Paul Licameli f45300f032 This is only comments, in files where USE_ macros are tested...
... following the comment convention used in the preceding commit.
2019-03-22 12:38:30 -04:00

459 lines
16 KiB

Audacity: A Digital Audio Editor
Clayton Otey
This class contains all of the common code for an
effect that uses SBSMS to do its processing (TimeScale)
#include "../Audacity.h" // for USE_* macros
#include "SBSMSEffect.h"
#include <math.h>
#include "../LabelTrack.h"
#include "../WaveTrack.h"
#include "../Project.h"
#include "TimeWarper.h"
#include "../FileException.h"
enum {
SBSMSOutBlockSize = 512
class ResampleBuf
processed = 0;
bool bPitch;
ArrayOf<audio> buf;
double ratio;
sampleCount processed;
size_t blockSize;
long SBSMSBlockSize;
sampleCount offset;
sampleCount end;
ArrayOf<float> leftBuffer;
ArrayOf<float> rightBuffer;
WaveTrack *leftTrack;
WaveTrack *rightTrack;
std::unique_ptr<SBSMS> sbsms;
std::unique_ptr<SBSMSInterface> iface;
ArrayOf<audio> SBSMSBuf;
// Not required by callbacks, but makes for easier cleanup
std::unique_ptr<Resampler> resampler;
std::unique_ptr<SBSMSQuality> quality;
std::shared_ptr<WaveTrack> outputLeftTrack;
std::shared_ptr<WaveTrack> outputRightTrack;
std::exception_ptr mpException {};
class SBSMSEffectInterface final : public SBSMSInterfaceSliding {
SBSMSEffectInterface(Resampler *resampler,
Slide *rateSlide, Slide *pitchSlide,
bool bReferenceInput,
long samples, long preSamples,
SBSMSQuality *quality)
: SBSMSInterfaceSliding(rateSlide,pitchSlide,bReferenceInput,samples,preSamples,quality)
this->resampler = resampler;
virtual ~SBSMSEffectInterface() {}
long samples(audio *buf, long n) {
return resampler->read(buf, n);
Resampler *resampler;
long resampleCB(void *cb_data, SBSMSFrame *data)
ResampleBuf *r = (ResampleBuf*) cb_data;
auto blockSize = limitSampleBufferSize(
r->end - r->offset
// Get the samples from the tracks and put them in the buffers.
// I don't know if we can safely propagate errors through sbsms, and it
// does not seem to let us report error codes, so use this roundabout to
// stop the effect early.
try {
(samplePtr)(r->leftBuffer.get()), floatSample, r->offset, blockSize);
(samplePtr)(r->rightBuffer.get()), floatSample, r->offset, blockSize);
catch ( ... ) {
// Save the exception object for re-throw when out of the library
r->mpException = std::current_exception();
data->size = 0;
return 0;
// convert to sbsms audio format
for(decltype(blockSize) i=0; i<blockSize; i++) {
r->buf[i][0] = r->leftBuffer[i];
r->buf[i][1] = r->rightBuffer[i];
data->buf = r->buf.get();
data->size = blockSize;
if(r->bPitch) {
float t0 = r->processed.as_float() / r->iface->getSamplesToInput();
float t1 = (r->processed + blockSize).as_float() / r->iface->getSamplesToInput();
data->ratio0 = r->iface->getStretch(t0);
data->ratio1 = r->iface->getStretch(t1);
} else {
data->ratio0 = r->ratio;
data->ratio1 = r->ratio;
r->processed += blockSize;
r->offset += blockSize;
return blockSize;
long postResampleCB(void *cb_data, SBSMSFrame *data)
ResampleBuf *r = (ResampleBuf*) cb_data;
auto count = r->sbsms->read(r->iface.get(), r->SBSMSBuf.get(), r->SBSMSBlockSize);
data->buf = r->SBSMSBuf.get();
data->size = count;
data->ratio0 = 1.0 / r->ratio;
data->ratio1 = 1.0 / r->ratio;
return count;
void EffectSBSMS :: setParameters(double rateStartIn, double rateEndIn, double pitchStartIn, double pitchEndIn,
SlideType rateSlideTypeIn, SlideType pitchSlideTypeIn,
bool bLinkRatePitchIn, bool bRateReferenceInputIn, bool bPitchReferenceInputIn)
this->rateStart = rateStartIn;
this->rateEnd = rateEndIn;
this->pitchStart = pitchStartIn;
this->pitchEnd = pitchEndIn;
this->bLinkRatePitch = bLinkRatePitchIn;
this->rateSlideType = rateSlideTypeIn;
this->pitchSlideType = pitchSlideTypeIn;
this->bRateReferenceInput = bRateReferenceInputIn;
this->bPitchReferenceInput = bPitchReferenceInputIn;
void EffectSBSMS::setParameters(double tempoRatio, double pitchRatio)
setParameters(tempoRatio, tempoRatio, pitchRatio, pitchRatio,
SlideConstant, SlideConstant, false, false, false);
std::unique_ptr<TimeWarper> createTimeWarper(double t0, double t1, double duration,
double rateStart, double rateEnd, SlideType rateSlideType)
std::unique_ptr<TimeWarper> warper;
if (rateStart == rateEnd || rateSlideType == SlideConstant) {
warper = std::make_unique<LinearTimeWarper>(t0, t0, t1, t0+duration);
} else if(rateSlideType == SlideLinearInputRate) {
warper = std::make_unique<LinearInputRateTimeWarper>(t0, t1, rateStart, rateEnd);
} else if(rateSlideType == SlideLinearOutputRate) {
warper = std::make_unique<LinearOutputRateTimeWarper>(t0, t1, rateStart, rateEnd);
} else if(rateSlideType == SlideLinearInputStretch) {
warper = std::make_unique<LinearInputStretchTimeWarper>(t0, t1, rateStart, rateEnd);
} else if(rateSlideType == SlideLinearOutputStretch) {
warper = std::make_unique<LinearOutputStretchTimeWarper>(t0, t1, rateStart, rateEnd);
} else if(rateSlideType == SlideGeometricInput) {
warper = std::make_unique<GeometricInputTimeWarper>(t0, t1, rateStart, rateEnd);
} else if(rateSlideType == SlideGeometricOutput) {
warper = std::make_unique<GeometricOutputTimeWarper>(t0, t1, rateStart, rateEnd);
return warper;
// Labels inside the affected region are moved to match the audio; labels after
// it are shifted along appropriately.
