Paul Licameli 53ee9c9800 TranslatableString for titles, names, labels of wxDialogWrappers...
... Found one missed translation in CommandTargets.cpp
2019-12-16 10:58:05 -05:00

89 lines
2.1 KiB

Audacity: A Digital Audio Editor
#include "../widgets/wxPanelWrapper.h" // to inherit
class wxButton;
class wxString;
class wxTextCtrl;
class Envelope;
class NumericTextCtrl;
class WaveTrack;
// ContrastDialog
// Declare window functions
class ContrastDialog final : public wxDialogWrapper
// constructors and destructors
ContrastDialog(wxWindow * parent, wxWindowID id,
const TranslatableString & title, const wxPoint & pos);
wxButton * m_pButton_UseCurrentF;
wxButton * m_pButton_UseCurrentB;
wxButton * m_pButton_GetURL;
wxButton * m_pButton_Export;
wxButton * m_pButton_Reset;
wxButton * m_pButton_Close;
NumericTextCtrl *mForegroundStartT;
NumericTextCtrl *mForegroundEndT;
NumericTextCtrl *mBackgroundStartT;
NumericTextCtrl *mBackgroundEndT;
double mT0;
double mT1;
double mProjectRate;
double mStartTimeF;
double mEndTimeF;
double mStartTimeB;
double mEndTimeB;
// handlers
void OnChar(wxKeyEvent &event);
void OnGetURL(wxCommandEvent &event);
void OnExport(wxCommandEvent &event);
void OnGetForeground(wxCommandEvent & event);
void OnGetBackground(wxCommandEvent & event);
void results();
void OnReset(wxCommandEvent & event);
void OnClose(wxCommandEvent & event);
wxTextCtrl *mForegroundRMSText;
wxTextCtrl *mBackgroundRMSText;
wxTextCtrl *mPassFailText;
wxTextCtrl *mDiffText;
float foregrounddB;
float backgrounddB;
bool mForegroundIsDefined;
bool mBackgroundIsDefined;
double mT0orig;
double mT1orig;
bool mDoBackground;
bool GetDB(float & dB);
void SetStartAndEndTime();
double length;