ? pParent : ::GetActiveProject() );
return slider;
void TrackInfo::UpdatePrefs( wxWindow *pParent )
// Calculation of best font size depends on language, so it should be redone in case
// the language preference changed.
int fontSize = 10;
int allowableWidth =
// PRL: was it correct to include the margin?
( kTrackInfoWidth + kLeftMargin )
- 2; // 2 to allow for left/right borders
int textWidth, textHeight;
do {
pParent->GetTextExtent(_("Stereo, 999999Hz"),
} while (textWidth >= allowableWidth);
HitTestPreview TrackPanelCell::DefaultPreview
(const TrackPanelMouseState &, const AudacityProject *)
return {};
unsigned TrackPanelCell::HandleWheelRotation
(const TrackPanelMouseEvent &, AudacityProject *)
return RefreshCode::Cancelled;
unsigned TrackPanelCell::DoContextMenu
(const wxRect &, wxWindow*, wxPoint *)
return RefreshCode::RefreshNone;
unsigned TrackPanelCell::CaptureKey(wxKeyEvent &event, ViewInfo &, wxWindow *)
return RefreshCode::RefreshNone;
unsigned TrackPanelCell::KeyDown(wxKeyEvent &event, ViewInfo &, wxWindow *)
return RefreshCode::RefreshNone;
unsigned TrackPanelCell::KeyUp(wxKeyEvent &event, ViewInfo &, wxWindow *)
return RefreshCode::RefreshNone;
unsigned TrackPanelCell::Char(wxKeyEvent &event, ViewInfo &, wxWindow *)
return RefreshCode::RefreshNone;
IsVisibleTrack::IsVisibleTrack(AudacityProject *project)
: mPanelRect {
wxPoint{ 0, ViewInfo::Get( *project ).vpos },
bool IsVisibleTrack::operator () (const Track *pTrack) const
// Need to return true if this track or a later channel intersects
// the view
[this]( const Track *pT ) {
wxRect r(0, pT->GetY(), 1, pT->GetHeight());
return r.Intersects(mPanelRect);