bool EffectSBSMS::ProcessLabelTrack(LabelTrack *lt)
auto warper1 = createTimeWarper(mT0,mT1,(mT1-mT0)*mTotalStretch,rateStart,rateEnd,rateSlideType);
RegionTimeWarper warper{ mT0, mT1, std::move(warper1) };
return true;
double EffectSBSMS::getInvertedStretchedTime(double rateStart, double rateEnd, SlideType slideType, double outputTime)
Slide slide(slideType,rateStart,rateEnd,0);
return slide.getInverseStretchedTime(outputTime);
double EffectSBSMS::getRate(double rateStart, double rateEnd, SlideType slideType, double t)
Slide slide(slideType,rateStart,rateEnd,0);
return slide.getRate(t);
bool EffectSBSMS::Process()
bool bGoodResult = true;
//Iterate over each track
//all needed because this effect needs to introduce silence in the group tracks to keep sync
this->CopyInputTracks(true); // Set up mOutputTracks.
mCurTrackNum = 0;
double maxDuration = 0.0;
// Must sync if selection length will change
bool mustSync = (rateStart != rateEnd);
Slide rateSlide(rateSlideType,rateStart,rateEnd);
Slide pitchSlide(pitchSlideType,pitchStart,pitchEnd);
mTotalStretch = rateSlide.getTotalStretch();
mOutputTracks->Leaders().VisitWhile( bGoodResult,
[&](LabelTrack *lt, const Track::Fallthrough &fallthrough) {
if (!(lt->GetSelected() || (mustSync && lt->IsSyncLockSelected())))
return fallthrough();
if (!ProcessLabelTrack(lt))
bGoodResult = false;
[&](WaveTrack *leftTrack, const Track::Fallthrough &fallthrough) {
if (!leftTrack->GetSelected())
return fallthrough();
//Get start and end times from track
mCurT0 = leftTrack->GetStartTime();
mCurT1 = leftTrack->GetEndTime();
//Set the current bounds to whichever left marker is
//greater and whichever right marker is less
mCurT0 = wxMax(mT0, mCurT0);
mCurT1 = wxMin(mT1, mCurT1);
// Process only if the right marker is to the right of the left marker
if (mCurT1 > mCurT0) {
auto start = leftTrack->TimeToLongSamples(mCurT0);
auto end = leftTrack->TimeToLongSamples(mCurT1);
// TODO: more-than-two-channels
WaveTrack *rightTrack =
* ++ TrackList::Channels(leftTrack).begin();
if (rightTrack) {
double t;
//Adjust bounds by the right tracks markers
t = rightTrack->GetStartTime();
t = wxMax(mT0, t);
mCurT0 = wxMin(mCurT0, t);
t = rightTrack->GetEndTime();
t = wxMin(mT1, t);
mCurT1 = wxMax(mCurT1, t);
//Transform the marker timepoints to samples
start = leftTrack->TimeToLongSamples(mCurT0);
end = leftTrack->TimeToLongSamples(mCurT1);
mCurTrackNum++; // Increment for rightTrack, too.
