
163 lines
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Audacity: A Digital Audio Editor
Paul Licameli split from TrackPanel.cpp
#include "../../Audacity.h"
#include "CommonTrackPanelCell.h"
#include "../../Experimental.h"
#include "Scrubbing.h"
#include "../../Project.h"
#include "../../RefreshCode.h"
#include "../../Track.h"
#include "../../TrackPanel.h"
#include "../../TrackPanelMouseEvent.h"
#include "../../ViewInfo.h"
HitTestPreview CommonTrackPanelCell::DefaultPreview
(const TrackPanelMouseState &, const AudacityProject *)
static wxCursor defaultCursor{ wxCURSOR_ARROW };
return { {}, &defaultCursor, {} };
unsigned CommonTrackPanelCell::HandleWheelRotation
(const TrackPanelMouseEvent &evt, AudacityProject *pProject)
using namespace RefreshCode;
if ( TrackList::Get( *pProject ).empty() )
// Scrolling and Zoom in and out commands are disabled when there are no tracks.
// This should be disabled too for consistency. Otherwise
// you do see changes in the time ruler.
return Cancelled;
unsigned result = RefreshAll;
const wxMouseEvent &event = evt.event;
auto &viewInfo = ViewInfo::Get( *pProject );
Scrubber &scrubber = pProject->GetScrubber();
const auto steps = evt.steps;
if (event.ShiftDown()
// Don't pan during smooth scrolling. That would conflict with keeping
// the play indicator centered.
&& !scrubber.IsScrollScrubbing()
// MM: Scroll left/right when used with Shift key down
viewInfo.PositionToTime(0), 50.0 * -steps));
else if (event.CmdDown())
#if 0
// JKC: Alternative scroll wheel zooming code
// using AudacityProject zooming, which is smarter,
// it keeps selections on screen and centred if it can,
// also this ensures mousewheel and zoom buttons give same result.
double ZoomFactor = pow(2.0, steps);
AudacityProject *p = GetProject();
if( steps > 0 )
p->ZoomInByFactor( ZoomFactor );
p->ZoomOutByFactor( ZoomFactor );
// MM: Zoom in/out when used with Control key down
// We're converting pixel positions to times,
// counting pixels from the left edge of the track.
int trackLeftEdge = pProject->GetTrackPanel()->GetLeftOffset();
// Time corresponding to mouse position
wxCoord xx;
double center_h;
double mouse_h = viewInfo.PositionToTime(event.m_x, trackLeftEdge);
// Scrubbing? Expand or contract about the center, ignoring mouse position
if (scrubber.IsScrollScrubbing())
center_h = viewInfo.h +
(pProject->GetTrackPanel()->GetScreenEndTime() - viewInfo.h) / 2.0;
// Zooming out? Focus on mouse.
else if( steps <= 0 )
center_h = mouse_h;
// No Selection? Focus on mouse.
else if((viewInfo.selectedRegion.t1() - viewInfo.selectedRegion.t0() ) < 0.00001 )
center_h = mouse_h;
// Before Selection? Focus on left
else if( mouse_h < viewInfo.selectedRegion.t0() )
center_h = viewInfo.selectedRegion.t0();
// After Selection? Focus on right
else if( mouse_h > viewInfo.selectedRegion.t1() )
center_h = viewInfo.selectedRegion.t1();
// Inside Selection? Focus on mouse
center_h = mouse_h;
xx = viewInfo.TimeToPosition(center_h, trackLeftEdge);
// Time corresponding to last (most far right) audio.
double audioEndTime = TrackList::Get( *pProject ).GetEndTime();
// Disabled this code to fix Bug 1923 (tricky to wheel-zoom right of waveform).
#if 0
// When zooming in in empty space, it's easy to 'lose' the waveform.
// This prevents it.
// IF zooming in
if (steps > 0)
// IF mouse is to right of audio
if (center_h > audioEndTime)
// Zooming brings far right of audio to mouse.
center_h = audioEndTime;
wxCoord xTrackEnd = viewInfo.TimeToPosition( audioEndTime );
viewInfo.ZoomBy(pow(2.0, steps));
double new_center_h = viewInfo.PositionToTime(xx, trackLeftEdge);
viewInfo.h += (center_h - new_center_h);
// If wave has gone off screen, bring it back.
// This means that the end of the track stays where it was.
if( viewInfo.h > audioEndTime )
viewInfo.h += audioEndTime - viewInfo.PositionToTime( xTrackEnd );
result |= FixScrollbars;
if (scrubber.IsScrubbing()) {
// MM: Scroll up/down when used without modifier keys
double lines = steps * 4 + mVertScrollRemainder;
mVertScrollRemainder = lines - floor(lines);
lines = floor(lines);
auto didSomething = pProject->TP_ScrollUpDown((int)-lines);
if (!didSomething)
result |= Cancelled;
return result;