2019-11-27 21:38:59 -05:00

182 lines
5.8 KiB

Audacity: A Digital Audio Editor
Max Maisel
#include "EBUR128.h"
EBUR128::EBUR128(double rate, size_t channels)
: mChannelCount(channels)
, mRate(rate)
mBlockSize = ceil(0.4 * mRate); // 400 ms blocks
mBlockOverlap = ceil(0.1 * mRate); // 100 ms overlap
mLoudnessHist.reinit(HIST_BIN_COUNT, false);
mWeightingFilter.reinit(mChannelCount, false);
for(size_t channel = 0; channel < mChannelCount; ++channel)
mWeightingFilter[channel] = CalcWeightingFilter(mRate);
void EBUR128::Initialize()
mSampleCount = 0;
mBlockRingPos = 0;
mBlockRingSize = 0;
memset(mLoudnessHist.get(), 0, HIST_BIN_COUNT*sizeof(long int));
for(size_t channel = 0; channel < mChannelCount; ++channel)
// fs: sample rate
// returns array of two Biquads
// EBU R128 parameter sampling rate adaption after
// Mansbridge, Stuart, Saoirse Finn, and Joshua D. Reiss.
// "Implementation and Evaluation of Autonomous Multi-track Fader Control."
// Paper presented at the 132nd Audio Engineering Society Convention,
// Budapest, Hungary, 2012."
ArrayOf<Biquad> EBUR128::CalcWeightingFilter(double fs)
ArrayOf<Biquad> pBiquad(size_t(2), true);
// HSF pre filter
double db = 3.999843853973347;
double f0 = 1681.974450955533;
double Q = 0.7071752369554196;
double K = tan(M_PI * f0 / fs);
double Vh = pow(10.0, db / 20.0);
double Vb = pow(Vh, 0.4996667741545416);
double a0 = 1.0 + K / Q + K * K;
pBiquad[0].fNumerCoeffs[Biquad::B0] = (Vh + Vb * K / Q + K * K) / a0;
pBiquad[0].fNumerCoeffs[Biquad::B1] = 2.0 * (K * K - Vh) / a0;
pBiquad[0].fNumerCoeffs[Biquad::B2] = (Vh - Vb * K / Q + K * K) / a0;
pBiquad[0].fDenomCoeffs[Biquad::A1] = 2.0 * (K * K - 1.0) / a0;
pBiquad[0].fDenomCoeffs[Biquad::A2] = (1.0 - K / Q + K * K) / a0;
// HPF weighting filter
f0 = 38.13547087602444;
Q = 0.5003270373238773;
K = tan(M_PI * f0 / fs);
pBiquad[1].fNumerCoeffs[Biquad::B0] = 1.0;
pBiquad[1].fNumerCoeffs[Biquad::B1] = -2.0;
pBiquad[1].fNumerCoeffs[Biquad::B2] = 1.0;
pBiquad[1].fDenomCoeffs[Biquad::A1] = 2.0 * (K * K - 1.0) / (1.0 + K / Q + K * K);
pBiquad[1].fDenomCoeffs[Biquad::A2] = (1.0 - K / Q + K * K) / (1.0 + K / Q + K * K);
return std::move(pBiquad);
void EBUR128::ProcessSampleFromChannel(float x_in, size_t channel)
double value;
value = mWeightingFilter[channel][0].ProcessOne(x_in);
value = mWeightingFilter[channel][1].ProcessOne(value);
if(channel == 0)
mBlockRingBuffer[mBlockRingPos] = value * value;
// Add the power of additional channels to the power of first channel.
// As a result, stereo tracks appear about 3 LUFS louder, as specified.
mBlockRingBuffer[mBlockRingPos] += value * value;
void EBUR128::NextSample()
if(mBlockRingPos % mBlockOverlap == 0)
// Process new full block. As incomplete blocks shall be discarded
// according to the EBU R128 specification there is no need for
// some special logic for the last blocks.
if(mBlockRingSize >= mBlockSize)
// Reset mBlockRingSize to full state to avoid overflow.
// The actual value of mBlockRingSize does not matter
// since this is only used to detect if blocks are complete (>= mBlockSize).
mBlockRingSize = mBlockSize;
size_t idx;
double blockVal = 0;
for(size_t i = 0; i < mBlockSize; ++i)
blockVal += mBlockRingBuffer[i];
// Histogram values are simplified log10() immediate values
// without -0.691 + 10*(...) to safe computing power. This is
// possible because these constant cancel out anyway during the
// following processing steps.
blockVal = log10(blockVal/double(mBlockSize));
// log(blockVal) is within ]-inf, 1]
idx = round((blockVal - GAMMA_A) * double(HIST_BIN_COUNT) / -GAMMA_A - 1);
// idx is within ]-inf, HIST_BIN_COUNT-1], discard indices below 0
// as they are below the EBU R128 absolute threshold anyway.
if(// idx >= 0 &&
// Close the ring.
if(mBlockRingPos == mBlockSize)
mBlockRingPos = 0;
double EBUR128::IntegrativeLoudness()
// EBU R128: z_i = mean square without root
// Calculate Gamma_R from histogram.
double sum_v = 0;
double val;
long int sum_c = 0;
for(size_t i = 0; i < HIST_BIN_COUNT; ++i)
val = -GAMMA_A / double(HIST_BIN_COUNT) * (i+1) + GAMMA_A;
sum_v += pow(10, val) * mLoudnessHist[i];
sum_c += mLoudnessHist[i];
// Histogram values are simplified log(x^2) immediate values
// without -0.691 + 10*(...) to safe computing power. This is
// possible because they will cancel out anyway.
// The -1 in the line below is the -10 LUFS from the EBU R128
// specification without the scaling factor of 10.
double Gamma_R = log10(sum_v/sum_c) - 1;
size_t idx_R = round((Gamma_R - GAMMA_A) * double(HIST_BIN_COUNT) / -GAMMA_A - 1);
// Apply Gamma_R threshold and calculate gated loudness (extent).
sum_v = 0;
sum_c = 0;
for(size_t i = idx_R+1; i < HIST_BIN_COUNT; ++i)
val = -GAMMA_A / double(HIST_BIN_COUNT) * (i+1) + GAMMA_A;
sum_v += pow(10, val) * mLoudnessHist[i];
sum_c += mLoudnessHist[i];
// LUFS is defined as -0.691 dB + 10*log10(sum(channels))
return 0.8529037031 * sum_v / sum_c;