const auto trackStart =
const auto trackEnd =
// SBSMS has a fixed sample rate - we just convert to its sample rate and then convert back
float srTrack = leftTrack->GetRate();
float srProcess = bLinkRatePitch ? srTrack : 44100.0;
// the resampler needs a callback to supply its samples
ResampleBuf rb;
auto maxBlockSize = leftTrack->GetMaxBlockSize();
rb.blockSize = maxBlockSize;
rb.buf.reinit(rb.blockSize, true);
rb.leftTrack = leftTrack;
rb.rightTrack = rightTrack?rightTrack:leftTrack;
rb.leftBuffer.reinit(maxBlockSize, true);
rb.rightBuffer.reinit(maxBlockSize, true);
// Samples in selection
auto samplesIn = end - start;
// Samples for SBSMS to process after resampling
auto samplesToProcess = (sampleCount) (samplesIn.as_float() * (srProcess/srTrack));
SlideType outSlideType;
SBSMSResampleCB outResampleCB;
if(bLinkRatePitch) {
rb.bPitch = true;
outSlideType = rateSlideType;
outResampleCB = resampleCB;
rb.offset = start;
rb.end = end;
// Third party library has its own type alias, check it
static_assert(sizeof(sampleCount::type) <=
"Type _sbsms_::SampleCountType is too narrow to hold a sampleCount");
rb.iface = std::make_unique<SBSMSInterfaceSliding>
(&rateSlide, &pitchSlide, bPitchReferenceInput,
( samplesToProcess.as_long_long() ),
0, nullptr);
else {
rb.bPitch = false;
outSlideType = (srProcess==srTrack?SlideIdentity:SlideConstant);
outResampleCB = postResampleCB;
rb.ratio = srProcess/srTrack;
rb.quality = std::make_unique<SBSMSQuality>(&SBSMSQualityStandard);
rb.resampler = std::make_unique<Resampler>(resampleCB, &rb, srProcess==srTrack?SlideIdentity:SlideConstant);
rb.sbsms = std::make_unique<SBSMS>(rightTrack ? 2 : 1, rb.quality.get(), true);
rb.SBSMSBlockSize = rb.sbsms->getInputFrameSize();
rb.SBSMSBuf.reinit(static_cast<size_t>(rb.SBSMSBlockSize), true);
// Note: width of getMaxPresamples() is only long. Widen it
decltype(start) processPresamples = rb.quality->getMaxPresamples();
processPresamples =
(( start - trackStart ).as_float() *
auto trackPresamples = start - trackStart;
trackPresamples =
(processPresamples.as_float() *
rb.offset = start - trackPresamples;
rb.end = trackEnd;
rb.iface = std::make_unique<SBSMSEffectInterface>
(rb.resampler.get(), &rateSlide, &pitchSlide,
// The argument type is only long!
static_cast<long> ( samplesToProcess.as_long_long() ),
// This argument type is also only long!
static_cast<long> ( processPresamples.as_long_long() ),
Resampler resampler(outResampleCB,&rb,outSlideType);
audio outBuf[SBSMSOutBlockSize];
float outBufLeft[2*SBSMSOutBlockSize];
float outBufRight[2*SBSMSOutBlockSize];
// Samples in output after SBSMS
sampleCount samplesToOutput = rb.iface->getSamplesToOutput();
// Samples in output after resampling back
auto samplesOut = (sampleCount) (samplesToOutput.as_float() * (srTrack/srProcess));
// Duration in track time
double duration = (mCurT1-mCurT0) * mTotalStretch;
if(duration > maxDuration)
maxDuration = duration;
auto warper = createTimeWarper(mCurT0,mCurT1,maxDuration,rateStart,rateEnd,rateSlideType);
rb.outputLeftTrack = mFactory->NewWaveTrack(leftTrack->GetSampleFormat(),
rb.outputRightTrack = mFactory->NewWaveTrack(rightTrack->GetSampleFormat(),
long pos = 0;
long outputCount = -1;
// process
while(pos<samplesOut && outputCount) {
const auto frames =
limitSampleBufferSize( SBSMSOutBlockSize, samplesOut - pos );
outputCount =,frames);
for(int i = 0; i < outputCount; i++) {
outBufLeft[i] = outBuf[i][0];
outBufRight[i] = outBuf[i][1];
pos += outputCount;
rb.outputLeftTrack->Append((samplePtr)outBufLeft, floatSample, outputCount);
rb.outputRightTrack->Append((samplePtr)outBufRight, floatSample, outputCount);
double frac = (double)pos / samplesOut.as_double();
int nWhichTrack = mCurTrackNum;
if(rightTrack) {
nWhichTrack = 2*(mCurTrackNum/2);
if (frac < 0.5)
frac *= 2.0; // Show twice as far for each track, because we're doing 2 at once.
else {
frac -= 0.5;
frac *= 2.0; // Show twice as far for each track, because we're doing 2 at once.
if (TrackProgress(nWhichTrack, frac)) {
bGoodResult = false;
auto pException = rb.mpException;
rb.mpException = {};
if (pException)
leftTrack->ClearAndPaste(mCurT0, mCurT1, rb.outputLeftTrack.get(),
true, false, warper.get());
rightTrack->ClearAndPaste(mCurT0, mCurT1, rb.outputRightTrack.get(),
true, false, warper.get());
[&](Track *t) {
if (mustSync && t->IsSyncLockSelected())
t->SyncLockAdjust(mCurT1, mCurT0 + (mCurT1 - mCurT0) * mTotalStretch);
if (bGoodResult) {
// Update selection
mT0 = mCurT0;
mT1 = mCurT0 + maxDuration;
return bGoodResult;